• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전단율

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The Effectiveness of Steel Fibers as Shear Reinforcement (강섬유를 사용한 전단보강의 효율성)

  • Kal, Kyoung-Wan;Lee, Deuck-Hang;Bang, Yong-Sik;Cho, Hae-Chang;Kang, Ju-Oh;Kim, Kang-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.59-60
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    • 2009
  • Steel fibers are recently well recognized for good composite/strengthening materials because of their ductile behavior and good performance on crack control and shear behavior compared to concrete materials. Especially, the great improvement in shear strength by steel fibers led researchers to be involved in many experimental studies. However, our understanding on the complex shear behavior of the steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC) members are still very limited, and the fundamental test data are also not enough. In this study, therefore, 4 SFRC specimens were fabricated and tested, from which the effectiveness of steel fibers as shear reinforcement were evaluated. The test results shows that the shear strength of SFRC members increases as the amount of steel fibers increases.

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Effects of Shear Span-to-depth Ratio and Tensile Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Minimum Shear Reinforcement Ratio of RC Beams (전단경간비와 주인장철근비가 철근콘크리트 보의 최소전단철근비에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Jung-Yoon;Kim Wook-Yeon;Kim Sang-Woo;Lee Bum-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.6 s.84
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    • pp.795-803
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    • 2004
  • To prevent the shear failure that occurs abruptly with no sufficient warning, the minimum amount of shear reinforcement should be provided to reinforced concrete(RC) beams. The minimum amount of shear reinforcement of RC beams is influenced by not only compressive strength of concrete but also shear span-to-depth ratio and ratio of tensile longitudinal reinforcement. In this paper, 14 RC beams were tested in order to observe the influences of shear span-to-depth ratio, ratio of tensile longitudinal reinforcement, and compressive strength of concrete. The test results indicated that the rate of shear strength to the diagonal cracking strength of RC beams with the same amount of shear reinforcement increased as the ratio of tensile longitudinal reinforcement increased, while it decreased as the shear span-to-depth ratio increased. The observed test results were compared with the calculated results by the current ACI 318-02 Building Code and the proposed equation.

Experimental Study on the Shear Behavior of Reinforced Hooked-Steel-Fiver Concrete Beams (훅트강섬유보강 철근콘크리트보의 전단거동에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 심종성;이차돈;김규선;오홍섭
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 1995
  • SFRC overcomes brittleness of concrete and has increases strength due to the action of confmement, crack arrestmg mechan~sm and pull out resistances of steel f~bers ~ n s ~ d e the concrete. These lead also to the increased strength and ductility under the shear stress. It has been reported that the secondary remforcement effect of steel fibers IS more pronounced In shear than flexure. Addition of hooked stee!, fibers into the cementitious materials enhanced shear resistance and consequently improves structural behavior and shear strength of Reinforced Hooked-Steel-Fiber Concrete Ream(RHSFCI3) under the shear forces. Experimental observations were made on the main parameters effecting structural behavior of RHSFCB in this study. The volume fractions of fibers, shear span to depth ratios, and spaclngs of stlrrups were taken into account as the mam parameters. Some eyuatlons reported in the literatures, regardmg the predict~ons of the shear strength of RHSFCB have been evaluated stdtlst~cdlly based on the tot a1 number of 95 test results on RHSFCB faded In shear on shear flexu~al mode.

Characteristics of the shear behavior of RC rectangular sectional columns and initial shear strength considering the ratio of longitudinal bars (RC 사각단면 기둥의 전단거동특성과 축방향철근비를 고려한 초기전단강도)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Sun, Chang-Ho;Kim, Ick-Hyun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2010
  • It is well known that the shear strength of an RC column subjected to a lateral force decreases with the increase of the displacement ductility of column. This decreasing rate of shear strength is quite dependent on the initial shear strength. Therefore, the evaluation of the initial shear strength is important to predict the shear strength with reasonable accuracy. The shear behavior is complex because many parameters, such as the sectional shape, aspect ratio, axial force, longitudinal bars and ductility, are mutually interactive. In this study, the initial shear strength has been investigated by experiments varying parameters such as the aspect ratios, void ratios, ratio of longitudinal bars and sectional types. A new empirical equation for the initial shear strength, considering the ratio of the longitudinal bars, has been proposed and its validity has been assessed.

Study on the Shearing characteristics of Forage (목초(牧草)의 전단(剪斷) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hur, Yun Kun;Lee, Sang Woo;Myung, Byung Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 1983
  • Importance has been increased on farming mechanization in harvesting, handling and processing of forage in Korea. Small grasslands are most spread and popular in Korea in comparison with those of Europe and America. Therefore shearing characteristics of some major forage crops should be studied to be contributed to the basic data to develop a moderate size forage harvester being suitable to the small grassland. They were studied on six kinds of forage crops - reed canarygrass, alfalfa, red clover, orchardgrass, meadow fescue and birdsfoot trefoil-in regarding with moisture content levels and shearing angles. The results were as follows; 1. The increase rate of the linear density in relation to the diameter was greater in red clover than other kinds, and order of increase rate in greatness was reed canarygrass, alfalfa and meadow fescue. 2. The increase rates of the maximum shear forces were high in relation to their cross - sectional area in alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil with hard stems, and the shear energy were comparatively large in orchardgrass and meadow fescue with soft stems, also reed canarygrass and red clover had high values in both the maximum shear force and the shear energy. 3. The shear energy per unit area or shear strength in relation to moisture content showed concave curves with the minimum values at about 70%w. b. which was in the beginning stage of drying in meadow fescue and orchardgrass, nevertheless reed canarygrass and red clover had convex curves with the maximum values at about 40%w.b. 4. The shear force in relation to the shear angle decreased generally with decrease of shear angle from $90^{\circ}$ to $70^{\circ}$ or $50^{\circ}$.

