• Title/Summary/Keyword: 잔여 유효 수명 예측

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Machine Learning Model for Predicting the Residual Useful Lifetime of the CNC Milling Insert (공작기계의 절삭용 인서트의 잔여 유효 수명 예측 모형)

  • Won-Gun Choi;Heungseob Kim;Bong Jin Ko
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2023
  • For the implementation of a smart factory, it is necessary to collect data by connecting various sensors and devices in the manufacturing environment and to diagnose or predict failures in production facilities through data analysis. In this paper, to predict the residual useful lifetime of milling insert used for machining products in CNC machine, weight k-NN algorithm, Decision Tree, SVR, XGBoost, Random forest, 1D-CNN, and frequency spectrum based on vibration signal are investigated. As the results of the paper, the frequency spectrum does not provide a reliable criterion for an accurate prediction of the residual useful lifetime of an insert. And the weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm performed best with an MAE of 0.0013, MSE of 0.004, and RMSE of 0.0192. This is an error of 0.001 seconds of the remaining useful lifetime of the insert predicted by the weighted-nearest neighbor algorithm, and it is considered to be a level that can be applied to actual industrial sites.

A Proposal of Remaining Useful Life Prediction Model for Turbofan Engine based on k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN을 활용한 터보팬 엔진의 잔여 유효 수명 예측 모델 제안)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Seo, Yang-Woo;Lee, Seung-Sang;Kim, So-Jung;Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.611-620
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    • 2021
  • The maintenance industry is mainly progressing based on condition-based maintenance after corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance. In condition-based maintenance, maintenance is performed at the optimum time based on the condition of equipment. In order to find the optimal maintenance point, it is important to accurately understand the condition of the equipment, especially the remaining useful life. Thus, using simulation data (C-MAPSS), a prediction model is proposed to predict the remaining useful life of a turbofan engine. For the modeling process, a C-MAPSS dataset was preprocessed, transformed, and predicted. Data pre-processing was performed through piecewise RUL, moving average filters, and standardization. The remaining useful life was predicted using principal component analysis and the k-NN method. In order to derive the optimal performance, the number of principal components and the number of neighbor data for the k-NN method were determined through 5-fold cross validation. The validity of the prediction results was analyzed through a scoring function while considering the usefulness of prior prediction and the incompatibility of post prediction. In addition, the usefulness of the RUL prediction model was proven through comparison with the prediction performance of other neural network-based algorithms.

Prediction Remaining Useful Life of Aircraft Turbofans Using Transfer Learning Based CNN-LSTM (전이학습 기반 CNN-LSTM을 통한 항공기 터보팬 잔여 유효 수명 예측)

  • Kim Jeong Min;Kang Hyeon Woo;Cho Young Ki;Kwon Gi Hyuk;An Seo Yeon;Kim Hun Kee
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.700-709
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    • 2024
  • The objective of research in the field of prognostics and health management is to predict the Remaining Useful Life of aircraft engines, a critical component of analysis within this domain. Nevertheless, there are difficulties in acquiring dependable failure information, and the limited availability of defect data hinders the development of predictive models. Current data augmentation techniques are utilized to enhance the insufficient defect data; however, the heuristic approaches might oversimplify the data characteristics, ultimately decreasing predictive accuracy. This study suggests a hybrid model that combines Transfer Learning, specifically integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The hybrid CNN-LSTM model integrates the CNN's feature extraction capabilities with the LSTM's long-term time series learning capacity, facilitating the representation of intricate dynamic characteristics and temporal fluctuations in aircraft engine sensor data. The performance of predictive techniques is enhanced by applying data learned from various source domains to target domain data through transfer learning. The results obtained by applying this model to the C-MAPSS aircraft engine simulator dataset developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) corroborate the idea that employing a pre-trained model through transfer learning improves predictive accuracy in comparison to the standard mixed model. Furthermore, the proposed model demonstrates improved predictive abilities when compared to various leading predictive models in the PHM field.

Deep Learning Approaches to RUL Prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries (딥러닝을 이용한 리튬이온 배터리 잔여 유효수명 예측)

  • Jung, Sang-Jin;Hur, Jang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2020
  • Lithium-ion batteries are the heart of energy-storing devices and electric vehicles. Owing to their superior qualities, such as high capacity and energy efficiency, they have become quite popular, resulting in an increased demand for failure/damage prevention and useable life maximization. To prevent failure in Lithium-ion batteries, improve their reliability, and ensure productivity, prognosticative measures such as condition monitoring through sensors, condition assessment for failure detection, and remaining useful life prediction through data-driven prognostics and health management approaches have become important topics for research. In this study, the residual useful life of Lithium-ion batteries was predicted using two efficient artificial recurrent neural networks-ong short-term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU). The proposed approaches were compared for prognostics accuracy and cost-efficiency. It was determined that LSTM showed slightly higher accuracy, whereas GRUs have a computational advantage.

Cost-optimal Preventive Maintenance based on Remaining Useful Life Prediction and Minimum-repair Block Replacement Models (잔여 유효 수명 예측 모형과 최소 수리 블록 교체 모형에 기반한 비용 최적 예방 정비 방법)

  • Choo, Young-Suk;Shin, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2022
  • Predicting remaining useful life (RUL) becomes significant to implement prognostics and health management of industrial systems. The relevant studies have contributed to creating RUL prediction models and validating their acceptable performance; however, they are confined to drive reasonable preventive maintenance strategies derived from and connected with such predictive models. This paper proposes a data-driven preventive maintenance method that predicts RUL of industrial systems and determines the optimal replacement time intervals to lead to cost minimization in preventive maintenance. The proposed method comprises: (1) generating RUL prediction models through learning historical process data by using machine learning techniques including random forest and extreme gradient boosting, and (2) applying the system failure time derived from the RUL prediction models to the Weibull distribution-based minimum-repair block replacement model for finding the cost-optimal block replacement time. The paper includes a case study to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method using an open dataset, wherein sensor data are generated and recorded from turbofan engine systems.

A Study on the Remaining Useful Life Prediction Performance Variation based on Identification and Selection by using SHAP (SHAP를 활용한 중요변수 파악 및 선택에 따른 잔여유효수명 예측 성능 변동에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Yeon Ah;Lee, Seung Hoon;Kim, Yong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the importance of preventive maintenance has been emerging since failures in a complex system are automatically detected due to the development of artificial intelligence techniques and sensor technology. Therefore, prognostic and health management (PHM) is being actively studied, and prediction of the remaining useful life (RUL) of the system is being one of the most important tasks. A lot of researches has been conducted to predict the RUL. Deep learning models have been developed to improve prediction performance, but studies on identifying the importance of features are not carried out. It is very meaningful to extract and interpret features that affect failures while improving the predictive accuracy of RUL is important. In this paper, a total of six popular deep learning models were employed to predict the RUL, and identified important variables for each model through SHAP (Shapley Additive explanations) that one of the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Moreover, the fluctuations and trends of prediction performance according to the number of variables were identified. This paper can suggest the possibility of explainability of various deep learning models, and the application of XAI can be demonstrated. Also, through this proposed method, it is expected that the possibility of utilizing SHAP as a feature selection method.