• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재질 시험

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Restoration of Earthenware & Porcelain Cultural Assets using 3D Printing (3D 프린팅을 이용한 토기·자기 문화재 복원 연구)

  • Lee, Hae Soon;Wi, Koang Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2015
  • Cultural assets restoration is being considered highly as a practical way to extend the lifespan of damaged cultural assets and re-highlight their value. However, restoration process has been mostly dependent on the manual work involving the experience and skill of a person performing restoration, thereby requiring much time and effort. In recent, it became possible to apply a method allowing restoration to be performed more accurately and easily according to the material characteristics and shape of cultural assets. Namely, it is to use a method of printing out the 3D shape data computed in computer as real object by using 3D printer for the restoration that has been performed manually. The missing part of a cultural asset is computed into computer data first and is printed out by using 3D printer to undergo a simple shaping process. The result of 3D printer application showed that repetitive output and shape and figure revision of digital data were possible, and it was possible to improve the degree of completedness of restoration through test output using various types of restoration materials using various materials. For the purpose of verifying the possibility of applying 3D printer to restore missing part of earthenware, two pieces of modern reproductions, namely, the Seven Treasure Incense Burner and Earthenware with Wagon Wheel Decoration, were artificially damaged. The restoration result showed that compared to manual work, it showed better effectiveness in curtailing work time and reproducing accurate shape. On the other hand, secondary manual work was slightly needed for detailed binding and to vividly express surface texture.

Improvement of Rectangle Sedimentation basin using the Moving Baffle (이동식 정류장치를 이용한 횡류식 침전지 침전효율 개선 연구)

  • Cho, Young-Man
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.726-731
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    • 2005
  • Sedimentation is treated as the most important unit process in waterworks, and plays great role on turbidity removal efficiency. Rectangle sedimentation basin is the most widely accepted sedimentation process. But it has some problems with short-circuit flow and density flow caused by temperature and influent turbidity variation. To solve these problems, installation of rectification wall was suggested, but not generally fully accepted in field. Because hole of rectification wall cause jet flow. In this research, use of moving baffle was investigated. Moving baffle was designed to induce uniform velocity at every section of water flow. The baffle walls was made from soft fiber materials. The baffle walls with flow of sedimentation basin moves at same speed. It is like that it controls density flow and short-circuit flow and induce uniform velocity at every section of water flow in sedimentation basin. When moving baffle was operated retention time of sedimentation basin was extended to 1 hours. When it talked again and the effluent time of highest concentration of the chlorine ion from 100 minutes was extended to 160 minutes. Turbidity removal efficiency was tested with different operation modes(continuous and batch) with influent turbidity and retention time. It was revealed that turbidity removal efficiency carl be improved up to 36%(continuous mode) and 58%(batch mode) respectively. Consequently if moving baffle introduces in Rectangle sedimentation basin, it forecasts that the turbidity improvement above 30% will be possible.

Characterization of Water Absorption by CFRP Using Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Testing (공기결합 초음파탐상에 의한 CFRP 복합재의 흡습 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Joo-Min;Lee, Joo-Sung;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Park, Ik-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2014
  • Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites are increasingly being used in a variety of industry applications, such as aircraft, automobiles, and ships because of their high specific stiffness and high specific strength. Aircraft are exposed to high temperatures and high humidity for a long duration during flights. CFRP materials of the aircraft can absorb water, which could decrease the adhesion strength of these materials and cause their volumes to change with variation in internal stress. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the characteristics of CFRP composites under actual conditions from the viewpoint of aircraft safety. In this study air-coupled ultrasonic testing (ACUT) was applied to the evaluation of water absorption properties of CFRP composites. CFRP specimens were fabricated and immersed in distilled water at $75^{\circ}C$ for 30, 60, and 120 days, after which their ultrasonic images were obtained by ACUT. The water absorption properties were determined by quantitatively analyzing the changes in ultrasonic signals. Further, shear strength was applied to the specimens to verify the changes in their mechanical properties for water absorption.

Development of Experimental System for Green Roof System (옥상녹화 효율성 검증실험장비 개발)