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Evaluation of Rainfall Impacts on Groundwater Flow in Slopes and Slope Stability Using a Fully Coupled Hydrogeomechanical Model (완전 연동된 수리지질역학적 모델을 이용한 사면 내의 지하수유동과 사면의 안정성에 대한 강수의 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Jun-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.519-526
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    • 2000
  • 강수량 변동에 따른 사면 내의 지하수유동과 사면의 안정성 변화를 동시에 분석.평가하기 위하여 하나의 완전 연동된 수리지질역학적 모델을 제시하였다. 이 모델은 변형성 지질매체 내에서의 지하수유동을 설명하는 일련의 지배식들과 Galerkin 유한요소법에 기초하여 개발되었다. 1990년부터 1999년까지의 서울지역의 건기 (1월) 및 우기 (8월) 강수량 하에 있는 토양 사면에 대해 개발된 모델을 적용하여 일련의 수치실험을 실시하였다. 수치실험의 결과는 강수량이 증가함에 따라 사면의 수리역학적 안정성이 전반적으로 악화됨을 보여준다. 즉 강수량이 증가할수록 공극수압이 증가하고 지하수면이 상승한다. 그 결과 불포화대가 축소되고 삼출면이 팽창되며 사면의 전단부를 따라 지하수유동속도가 증가하게 된다. 동시에 강수량이 증가할수록 사면 전단부를 향해 전반적인 변위량이 증가한다. 그 결과 안전율이 1 이하인 불안전한 지역이 사면 전단부에서 사면 상부 쪽으로 전파.팽창되며 그 두께도 증가한다. 수치실험의 결과는 또한 사면의 표면에서는 전단파괴와 더불어 인장파괴도 발생할 수 있음을 보여준다.

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Thrbulent Wake Structure behind Rectangular Cylinders in a Uniform Shear Flow (균일한 전단류에 놓인 각주 후류의 난류구조)

  • 부정숙;양종필;구명섭
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 1994
  • This research has presented and experimental investigation on the characteristics of turbulent wake past a rectanular cylinder, according to various width/height ratio such as B/H=2.0, 2.79, 3.0, and 4.0 in a uniform shear flow. In order to perform this study, a special shear flow generator which produces the uniform shear flow has been designed and manufactured. It is found that the characteristics of the wake in a uniform shear flow are quite different from those of a uniform flow and vary with shear rate. And also, the formation of regular vortex structure is concerned with shear rate.

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Analytical Model to Predict Punching Shear Strength of Flat Plate Structures (플랫 플레이트의 뚫림전단 성능에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Sook;Lee, Young-Hak;Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.211-214
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    • 2010
  • 플랫 플레이트 시스템은 기둥 주위의 국부적인 응력집중 현상으로 인한 뚫림전단 파괴에 대해 취약하다. 따라서 유한요소해석을 통해 이러한 플랫 플레이트 시스템의 뚫림전단 성능을 평가하고자 한다. 슬래브의 전단을 고려하기 위하여 Reissner-Mindlin 가정을 바탕으로 한 등매개변수 감절점 쉘 요소를 적용하였다. 콘크리트의 재료적 비선형 거동을 고려하기 위해 압축거동은 수정압축장 이론을 적용하였으며 인장강성효과 또한 콘크리트 재료모델에 반영하였다. 기존 실험결과와의 비교를 통해 타당성을 검증하고자 하였다. 비교 결과, 약 16%의 오차율을 보였으며 보강비가 낮은 실험체에 비해 보강비가 높은 실험체가 실험결과에 가까운 값을 예측하는 것으로 나타났다.

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Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Steel Fiber Reinforced Columns (강섬유 보강 기둥의 강도 및 변형 특성)

  • 장극관;이현호;양승호
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2002
  • As composite materials, the addition of steel fiber with concrete significant)y improves the engineering properties of structural members, notably shear strength and ductility. Flexural strength, fatigue strength, and the capacity to resist cracking are also enhanced. Especially the strengthening effect of steel fiber in shear is to prevent the brittle shear failure. In this study, shear-strengthening effect of steel fiber in RC short columns were investigated from the literature surveys and 10th specimem's member test results. From the test results, following conclusions can be made; the maximum enhancement of shear-strengthening effect can be achieved at about 1.5 % of steel fiber contents, shear strength and ductility capacity were improved remarkably in comparison to stiffness and energy dissipation capacity in steel fiber reinforced concrete.

Behavior of K0-Consolidated Clay in Torsion Shear Tests (비틀림 전단시험(剪斷試驗)에 의한 K0-압밀점토(壓密粘土)의 거동(擧動))

  • Hong, Won Pyo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 1988
  • A series of torsion shear tests were performed according to various stress-paths on hollow cylinder specimens of $K_0$-consolidated clay to investigate the influence of rotation of the principal stresses on the stress-strain and strength characteristics. The effects of stress-paths and reorientation of principal stress were mainly observed in the prefailure stress-strain behavior. The experimentally obtained failure surface from torsion shear tests could practically be modeled by an isotropic failure criterion. Coupling effects between stresses and strains were investigated when both torsion shear and vertical stresses were applied. The work-space in torsion shear tests was illustrated and the relation between stresses and strain increments was also investigated in the work-space.

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