• Title/Summary/Keyword: 저류지 위치

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Results of Pharyngocolostomy in Intractable Caustic Pharyngeal Stricture (난치성 식도협착에서의 인두-대장 문합술의 결과)

  • 박충규;심영목;김진국;김관민
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 1999
  • Background: It is not easy to surgically correct caustic pharyngeal strictures and a lot of effort is required to restore normal swallowing after the surgery. The authors reviewed the course in patients who underwent pharyngocolostomy. Material and Method: From August 1995 to March 1998, 6 patients with caustic stricture underwent esophageal reconstruction surgery. The time of injury to the replacement of the esophagus was from 3 months to 2 years and 4 months. The left colon was used in all patients. The surgical route was used under the sternum in 5 patients and through the esophageal hiatus in 1 patient. In the cervical anastomoses, the cervical pharyngocolic anastomosis was performed on the left pyriform sinus after a partial resection of the thyroid cartilage in 3 patients and on the posterolateral aspect of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor in 3 patients. Result: Postoperative complications consisted of a dysphagia in 3 patients and left vocal cord palsy in 1 patient. There was no cervical anastomotic stricture. Revisional procedures consisted of an esophageal dilation and free jejunal graft in 1 patient, supraglottic scar band resection in 1 patient, and colonic mucosal resection in 1 patient. Swallowing training was required in the 3 patients with dysphagia. Restoration of normal swallowing was obtained in all patients between the 9th and the 303rd day. Conclusion: Pharyngocolostomy is a satisfactory method of treatment for patients with intractable caustic stricture. Pharyngocolojejunostomy is an effective alternative for esophagocologastrostomy in cases where gastric outlets are involved.

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Experimental study of the air emission effect in the tangential and the multi-stage spiral inlet (접선식 유입구와 다단식 나선 유입구의 공기 배출 효과에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Seong, Hoje;Rhee, Dong Sop;Park, Inhwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2019
  • Recently, urban inundation was frequently occurred due to the intensive rainfall exceeding marginal capacity of the flood control facility. Furthermore, needs for the underground storage facilities to mitigate urban flood are increasing according to rapidly accelerating urbanization. Thus, in this study, drainage efficiency in drain tunnel connecting to underground storage was investigated from the air-core measurements in the drop shaft against two types of inlet structure. In case of the spiral inlet, the multi-stage structure is introduced at the bottom of the inlet to improve the vortex induction effect at low inflow discharge (multi-stage spiral inlet). The average cross-sectional area of the air-core in the multi-stage spiral inlet is 10% larger than the tangential inlet, and show the highly air emission effect and the highly inflow efficiency at the high inflow discharge. In case of the tangential inlets, the air emission effect decreased after exceeding the maximum inflow discharge, which is required to maintain the inherent performance of the tangential inlet. From the measurements, the empirical formula for the cross-sectional area of the air-core according to locations inside the drop shaft was proposed in order to provide the experimental data available for the inlet model used in experiments.