• 제목/요약/키워드: 자아관련성

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Path Model for Adolescents' Internet-Related Delinquencies and Related Variables (청소년의 인터넷관련비행과 관련변인간의 경로분석모델)

  • 이경님;하연미
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the direct and indirect influences of adolescents' self-esteem, impulsiveness, departments of school, perceived communications with mothers and peer support on internet-related delinquencies. The study consisted of 555 second-year students from a vocational, academic oriented girl's high schools that were located in Busan. Data analysis was made through Two-Way ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation, Multiple Regression, and Path Analysis by using SPSS WIN 10.0. The results of this study is described as follows. First, internet-related delinquencies were committed by male students more than by female students. Second, problematic communications with mothers was most directly influenced by internet-related delinquencies of high school students of both sexes and was indirectly influenced by self-esteem and impulsiveness. Third, impulsiveness was directly influenced by internet-related delinquencies in both male and female students. In male students, their school departments indirectly influenced internet-related delinquencies by way of open communication with mothers, peer support, self-esteem, and impulsiveness. In female students, school departments directly influenced on internet-related delinquencies and indirectly by way of peer support, self-esteem and impulsiveness. Internet-related delinquencies by male and female students were not directly influenced by peer support and self-esteem. But peer support did have indirect effects on internet-related delinquencies by way of self-esteem and impulsiveness, and self-esteem also had indirect effects by way of impulsiveness.

밀리터리 패션에 나타난 성적 이미지 연구 - 1990년대 여성복을 중심으로 -

  • 이화정;채금석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Costume Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.41-41
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 1990년대 밀리터리 패션에서 성적 이미 지의 표현양상을 살펴보고 각각의 미적 특성과 형성 요인을 분석하여 현대 여성의 다양한 미적 가치와 미의식을 이해하고자 한다. 1, 2차 세계대전을 계기로 자연스럽게 등장한 밀 리터리 패션은 20세기 초반에 여성의 사회참여와 지 위 향상으로 인해 실용성과 기능성을 추구하였고 중 반에 들어서면서 히피와 젊은 세대들에 의해 반전운 동의 일환으로 입혀져 안티패션의 의미를 내포하게 되었으며 후반에는 포스트모더 니즘으로 인해 다양성 을 추구하는 복고풍의 패션 트랜드로서 각종 컬혜션 에서 부각되었다. 그 결과 밀리터리 패션은 기존의 남성적 이미지뿐만 아니라 여성적 이미지도 표현하 게 되었다. 이러한 밀리터리 패션에 나타난 성적 이 미지는 권위적 이미지와 공격적 이미지의 남성적 이 미지와 보수적 이미지와 과시적 이미지, 관능적 이미 지의 여성적 이미지로 표현되어 나타났다. 남성적 이미지는 자유주의 페미니즘과 관련하여 남성 중심적 사고 방식에 도전하고자 하는 여성들의 자아의식이 한층 강하게 작용한 일종의 반 패션 현 상으로 권위적 이미지와 공격적 이미지로 특정지을 수 있다. 첫째, 권위적 이미지는 주로 고전적 군복과 제복의 이미지를 차용해 군복이 가지는 권위와 위엄을 표출 하였으며 남성 우월주의에 기초한 영웅주의를 가시 적으로 표현하였다. 이는 떳떳하게 자신의 위치를 세 우고자 하는 여성들의 욕구를 대변하였으며 영웅주 의와 가부장제도가 그 형성요인으로 작용하였다. 둘째, 공격적 이미지는 권위적 이미지에 대한 저 항과 기존의 성 정체성에 대한 저항으로써 전위적인 형태와 해체적인 표현으로 본래의 위엄있는 군복의 이미지를 무너뜨려 남성다웅의 표면적인 메시지를 약화시키고자 하였으며 반체제 정신, 성 정체성에 대 한 저항, 해체주의가 그 형성요인으로 작용하였다. 여성적 이미지는 급진주의 페미니즘과 관련하여 여성 본래의 성을 부각시키고 여성이 주체가 된 여 성중심적 사고로 여성의 감성적 심리를 패션을 통해 표현하고자 하였으며 보수적 이미지, 과시적 이미지, 관능적 이미지로 특징 지을 수 있다. 첫째, 보수적 이미지는 남성적 영역이라고 믿어왔 던 군복에 여성성을 강조하여 가늘고 유연한 실루엣 과 곡선적인 라인, 색채. 심플한 디테일만으로 밀리 터리 패션을 표현하여 남성중심의 이데올로기에서 벗어나 여성도 사회의 중심이 될 수 있음을 시사하 였으며 남성 권위의 추락이 그 형성요인으로 작용하 였다. 둘째, 과시적 이미지는 전통적 군복이 과거의 상 류층 엘리트들만의 아이템이었듯이 현대의 여성들은 신분과 매력의 과시를 표현하고자 금속 단추나 벨트 등 기타장식을 부각시킨 밀리터리 패션을 착용하였 으며 엘리트층에 대한 동경이 그 형성요인으로 작용하였다. 셋째, 관능적 이미지는 신체의 간접적인 노출과 직접적인 노출을 통해 여성의 신체에 의한 에로틱한 관능미를 부여하고자 하였으며 나르시시즘과 보이고 자 하는 욕구, 성적 유희가 그 형성요인으로 작용하였다. 그러므로 밀리터리 패션에 나타난 성적 이미지에 관한 연구는 패션을 통해 자아를 표현하고 미적으로 자기완성의 방편을 삼으려고 한 현대 여성들의 가치 관과 미의식을 이해하며 이를 충족시키고자 하는 패 션 트랜드와 디자인 개발에 도움이 될 것이다.

