• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자유-의지

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Earthquake Simulation Tests of A 1:5 Scale Gravity Load Designed 3-Story Reinforced Concrete Frame (중력하중 설계된 1:5 축소 3층 철근콘크리트 골조의 지진모의실험)

  • 이한선;우성우
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.241-252
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    • 1998
  • The objective of the research stated herein is to observe the actual responses of a low-rise nonseismic moment-resisting reinforced concrete frame subjected to varied levels of earthquake ground motions. First, the reduction scale for the model was determined as 1 : 5 considering the capacity of the shaking table to be used and the model was manufactured according to the similitude law. This model was, then, subjected to the shaking table motions simulating Taft N21E component earthquake ground motions, whose peak ground accelations (PGAs) were modified to 0.12g, 0.2g, 0.3g, and 0.4g. The lateral accelerations and displacements at each story and local deformations at the critical reginos of the structure were measured. The base shear was measured by using self-made load cells. Before and after each earthquake simulation test, free vibration tests were performed to find the change in the natural period and damping ratio of the model. The test data on the global and local behaviors are interpreted. The model showed the linear elastic behavior under the Taft N21E motion with the PGA if 0.12g, which represents the design earthquake in Korea. The maximum base shear was 1.8tf, approximately 4.7 times the design base shear. The model revealed fairly good resistance to the higher level of earthquake simulation tests. The main components of its resistance to the high level of earthquakes appeared to be 1) the high overstrength, 2) the elongation of the fundamental period, and 3) the minor energy dissipation by inelastic deformations. The drifts of the model under these tests were approximately within the allowable limit.

Entropy-based Discrimination of Hand and Elbow Movements Using ECoG Signals (엔트로피 기반 ECoG 신호를 이용한 손과 팔꿈치 움직임 추론)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun;Cha, Kab-Mun;Rhee, Kiwon;Chung, Chun Kee;Shin, Hyun-Chool
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.505-510
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, a method of estimating hand and elbow movements using electrocorticogram (ECoG) signals is proposed. Using multiple channels, surface electromyogram (EMG) signals and ECoG signals were obtained from patients simultaneously. The estimated movements were those to close and then open the hand and those to bend the elbow inward. The patients were encouraged to perform the movements in accordance with their free will instead of after being induced by external stimuli. Surface EMG signals were used to find movement time points, and ECoG signals were used to estimate the movements. To extract the characteristics of the individual movements, the ECoG signals were divided into a total of six bands (the entire band and the ${\delta}$, ${\Theta}$, ${\alpha}$, ${\beta}$, and ${\gamma}$ bands) to obtain the information entropy, and the maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate the movements. The results of the experiment showed the performance averaged 74% when the ECoG of the gamma band was used, which was higher than that when other bands were used, and higher estimation success rates were shown in the gamma band than in other bands. The time of the movements was divided into three time sections based on movement time points, and the "before" section, which included the readiness potential, was compared with the "onset" section. In the "before" section and the "onset" section, estimation success rates were 66% and 65%, respectively, and thus it was determined that the readiness potential could be used.

A Comparison Between the Perceptions of Elementary Gifted Child and Science Teacher about the Good Science Class (좋은 과학 영재 수업에 대한 학생과 교사의 생각 비교)

  • Yang, Ilho;Choi, Hyun;Lim, Sungman
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2014
  • This study compares the perceptions of elementary gifted child and science teacher in a science class for the gifted. In order to explore the research problem, students and teachers answered a written semi-structured questionnaire and participated in interviews regarding the gifted science class. The data was collected and analyzed. Science teachers recognized the characteristics of a good science class, especially in terms of educational content and teaching methodology. First, they suggested promoting inquiry skills, presenting a challenging task in atypical topic selection, student-centered curriculum, and controlling the pace of learning to recognize individual differences. Second, in terms of the science class skills and attitudes category, teachers recommended raising mutual satisfaction through vigorous interaction within a permissible atmosphere. Finally, science teachers need to strive for continued professional growth. Gifted children, meanwhile, want to investigate a wide range of topics without time constraints. Additionally, they may have to explore challenging topics further. They prefer to act like scientists in that they enjoy group activities, communication and cooperation. In particular, they want to be evaluated by others in a totally embedded assessment. Gifted children also expect teachers to understand the life circumstances and needs of the students. In addition, they asked for teachers to respect individual experiments and to show them how to safely use new equipment or research methods. As a result, gifted children and science teachers have to recognize the differences of opinion concerning a good science class for the gifted. This study can help formulate strategies to establish quality management of materials in gifted science classes.

