• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연경과

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Adaptation of Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to an alternative host, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)의 대체기주 팥구미(Callosobruchus chinensis (L.))에 대한 적응)

  • Kim, Jung;Chun, Yong-Shik;Ryoo, Mun-Il
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 1995
  • Adaptation of Anisopteromalus calandrae maintained on rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) to an alternative host, adzuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis) was studied. A. calandrae required two generations to adapt to the adzuki been weevil. Through the adaptation, the mean($\pm$SEM) life span of th females became shorter $8.7\pm$1.3 days at the first generation to $6.9\pm$0.6 days at the second generation. Number of eggs laid per female increased from 29.3$\pm$7.7 to $68.2\pm$6.5. Consequently intrinsic rate of natural increase and net reproductive rate were increased. The generation time and population doubling time were decreased. The searching efficiency based on functional and numerical response of A. calandrae to the adzuki bean weevil were similar to each other, but the coefficient of variation decreased with the generation, suggesting that searching efficiency became stable when the parasitoid adapted to adzuki bean weevil. No time lag was required for A. calandrae adapted to the adzuki bean weevil to adapt again to th rice weevil and the searching efficiency of the parasitoid remained on a similar level for the first generation on.

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Surgical Treatment of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in the Rib - Two cases report - (늑골에 생긴 랑거한스세포 조직구증식증의 외과적 치료-치험 2예-)

  • Kang Do-kyun;Park Jae-min;Han Il-Yong;Jun Hee-jae;Yoon Young-chul;Hwang Yun-ho;Cho Kwang-hyun;Lee Yang-haeng
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.11 s.256
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    • pp.799-802
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    • 2005
  • Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) involves disorders previously referred as 'histiocytosis X' (including eosinophilic granuloma, Letterer-Siwe, and Hand-Schuller syndrome). Its clinical patterns are various and it is a basically benign tumoral condition but with a strong tendency toward dissemination and destruction. Its natural history is unpredictable. But, in solitary bone lesion, wide resection with tumor-free margin is required in order to provide the best chance for a cure. In the majority of patients LCH is a osteolytic lesion with a predilection for calvarium and is rarely seen in the skull base and the femur. LCM of rib, especially if solitary, is relatively rare. We report two rare cases of solitary LCH developed in the rib, which were successfully treated by surgical resection.

Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) -free seed production of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (바이러스성 신경괴사증 미감염 홍민어, Sciaenops ocellatus 의 종묘생산)

  • Kim, Jin-Do;Jung, Sung-Ju;Oh, Bong-Se;Park, Sung-Woo;Oh, Myung-Joo;Kim, Young-Jin;Kitamura, Shin-Ichi;Byun, Soon-Gyu
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2006
  • Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) that causes severe mortality during seed production of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is known to be vertically transmitted from infected spawners. This study was conducted to produce NNV free seeds by testing spawners for NNV infection and using virus free eggs for seed production. RT-PCR analysis of 40 spawners showed 18 positives and 22 negatives. NNV was not detected from eggs obtained from the negative spawners but was detected from those obtained from the positives. NNV was not detected from culturing seawater in tanks and Chlorella spp., Brachionus plicatilis., and Brine shrimp those were provided as live feed. The survival rates of fry from NNV positive and negative spawners were 80% and 85%, respectively by two weeks after hatching. The mortality increased from 25days after hatching and the final survival rate of seeds from NNV positive and negative spawners were 0% and 18.3%, respectively on 41 days after hatching. These results suggested that virus free red drum seeds can be obtained by using virus-free spawners.

