• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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Strategies assessment for the restoration of the natural nature of the Han River through weight analysis (가중치 분석을 이용한 한강 자연성회복 추진 전략 평가)

  • Ahn, Young Mi;Jung, Tae Hwan;Jang, Suk-Hwan;Kim, Keug Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2021
  • 한강 자연성 회복은 사회환경을 고려한 한강의 생태적 기능회복과 복원, 자연의 복원력을 기반으로 한 사람이 공생 공존하는 새로운 관계로의 전환점을 의미하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 한강 유역권 산·학·연 관계자 100명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 한강 자연성 회복 비전과 추진전략을 도출한 결과, '맑은 물이 흐르는 강'(1순위), '더불어 사는 강'(2순위), '생명이 숨쉬는 강'(3순위), '살아 움직이는 강'(4순위)으로 정책방향을 수립할 수 있었다. 또한 설문조사의 결과를 바탕으로 AHP 및 델파이 분석을 통해 한강 상류, 중류(서울권, 경기권), 하류별 자연성 회복 평가지표간 가중치를 산정하여 주요 추진과제를 선정하였다. 상류유역에서는 비점오염원 관리를 통한 환경오염 감소, 중류 유역에서는 도심하천의 수질관리강화 및 물 순환 체계 개선, 하류 유역에서는 생물다양성 확보 및 상·하류 지역 협력을 통한 상수원 수질 개선의 방안 필요의 결과가 도출되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 한강의 하천관리정책은 이수·치수 중심의 하천조성에서 하천생태복원 및 강과 사람과의 공존과 공생이 조화를 이룬 하천조성으로 관점이 변화되었음을 확인할 수 있었으며, 가중치 평가를 통한 최적 조합의 하천 관리방안이 도출되었다.

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Current Status and Management of Alien Turtles in Korea (외래거북의 국내 현황 및 관리방안)

  • Lee, Do-Hun;Kim, Young-Chae;Chang, Min-Ho;Kim, Suhwan;Kim, Dongeon;Kil, Jihyon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.319-332
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    • 2016
  • Alien turtles belonging to Genus Trachemys have been designated as Invasive Alien Species since 2001 and their import has been banned in Korea. However, current status of import and distribution of the other alien turtles have not been reported. In this study, we aimed to investigate the taxa of alien turtles introduced into Korea, to assess their potential risks to the natural ecosystems and to suggest the future management directions of them in Korea. We identified 73 species of alien turtles belonging to 9 families. Since 2008, more than 6,000 kg of turtles have been imported annually and widely distributed through the pet shops, traditional markets and individual transactions. From the survey of natural habitats, we found that 8 species belonging to 3 families including Chrysemys picta, Pseudemys concinna, P. nelsoni, P. peninsularis, P. rubriventris, Mauremys sinensis, Macrochelys temminckii and Trachemys scripta have inhabited in 12 study sites. Out of 73 alien turtles, the potential adverse impacts of 13 species to ecosystems are serious when we considered status of designation of invasive alien species in other countries. For the management of alien turtles, it is required to register alien turtles in the import list and share general information such as import purpose, distribution and management condition among relevant authorities. The breeders and distributors must be obliged to identify turtles and to record management. The government must check transfer and migration of turtles periodically to prevent their introduction and spread into natural environments. The change of alien turtle populations in natural habitats should be monitored and their management plan should be developed to control the alien turtles in areas where the impacts are significant.

Ecological Factors Influencing the Bird Diversity on Baekdudaegan Protected Area Cheonwangbong to Aghwibong Region (백두대간보호지역의 천왕봉에서 악휘봉 구간에 서식하는 조류의 다양성에 영향을 주는 생태적 요인)

  • Hyun-Su Hwang;Doory No;Yunkyoung Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2024
  • This study conducted a survey from April 2021 to December 2022 to investigate habitat factors affecting bird diversity in the region between Cheonwangbong Peak and Aghwibong in Baekdudaegan protected area, South Korea. Since the region has a spatial scale of 736.4 km2 and is an area where a wide variety of habitats are mixed, we selected 20 survey areas of 3 km x 3 km by analysis of habitat homogeneity. As a result of analyzing the relationship between habitat environment and bird diversity in the survey area, it was found that the diversity of bird communities was directly or indirectly related to the diversity of terrestrial insects, slope, average habitat area, mean size of patches, elevation, and forest type, and distance from agricultural land. The slope of habitat, forest type, and distance from agricultural land affect the occurrence of food sources directly and indirectly, and the average area of habitats and forest type is closely related to the structural diversity of habitats. Therefore, it is determined that the diversity of bird communities is affected by the amount of food generated within the habitat and the diversity of habitats. It is determined that the relationship between bird communities and habitat environments in this surveyed region can be basic ecological data for establishing forest management measures to promote the diversity of bird communities.