A Study of Legal Status of Artificial Insemination Child (인공수정자의 법적 지위에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, JI Yeon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.83-124
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    • 2015
  • Currently, infertility and artificial insemination have increased. However, there is no detailed legislation about this. In this study, I'll consider the legal status of artificial insemination child. Through the examination of the overseas legislation, we may get the reference of the future legislation. If we consider the increasing of infertility, artificial insemination should be allowed. And due to the well-being of artificial insemination child, such as the United States and France, the artificial insemination child should be regarded the legal child of the infertile couples. When the contradiction between the subject's basic rights has occurred, we need to consider the welfare of the child preferentially. Because the artificial insemination child has no selection of opportunity in birth, unlike adults who select the artificial insemination in their own free will. The development of biotechnology should be for the treatment of human. But creation and improvement of human must be prohibited. In addition, the social investigation of recognition about A.R.T. and general public administrative legal regulation should be made. There is a need for balanced discipline through a multi-disciplinary research. This study may be providing a legal interpretation criteria of other biotechnology researches.

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Understanding On the Theosophy of Rudolf Steiner (루돌프 슈타이너의 신지학에 대한 이해)

  • Lee, Won-Il
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.62
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2020
  • What means the Waldorf school based on integrative imagination to our educational reality in our days? This is the key question in this article. This article seeks to the fundamental meaning of the Waldrof school to know our educational problems. For this purpose this article explore understanding on the theosophy of Rudolf Steiner in the insufficient research until now. The theosophy of Rudolf Steiner in this article is investigated with the understanding of Triune God, human, and educational arts. The understanding of triune God is identified as the critiques to the view point of materialism, the meaning of logos in the scripture of John, the Christ as the foundation of all creatures. The understanding of human being is distinguished as the nature of body, soul, and spirit in the theosophy. Especially the nature of spirit is to see the invisible in the visible things through the eyes of mind that means esoteric spirituality not unrealistic spirituality of monasticism but integrative spirituality of overcoming the dualism between spirit and material. The educational characteristics for the integrative spirituality and imagination is called as the educational arts by Rudolf Steiner. The educational arts includes contents of the soul life, the education of freedom with individuality, and integrative education. The educational arts intends to the wholistic education with harmonious interaction of intellect, feeling, and willing to equip the individual human being in the spirit. And the educational arts educates with the harmony of story, play, art, and integrative curriculum of subject contents. The educational arts is to intend for reformation in christian education including church school and alternative school, etc. The Waldorf school needs to emphasizing the christian spirituality in the educational arts.

The Comparative Study between Korean and Indian Students regarding Relationship among Self-leadership Types, Performance and Class Attendance Attitudes (학습태도를 매개변수로 한 셀프리더십 유형과 학업성과간 관계: 한국과 인도간 비교연구)

  • Park, Ki-Ho;Park, Sang-Hyeok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.253-265
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    • 2011
  • A number of organizations have had big interests in studies concerning leadership and not only academia but also psychological areas do also. Until now, leadership has been accentuated by managers or team leaders especially. Recently, however, the concept of self-leadership directing one's own activities through self-control or self-management is being focused on in practices and in academia. This study is to investigate the influence between self-leadership strategies as predictors and learning performance in IT classes as dependents variables mediated by attitude of attendance focused on the social science students in two universities (Korea(116 samples) and India(36 samples)). And this research tried to compare difference between two university students. As a result of empirical analysis, Korean learners making an effort by themselves show a tendency to think constructively. Namely, even though the level of difficulty may be high, by positive self-talk, respondents usually make an effort to get high academic performance. In case of Indian respondents, students who are in behavior-oriented show higher academic performance. Research results can give us direction of task-taking attitudes in firms or learning attitudes in teaching organizations and implications to human resource managers who are in charge of improving learning performance or productivity.