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  • Suh, Dong-Soo;Yang, Suk-Hoon;Lee, Kil-Hong;Lee, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : This study was done to develop Korean form of Reynolds' SIQ-JR(Suicidal Ideational Questionnaire-Junior). Through this study we evaluated reliability and validity of Korean form SIQ-JR. Methods : Subjects were 1,160 middle and high school students and 114 adolescent psychiatric patients. SIQ-JR and 8 self-reporting scales highly related with suicidal ideation and suicide behaviors were applied to them. Results : In reliability aspect of Korean form of SIQ-JR, internal consistency, test-retest reliability and item-total correlation were statistically significant results. In factor analysis, concerning about other person was extracted as a indepenedent factor. This results reflect our cultural characteristics. There were statistical differences of SIQ-JR scores in groups by sex and age. Clinical group showed significantly(P<0.01) higher scores than general population. Among the 8 suicidal relating scales, depression(r=0.42), aggression(r=0.36), trait anxiety(r=0.35), and anger-in(r=0.31) were highly related with suicidal ideation but impulsivity and hopelessness were not significantly related with suicidal ideation. Conclusion : Korean form of SIQ-JR was useful instrument in reliability and validity. We hope that this instrument widely used in school mental health, community psychiatry and clinical setting for screening tool.

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Social Representations on Children, Adults and Adolescents: With Focus on Personality, Relationships and Tasks (아동과 어른 그리고 청소년에 대한 사회적 표상: 성격적, 관계적 및 과업적 특성을 중심으로)

  • Taeyun Jung;Sang-Chin Choi;Hyo-Chang Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.51-76
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    • 2002
  • Using open-ended questionnaires, two studies were conducted to explore social representations held by Korean undergraduates on children, adults and adolescents. Study 1 compared between children and adults with responses reported by 97 undergraduates(men: 28, women: 69). According to the results, characteristics of children distinctive from adults were basically personality-related and in particular, typical children were marked by high extroversion, low agreeableness, conscientiousness and culture. Further, happiness for both children and adults was determined mainly by interpersonal relationships, physical health and socio-economical status. However, good(or desirable) children characteristic of high agreeableness and conscientiousness were more similar to adults worthy of the name than to children worthy of the name. Using 57 undergraduates(men: 16, women: 41), Study 2 explored social representations of adolescents. The results indicated that overall adolescence were on the bridging state between childhood and adulthood. Happiness for adolescents, like both children and adults, was determined mainly by interpersonal relationships and socio-economical status. Finally, agreeableness, conscientiousness, self-, task- and relationship-related characteristics were involved in judging good(or desirable) adolescents. These findings were discussed in terms of features of Korean culture and human development.

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An Analytical Study on the Mathematical Belief of the Elementary School Pre-Service Teachers (초등 예비교사의 수학적 신념 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Yunmin;Ryu, Hyunah
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.691-709
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    • 2016
  • Understanding the belief of mathematics pre-service teachers is essential in conducting and designing the effective teacher education program. This study analyzed the mathematical belief of the elementary school pre-service teachers. The results of the study are as follows. First, persistence factor, which is the belief about solving mathematical problems, following teacher direction factor, which is the belief about mathematical studies, activity involvement factor, and interest factor, which is the belief about self-concept, showed much connection with other mathematical belief factors. Second, the stereotype factor, which is the belief about mathematics, are affecting the following teacher direction factor. The process factor, which is the belief about solving mathematical problems, are affecting the activity involvement factor. Third, as for the comparison of the mathematical beliefs according to grades, only the stereotype and usefulness factors, which are the beliefs about mathematics, and the benefit factor, which is the belief about self-concept, had statistically significant differences. Fourth, as for the comparison of the mathematical beliefs according to majors, all the mathematical beliefs except for the confidence factor and benefit factor, which is the belief about self-concept, had significant differences. Based on the results of this study, we need to establish the mathematical beliefs that the elementary school pre-service teachers should have, and prepare various measures such as education program for pre-service teachers and instruction-learning methods.