  • Park, JaeRock;Kim, SaeBom;Cheon, JongHyeon;Kim, ByungSung;Shin, HyunSuk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.495-495
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    • 2017
  • 도시화는 불투수면의 증가를 야기 시켜 물순환 왜곡, 다양한 오염 물질의 유입으로 인한 비점오염물질 유출, 인공 배출열의 증가로 인한 도시열섬효과 등 다양한 문제를 유발한다. 이러한 수리수문학적 및 환경생태학적 문제를 저감하기 위하여 도시지역과 같은 개발 사업에서는 수환경을 가능한 자연 상태로 복원하는 저영향개발(Low Impact Development, LID)기법이 중요한 대안으로 제시되고 있다. LID기법 중 하나인 옥상녹화는 에너지 이용을 최소한으로 한 자연 녹음의 효과적인 이용을 도모하여 환경공생도시 조성과 식물을 매개로한 자연 순환 과정을 도시구조에 도입하여 순환 시스템 재생이 가능 하도록한다. 노지녹화는 두꺼운 자연 토양을 이용하는 반면 옥상녹화는 적재하중의 제약(옥상의 적재하중 조건은 $150{\sim}180kgf/m^2$이다. 비중이 1.6~1.8인 토양을 20cm 객토한 경우, 약 $320kgf/m^2 $이상의 적재하중이 되기에 식재기반의 경량화는 중요한 사안이다.)으로 인해 용적밀도가 작은 인공경량토양 또는 개량토양을 이용하며, 토양 두께도 얇게 설정된다. 또한 토양의 두께는 식물의 크기와 종류 및 토양의 조성에 따라 다르기에 적재하중 조건을 고려한 적절한 토양과 식재 식물의 크기와 종류 결정은 중요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 옥상녹화식생에 대한 평가와 이에 대한 시험 프로세스가 가능한 실험 장치를 개발하였다. 옥상녹화 효율성 검증실험장비는 1m*1m*0.6m 아크릴 재질의 녹화셀로 경사조절이 가능하도록 설계하여 경사변화에 따른 유출, 침투, 증발산량의 탄성도 모의 평가를 할 수 있다. 또한 4점식 형태의 로드셀을 이용하여 녹화셀에서 발생하는 증발산량을 측정하고 관측된 증발산량은 RS-232c 이상의 통신프로토콜을 사용하여 주기적인 관측치의 송수신이 가능하며 주기적 자료송수신 외에도 옥상 녹화셀의 측면에 하중 표시기를 설치하여 관측이 가능하다. 또한 저면에 바퀴설치를 통하여 이동 실험이 용이하며 현재 부산대학교 양산캠퍼스 한국 GI&LID 실증단지 연구센터 내 옥상녹화 실험장에 옥상녹화 효율성 검증 실험 장비를 설치하여 자연 혹은 인공강우를 통한 유출, 침투, 증발산량의 시험계측을 실시중이다. 이러한 옥상녹화 효율성 검증실험장비는 최대 하중 2,000kg, 측정해상도 0.02kg 이상을 허용하는 로드셀과 녹화셀을 이용하여 하중을 고려한 식생의 종류에 따른 평가가 가능하므로 최적 식재기반 단면구조 개발에 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 토양 함수량 변화 측정으로 옥상녹화에 이용되는 다양한 종류의 식물의 염분에 대한 저항성과 식물의 성장능력을 평가하여 녹화공간에 따른 옥상녹화에 사용할 식생을 결정할 수 있다.

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A Study on the Corrosion Prevention of the Integral Series Generator for Military Vehicles (군용차량용 엔진일체형 직렬 발전기 부식 방지에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae-Woo;Kim, Seong-Gon;Shin, Cheol-Ho;Lee, Kye-Sub
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2019
  • The military vehicle produces electric power through an engine-integrated serial hybrid generator that is connected to the engine and does not have a separate generator installation space. However, depending on the mechanical characteristics of the connection between the generator and the engine, iron oxide for internal rusting and lubrication grew scattered. The iron oxide is adhered to the starter to deteriorate the starting performance, and there is a problem that the noise of the leg due to wear of the gear is increased. To solve this problem, the connection spline material and the surface treatment of the engine were improved and the shape was changed to a grease sealing type to prevent the generation of iron oxide inside. As the shape of the generator connector composing the shafting system was changed, the integrity of the structure was confirmed through the torsional endurance test. In addition, through the actual vehicle load test, it was verified that no corrosion occurred during the target life span without internal corrosion. It was confirmed that the anti-scattering structure of the grease effectively suppresses the generation of iron oxide, thereby reducing the noise generated from the generator. In this paper, we propose a fundamental solution to the degradation of the starter and the noise generation by preventing the back corrosion caused by the serial hybrid generator installed between the engine and the transmission.

Development of a Silicon Carbide Large-aperture Optical Telescope for a Satellite (SiC를 이용한 대구경 위성용 망원경 제작)

  • Bae, Jong In;Lee, Haeng Bok;Kim, Jeong Won;Lee, Kyung Mook;Kim, Myung-Whun
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2022
  • The entire process, from the raw material to the final system qualification test, has been developed to fabricate a large-diameter, lightweight reflective-telescope system for a satellite observation. The telescope with 3 anastigmatic mirrors has an aperture of 700 mm and a total mass of 66 kg. We baked a silicon carbide substrate body from a carbon preform using a reaction sintering method, and tested the structural and chemical properties, surface conditions, and crystal structure of the body. We developed the polishing and coating methods considering the mechanical and chemical properties of the silicon carbide (SiC) body, and we utilized a chemical-vapor-deposition method to deposit a dense SiC thin film more than 170 ㎛ thick on the mirror's surface, to preserve a highly reflective surface with excellent optical performance. After we made the SiC mirrors, we measured the wave-front error for various optical fields by assembling and aligning three mirrors and support structures. We conducted major space-environment tests for the components and final assembly by temperature-cycling tests and vibration-shock tests, in accordance with the qualifications for the space and launch environment. We confirmed that the final telescope achieves all of the target performance criteria.

