• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적외선 분광분석

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Crystallinity Determination by X-ray Diffraction and Infrared Spectroscopy in Cordierite Composition (코디어라이트 조성에 있어서 X-선 회절분석과 적외선 분광분석을 이용한 결정화도 측정)

  • 박용완;현부성
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1992
  • 결정화 유리에서의 결정화도 측정, 혹은 소결체에서의 잔류 유리량을 측정할 때 가장 유용한 방법을 찾아내기 위하여 현재까지 보고되어 있는 방법중에서 Ohlberg와 Benedetti의 XRD를 이용한 방법과 IR을 이용한 Hirose의 방법을 선정하여 코디어라이트 조성의 유리와 β-코디어라이트의 혼합물에 대하여 결정화도를 측정하였다. 이들 측정 방법중에서 Ohlberg의 방법은 표준시료가 준비되었을 경우 약 5%의 오차를 보였으며, Benedetti의 방법은 Ohlberg의 방법보다 큰 오차를 보였지만 표준시료를 필요로 하지 않았다. Hirose의 방법은 적은 결정화도 범위에서만 적용가능한 방법인 것으로 보여졌다.

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Dissolution and Characteristics of Antheraea pernyi Silk Fibroin Regenerated from Zinc Chloride Solution (염화아연에 의한 작잠견피브로인의 용해와 특성)

  • 권해용;이광길;우순옥;박영환
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2002
  • Dissolution of Antheraea pernyi silk fiber was carried out in a zinc chloride solution with various dissolving conditions. The solubility was significantly dependent on the concentration of zinc chloride, dissolving temperature and time. The proper conditions of dissolution were found as 8 M zinc chloride, 70$^{\circ}C$ temperature and 30 min dissolving time. Regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin powder was obtained through dialysis. FTIR and XRD showed that regenerated A. pernyi silk powder was composed of a ${\beta}$-sheet as well as an ${\alpha}$-helix conformation.

A Study on Evaluation method of Combustibility of Styrofoam by Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis (근-적외선분광분석을 이용한 스티로폼의 난연성능 평가 방법 연구)

  • Cho, Nam-Wook;Chun, Ji-Hong;Rie, Dong-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2010.10a
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    • pp.279-282
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    • 2010
  • 스티로폼샌드위치패널은 건식공법의 시공편리성, 경제적인 공사비용, 뛰어난 단열성능으로 공장이나 창고건축물을 중심으로 많이 사용되고 있다. 그러나 스티로폼의 여러 가지 장점에도 불구하고 화재에 취약한 단점이 있어 최근 난연성능이 보완된 난연스티로폼패널의 사용이 증가하고 있다. 최근 건축현장에서, 가짜 난연스티로폼패널 사용이 문제되고 있으나 난연성능의 현장 확인에 어려움이 있고 콘칼로리미터 등의 난연성능평가에 시간과 비용이 소요된다. 본 연구에서는 콘칼로리미터를 통해 난연성능이 확보된 난연 스티로폼패널의 심재와 일반스티로폼패널 심재를 대상으로 근-적외선 분광분석을 수행하여 난연성능의 유무에 따라 상이하게 나타나는 고유스펙트럼 흡수를 측정하였다. 각 제품마다 측정된 고유스펙트럼은 통계처리를 통하여 난연스티로폼의 진위여부를 현장에서 구별할 수 있음을 확인하였으며, 비용효율이 높은 현장평가방법으로의 적용이 가능함을 실험을 통해 입증하였다.

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Lacquer Manufacturing Method for the Wooden Coffins of King Muryeong's Tomb based on the Scientific Analysis (과학적 분석방법을 이용한 무령왕릉 목관재의 옻칠 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Chul;Lee, Gwang-Hee;Kang, Hyung-Tae;Shin, Seong-Phil;Han, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2010
  • We conducted optical microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy and SEM-EDS analysis of the lacquer layers on the wooden coffins excavated from King Muryeong's Tomb. We found four varnishing methods according to the sub-materials of lacquer layers: The lacquer of wooden coffins with black paint layer on the surface were classified with two groups; single layer and three layers. The lacquer of wooden coffins without black paint layer on the surface were classified with two groups; single layer and two layers. IR spectra of the laquer were same as those of the oriental laquer. The SEM-EDS analysis showed that the lacquer layers were mixed with iron, copper and calcium.

