• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적응사례

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The Migrant Women Policy in Korea : Prospect and Implication in the point of Interculturalism (한국의 여성 결혼이주자정책 : 상호문화주의적 조망과 함의)

  • Kim, Kyung Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2014
  • This is a research on the characteristic and its limit of Korean migrant women policy to prospect and suggest in the point of interculturalism. The focus of this paper is in summing-up to current situation of multiethnic society which rapidly progressing in Korea and in reviewing the race-oriented, gender-biased issue in the migrant women policy in Korea. However, the migrant women go through by the unique rebuilt progress in the transnational social field which can be continue for several or for decades between delivery country and inflow country but the one-sided, certain movement to a new country. In the above mentioned standpoint, this paper can suggest the implication for the concept and its character of interculturalism, the policy and undertasking case in Europe as a realistic directing point on which the migrant women policy in Korea. The educational program consolidation of intercultural citizenship, the orientation of pluralistic integration through selective assimilation, the consolidation of intercultural adaptation program, the intercultural measurement metrics development and feedback which considered of Korean characteristics are proposed in this paper.

Institutional Change and Organizational Change: A Multicase Study on the Organizational Adaptation to the Introduction of Pharmacoeconomics (제도 환경 변화와 조직 변화 : 경제성 평가의 도입과 다국적 제약기업의 조직 적응에 대한 다중사례연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Jae;You, Myoung-Soon;Lee, Tae-Jin
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.425-456
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    • 2011
  • Background: Organizations in the pharmaceutical industry are highly dependent on the institutional environment. The introduction of pharmacoeconomics to the decision-making on the price and reimbursement decisions became strong constraints to pharmaceutical companies in Korea. As little is known about the issue on organization-environment interaction in the healthcare field, this study aimed to figure out how pharmaceutical companies adapted to the environmental changes. Methods: A multicase study method was used, selecting eight cases among multi-national pharmaceutical companies in South Korea. In-depth interviews were conducted with the managers of these organizations, and secondary data were reviewed to complement the interviews. Results: Pharmaceutical companies viewed the new policies as a big threat and sought for actions against them. One of the most distinguishing organizational changes was to construct a Market Access department. Other strategies managing the environment such as co-optation, forecasting, and bargaining were also implemented. These changes were consistent with the predictions of Resource Dependency Theory and Institutional Theory. Conclusions: The interactions between pharmaceutical companies and institutional environments in healthcare were first explored. This study presents a new perspective on how organizations change and the motives for the changes. The findings of this case study will form the basis of further empirical studies.

Computer Pre-Service Teachers' Motivations of Entering College of Education, Pedagogical Contents Knowledge, Study of subject matter, and Vision Formation (중등 컴퓨터 예비교사의 진학 동기, 교과교육학 지식, 전공 공부 및 비전 형성)

  • Jun, Young-Cook;Myung, Sung-Won;Sim, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we analyze the phenomena of professional development under the four categories: motivation toward entering college of education, pedagogical content knowledge, study of subject matter and future vision. We conducted a survey method for almost 60 computer education majors at S university ranging from freshman up to junior levels and interviewed 5 selected participants. According to SPSS analysis, there was no significant level difference in any category while male students responded more positively than female students in all the categories. To explore the survey results deeply, we selected 3 students from sophomore and junior levels and 2 extra senior students to conduct interviews. The interpretation of the data indicated how their academic problems revealed due to heavy curricular loads seeking second major and difficulties of pursuing pedagogical contents knowledge.

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Songwriting as Therapy with Pediatric Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment (소아암환자들을 위한 노래 만들기(Songwriting)의 음악치료적 적용)

  • Hwang, Jee Hye
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.67-92
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to give an overview of the clinical process of songwriting with pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatment. Many literatures have proved that music therapy aids patients during their cancer treatment to relax, reduce anxiety and feelings of isolation, and promote self-esteem and quality of life and so on. However, among music therapy methods, I found songwriting proved to be very effective method. By using songwriting as therapy with pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatment, songwriting helped patients express difficulties of dealing emotionally with their illness and ongoing aggressive and invasive treatments. Also the process of songwriting established trust and relationship between therapist and patient which promoted normalization of hospital environment. In my case study, patient N has expressed her feelings and thoughts through writing songs about her current life which revolved around treatment of her brain tumor. Moreover, patient N found her creativity and developed ways of getting touch with her inner strength.

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Study on the Acceptance Level for Damage due to Underwater Noise from the Case Study of Field Measurement at Marphysa sanguinea Farm (바위갯지렁이 양식장 인접지역 계측 사례를 포함한 수중소음 피해인정기준에서 배경소음과의 차에 대한 문제점)

  • Choi, Tae-Hong;Kim, Jae-Woong;Ko, Chin-Surk
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2017
  • It is very difficult to clearly define the damages caused by blasting-induced noise and vibration, because the damages depend on, besides the level of noise and vibration, the response of the object, environmental conditions, subjective feeling, and mental condition. Especially, it is more difficult when the fish is concerned, because that experimental approach is not easy and that we lack of the reasonable criterion for the acceptance level of noise and vibration. In Korea, the acceptance level for damage due to underwater noise is 140 dB re $1{\mu}Pa$, and the difference from the underwater background sound level is defined as more than 20 dB re $1{\mu}Pa$. It is however, appropriate for continuous noise not for transient sound. The authors compared the relationship between vibration velocity and underwater noise measured from the test blasting around Marphysa sanguinea farm. This paper presents the measurement results and suggestions the acceptance level for damage due to underwater noise from explosive blasting.

