• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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A Characteristics of the Existing Legal System for Landscape Management of National Park Failities in Japan (일본의 국립공원 경관관리를 위한 시설물정비에 관한 법제도적 특성)

  • 신익순;배중남
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.183-198
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 일본 국립공원의 경관관리를 위한 법제적 내용특성 중 공원시설물을 위주로 정리한 것이다. 이를 위해서 전국적 기준인 일본의 자연공원법규의 내용을 경관관리 측면에서 정리한 후. 아소. 쿠쥬 국립공원을 대상으로 공원계획서의 내용을 정리하여 전국적 기준과 지역적 관리기준의 차이를 파악하면서 국내범규와 차이점을 검토하였다. 그 결과 일본의 자연공원법규 중 우리 나라와 차이가 있는 공용제한의 내용과 공원계획의 내용 및 공원시설물의 차이를 파악하였고, 공원 내 각종행위에 관한 심사기준이 법제화되어 있음이 조사되었다. 한편, 일본의 경우에 있어서 법적인 근거는 없으나 집단시설지구에서의 이용허가 및 규제내용을 제시하기 위해 국립공원관리소장이 작성하는 관리계획은 보호, 유지할 지역의 경관자원을 명확히 하면서 각종 시설물의 건설행위에 대해 그 규모, 위치, 색채, 디자인 관련 사항 등에 관하여 관리지침을 작성하여 운영하고 있는 실체를 파악할 수 있었다.

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Ecotourism as Community Development Tool in Rural villages of Indonesia and Cambodia (동남아 농촌마을의 생태관광을 통한 지역사회 발전: 인도네시아와 캄보디아의 지역사회기반생태관광(CBET))

  • Eom, Eunhui
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.242-264
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    • 2016
  • Tourism is a major sector of the national and regional economy in Southeast Asia endowed with rich natural environment and a variety of cultural and historical heritages. Tourism has been recognized as the industry without chimneys. However, as tourism sector is getting larger and being globally standardized, various problems such as environmental degradation as well as profits leakage from locals have been gradually aggravated. Against negative impacts from massive tourism various efforts have been tried and community-based ecotourism(CBET), seeking environmental conservation and community development at the same time, has emerged as a noteworthy alternative. By comparing the two cases of CBET in Indonesia and Cambodia, this paper aims to review the current status and future challenges of community development through ecotourism in Southeast Asia's rural villages. In the concrete, this paper analyses in-depth on case of JED(the village ecotourism network) in Bali, Indonesia and CBET project in Ramsar wetland reserves of Steung Treng province, Cambodia and founds out the possibility and main obstacles of community developmental strategy through CBET. Both cases have proven the positive outcomes in terms of environmental protection, local people's awareness improvement, and direct/indirect economic gain from CBET project. However, there are significant, but differentiated limitations in management capacities and stabilities of internal governance of two villages. Both villages are still in need of brisk networks with and assistance from the outside. In the conclusion part, this paper suggests CBET development program in Southeast Asia through Korea's social enterprises as one of the possible ODA programs(in tourism sector).

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Significance of "Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram"("新增東國輿地勝覽") and "Taekliji"("擇里志") as Climate and Vegetational Research Materials ("신증동국여지승람"과 "택리지"가 갖는 기후 및 식생 연구 자료적 의의)

  • Beom, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.16-33
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    • 2010
  • This study carefully selected weather and plantation-related records from Sinjeung "Donggukyeojiseungram"("新增東國輿地勝覽") and "Taekliji"("擇里志") and examined their climate and vegetational significance as research ancient Korean documents. Both documents include several counts of detailed descriptions of and the interest in the natural environment and ecology shown by the residents of the region in the 14th and 15th centuries and the 18th century. Utilizing these records is believe to understand and restore the meteorological environment, regional climate characteristics, climate in mountainous regions, temperature and precipitative distribution, and vegetation of the south coastal region and the southern, central and northern regions of those times. Such prospect, this author hopes, will spark specific discussion of research methodology of ecological landscape and physical geography based on ancient Korean documents.

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Ecological Studies on the Vegetation of Chamaecyparis obtusa Community at Mt. Gyeryoung in Geoje­city (거제시 계룡산의 편백군락에 관한 생태학적 연구)

  • Huh Man Kyu;Choi Joo-Soo;Moon Sung Gi
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.3 s.70
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2005
  • The characters of Chamaecyparis obtusa community extended around the Mt. Gyeryoung in Geoje-cik were investigated for several ecological parameters and the results can be summarized as fellows. Chamaecyparis obtusa is prevailing in the plantation area, whereas Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica are prevailing in its outskirts. Plant biomass and net production which estimated from degree of green naturality and Miami's model were much higher in the plantation than those of the natural forest. However, the mean species diversity of plantation was lower than that of natural populations. In stratification of investigated areas, overstory tree layer was dominant in the zone of plantation and dominant layers in the natural forest were understory tree layer, shrub, and herb.