Method of Developing the Regional Ecological Network for Local Government using the National Ecological Network and the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (광역생태축과 국토환경성평가지도를 활용한 지자체 광역생태네트워크 구축 방안)

  • Kim, Geunhan;Kong, Seok-Jun;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Lee, Moung-Jin;Song, Jiyoon;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 2014
  • Large-scale unband development resulted from the rapid economic growth in the Republic of Korea has brought about the habitat destruction for the native animals and plants living in forest and farmland. In order to resolve this problem, it is necessary to consider the natural ecosystem as an organism and to preserve the natural ecosystem by managing ecologically significant habitat consistently. Especially, the local governments should be able to establish regional ecologic networks in consideration of the ecological connectivity and the environmental and ecological excellence, and to reflect them into the local development plans. In regard to this, the methods of the regional ecological network establishment was presented, making use of the results including the national ecological network which assessed the ecological connectivity of the nation and the environmental and ecological assessment results of the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map which was designed to analyze and assess the national environmental and ecological values quantitatively. Making use of the case of Gyeongsangnam-do; the results presented that the existing national ecological network in the core region has expanded from $2,986km^2$ to $4,049km^2$ and the existing national ecological network in the buffer region has expanded from $2,940km^2$ to $3,006km^2$. Referring to the regional ecological network in the process of the local development plans could contribute to the increase in biodiversity and the integrated local environmental management including the ecosystem preservation.

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A Study on the Possibility of Utilizing Both Biotope Maps and Land Cover Maps on the Calculation of the Ecological Network Indicator of City Biodiversity Index (도시생물다양성 지수(CBI) 중 생태네트워크 산정을 위한 도시생태현황지도 및 토지피복지도 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Min-Jin;Yun, Hyerngdu;Kim, Myungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2016
  • This study modified and applied the ecological network(Indicator 2) from the City Biodiversity Index(CBI) to be tailored to Korea. It is calculated by utilizing a biotope map and a land cover map. The ecological network of Gyeryong-Si was 13,713,703(33.8%) with the biotope map and 17,686,966(37.9%) with the land cover map. The result of the biotope map was lower than the land cover map. The ecological network of Goyang-Si was 4,961,922(4.9%) with the biotope map and 4,383,207(3.7%) with the land cover map. The result of the land cover map was lower than the biotope map. As a main result of the research, an error was discovered in which, when calculating the ecological network, the types of the military unit facilities were distinguished into a special area on the biotope map and into an urbanization promotion area and a forest area on the land cover map. In the case of a middle-classified, land cover map, the land use in the surroundings of the forest area was not subdivided. An error in the development area expressed as a forest green was discovered. When selecting the natural elements, too, regarding the types of artificially-created rivers, artificial ponds, and artificial grasslands, etc. on a biotope map, the exclusions were necessary. Regarding the natural, bare ground on a land cover map, there was a need to calculate by including the natural elements. It was judged that, in the future, the ecological network in the unit of the entire nation can be analyzed roughly by utilizing a land cover map. It was judged that, in a city having a biotope map, the calculation of the ecological network utilizing a map of the present situation of the urban ecology will be a more accurate diagnosis of the present situation.

Restoration Strategies on Deteriorated Ecosystem due to Recreational Use in Nature Parks in Korea (자연공원내(自然公園內)의 휴양적(休養的) 이용(利用)에 따른 생태계훼손(生態系毁損)의 회복방안(恢復方案)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.4
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 1991
  • Major statutory nature protection areas include Nature Parks, Nature Reserves. Nature Ecological System Protected Areas. Biosphere Reserves, Nature Protected Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Protection Forests with total area of 1,124,000 ha. These protected areas cover almost 18% of the forested area. The number of visitors of NPs reached over 33 million per year with sharp increasing rate over the years. To protect the deteriorated hiking trails and camp grounds caused by overuse, two management policies have been implemented : cooking prohibition and natural rest rotation system. While prohibition of cooking is based on the fact that most of the solid wastes in nature parks are leftovers of cooking, natural rest rotation system is mainly for rehabilitation of deteriorated areas by natural processes. The system has closed 47 trails(in 27 mountains) throughout the country since January 1991, which is scheduled to continue 3 years. Due to the lack of accumulated scientific knowledge on how, when and where to close, application of the system leaves much to be desired. This paper discusses the current efforts to protect the natural resources for recreational use and suggests future directions for an effective policy implementation.

