• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연경과

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Spawning Behavior of the Silurid Catfish, Silurus asotus, Treated with Hormone in Laboratory Aquaria (호르몬 처리에 의한 수조내 메기 Silurus asotus 산란행동)

  • 최낙중;이완옥
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1997
  • The spawning behavior of the silurid catfish, Silurus asotus, was observed from laboratory aquaria after treating with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and injection with pituitary extract of grass carp. The details of the spawning behavior presented here are based upon the observations made from 10 trials with 40 male and 20 female catfishes artificially bred between May and July, 1995. Initial spawning activity started 15 to 16 hours after injection with pituitary extract of grass carp and HCG. The activity was continued with for 2 to 3 hours and repeated mating behavior of the catfish were observed during this period. Compared to the spawning activity of the Japanese catifish, S. biwaensis, S. asotus took a different male position during the period o fsearching its partner. This study also reports some other differences in mating behavior between S. asotus and S. biwaensis.

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A Clinical Study on Necrotizing Lymphadenitis (Kikuchi's disease) (괴사성 임프절염(기구찌 병)의 임상적 고찰)

  • 김영민;김태철;김익태;박영민
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.110-110
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    • 1993
  • Necrotizing lymphadenitis, or Kikuchi's disease, a newly recognized disease of unknown origin, occurred usually in young woman and mostly resolved spontaneously without treatment within a few months. Clinically, characteristic symptoms and sings were local lymph node enlargement, sometimes accompanied by tenderness, fever, weightless, leukopenia, and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and so necrotizing lymphadenitis can be confused with malignant lymphoma and tuberculosis. The histologic features of necrotizing lymphadenitis are distinctive. : lymph node biopsy reveals areas with frank cellular necrosis, karyorrhexis, and absence of plasma cell. We present nineteen cases of necrotizing lymphadenitis during from March 1990 to January 1993 and discuss their exact diagnosis and proper treatment.

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A Study on the Soundscape Design for the Creation of Sound Amenity in Urban Space -The role and the meaning of sound related sound environment in residential area- (도시공간의 쾌적 음환경 창조를 위한 사운드스케이프 디자인 연구 - 지역의 음환경과의 관계에서 본 음의 의미와 역할 -)

  • Han Myung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • spring
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    • pp.509-514
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    • 2002
  • 이 연구는 도시공간의 어메니티를 실현하기 위한 수단으로서 사운드스케이프(soundscape)에 관한 연구조사의 결과를 소개한다. 사운드스케이프 및 사운드스케이프 디자인에 관한 개념과 사상을 고찰하고, 남원시의 사운드스케이프 조사를 예로 하여 지역에 있어서 음, 인간 및 환경과의 관계로부터 사운드 어메니티(sound amenity)를 실현하는데 있어서 음이 갖는 의미와 역할을 모색한다. 사운드스케이프 조사방법으로써 문헌조사, 필드조사 및 설문조사를 이용하여 남원지역의 음풍경을 조사${\cdot}$분석하고, 그 시대적, 계절적, 시간적인 음풍경의 변화와 현상, 그리고 지역주민의 음에 관한 인식특성을 파악한다. 조사결과, 지역에 있어서 자연환경을 보존하고 축제등의 전통적인 생활문화를 계승하는 것은 지역의 사운드스케이프와 어메니티 형성에 중요한 역할을 한다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 또한 도시공간의 사운드스케이프 연구는 이러한 일련의 조사연구활동 및 교육활동 등을 포함한 다양한 활동과 여러 영역에서의 유기적인 교류활동이 이루어져야 쾌적한 음환경 창조가 가능하다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Remnant Bundle Preservation (남아있는 다발을 보존한 전방십자인대 재건술)

  • Ahn, Jin-Hwan;Lee, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2009
  • 최근 전방십자인대 손상의 치료에 남아있는 인대 다발이 이식건의 생물학적 치유를 도우며 고유 수용감각(proprioception) 기능을 유지할 뿐만 아니라 슬관절의 전방 전위 억제의 생역학적 기능을 가지는 것으로 연구되고 있다. 이러한 이론을 바탕으로 남아있는 전방십자인대를 보존하는 노력들은 다양하게 시도되고 있다. 전방십자인대 손상의 자연 경과는 아직도 논란이 되고 있으나 선택적인 환자에 있어서 보존적 치료는 비교적 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있으므로 불필요한 재건술을 줄일 수 있다. 최근 시도되고 있는 선택적 다발 재건술 및 남아있는 다발을 보존하는 전방십자인대 재건 수술 수기들은 다양한 방법으로 시도되고 있으며 남아있는 다발을 보존하는 장점이 있으나 협소한 적응증을 가진다. 저자들의 남아있는 다발을 보존하는 전방십자인대 재건술은 자가 슬괵건을 이용한 단일다발 재건술을 시행하면서 잔존하는 이완된 다발에 봉합사를 통과시킨 후 봉합사를 추가적인 터널 없이 bioabsorbable cross pin (RIGIDfix system, Mitek, Johnson & Johnson, USA) 구멍을 통하여 당기고 고정하는 방법이다. 전방십자인대 재건술시 남아있는 다발을 보존하는 방법은 이식건의 생물학적 치유을 촉진하고 또한 경골 부착부에 남아있는 기계수용체를 보존하므로 기능적 회복에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. 저자들의 방법은 비교적 광범위한 적응증을 가지며 적은 합병증으로 남아있는 다발을 효과적으로 보존할 수 있는 술식으로 전방십자인대 수술시 좋은 치료 선택의 하나로 사료된다.