Ecological Sustainable Society and Constitution: A Manifesto for Environmental State Principle (생태적으로 지속가능한 사회와 헌법: 환경국가 원리 선언)

  • Park Tae-hyun
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.7-45
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    • 2018
  • Modern environmental problem that caused by the structure and system of human civil society threaten the ecological sustainability of the entire earth. Therefore it is an ecological crisis as a structural crisis. This ecological crisis is also a social crisis because it makes the survival of society difficult. Our society should aim and pursue an ecologically sustainable society because our response to this structural ecological-social crisis must be social-structured. Efforts to achieve an ecologically sustainable society call for fundamental and far-reaching changes in lifestyle, production and consumption patterns, and changes in the already established power structure that govern society today. It is necessary to pay attention to the new formulation of the constitutional law which is the legal basic order of the national community in the point that this fundamental and broad change must start from establishing the right relationship with nature. In this article, we present the principle of environmental state as a framework of constitutional norms for an ecologically sustainable society. According to M. Kloepfer, who in the late 1980s used the concept of an environmental state in Germany for the first time, the "state of the environment" refers to a "state (institution)" in which the inviolability of the environment is a measure and process goal of the state tasks and decisions. I would like to establish the environmental state as "a state that guarantees a balance between the social demands for nature and the maintenance of the natural living foundations and forms it together. In this context, I intend to establish the components of environmental state principles as follows. First, the ideological foundation of the environmental state is to respect the life community on earth, which consists of human beings and non-human beings, and to intrinsic value of nature, and to harmony with nature. In addition, the key tasks of environmental states are to secure environmental rights, responsibility for the global ecosystem and future generations, and recognition of the interests of animals. As a core social system for realizing this environmental state principle I would like to present (i) the economic order, (ii) the sustainable maintenance and management of the land and natural resources, and (iii) the agricultural and fishery industries and local communities.

Evaluation of the Spatial Distribution of Water Yield Service based on Precipitation and Population (강수량 및 인구인자를 반영한 수원함양서비스의 공간분포 평가)

  • CHO, Heun-Woo;SONG, Chol-Ho;JEON, Seong-Woo;KIM, Joon-Soon;LEE, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • The study of ecosystem service assessment has been actively researched and developed from Millennium Ecosystem Assessment(MA) and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity(TEEB). However, current assessments are limited to monetary assessments of ecosystem function and do not account for the effects of environmental factors and socioeconomic status. This study proposes methods to evaluate ecosystem service based on environmental and socioeconomic factors. The study assesses water yield function through the water yield model in InVEST Tool, and evaluates the overall ecosystem service of water yield as reflected by the amount of precipitation and population of the area. Results show that a difference exists between spatial distributions of the ecosystem function of water yield derived from natural conditions such as land cover and soil, and the spatial distribution of the ecosystem service that accounts for climate and socioeconomic factors. The value of ecosystem service increases for an area of higher population and lower precipitation with similar water yield. Thus, the ecosystem service of water yield should be evaluated not only by the water yield function, but also by climate and socioeconomic factors. The evaluation process described for this study should also be applicable to the evaluation of ecological services in other sectors.

제3차 세계국립공원대회 일정

  • the National parks of Association of Korea
    • 공원문화
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    • s.20
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 1982
  • 오는 10월 11일부터 22일까지 인도네시아 발리 섬에서 열리는 제3차 세계국립공원대회의 일정계획이 확정되었다. IUCN에서 10년마다 주관하여 열리는 이번 대회에서는 특별기획으로 국립공원과 보호지역에 관한 국제 세미나와 각 생태학적 미래의 방향에 관한 주제발표와 사례발표와 사례연구 등을 발표하게 된다. 특히 이 제3차 대회는 학술세미나 이외에 다채로운 야외 관찰여행일정이 마련되어 있는데 그 일정은 다음과 같다.

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건강과 자연농업-제209호

  • Korea Organic Farming Association
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    • no.209
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • 제26회 한국유기농업대회 성황리 개최/우리모두 유기농업으로 무장한 한마리의 송사리가 되자!/국제 CODEX에 준한 한국 유기농업의 실천사례/제초제가 필요없는 쌀겨농법/유기농업의 기초/무 엇을 먹을까? 어떻게 먹 을까?/유기농업대회 화보/제6회 친환경농산물 품평회/친환경유기농산물 소비·유통의 활성화 방안/21C 지속가능한 사회를 향한 국가와 기업의 새 경영 패러다임/순환농업의 지역별 유형/국제 기준에 의한 유기농산물 생산기술/오이 검은별 무늬병 방제/딸기 흰가루병의 발생생태/가축분뇨 퇴비 품질기준 및 퇴비화 악취 저감기법/친환경농업에서의 규소의 적용성

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세계의 식생에서 본 일본

  • the National parks of Association of Korea
    • 공원문화
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    • s.51
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 1991
  • 이글은 최근 일본조일신문의 조일상을 받은 "세계의 식생으로부터 본 일본.녹(푸른숲) 회복의 처방안"의 필자 궁협 소씨의 글인데 일본인들은 마음속 깊은곳에 조엽수림문화의 모태인 숲이 있다는 것을 강조하고 있는 점은 우리와 비슷하다 할수 있다. 앞으로의 사회는 이공학자보다 생태학자를 우대하고 그들이 새시대에 대처하는 구도아래 도시계획.지역계획이 세워져야 한다고 역설하고 있어 작년 우리나라의 무분별한 녹지파괴의 현실을 개탄하는 우리들에겐 심금을 울리는 글이라 하겠다.

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참게, Eriocheir sinensis 유생의 중금속과 살충제의 잔유량과 급성독성

  • 이복규;김홍권
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.463-464
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    • 2001
  • 산업사회의 발달에 따른 중금속 오염은 지역적으로 자연환경 중의 그 농도가 날로 증가되고 있어서 생태적으로 중요한 공해문제로 대두되고 있다. 자연환경에 방출되는 여러 가지 중금속은 직접적으로 또는 여러 가지 경로를 거치면서 생물체 내에 흡수된다. 따라서 유해 중금속들이 연안해역에 유입되면, 그 양이 미량일지라도 수서 생물에 축적되어 결국은 먹이연쇄로 이어져 다른 생물들에게 피해를 줄 수 있을 것이다. (중략)

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