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Interview - A nature-friendly concept for the natural landscape complex, "I will design spaces that make residents comfortable and happy." (인터뷰 - 자연경관 단지 안으로 끌어들인 자연친화적 콘셉트, "거주자가 편안하고 행복할 수 있는 설계 해나갈 것")

  • 육혜민
    • Korean Architects
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    • s.664
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    • pp.52-55
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    • 2024
  • '메종 드 엘리프 송산'은 화성 신도시 송산 그린시티에 위치한 단지형 연립주택이다. 대상지는 시화호변 갈대습지의 생태와 산책로 등이 어우러진 자연환경이 풍부한 지역이다. 이를 설계한 이승복 건축사(주. 종합건축사사무소 창건축)는 "거주자들이 이러한 천혜의 자연환경을 누릴 수 있도록 도시와 자연을 향한 조망과 방향을 고려한 배치에 신경 썼다"고 밝혔다. 해당 작품을 설계한 이승복 건축사와의 인터뷰 내용을 정리했다.

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The Analysis of Vegetation Characteristics According to Revetment Structure at Rural Small Streams (농촌지역 소하천의 제방형태에 따른 식생특성 분석연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Heui;Kang, Banghun;Kong, Min-Jae;Jeong, Myeong-Cheol;Son, Jin-Kwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2015
  • Stream ecosystems are highly valued natural resources, however, stream environments are currently under threat in several respects. We evaluated vegetation and ecological characteristics according to different revetment types. The distribution of vegetation differed with revetment type, with a 42~45 taxa found in natural revetments, and 23~38 taxa in vertical revetments. Thus, natural revetments host more diverse vegetation than vertical revetments. We also found more plants belonging to the families Labiatae and Cyperaceae growing in natural revetments than in vertical revetments. We proposed that habitat space be apportioned to introduce annual plants as part of stream restoration projects. And, we identified 7 families and 18 taxa of naturalized plants, majority taxa were either biennial or perennial. Moreover, naturalized ratio was higher in vertical(14.3%) than natural(12.1%), we proposed a plan to promote and improve natural streams and revetments. Furthermore, we applied a waterfront evaluation method developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the USDA-NRCS, which confirmed that stream health can be improved in most regions by controlling naturalized plants and ensuring shrub and tree growth. We adopted a new method to remove naturalized plants and establish natural revetments to ensure shrub and tree growth to aid in small-stream restoration and improvement. In future studies, we hope to develop methods for small-stream restoration projects in rural areas.

The Ecological Values of the Korean Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) and International Natural Protected Areas (비무장지대(DMZ)의 생태적 가치와 국제자연보호지역)

  • Cho, Do-soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.272-287
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    • 2019
  • The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established in 1953 by the Korean War Armistice Agreement. It extends from the estuary of the Imjin River, in the west, to the coast of the East Sea. It is 4 km in width and 148 km in length. However, the ecosystems of the civilian control zone (CCZ) located between the southern border of the DMZ and the civilian control line (CCL) and the CCZ in the estuary of the Han River and the Yellow Sea are similar to those in the DMZ, and, therefore, the ecosystems of the DMZ and the CCZ are collectively known as the "ecosystems of the DMZ and its vicinities." The flora in the DMZ and its vicinities is composed of 1,864 species, which accounts for about 42% of all the vascular plant species on the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands. Conducting a detailed survey on the vegetation, flora, and fauna in the DMZ is almost impossible due to the presence of landmines and limitations on the time allowed to be spent in the DMZ. However, to assess the environmental impact of the Munsan-Gaesong railroad reconstruction project, it was possible to undertake a limited vegetation survey within the DMZ in 2001. The vegetation in Jangdan-myeon, in Paju City within the DMZ, was very simple. It was mostly secondary forests dominated by oaks such as Quercus mongolica, Q. acutissima, and Q. variabilis. The other half of the DMZ in Jangdan-myeon was occupied by grassland composed of tall grasses such as Miscanthus sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, and Phragmites japonica. Contrary to the expectation that the DMZ may be covered with pristine mature forests due to more than 60 years of no human interference, the vegetation in the DMZ was composed of simple secondary forests and grasslands formed on former rice paddies and agricultural fields. At present, the only legal protection system planned for the DMZ is the Natural Environment Conservation Act, which ensures that the DMZ would be managed as a nature reserve for only two years following Korean reunification. Therefore, firstly, the DMZ should be designated as a site of domestic legally protected areas such as nature reserve (natural monument), scenic site, national park, etc. In addition, we need to try to designate the DMZ as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve or as a World Heritage site, or as a Ramsar international wetland for international cooperation. For nomination as a world heritage site, we can emphasize the ecological and landscape value of the wetlands converted from the former rice paddies and the secondary forests maintained by frequent fires initiated by military activities. If the two Koreas unexpectedly reunite without any measures in place for the protection of nature in the DMZ, the conditions prior to the Korean War, such as rice paddies and villages, will return. In order to maintain the current condition of the ecosystems in the DMZ, we have to discuss and prepare for measures including the retention of mines and barbed-wire fences, the construction of roads and railroads in the form of tunnels or bridges, and the maintenance of the current fire regime in the DMZ.