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Case of a 19-Year-Old Male with Nocturnal Groaning (Catathrenia) (야간 신음소리를 주소로 내원한 19세 남자 환자 1례)

  • Kang, Hyun Tag;Lee, Yun Ji;Kim, Hyo Jun;Choi, Ji Ho
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2018
  • Catathrenia is a rare sleep disease characterized by monotonous groaning sounds that appear to be related with prolonged expiration, commonly experienced during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Catathrenia is also known as nocturnal groaning or sleep-related groaning and is currently categorized as a sleep-related breathing disorder. We present a rare case of a 19-year-old male with nocturnal groaning during non-REM sleep. We suggest that if catathrenia is suspected, polysomnography should be utilized to differentiate it from various sleep disorders such as snoring, central sleep apnea, sleep talking, parasomnia, and sleep-related movement disorders.

Clinical Analysis of Contralateral Bulla of Lung on HRCT in the Patients Having Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Unilateral Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (자연 기흉 수술 환자에서 반대편 폐기포에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Shin, Dong-Il;Oh, Tae-Yoon;Chang, Woon-Ha;Kim, Jung-Tae;Jeong, Young-Kyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.687-693
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    • 2010
  • Background: It is controversial whether the presence of bullae on the contralateral lung on HRCT plays a role in occurrence of contralateral primary spontaneous pneumothorax. We analyzed the significance of bullae on the contralateral lung and the risk factors associated with contralateral occurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Material and Method: Three hundred ninety four patients who were undergone Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax between January 2004 and December 2009 were reviewed. The clinical features, HRCT and treatment of these patients were analyzed retrospectively. Result: Twenty eight of 394 patients had contralateral occurrence (7.10%). The average time was $13.06{\pm}9.79$ months. A presence of contralateral bullae of lung on HRCT may not seem to be significant for occurrence of contralateral primary spontaneous pneumothorax (p=0.059). But bullae numbers were much more in contralateral pneumothorax patients (p=0.011). Younger than 20, being underweight (Body Mass Index < $18.5 kg/m^2$) are independent risk factors for contralateral occurrence (odds ratio, 5.075 (1.679~5.339), 2.366 (1.048~5.339) respectively). Conclusion: The presence of bullae on the contralateral lung on HRCT was not significantly influenced the occurrence of contralateral primary spontaneous pneumothorax. However, age, body mass index, and the number of bullae were significant factors for the contralateral pneumothorax. We suggest that those high risk patients may require special attentions and general supportive care to prevent occurrence of contralateral primary spontaneous pneumothorax during the follow-up.

Comparison of Germination Characteristics and Daily Seed Germinating Pattern in 8 New Cultivars of Perennial Ryegrass Grown under Alternative and Natural Room Temperature Conditions (자연실온 및 변온환경에서 퍼레니얼 라이그래스 신품종 8종류의 발아특성 및 일일 발아패턴 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2010
  • Research was initiated to investigate the early establishment characteristics and germination patterns of perennial ryegrass (PR, Lolium perenne L.). Eight cultivars of PR were evaluated in the study. Experiment was conducted under a room temperature condition of $6^{\circ}C$ to $23^{\circ}C$ (natural conditions). Daily and cumulative germination patterns were measured and analyzed on a daily basis. Significant differences were observed in germination pattern, days to the first germination, days to 50% germination, days to 75% germination, and germination percentage with different environments and cultivars. Germination percentage was variable with cultivars at the end of study. It was 66.25 to 93.50% under natural conditions. There were considerable variations in the early germination characteristics and germination pattern among the entries according to different conditions. The first germination was initiated between 3 and 5 DAS (days after seeding) under ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) conditions. But it started between 6 and 8 DAS under natural conditions, being 2 to 4 days later as compared with that under ISTA conditions. It was 8 to 12 DAS that reached to days to the 50% germination, which was 2 to 5 days after the first germination. Days to the 75% germination were 10.08 to 13.70 DAS under natural conditions, being 2.07 to 5.70 days slower as compared with ISTA conditions. 'Pennant II' was the fastest cultivar. But the slowest was 'Catalina II' that was 3.62 days later than 'Pennant II' under natural conditions. Considering days to the first germination, days to 75% germination, and germination pattern etc, 'Pennant II' and 'Brightstar II' were regarded as excellent cultivars under both conditions. From this study, information on differences in germination characteristics and patterns would be usefully applied for golf course design and construction, when established with PR.

Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum: Clinical Investigation (자연성 종격동 기종의 임상적 고찰)

  • Park Jae Hong;Chei Chang Seck;Hwang Sang Won;Kim Han Yong;Yoo Byung Ha;Kim Dae Hwan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.3 s.260
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 2006
  • Background: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon, benign, self-limited disorders that usually occurs in young adults without any apparent precipitating factors or disease. The purpose of this study was to review our experience in dealing with this entity and describe a reasonable course of assessment and management. Material and Method: A retrospective case series was conducted to identify adults patients with SPM who were diagnosed and treated in a single institution between 2001 and 2005. Result: Fifteen patients were identified who included 14 men and 1 women with a mean age of 26 years. Presenting symptoms were chest pain in 12 patients ($80\%$), dyspnea in 5 patients ($33\%$), and throat discomfort in 4 patients ($26\%$). Two cases were associated with use of inhalational drugs and 3 cases were associated with exercise. The predisposing factors were asthma, excessive exercise, and vomiting in spontaneous pneumomediastinum. The physical findings were subcutaneous emphysema in 10 patients ($77\%$). Chest radiography and computerized tomography were the diagnostic methods in all cases with CT scan revealing six cases with associated pulmonary abnormalities. Esophagogram and flexible bronchoscopy were selectively used. Fifteen patients ($100\%$) were admitted to the hospital. Their mean hospital stay was 3 days. All patients were conservatively treated. In a follow-up of 3 years no complications or recurrences were observed. Conclusion: Most simple spontaneous pneumomediastinum cases were benign diseases and most of them ($77\%$) had shown typical chest pain, dyspnea and subcutaneous emphysema. Inhalational drug use was not a major cause of SPM; however, increased use of bronchoinhalers was a suspicious cause of SPM.

Arthroscopic Treatment for the Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis in the Knee (슬관절에 발생한 색소 융모 결절성 활액막염의 관절경적 치료)

  • Bae, Dae-Kyung;Cho, Nam-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To confirm the efficacy of arthroscopic synovectomy fur the pigmented villonodular synovitis in the knee. Materials and Methods : Between October 1996 and February 2000, the arthroscopic synovectomy had been performed in six patients(six knee joints), whose diagnoses were confirmed by pathologist. All patients complained of painful swelling in involved knee and four of the six patients had trauma history. There were three male and three female patients. Average age was 35.8 years ranging from 16 to 67 years. Follow up period was average 22.7 months(range, $13\~53$ months). Results : According to arthroscopic findings, there were three localized forms and three diffuse forms. At their last follow-up examinations, all patients had improvement in pain, swelling and range of motion and there was no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion : Complete arthroscopic excision is the definitive treatment for localized pigmented villonodular synovitis and meticulous arthroscopic excision through all portals including posterior portal can be considered as a valid alternative to traditional open synovectomy for the patients with diffuse pigmented villonodular synovitis.

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A Semiotic Study on the Formation Process of Korean Folk-Belief (한국 속신의 형성과정에 대한 기호학적 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyung-Seop;Kim, Eun-Joo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2018
  • Man is confronted with a lot of unknowable phenomena in his life. With the passage of time, man has interpreted the world by the accumulation of experience and development of thought. In the early days of the civilization when all the phenomena was not explained in a scientific way, man was dependent of the psycho-cultural interpretation by the accumulation of experience. Folk-Belief is one of the psycho-cultural interpretation about the nature. If Folk-Belief is paraphrased in a semiotic way, it is as follows : 'the traditional expression which believes that one or several sign and condition show one or several effects.' In this respect, Folk-Belief is the interpretation about the nature, man and society, as it were, the world. Folk-Belief is folkloristic semiotics. This article intends to clarify the process of Folk-Belief formation process. To investigate the Folk-Belief formation process, this article regards Folk-Belief as an interpretant which is the term from the semiotic theory of C. S. Peirce. Peirce explains the incessant semiosis that sign brings forth sign through the trichotomy relation among sign - object - interpretant. Folk-Belief is explained by the general characteristics of interpretant of Peirce when we regard Folk-Belief as an interpretant. By Peirce, Folk-Belief is 'something which believes that human mind represents something about some phenomena' The category of 'some phenomena' is included in a range of semiotics, we can look into Folk-Belief in a semiotic way.