A Study on Business Value for the Creation of a Private Park regarding Long-term Non-executed Urban Parks - Focused on Long-term Non-executed Neighborhood Park in Gwangju Metropolitan City - (장기미집행 도시공원의 민간공원 조성을 위한 사업성 연구 - 광주광역시 장기미집행 근린공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ho-Gyeom;Kim, Dong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2016
  • The study shows solutions of long-term unexecuted urban park and activation plans to facilitate the business promotion of Private Park Developers. This study conducted a feasibility analysis to determine if the business of a special case is applicable. The result of this study is as follows about three long-term unexecuted urban parks in Gwangju Metropolitan City's City Park. First, the three long-term unexecuted urban parks in Gwangju Metropolitan City's City Park are the forest type Neighborhood Parks. Businesses of a special case's park developing cost(average 0.4%) have a relatively low percentage. It is most affected by Land Compensation(average 33.8%) and building construction expenses(average 59.1%). Second, long-term unexecuted urban parks' Land Compensation and building construction expenses seed capital are excessive. The Bongsan Park balance floor space index is 179 percent; a reasonable profit floor space index is 220 percent. The Mareuk Park balance floor space index is 351 percent; a reasonable profit floor space index is 420 percent. The Jungoe Park balance floor space index is 327 percent; a reasonable profit floor space index is 400 percent. Third, to facilitate the business of special cases in deliberating, Bongsan Park should change its second class general residential area. Jungoe Park must change the quasi-residential area and semi-residential area. Mareuk Park must change the general commercial area. In this way, the feasibility of promoting private park projects will be improved.

Estimation of Optimal Empirical Equations based on Sediments of Ageing Reservoir Estimated Using Autonomous Navigation USV (자율항법 무인측량선을 이용하여 산정된 노후저수지의 퇴사량 기준 최적경험식 산정)

  • Won, Chang-Hee;Yoon, HyeonCheol;kim, Won-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • Acritical function of a nation is to protect its people's lives and properties from natural disasters such as a drought. A drought affects many aspects of human life, including social, economic, and industrial activities. Approximately 75.7% of reservoirs in Korea are over 50 years old.Sedimentation over the years may have caused a situation where storage capacity of the reservoirs is no longer sufficient and compliant with the original reservoir specifications. This study analyzes storage capacities for ten aged reservoirs using the autonomous navigation USV. It compares these capacities with sediment estimated by conventional empirical equations. Comparisons were made to the original specifications for the reservoirs.Storage capacity of six reservoirs decreased in a range between 16.2%-55.3% and storage capacity of 4 reservoirs increased in a range between 1.5%-380.2%. This data was compared to data derived from estimating sediment by empirical equations. Yoon's equation(1982) appeared more accurate than Sur's equation(1988) in Uhlinzi and Yongpo reservoirs, and Sur's equation(1988), however, appeared more accurate than Yoon's equation in Daegok, Ugok2 and Ochi reservoirs. The significant ranges of sedimentation shown in this study suggest that it is worth continuously surveying reservoirs to ensure their efficient management and operation.

Modelling Algae Transport in Coastal Areas with Marine Afforestation (바다숲 조성해역의 해조류 포자 확산모델링)

  • Cho, Jae-Kweon;Lim, Young-Soo;Hong, Do-Ung;Kim, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • To arrange effectively artificial reefs for marine afforestation, tidal currents were analyzed by numerical experiments, and particle tracking based upon tidal currents were carried out to clarify the path of algae spore. The experiments were carried out by EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code), and water column was vertically divided 10 layers. Tidal current patterns showed to be affected by main current at outside of study area, and circle currents of two were observed from analysis of residual currents. Particle tracking were experimented for 15 days at 2 installation places in which artificial reefs for marine afforestation would be deployed. According to the results of particle tracking experiment, particle movement at St.1 showed belt type along coastal line, and St.2 showed ellipse type at 300~500 m distant from coastal line. It suggest that artificial reefs for marine afforestation should be installed belt zone at station of St.1 and ellipse zone at St.2. Modelling algae transport was also tested to account for local dispersion of algae spore due to the suspended materials.

Occurrence of Target Spot on Rosemary Caused by Corynespora cassiicola in Korea (Corynespora cassiicola에 의한 로즈마리 점무늬병)

