• Title/Summary/Keyword: 작도교육

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The Effects of Inductive Activities Using GeoGebra on the Proof Abilities and Attitudes of Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students (GeoGebra를 활용한 귀납활동이 초등수학영재의 증명능력 및 증명학습태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Yoon Shin;Ryu, Sung Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2013
  • This study was expected to yield the meaningful conclusions from the experimental group who took lessons based on inductive activities using GeoGebra at the beginning of proof learning and the comparison one who took traditional expository lessons based on deductive activities. The purpose of this study is to give some helpful suggestions for teaching proof to mathematically gifted elementary students. To attain the purpose, two research questions are established as follows. 1. Is there a significant difference in proof abilities between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? 2. Is there a significant difference in proof attitudes between the experimental group who took inductive lessons using GeoGebra and comparison one who took traditional expository lessons? To solve the above two research questions, they were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 10 students and a comparison group of 10 students, considering the results of gift and aptitude test, and the computer literacy among 20 elementary students that took lessons at some education institute for the gifted students located in K province after being selected in the mathematics. Special lesson based on the researcher's own lesson plan was treated to the experimental group while explanation-centered class based on the usual 8th grader's textbook was put into the comparison one. Four kinds of tests were used such as previous proof ability test, previous proof attitude test, subsequent proof ability test, and subsequent proof attitude test. One questionnaire survey was used only for experimental group. In the case of attitude toward proof test, the score of questions was calculated by 5-point Likert scale, and in the case of proof ability test was calculated by proper rating standard. The analysis of materials were performed with t-test using the SPSS V.18 statistical program. The following results have been drawn. First, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in proof ability than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Second, experimental group who took proof lessons of inductive activities using GeoGebra as precedent activity before proving had better achievement in the belief and attitude toward proof than the comparison group who took traditional proof lessons. Third, the survey about 'the effect of inductive activities using GeoGebra on the proof' shows that 100% of the students said that the activities were helpful for proof learning and that 60% of the reasons were 'because GeoGebra can help verify processes visually'. That means it gives positive effects on proof learning that students research constant character and make proposition by themselves justifying assumption and conclusion by changing figures through the function of estimation and drag in investigative software GeoGebra. In conclusion, this study may provide helpful suggestions in improving geometry education, through leading students to learn positive and active proof, connecting the learning processes such as induction based on activity using GeoGebra, simple deduction from induction(i.e. creating a proposition to distinguish between assumptions and conclusions), and formal deduction(i.e. proving).

Development of teaching and learning materials by using GeoGebra and it's application effects for high school mathematically gifted students (GeoGebra를 활용한 교수.학습이 과학고등학교 수학영재들의 인지적 측면에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mu Jin;Lee, Jong Hak;Kim, Wonkyung
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.359-384
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is inquire the reaction and adaptability of the mathematically gifted student, in the case of introduce learning materials based on GeoGebra in real class. The study program using GeoGebra consist of 'construction of fundamental figures', 'making animation with using slider tools' (graph of a function, trace of a figure, definite integral, fixed point, and draw a parametric curve), make up the group report after class. In detail, 1st to 15th classes are mainly problem-solving, and topic-exploring classes. To analyze the application effects of developed learning materials, divide students in four groups and lead them to make out their own creative products. In detail, guide students to make out their own report about mathematical themes that based on given learning materials. Concretely, build up the program to make up group report about their own topics in six weeks, after learning on various topics. Expert panel concluded that developed learning materials are successfully stimulate student's creativity in various way, after analyze of the student's activities. Moreover, those learning programs also contributed to the develop of the mathematical ability to thinking that necessary to writing a report. As well, four creative products are assessed as connote mathematically gifted student's creative thinking and meaningful elements in mathematical aspects.

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Using DGE for Enhancing SMK and PCK of Pre-service Elementary Teachers for the Figure Problem (예비 초등교사들의 도형 문제에 대한 SMK와 PCK 강화를 위한 DGE 활용)

  • Kang, Jeong Gi;Kim, Min Jeong;Jeong, Sang Tae;Roh, Eun Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.139-166
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study is to enhance the teaching competence for pre-service elementary teacher by using DGE in order to enhance SMK and PCK for them. To do this, we investigated the initial SMK and PCK for 23 pre-service elementary teachers, the reality of implementation activity of DGE and the change of SMK and PCK after quest activity by DGE. As results, 3 pre-service elementary teachers made errors which are misunderstanding a general angle as special angle, an excessive jump of logic and a circulation logic in the aspect of an initial SMK. In the aspect of contents of PCK, most of pre-service elementary teachers proposed teaching focused on the character using in the problem solving. And most of pre-service elementary teachers proposed teaching methods which are based on explanation, measurement and material manipulation. The reality of implementation activity of DGE was classified 4 cases which are a difficulty in understanding the concept of dynamics and embodying in DGE, an obsession about construction of $75^{\circ}$ and generalization, a difficulty in interpreting 'folding activity' mathematically and a good implementation activity. After quest activity by DGE, the case which is misunderstanding a general angle as special angle could be improved, but the others are not. And after quest activity by DGE, most of pre-service elementary teachers still proposed teaching focused on the character using in the problem solving in the aspect of contents of PCK, and some of pre-service elementary teachers added only teaching methods which are involving visual confirmation by GSP. From these results, we could extract some pedagogical implications helping pre-service teachers to reinforce SMK and PCK by DGE.

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