Case Study on Application of Social Learning in Workforce Education (소셜러닝을 적용한 직업교육 성과분석 사례연구)

  • Lee, Sookyoung;Park, Yeonjeong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.523-534
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    • 2015
  • Social learning is a form to support learners' active engagement and participation in learning with other learners and instructors by using social media. The concept of social learning should be considered beyond the simple use of social media for learning or education. This study aims to apply the understanding of social learning based on the theoretical background of social theories of learning in designing and developing a program for workforce education. As a pilot test, the newly developed social learning program was implemented to 302 employees with the title of 'Innovative Display Strategy for POP". 138 employees successfully completed the social learning course that focuses on delivering contents in time-line based platform, supporting interactions among students, and working effectively through small smart devices in their workplace. The results were derived from three kinds of data-source: learner's log data, their final evaluation score, and the survey to measure the satisfaction about social learning. Finally the implications for social learning were discussed in terms of the program revision and directions for future application.

A Discourse for the Theory of Adaptive Learning Object Design (적응적 학습객체 설계 이론을 위한 개념적 연구)

  • Jo, Il-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.483-500
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the conceptual and theoretical fundamentals of learning object. Learning object, a new paradigm for instructional design in the era of information technology, has attracted much research efforts since it has lots of advantages in terms of production efficiency and use effectiveness. A theory for the systematic design of this new instructional design, however, looks far from mature. Since the birth of the idea of a learning object has been found in the field of computer software design, such as object-oriented software development, learning object does not have enough theoretical underpinnings in terms of learning and instruction. The researcher tried to establish theoretical foundations for this new, alien concept as a learning design theory. Relevant research efforts and discourses have been discussed for this purpose.

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A Study on Adaptive Knowledge Automatic Acquisition Model from Case-Based Reasoning System (사례 기반 추론 시스템에서 적응 지식 자동 획득 모델에 관한 연구)

  • 이상범;김영천;이재훈;이성주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2002
  • In current CBR(Case-Based Reasoning) systems, the case adaptation is usually performed by rule-based method that use rules hand-coded by the system developer. So, CBR system designer faces knowledge acquisition bottleneck similar to those found in traditional expert system design. In this thesis, 1 present a model for learning method of case adaptation knowledge using case base. The feature difference of each pair of cases are noted and become the antecedent part of an adaptation rule, the differences between the solutions in the compared cases become the consequent part of the rule. However, the number of rules that can possibly be discovered using a learning algorithm is enormous. The first method for finding cases to compare uses a syntactic measure of the distance between cases. The threshold fur identification of candidates for comparison is fixed th the maximum number of differences between the target and retrived case from all retrievals. The second method is to use similarity metric since the threshold method may not be an accurate measure. I suggest the elimination method of duplicate rules. In the elimination process, a confidence value is assigned to each rule based on its frequency. The learned adaptation rules is applied in riven target Problem. The basic. process involves search for all rules that handle at least one difference followed by a combination process in which complete solutions are built.

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A Reinforced Laboratory Work Program in the Mechanical Engineering Education - School of Mechanical Engineering in Pusan National University (기계공학 실험실습교육 강화 - 부산대 기계공학부)

  • Lee Shi-Bok;Hwang Sang-Moon
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2000
  • Laboratory work is so much important in the engineering education. But laboratory work program at most domestic engineering education institutes is still poor and could not have been actively improved and reinforced due to the difficulty in preparing the necessary fund, facilities, professional personnel and so on. The school of mechanical engineering in Pusan National University, sponsored by the national special engineering education project, has poured intensive and strong efforts into improving and strengthening laboratory work program in the courses of education. In this paper, the brief content of the improved laboratory work program and the established system for putting through the program effectively are introduced around the topics such as the integrating laboratory work of mechanical/electronic/computer engineerings, systematic managing and progressive deepening of the laboratory level through the classification of the laboratory works, education system for putting through efficiently the program for a large mass of students and program for encouraging the creativity.

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Comparison of Recommendation Techniques for Web-based Design Personalization Service (웹기반 개인화 디자인 서비스를 위한 효과적인 추천 기법의 비교 연구)

  • Seo, Jong-Hwan;Byun, Jae-Hyung;Lee, Kun-Pyo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.spc3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2006
  • This study examines and compares various recommendation techniques which have been used successfully in other fields and seeks for opportunity to improve design personalization service more effectively. Throughout the literature study, several major recommendation techniques were identified, namely 'contents-based filtering', 'collaborative filtering', and 'demographic filtering'. In order for finding out relative advantages and disadvantages, a case study was carried out by applying different techniques. The result showed that in general, demographic filtering was evaluated least efficient among the techniques. Content-based filtering showed the best efficiency among them. Another significant finding was that the collaborative filtering had a better efficiency as the number of test subjects is increased. In conclusion, we suggest that design recommendation services can be improved by applying contents-based or collaborative filtering for better efficiency of recommendation. And, if the number of test subjects is large enough, it may be possible to remarkably improve the efficiency of design recommendation services by using collaborative filtering.

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