Convergence Factors Related with Communication Competency of Students in Health Majors in Studying for TOEIC (TOEIC을 학습하는 보건계열 일부 대학생의 의사소통능력과 관련된 융복합적 요인)

  • Hong, Soomi;Bae, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2019
  • This study investigates convergent factors related with communication competency of some health majors students in studying for TOEIC. The questionnaire was used using an unregistered self-administered questionnaire for 280 health majors students in TOEIC class from college located in J area from November 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis shows the following results. The communication competency of respondents turned out to be significantly higher in following groups: a group in which ego-resilience is higher, a group in which inkling is higher, and a group in which self-leadership is higher. The results show explanatory power of 57.0%. The results of the study indicate that the efforts, to increase ego-resilience, inkling and self-leadership are required to improve the communication competency among health majors students in studying for TOEIC. These results can be used to develop and operate educational resources and support programs that improve communication competency of health majors students in studying for TOEIC. Future research requires presentation and analysis of structural models considering factors affecting communication competency and correlation with TOEIC scores of health majors students in studying for TOEIC.

Factors Affecting Plastic Surgery Addiction Tendency Among Undergraduate Women (여대생의 미용성형 중독성향에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Young A;Cho Chung, Hyang-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.621-631
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine influencing factors on plastic surgery addiction tendency. The participants, 223 undergraduate women, completed the ACSS, SATAQ, and MBSRQ. Data were collected from May, 2014 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, ANOVA, logistic regression analysis. Each of variables related to plastic surgery were analyzed between positive expectation group, addiction risk group, or addiction group compared to stable group. The prevalences of stable, positive expectation, addiction risk, and addiction group were 21.1%, 35.0%, 32.7%, and 11.2%, respectively. 45.7% had at least one personal plastic surgery. Personal experience of plastic surgery, high levels of ACSS (Consider), high levels of SATAQ (Internalization), and high levels of MBSRQ (Appearance Evaluation) were all associated with plastic surgery addiction tendency. The results of this study suggest that prevention of early plastic surgery, sociocultural influence and body image disturbances as well as safe guidance for plastic surgery are important in preventing the plastic surgery addiction.

Analysis of Humor in the Picture Books of Mo Willems (모 윌렘스의 그림책에 나타난 유머 분석)

  • Kang, Eun-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.374-384
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    • 2014
  • Humor is an essential ability in young children's life. That is why humor has relation with cognitive development, and humor is the effective factor of attachment, social relationship, and positive self-concept for young children. For this study, the picture books written and illustrated by Mo Willems, Caldetcott Honor Medal winner, were chosen and analyzed. Mo Willems' five winning works were analyzed according to the five elements of humor from Bergson's comic theory. As results, the picture books of Mo Willems include the elements of humor, such as shape, movement, situation and language, and personality. This results suggest that the "adaptive" humor in picture books of Mo Willems should have an educational power to develop a sense of humor to young children, parents, and teachers.

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Personal Characteristics and Drama Characteristics on Entrepreneurial Intention : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Social Support (개인 특성과 드라마 특성이 창업의지에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구 : 사회적 지지의 조절효과 중심으로)

  • Chang, Soo-jin
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to identify the factors affecting entrepreneurial intention and to confirm the moderating effect of social support that plays a positive role in increasing entrepreneurial intention. The subjects of the study were 419 ordinary people, and data were obtained online and analyzed. The analysis method of this study was based on the SPSS statistical program Ver. 24, and a hierarchical regression analysis method was conducted to analyze the moderating effect. The results of hypothesis verification analysis in this study are as follows. First, innovativeness, risk-taking, self-fulfillment, economic motivation, immersion in a drama, drama role model, and indirect experience, all had a significant positive(+) effect on entrepreneurial intention. Second, among the factors affecting entrepreneurial intention, self-fulfillment was found to have the greatest influence. Third, it was confirmed that the moderating effect of social support between various variables and entrepreneurial intention had a significant effect on innovativeness, self-fulfillment, drama role model, and indirect experience, and entrepreneurial intention. The academic value of this study is to confirm the effect of drama characteristic variables on entrepreneurial intention. In addition, it was possible to confirm the moderating effect of social support, which is the total of individual external support. The implication of this study is that the desire for achievement had the greatest influence on entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a desire to achieve in start-up support policies and start-up education. In addition, in light of the ripple effect of TV dramas, drama role model and indirect experience increase entrepreneurial intention, so it was possible to predict its influence on changes in perception of start-ups and entrepreneurs.

The Effects of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Leadership, Psychological Well-being to Academic Achievement of Nursing College Student (간호대학생의 감성지능, 셀프리더십, 심리적 안녕감이 학업성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Im
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.574-583
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of emotional intelligence, self-leadership, and psychological well-being on academic achievement among nursing college students. The subjects included college students in various cities. A total of 199 students were analyzed in the study. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The findings show that behavioral strategy, a subarea of self-leadership, self-motivation ability, a subarea of emotional intelligence, and autonomy and positive interpersonal relationship, two subareas of psychological well-being, had significant effects on their academic achievement and had an explanatory power of 13.0%. The study examined relationships between academic achievement and general characteristics and found differences in academic achievement according to gender and grade. Academic achievement had positive correlations with self-motivation ability, a subarea of emotional intelligence, behavioral strategy, a subarea of self-leadership, and autonomy and positive interpersonal relationship, two subareas of psychological well-being. In short, there is a need to develop programs that help nursing college students improve their behavioral strategy of self-leadership, self-motivation ability of emotional intelligence, and their autonomy and positive interpersonal relationship of psychological well-being, for high academic achievement.