• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자본화

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A Framework of Interpretating (de)Centralized Landscape : an Interaction of Power, Subjectivity, and Performativity ((탈)중심화 경관의 해석을 위한 틀 : 권력, 주체성, 수행성)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg;Ha, Yong-Sam;Bae, Yoon-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2010
  • This study is to make a framework of newly interpretating the dynamic change of regional or local landscape rapidly occurred after the establishment of the nation state and capitalistic system. The basic concepts of making an interpretative framework are power, subjectivity, and performativity. The framework of closely interrelating the three concepts developed in the near future will be applied to the interpretation of variety of (de)centralized landscapes in regions or locals. A centralized political power under the nation state has destroyed or marginalized the historically developed landscapes, traditional culture, and subjects' values in regions or locals by the political implementation of the nation state, the establishment of national identity, a centralized economic development, and so on. The landscapes produced by the political power of the nation state can take a role as a cause of conflicts in regions or locals in terms of a historical perspective. Landscapes are being made by various subjects, and the produced landscapes also positively or negatively will influence the emotion, cognition, and behavior of the subjects particularly in a performative perspective. The dynamics interrelation between subjects and landscapes has been disguised or marginalized by reason/rationality, totality/collectivity, the separation between reason and emotion mainly made by modernism, the nation state, a capitalistic system. The interrelation between landscapes and subjects is especially emphasized on people's resistibility and creativity. Lastly, landscape is not a concept given as a priori or (re)presented objectively. It is not also a material or an object independently existed from a subject's emotion and cognition. It should be interpreted through a performative relation with subjects. Performativity will take an active role of combining the materiality of landscape, power, and subjectivity. It is also important to understand the active role of landscapes.

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A deep learning analysis of the Chinese Yuan's volatility in the onshore and offshore markets (딥러닝 분석을 이용한 중국 역내·외 위안화 변동성 예측)

  • Lee, Woosik;Chun, Heuiju
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2016
  • The People's Republic of China has vigorously been pursuing the internationalization of the Chinese Yuan or Renminbi after the financial crisis of 2008. In this view, an abrupt increase of use of the Chinese Yuan in the onshore and offshore markets are important milestones to be one of important currencies. One of the most frequently used methods to forecast volatility is GARCH model. Since a prediction error of the GARCH model has been reported quite high, a lot of efforts have been made to improve forecasting capability of the GARCH model. In this paper, we have proposed MLP-GARCH and a DL-GARCH by employing Artificial Neural Network to the GARCH. In an application to forecasting Chinese Yuan volatility, we have successfully shown their overall outperformance in forecasting over the GARCH.

A Study on the Improvement of the Supporting Policy Efficiendy through the Analysis of the Demand for Direct Commercialization of Technology in Universities and Research Institutes (대학·연구기관 보유기술 직접사업화 지원사업의 수요분석을 통한 지원정책 효율성 개선 방안)

  • Cho, Sung-Nam;Jeong, Yoon-Su;Oh, Chung-Shick
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2018
  • In the past, technology commercialization was implemented in a narrow sense, such as technology transfer or start-up support. It has been pointed out that lack of entrepreneurial experience, failure in technology development, and insecure markets lead to failure of technology commercialization. The project supporting direct commercialization of technologies owned by academic and research institutes conjoins public funds and operating power of large enterprises to introduce a new technology commercialization model that combines commercialization technology with capital, market, and government policies. And pain points for direct commercializing technology was derived. Through research and analysis, a gap was found between the demand factors and the capability of the actors performing the technology commercialization, and it showed a significant correlation with the paint points. In consequence, measures were drawn to improve support policies to enhance the efficiency of commercialization of technologies held by universities and research institutes.