Two Dimensional Size Effect on the Compressive Strength of Composite Plates Considering Influence of an Anti-buckling Device (좌굴방지장치 영향을 고려한 복합재 적층판의 압축강도에 대한 이차원 크기 효과)

  • ;;C. Soutis
    • Composites Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2002
  • The two dimensional size effect of specimen gauge section ($length{\;}{\times}{\;}width$) was investigated on the compressive behavior of a T300/924 $\textrm{[}45/-45/0/90\textrm{]}_{3s}$, carbon fiber-epoxy laminate. A modified ICSTM compression test fixture was used together with an anti-buckling device to test 3mm thick specimens with a $30mm{\;}{\times}{\;}30mm,{\;}50mm{\;}{\times}{\;}50mm,{\;}70mm{\;}{\times}{\;}70mm{\;}and{\;}90mm{\;}{\times}{\;}90mm$ gauge length by width section. In all cases failure was sudden and occurred mainly within the gauge length. Post failure examination suggests that $0^{\circ}$ fiber microbuckling is the critical damage mechanism that causes final failure. This is the matrix dominated failure mode and its triggering depends very much on initial fiber waviness. It is suggested that manufacturing process and quality may play a significant role in determining the compressive strength. When the anti-buckling device was used on specimens, it was showed that the compressive strength with the device was slightly greater than that without the device due to surface friction between the specimen and the device by pretoque in bolts of the device. In the analysis result on influence of the anti-buckling device using the finite element method, it was found that the compressive strength with the anti-buckling device by loaded bolts was about 7% higher than actual compressive strength. Additionally, compressive tests on specimen with an open hole were performed. The local stress concentration arising from the hole dominates the strength of the laminate rather than the stresses in the bulk of the material. It is observed that the remote failure stress decreases with increasing hole size and specimen width but is generally well above the value one might predict from the elastic stress concentration factor. This suggests that the material is not ideally brittle and some stress relief occurs around the hole. X-ray radiography reveals that damage in the form of fiber microbuckling and delamination initiates at the edge of the hole at approximately 80% of the failure load and extends stably under increasing load before becoming unstable at a critical length of 2-3mm (depends on specimen geometry). This damage growth and failure are analysed by a linear cohesive zone model. Using the independently measured laminate parameters of unnotched compressive strength and in-plane fracture toughness the model predicts successfully the notched strength as a function of hole size and width.

A Study on the Fabrication of the Laminated Wood Composed of Poplar and Larch (포푸라와 일본잎갈나무의 집성재 제조에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jae-Myeong;Kang, Sun-Goo;Kim, Ki-Hyeon;Chung, Byeong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1974
  • 1. Various gluing qualities applying Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were studied on aiming the strength relationships of laminated woods resulted by single species [poplar (Populus deltoides), larch(Larix leptolepis)], mixed species of (poplar and larch), preservatives, treated poplar the scarf joint with mixed species of poplar and larch and the scarf joint treated with preservatives. 1. 1 On the block shear and on the DVL tension test, the mean wood failure ratio showed an excellent value i.e., above 65% and the tangential strength for larch was higher than that of radial, but it was reversed for poplar as shown in Tables 1 and 2. 1. 2 The lamina treated with Na-PCP reduced slightly the strength but the limited strength allowed for manufacturing laminated wood was not influenced by treating Na-PCP as shown in Tables 3 and 4. 1. 3 The safe scarf ratio in the plane scarf joint was above 1/12 for larch and 1/6 for poplar regard less of the chemical treatment or untreatment as shown in Tables. 5, 6, 7 and 8. 2. In the normal and boiled state, the gluing quality of the laminated wood composed of single[poplar (Populus deltoides), larch (Larix leptolepis)] and double species (poplar and larch) glued with Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were measured as follow, and also represented the delamination of the same laminated wood. 2.1 The normal block shear strength of the straight and curved laminated wood (in life size) were more than three times of the standards adhesion strength. And, the value of the boiled stock was decreased to one half of the standard shear adhesion strength, but it was more than twice the standard strength for the boiled stock. Thus, it was recognized that the water resistance of the Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 was very high as shown in Tables 9 and 10. 2. 2 The delamination ratio of the straight and curved laminated woods in respect of their composition were decraesed, in turn, in the following order i. e., larch, mixed stock (larch+poplar) and poplar. The maximum value represented by the larch was 3.5% but it was below the limited value as shown in Table 11. 3. The various strengthes i.e., compressive, bending and adhesion obtainted by the straight laminaced wood which were constructed by five plies of single and double species of lamina i. e., larch (Larix leptolepis) and poplar (Populus euramericana), glued with urea resin were shown as follows: 3. 1 If desired a higher strength of architectural laminated wood composed of poplar (P) and larch (L), the combination of the laminas should be arranged as follows, L+P+L+P+L as shown in Table 12. 3.2 The strength of laminated wood composed of laminas which included pith and knots was conside rably decreased than that of clear lamina as shown Table 13. 3.3 The shear strength of the FPL block of the straight laminated wood constructed by the same species which were glued with urea adhesives was more than twice the limited adhesion strength, thus it makes possible to use it for interior constructional stock.