Characteristic Analysis of Paint used in Defense Industries Equipments of Korean Conflict in The War Memorial of Korea (전쟁기념관 소장 6·25전쟁 방산장비의 도료 특성 분석)

  • Kang, Hyun Sam;Kim, Soo Chul;Park, Min Soo
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2016
  • This study conducted analysis of paint samples from defense industries equipments of Korean Conflict in The War Memorial of Korea to identify the characteristics of the modern paint. The samples were analyzed by microscopic observation, infrared spectroscopy and SEM-EDS. Cross-section of paint samples are made up of several layers of about 9 to 20 times, and thickness of the layer is not uniform in the $10{\sim}100{\mu}m$. The putty was used for the surface treatment before painting. Inorganic analysis showed that one type of the putty consist of minium and kaolin, talc, titanium dioxide. According to the results of infrared spectroscopy, paint samples were identified as alkyd resin. Some bands such as C-H bending, C-O and C-C stretching, C-H rocking were found in spectra.

The analysis of the Effect the Minute Quantities of Infrared Rays that Were not Filtered by IR Cut-Off Filter has on Digital Images (IR Cut-Off Filter가 차단하지 못한 미량의 적외선이 디지털화상에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Park, Se-Won;Hong, Jung-Eui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2011
  • Films are sensitive to ultraviolet rays and in contrast, digital camera sensors are extremely sensitive to infrared rays due to the differences in spectral characteristics. As a result, all digital cameras that use CCD or CMOS are equipped with IR Cut-Off Filter on the overall sensor. Complete block out of infrared rays is ideal, but the actual experiment results showed that infrared rays were not being blocked out completely. Infrared permeability was also different for each camera. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of the minute quantities of infrared rays, which get transmitted due to mechanical properties of IR Cut-Off Filters that are installed on digital cameras, on digital picture images. The results obtained by carrying out a comparative analysis of a UV Filter (infrared transmitting state) and a UV-IR Filter (infrared blocked out state) are as follows. It was confirmed that the minute quantities of infrared rays do affect dynamic range and resolution to some extent, despite the little or no difference in noise and color reproduction.

UV Degradation Characteristics and Applicability of Coating Agent for Conservation of FRP Artifacts (FRP 작품 보존을 위한 자외선 열화 특성 및 자외선 차단 코팅제 적용 연구)

  • Han, Ye Bin;Chung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated the degradation characteristics of FRP by ultraviolet (UV) rays and applied a UV-resistant coating to prevent the degradation of the surface of these sculptures. As a result of the degradation caused by UV rays, there were slight changes in the FRP surface and contact angle. The chromaticity sharply increased in the early phase of degradation. After applying the coating to the FRP, no significant surface changes were observed. However, it had lower changes in color as compared to the uncoated specimen, so it was verified that the control of discoloration could be possible. Some changes in the gloss and contact angle were observed depending on the extent of degradation, but the UV coating agent remained relatively stable. Analysis of the infrared light spectrum showed that there were almost no chemical changes, and it could be concluded that the coating treatment prevented degradation for a certain period. This study investigated the degradation of FRP used as materials in artwork exposed to UV rays, and it was found that there was a delay in the onset of degradation in the FRP with the UV-resistant coating when compared to the uncoated FRP.