  • Lee, Wang-Hyu;Han, Sang-Jun;Choi, In-Young
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.55-59
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the development of new spot disease on the leaf and stem of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) in commercial greenhouses at Jeonju and Namwon in Korea. Incidence of target spot on rosemary was higher at the end of the rainy season with high humidity. Those symptoms were black ring spots (3-5 mm in diameter) and withering on green leaves and stems. Conidiophores and conidia were formed on the infected tissue in moist chamber and conidia were shown as the cylindrical and oval types in chain, ranged from 55 to $275{\mu}m$ in length, and 7 to $14{\mu}m$ in width. Conidia with eight to ten pseudosepta were formed on the conidiapore. The optimum growth temperature of isolates was $30^{\circ}C$ on the PDA medium under the dark condition. In the pathogenesis test, the target spot and withering symptoms were appeared on the leaves and stems 3 days after inoculation showing similar symptoms compared to those of in nature. The same fungus was re-isolated from infected lesion, indicating that Corynespora cassiicola caused leaf target spot and twig blight on rosemary. The rDNA ITS nucleotide sequences of the pure cultured isolate from the diseased area on rosemary showed 100% similarity to the sequences of C. cassiicola available in the GenBank database (JQ595296, JQ595297, FJ852715 and AY238606). Therefore, we report that the target spot of leaves and stems in rosemary was caused by C. cassiicola.

Effect of Mixed Cultivation of Green Manure Crops on Mineral Nutrients, Microbial Activities, Weed Occurrences and Yields of Red-pepper (토양 무기양분, 미생물활성, 잡초발생 및 고추수량에 대한 녹비작물 혼파효과)

  • Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Min;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Lee, Youn;Lee, Ju-Young;Jang, Byong-Choon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.301-301
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    • 2009
  • 겨울철 농경지 이용율 제고 및 자연경관 조성을 위하여 녹비작물을 재배하는 면적이 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 그 동안 녹비작물에 대한 연구는 주로 파종적기, 작물에 대한 양분공급효과 및 타감 효과 등에 집중되어왔다. 본 연구에서는 토양 중 양분공급 및 미생물활성의 경시적 변화, 잡초억제 및 작물생육에 대한 녹비작물의 투입효과를 알아보기 위하여 수행하였다. 국립농업과학원 구내포장에서 2007년 9월 하순에 헤어리베치(8kg/10a)와 호밀(10kg/10a) 종자를 파종한 후, 이듬해 4월 하순에 수확하여 토양에 환원하였다. 질소공급량은 화학비료(15.2kgN/10a) 대비 헤어리베치(32.2kg/10a, 212%), 호밀(9.2kg/10a, 60%) 및 헤어리베치+호밀(15.5kg/10a, 102%)로 헤어리베치의 질소공급효과가 매우 높았다. 토양 무기태질소 함량은 녹비 처리 후 30일경에 최대에 도달하였으나, 호밀 처리구는 조사기간 동안 큰 변화가 없었다. 토양 유기물 함량의 변화는 시험 전(10DBI)과 비교하여 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 녹비환원 후 10일경에 일시적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였는데 이는 녹비환원 후 토양경운에 의한 영향으로 판단되며, 무기태질소와는 달리 호밀처리구의 유기물함량이 지속적으로 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 토양 탄수화물(수용성 당)은 시험 전에 가장 높았으며, 시간의 경과와 함께 서서히 감소되는 양상을 보였으며 토양 미생물탄소 및 미생물질소의 양은 녹비처리구가 화학비료 처리구에 비해 높았으며 녹비환원 후 50일 까지는 증가하다가 그 이후에 감소하는 경향을 보였는데 이는 토양의 무기태질소 및 탄수화물과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 녹비처리 후 85일경에 잡초발생량을 조사한 결과, 화학비료 처리구에 비하여 헤어리베치 처리구는 40%, 호밀 처리구는 68%, 헤어리베치+호밀 처리구는 40%의 잡초억제효과가 있었다. 고추과의 수량은 화학비료 처리구(702kg/10a)>헤어리베치(694kg>10a)>헤어리베치+호밀(361kg/10a)>호밀(179kg/10a)의 순으로 나타났다.