신기술 및 현장관리 기법

  • 윤정식
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.59
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 1995
  • 세계무역기수(WTO) 출범으로 국내 건설산업은 그 동안의 제도적인 보호막과 안주에서 벗어나 앞선 기술력과 자본력을 갖고 있는 외국의 선진건설업체들과 경쟁해야 하는 국제화 시대를 맞이하게 되었다. 국내 건설산업이 기술수준이나 경영능력면에서 해외선진업체에 비해 뒤떨어져 있는 상황에서 건설시장 개방은 선진건설업체의 국내시장의 잠식 등 부정적인 예상을 줄 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 장기적으로 국내 업체의 해외시장 진출 확대, 산업구조 합리화, 기술개발촉진 등 긍정적인 영향도 클 것으로 기대된다. 따라서 정부 및 업계는 시장개방에 대응하여 외국 업체에 의한 국내시장 잠식의 최소화, 국내 건설업체의 체질 강화 방안을 하루속히 강구하여 국제화 시대에 대비해야 한다. 즉, 외국 건설업체들의 국내시장 진출에 따른 관련 제도의 합리적인 정비, 국내 업체의 선진화를 위한 기술개발투자 확대, 경영혁신 및 경쟁력 제고, 해외건설 시장 진출을 위한 금융지원 등 입찰, 계약제도의 개선, 국내 제반여건을 시급히 마련해야 할 것이다. 여기세 소개되는 신기술$\cdot$신공법은 지난 3월 28일부터 4월 1일까지 독일 프랑크프르트에서 개최된 $\ulcorner$ISH기자재박랍회$\lrcorner$에 출품된 것으로서 우리나라 실정에 어느정도 맞고 앞으로 개선 발전이 요구되는 사항으로 자재 생산업체와 설비업체 공동으로 지속적인 연구와 기술개발을 할 경우 건설시장 개방과 국제화 추세에 대응하는데 크게 도움이 되리라 사료된다.

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재정(財政)·금융(金融)의 역할정립(役割定立)과 보완성(補完性) 제고방안(提高方案)

  • Hwang, Seong-Hyeon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.97-141
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    • 1995
  • 본고(本稿)는 우리 경제의 개방화(開放化) 자율화(自律化) 추세 속에서 거시경제정책수단(巨視經濟政策手段)으로서의 재정정책(財政政策)의 기능과 역할에 대해 다음의 두가지 방안을 제시하고 있다. 첫째로, 분기별(分期別) 통합재정통계(統合財政統計)를 이용한 실증분석 결과에 기초해서 안정적 경제운영(經濟運營)에 있어서 통합예산관리(統合豫算管理)의 중요성을 강조하였다. 분석결과, 기존의 연간자료를 이용한 분석에서 밝혀진 바와 같이 물가 상승률과 재정적자 변수간에 정(正)의 상관관계가 존재하는 것으로 나타났으며, 총통화 변수와 재정수지(財政收支)를 포함하는 물가상승률의 추정식 결과를 이용해서 단기적인 통화(通貨) 재정변수(財政變數)의 적정조합을 모색해 볼 수 있다. 다른 조건이 일정하다면 연간 총통화 증가율 1%포인트와 재정적자(財政赤字)의 대(對)GNP 비율 1%포인트 증가가 평균적으로 비슷한 정도의 물가압력을 낳는 것으로 나타난다. 둘째로, 효율적인 거시경제운영(巨視經濟運營)을 위해 요구되는 재정의 보다 근본적인 역할재정립 방향에 대해서 논의하였다. 해외자본유입(海外資本流入) 등에 대비하기 위해서는 신축적인 통화관리여건이 조성되어야 하고, 이를 위해서는 한은대출에 의한 정책금융 지원분의 재정이관 문제가 보다 적극적 전향적으로 검토되어야 한다. 총액한도대출대상 정책금융 중 지방중소기업자금의 이관문제가 검토되어야 하며, 상업어음할인, 무역금융, 소재 부품생산자금의 경우 기존의 중소기업지원관련 기금에 대한 출연을 확대해서 단기운전자금의 대출 등을 담당하게 하는 방안을 검토할 필요가 있다. 또한 총액한도대출대상 정책금융이 중소기업에 대한 지원인 점을 감안할 때, 중소기업부문(中小企業部門)에 대한 재정지원체계(財政支援體系)를 금리자유화 일정 등을 감안하여 종합적으로 정비함으로써 총액대출한도의 축소를 유도하는 역할을 재정이 담당해야 할 것이다.

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The effect of managerial ability on income smoothing (경영자 능력이 이익유연화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2020
  • Firms perform various actions that affect management performance measurement by managing the volatility and capital cost of reported income through income smoothing. This study attempted to analyze with a focus on the relationship between managerial competence and income smoothing. Therefore, this study attempted to analyze and focus on the relationship between managerial competency and profit softening using a measure of managerial competency presented in Demerjian et al. (2012). The results of the analysis are as follows. It was confirmed that there was a significant positive relationship between manager ability and income smoothing at the 1% level. When managers make income, it can be interpreted that managers with superior ability can make profits better by accurately predicting the future. It is the same result as the expectation of this study that managers with excellent ability have high incentives to soften profits by reducing profit volatility through more accurate forecasting. Therefore, this study empirically analyzed that managers with excellent abilities are more effective in implementing income smoothing strategies.