Condom negotiation strategies of Korean college students: Interactive perspective of Sexual-risk behavior (한국대학생들의 콘돔협상전략 탐색: 콘돔연구에서 협응적 관점의 제안)

  • Taekyun Hur;Ja Ee Cho
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 2007
  • Most previous research on safer sex and condom use has been mainly focused on individual's dispositional factors such as attitudes, perceived control, intention, and etc. However, a few researchers recently started to propose that condom use is not a matter of individual behavioral decision but a product of serious interactive negotiation processes and condom negotiation would be the proximal key-determinant of condom use behaviors. The present research categorized condom-negotiation strategies and preferences of Korean college students and examined relationship between the strategies and other sex-related concepts. 186 participants' strategies on a free-response questions of condom negotiation revealed 7 types of persuasion strategies for condom use; Pregnancy risk, responsibility, care for partner, withholding sex, sexual disease, direct request, and sexual satisfaction (in order of preference). 6 types of persuasion strategies for condom avoid were abstracted: Pregnancy free, Sexual satisfaction, responsibility, direct request, unfaith toward condom, and withholding sex (in order of preference). The effects of gender, sexual experience, and culture were found and discussed in their implications for sexual education,

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The Proto-Humanistic Theory of Art: Focused on Cennino Cennini's Il Libro dell'Arte (최초의 인문주의 미술이론: 첸니노 첸니니의 『미술의 책』을 중심으로)

  • Shan Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.371-376
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    • 2024
  • This paper analyzes the main characteristics of proto-humanistic art theory in the book Il Libro dell'Arte by the artist of the early Renaissance, Cennino Cennini. His book, written in the late 14th century, opened the door to the Renaissance and attempted to make art independent from the poetic implications and rhetoric of literature for the first time in history. Cenini tried to have the creative nature of art, especially painting, recognized by society. Since Cennini's will became the starting point for the development of great art theories published by Alberti and Leonardo in the 15th and 16th centuries, the historical necessity of studying Cennini is fully acknowledged. Therefore, this paper examines the historical achievements of Cenini as an art theorist, who aroused academic interest in the social status of artists as well as the intellectual potential of art. Chapter 1 of this paper first examines the background of the birth of Libro. In the main body of this paper, the theoretical characteristics of Cennini's Libro as the first humanistic art theory are categorized into three areas: 1) the relationship between painting and liberal arts, 2) disegno as a bridge between mind and hand, and 3) pedagogy of painting. Through this process, this paper discovered that Libro combined practical guidelines and ethical recommendations for painting through its unique non-systematic structure. Cennini's attempt is defined as a historical practice for the intellectual emancipation of art and a historical foundation that provides inspiration for the production of Renaissance humanistic art theory.

Jeong Yak Yeong's Perspective on Ethics of Revenge - centered on corelation between law and ethics - (정약용의 복수의 윤리 - 법과 윤리의 상관관계를 중심으로 -)