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Improving of the Fishing Gear and Development of the Automatic Operation System in the Anchovy Boat Seine- II Analysis of escaping behaviour of anchovy in relation to underwater light and towing flow velocity (기선권현망어업의 어구개량과 자동화조업시스템 개발- II 수중광 및 예망유속과 멸치의 도피반응 행동 분석)

  • 김용해;장충식;안영수;김형석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2001
  • Escape behaviour of the anchovy (Engralius japonica, total length 4-7cm) at the inside wing net and bag net in the anchovy boat seine was observed by underwater video camera in order to clarify the relationship between visual stimulus of the gear or relative water flow inside gear and reacting behaviour. The vertical attenuation coefficient of underwater illuminance in the offshore of Keoje island and Tongyoung was ranged from 0.24 to 1.03 and it could be affect visual range and visual contrast of the fishing gear. The relative water flow at the joint part between inside wing and bagnet while towing was 1.5 times higher than at the middle part of inside wing or fore part of bag net, but it was estimated under than maximum swimming speed of 4-7 cm anchovy. The mean escaping number of anchovy from end part of inside wing of 30 cm mesh to out side for a minute within visual range of video camera was 455 and anchovy swimming forward from bag net through flapper was 308. These results revealed anchovy could escape as voluntary response in spite of higher visual stimulus or higher water flow.

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The hydrodynamic dispersion characteristics of chloride in high permeable alluvial deposit at the Ttaan island, Kimhae city (김해시 딴섬의 고투수성 충적층에서 염소이온의 수리분산특성)

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Yeong;Yang, Sung-Il;Chung, Sang-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.707-711
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    • 2007
  • 낙동강과 밀양강의 합류지점에 위치한 김해시 딴섬 지역의 지표면하 $25{\sim}35\;m$ 구간에 형성되어 있는 고투수성 충적층 내 염소이온의 수리분산특성을 연구하기 위한 수렴흐름 추적자시험(convergent flow tracer test)이 수행되었다. 추적자로는 IW-1공과 IW-2공에서 각각 염소이온 5kg이 순간주입(instantaneous injection) 되었으며, PW공에서 일정한 양수율(2,500 m3 /day)로 채수하면서 염소이온농도를 관측하였다. 염소이온 주입 후 경과시간에 따른 염소이온농도 자료를 이용하여 농도이력곡선과 누적질량회수곡선이 산출되었으며, 관측된 염소이온농도의 정규분포를 검증하기 위한 일반통계분석이 수행되었다. 그리고, 농도이력의 증가/감소 구간에서의 함수를 추정하였으며, 두 시험에서 동일한 시간에 관측된 염소이온농도의 상관성이 분석되었다. 본 현장에서 수행된 추적자시험에 의한 종분산지수의 추정은 CATTI 코드(Sauty and Kinzelbach, 1992)에 의해 해석되었다. 추정된 종분산지수는 IW-1공과 PW공 구간에서는 0.4152 m, IW-2공과 PW공 구간에서는 0.4158 m 로서 매우 유사한 값으로 나타났다. 이는 추적자시험이 수행된 충적층에서의 용질이송이 방사상으로 비교적 균일함을 의미하는 것이다. 본 연구에서 수행된 추적자시험의 규모(2 m)를 Xu and Eckstein(1995)이 제시한 방정식에 대입하여 산정된 종분산지수는 0.0458 m 이었다. 이러한 결과는, 본 연구지역에서 수렴흐름 추적자시험에 의해 추정된 고투수성 충적층의 종분산지수가 일반적인 자연대수층에 비해 9.1배 정도 높다는 것을 의미한다. 이는 시험대수층의 투수성이 매우 높아 염소이온의 용질이송이 매우 빠르게 발생되었기 때문이다. 본 연구에서 추정된 종분산지수를 Gelhar et al.(1992)의 연구 결과와 비교 분석한 결과에서도 시험규모에 비해 매우 높은 수리분산이 발생된 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 염소이온의 확산면적을 추정하기 위해, 수렴흐름 추적자시험에 의한 종분산지수와 시험대수층의 평균선형유속을 이용하여 종분산계수를 구하였다. 현장에서 수행된 양수시험에 의한 평균선형유속 22.44 m/day와 평균 종분산지수 0.4155 m를 적용하여 산정된 종분산계수는 $9.32\;m^2/day$이었다. 따라서, 시험부지 내 충적층에서 일정한 양수율$(2,500\;m^3/day)$로 지하수를 개발할 시에 양수정 주변지역으로 유입되는 염소이온의 확산면적은 1일 $9.32\;m^2$ 정도일 것으로 나타났다.

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