Stability Assessment on Materials of Cultural Property by Fumigants Containing Ethylene Oxide (Ethylene oxide계 훈증 약제에 의한 문화재 재질의 안정성 연구)

  • Jeong, Soyoung;Kim, Young-hee;Lee, Jeung-min
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.46-59
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted focusing on the stability on materials of cultural property when the fumigant containing ethylene oxide was applied among some kinds of fumigant. Four kinds of specimens from paper, textile, metal and pigment were prepared to compare color difference, weight, surface condition before and after treatment and FT-IR analysis was carried out on specimens of paper and textile. In the case of fumigation treatment, it was conducted by two groups : one is made up of specimens with the non-fumigation as control groups, the other is made up of specimens treated with ethylene oxide + $HFC_{134a}$ and ethylene oxide + $CO_2$ as experimental groups. The result of color difference showed that there were color differences on the specimens of Hanji(Korean traditional paper), silver, cotton, ramie and yellow pigment. Especially, it was found out there was color change more than 6.0 on average from the silver specimen. However, in the silver specimen's case, color change in the non-fumigated specimen was relatively higher than those of fumigant-treated specimens, therefore, it is judged that fumigant doesn't have a decisive effect on color change in specimens, but required caution while fumigating. The result of weight measurement, there were totally 0~2% weight changes and the slightest change was found in the metal specimen, the biggest change in the papers. The result of microscopic observation on the surface of specimens showed color changes and especially, the biggest change on the silver specimen was observed. But no change in components was identified from FT-IR analysis of papers and textiles.

ATR 분광계를 이용한 화학증착소재 흡착에 따른 표면거동에 대한 연구

  • Park, Myeong-Su;Kim, Yeong-Gyu;Sin, Jae-Su;Lee, Chang-Hui;Yun, Ju-Yeong;Gang, Sang-U
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.120.2-120.2
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    • 2013
  • 반도체 소자의 소형화로 신개념 화학증착공정 구현을 위한 장비와 화학증착소재의 개발이 활발이 연구되고 있다. 특히 증착소재의 물리적 화학적 특성을 파악하고 가장 적합한 소재를 선택하기 위한 연구도 변행되고 있다. 많은 연구자들이 소재 평가를 위해 가스크로마토그래피, 질량분석기, 적외선 분광기 등을 이용한 화학증착소재의 특성을 파악하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 하지만 실제 화학기상증착(Chemical Vapor Deposition)법과 원자층증착(Atomic Layer Deposition)법 공정에서 웨이퍼 표면에서의 화학증착소재의 흡착거동에 대한 연구는 거의 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 개선된 Attenuated Total Reflectance(ATR)분광계를 이용하여 표면에 흡착된 소재의 흡착거동에 대해 분석을 수행하였다. 평가에 사용된 화학증착소재는 C-Zr (Tris (dimethylamino) cyclopentadienyl zirconium)이며, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT- IR)시스템 내에 설치된 ATR 분광계 표면에 흡착된 C-Zr 증착소재를 다양한 공정조건(온도 및 반응가스, 플라즈마 파워 등)에서의 거동 변화를 연구하였다.

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Measurement and Validation of Infrared Signature from Exhaust Plume of a Micro-Turbo Engine (마이크로 터보 엔진 배기 플룸에서의 적외선 신호 측정 및 검증)

  • Gu, Bonchan;Baek, Seung Wook;Jegal, Hyunwook;Choi, Seongman;Kim, Won Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1054-1061
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    • 2016
  • Development of an accurate infrared signature (IR) measurement system is expected to contribute in the development of low observable technology and the spectroscopic analysis of electromagnetic radiation. Application of a spectroradiometer (SR) allows for the measurement of detailed infrared signature from the exhaust plume due to its own heat source. Establishment of a measurement system using a micro-turbo engine is intended to simulate the modelling of the aircraft plume. The engine was installed on a test stand to measure the engine performance. The IR signature was measured by placing the SR perpendicular to the axis line of the exhaust plume. Reference data from the blackbody were also measured to calibrate the raw data, and the infrared signature of the background was also measured for comparison with that of the plume. The calibrated spectral radiance was obtained through the data reduction process and the results were analyzed in specific bands. The experiments revealed that the measurement system established here showed sufficient performance for further comprehensive analysis.