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Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties and Dimensional Stability of Staypak and Wood-Polymer Composites from Populus alba × P. Glandulosa wood (현사시나무로 제조(製造)된 열압축목재(熱壓縮木材)와 목재(木材)-고분자(高分子) 복합체(複合體) 재질(材質)의 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Pak, Sang-Bum;Ahn, Won-Yung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.14-34
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    • 1985
  • One of the techniques for altering the properties of wood that has received considerable attention in the last twenty years is the formation of a wood-polymer composite (WPC) by irradiation and heat-catalyst polymerization of a monomer incorporated into the wood matrix. Wood-polymer composites are the new products having the superior mechanical and physical properties and the combinated characteristics of wood and plastic. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain the basic data for the improvement of wooden materials by manufacturing WPC and Staypak. The species examined was Hyunsasi-Namoo (Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa) which had not been utilized yet. Methylmethacrylate (MMA) as monomer, benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator and methyl alcohol as bulking agent were used. The monomer containing BPO was impregnated into wood pieces by the dipping and the vacuum process for 2 hours. After impregnation, the treated samples were polymerized on the hot press with pressure and heat-catalyst methods. The results obtained were summarized as follows 1. The monomer loading into wood by the dipping process was 12.13 percent and 29.99 percent by the vacuum. The polymer loading into wood by the dipping process was 6.79 percent and 15.44 percent by the vacuum. 2. Comparing with Staypak, antishrink efficiency (ASE) of WPC was 12.5 to 13.6 percent on the radial direction and 14.70 to 18.63 percent on the tangential. Antiswelling efficiency (AE) was 14.40 to 17.22 percent on the radial direction and 17.18 to 42.1 8 to 42.14 percent on the tangential. Reduction in water absorptivity (RWA) was 8.19 to 15.5 percent. As a whole, the vacuum process was better than the dipping. 3. The specific gravity of control, Staypak and WPC were 0.44, 0.66 and 0.61 to 0.62, respectively. 4. In the bending strength test, the strength in case that the load direction is on the radial surface was greater than that which the load direction is on the tangential. 5. Increasing rate of stress at proportional limit in compression perpendicular to grain was 72.26 percent in case of WPC by the dipping process, 78.93 percent by the vacuum and 99.09 percent in case of Staypak.

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Evaluation of Elution Characteristics by Material for Kitchen Utensils - Focusing on the Metallic Kitchen Utensils (유통 주방기구의 재질별 용출 특성 평가 -금속제 주방기구 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jae-Kwan;Im, Kyung-Sook;Kim, Myung-Gil;Park, Sung-Hee;Seo, Mi-Young;Lee, Yu-Na;Kim, Jung-Sun;Ku, Eun-Jung;Chae, Sun-Young;Park, Yong-Bae;Yoon, Mi-Hye
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2021
  • In this study we analyzed the elution rates of 11 metals from 82 metallic kitchen utensils purchased in the market. The elution frequency of the 11 types of metals was iron > aluminum > chromium, nickel > zinc > copper > lead > arsenic > antimony > stannum > cadmium. For metallic kitchen utensils, the elution rate of heavy metals was 7.3-93.9%, and the average elution concentration was 0.001-13.473 mg/L. The average elution concentration of heavy metals was ranged between none-detected (N. D.) to 30.473 mg/L for non-coated kitchen utensils and 0.000-10.005 mg/L for coated kitchen utensils. The average elution concentration of metals from domestic kitchen utensils ranged from 0.001-25.145 mg/L, and from 0.000-33.518 mg/L for imported kitchen utensils. In particular, aluminum was found to be high in domestic kitchen utensils while iron was high in imported kitchen utensils. The average elution concentration of heavy metals was N.D.-2.670 mg/L for stainless steel, N.D.- 31.575 mg/L for aluminum, and N.D.-307.737 mg/L for iron. The amount of transition to food after cooking was investigated.