  • 장복동
    • 유학연구
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    • v.48
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    • pp.81-105
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    • 2019
  • This paper attempts to grasp the theory of revenge of Jung Yak-Yong in the context of the relational self of Confucian society which is the ground of familism. This paper deals with relation of the law as the ethical behavioral norm of the national community and ethics that differently apply to social relations. If the existing studies are focused on analyzing the revenge theory of Jeong Yak-yong in the context of institutional problems, legal positivism and natural law, this paper considers revenge in the moral philosophical horizon distinguishes meanings of self - awareness, an behavioral approach to human nature. The results are as follow. First, his legal philosophical point of view through the theory of revenge of Jeong Yak-yong is a mixture of legal positivism and natural law. Second, by expanding the voluntary and autonomous nature of his ethics of consideration in relation to theory of revenge to social norms, anger and conflict can be resolved from the terrain of mutual understanding. Third, his understanding of human beings, composed of the nature of good and the possibility of action, will open a way to acquire universality of conduct beyond kin or family. The distinction between the nature of good as original possibilities and empirical good according to autonomous judgments will help to clearly distinguish between revenge categories that are ambiguous in the boundary between lawand morality. In conclusion, the conclusion that can be drawn from this paper is that Jung Yak-yong proposed the grounds for reconciliation and integration community in that he strictly restrained revenge requirements for social order and stability instead of taking the revenge innocence.

A comparison study of the characteristics of private and public security service of Koryo dynasty and modern security service (고려시대 공적·사적경호의 특성과 현대경호와의 비교연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.417-442
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    • 2013
  • This study considers the characteristics of the separation of public and private security service during Koryo dynasty, and compares it with the modern security service. Modern day security service's definition of private and public security service was used to distinguish them. Given the different historical settings, it's difficult to argue that the distinction between public and private service during Koryo dynasty was clear, but it can be said that public security service was centered around palace guard and concerns the activities of protest, and military made for the relationship, and private security service was centered around power of DoBang and includes the activities of malingering, and Byolchogun. During the early days of Koryo, protest, district military and soldiers who stay in the palace were all parts of a palace revolt and this institutional improvement of soldiers who stay in the palace was accomplished during King Seongjong's rule. The tradition of a palace revolt can find its roots in the middle military, and after the unification, a palace revolt was reformed into the king's palace revolt of second and the 6th along the course of establishing the nation's system. All of the changes stem from the reformation for consolidating the royal authority. Gyung Dae Seoung wanted to protect himself and he slept with his army night and days and because of that, group of soldiers was created and it was called DOBANG. Some members were from dobang gyeonryong, The forced were powerful because it was gathered with a warriors with extraordinaire martial arts and competent management. Most of the soldiers followed gyeong dae seung because they believed that he has a strong leadership and loves his people, and had a strong faith in him. However, the general gyeong jang had a belief that politics must be reverted to the previous so the relationships between jungbang wasn't smooth. Because of the economic operational problems, due to fraud committed by the mens under his command failed to maintain integrity and was criticised.The misconception also fed up with the emperor and the deepening relationships between the soldiers, his dobang was dismantled. After he took over the dobang, for his personal safety and to strengthen his position he compensated gyeon dae seong's dobang and developed the organization. In the process of extending the dobang Choi chung heon recruited many talented people to strengthen the military base, and also accepted the advice and expanded the power of Dobang. Choi Chung Heon thus consolidated his political gains by weakening the power of the king's army and adjusting the myth, which could've threatened his regime, and this was called Dobang number 6th. Dobang number six got even more powerful by his son named Choi woo, and after ruling, he expanded into a room, and a substantial reorganization of Dobang was developed. And then the creation of yabyeolcho also showed the effect to prevent the crisis. Although the palace guards who were public security service of Koryo Dynasty was still maintained during the military rule era when the royal authority was incapacitated, it was only maintained to have a symbolic meaning as the actual authority including military power was with Choi, the master of Dobang, private security service group. Likewise, during the rule of Choi, private securty service could reign over public security service, and the noteworthy characteristic of Dobang is that it assisted the private soldier groups to seize the military power by reorganizing and modifying military system. Although both differences and similarities can be found when comparing the guards of Koryo Dynasty with those of contemporary society, they have a similarity in terms of the essence of guards that they guarantee the safety of their clients. As for differences, the royalty of Koryo Dynasty and the pursuit of profit of contemporary society are in contrast, and contemporary guards can be seen as the fulfillment of responsibility and duty by free will, whereas guards of Koryo Dynasty were ruled with military coercion.

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