Institutional approaches in geography -Institutional changes in the Korean financial system- (지리학에서 제도적 접근법에 관한 연구 -한국금융부문의 제도적 변 화를 사례로-)

  • Choi, Jae Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.364-388
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    • 1995
  • Even though rarely recognized as a separate approach, the institutional approach in geography is defined as an attempt to seek an explanation of the phenomena of geographical interest through focusing on the effects of institutional structure and actions. It can provide interdisciplinary links with other works and can offer complementary explanations for geographical interests. The concerns for institutions in geography can be found in early studies, the study of the state, the managerial approach, and the regulation approach. The Korean financial systems can provide good examples to apply institutional concepts into creating spatial outcomes, as it has been regarded as a useful tool to promote Korean economic development. Behind the current spatial pattern of financial systems, four different stages of institutional changes are identified in Korea. Each stage has different institutional features reflecting unique spatial implication.

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A Study of the Effects of Overseas Direct Investment on Trade in Korea's Manufacturing Industry (한국 제조업 부문 해외직접투자의 수출입유발효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Pyung-Oh;Lee, Hak-Loh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.263-287
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyse whether outward foreign direct investment(FDI) by Korean manufacturers has a positive or negative effect on the nation's exports and imports. It provides a comprehensive analysis using both micro and macro approaches to overcome the limitations of the previous studies. In its micro-analysis, this study analyzed the impact of the outstanding outward FDI stock and other related factors on net export/import creation using panel data of 589 overseas affiliates of Korean manufacturers during the period of 2006 to 2011. And in the macro-analysis, the study analyzed the impact of outward FDI on exports using panel data of 23 manufacturing sectors during the period of 2000 to 2011. As a result of empirical study, contrary to the results of most previous studies, Korea's export can be negatively affected when it's manufacturing companies increase their outward FDI and localize their overseas businesses.

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A study on the local development paradigm and strategy in the era of localization (地方化時代의 開發패러다임과 그 開發戰略 硏究)

  • ;;Kang, Hak-Soon;Park, Chan-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.132-145
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    • 1995
  • The Purpose of this study is to integrate two opposite paradigms, (development from above) and (development from below), by means of A. Giddenss (structuration theory) and to provide practical development strategies on the basis of integrated paradigm. The integration of these two opposite paradigms is in fact the internalization of epistemological overcoming of 'dependency', which means the structural transformation of dualistic thinking into monistic thinking that the enlargement of capitalist world-system can be 'development' and it may also be 'dependency'. Therefore the practical main issue of this integrated paradigm results in how peripheral countries should achieve self-reliant and continuous development under the circumstances of dependency. To achieve such development while resisting the growing arrogance of transnational capital, development strategies should be prepared to maker revitalized political community designed to fit a human scale and for the economy to be subordinated to the political will of the community. And at the same time the 'empowerment' of people should be strengthened.

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Digital Creative Labour -A Perspective of the Ethics of Labour and Subjectivity of the Younger Generation in Korea (디지털 창의노동 -젊은 세대의 노동 윤리와 주체성에 관한 한 시각)

  • Kim, Yeran
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.69
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    • pp.71-110
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    • 2015
  • Beyond the technological behaviorism-oriented notion of prosumers, the current study explores the question of digital creative labour of the youth in the interrelated context of post-capitalist crisis and neoliberal ethos of selfhood. This analysis is situated particularly in the social conflicts and struggles in Korea, where the problems related to the precarization of the younger generation have been increasingly aggravated (in the realm of embodied reality) whereas their digital activities have been highly expressive (in the realm of mediated reality). The contradictions embedded in the question of the labour of the youth are delineated in the respect of the subjectivities of young free labour, or 'digital creative labour' in proposed terms: the precarious young free labour in Korea is the compound of social fragmentation, economic polarization, expansion of cognitive and emotion labour, boom of hedonistic consumerism, economic-cultural celebration of creativity and self-entrepreneurship, technological saturation of digital media, subjective/collective affects around excitement and ambition but also of anxiety and fear. The ambivalence and complexity of the young free labour is converged at the emergence of homo-economicus (Michel Foucault) through the subjectivation of the social (con)fusion of post-capitalist crisis and neoliberal governmentality of selfhood.

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