• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동 교반시스템

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Design and Implementation of an Automatic System for Mixing Offset Ink (인쇄용 옵셋 잉크 자동 교반시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Sung-Hac;Lee, Joon-Yeol;Lee, Bong-Su;Lee, Sang-Yoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2012
  • This paper reports the development of an automatic system for mixing offset printing ink. The ink mixing process is important in industrial fields where paint and ink are used. In particular, there is a demand for automating the process of producing spot colors, which involves mixing a small quantity of high-viscosity ink. The authors designed, fabricated, and experimentally tested an automatic mixing system that employs the revolution and rotation of ink and the transmission by belts. The performance of the ink mixing system was verified by conducting numerous experiments to determine the effect of rotation direction, speed, ink container axis angle, and ink amount. Conditions suitable for mixing offset ink are presented for use as guidelines for producing spot colors.

담체교반시스템을 이용한 바이오필터의 막힘을 자동제어하는 기술

  • Lee, Tae-Ho
    • Environmental engineer
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    • v.24 s.254
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2007
  • 본 기술은 각종 산업시설과 환경 기초 시설로부터 대기중으로 배출되는 악취 및 휘발성 유기화합물(Volatile Organic Chemicals; VOC)을 미생물의 분해 작용을 활용하여 제거하는 장치로 오염 물질의 분해과정에서 미생물의 과다생장에 의한 악취 및 휘발성 유기화합물 제거장치의 막힘현상을 미생물 고정화 담체의 교반과 살수과정을 통해 담체표면의 생물막을 효과적으로 제거하는 방법을 이용하여 오염 가스속에 함유되어 있는 악취 및 휘발성 유기화합물을 효율적으로 제거할 수 있는 기술이다. 특히, 미생물 담체의 교반 장치는 미생물 고정화 담체를 교반시켜 생물막을 탈리 시킴으로써 미생물의 생장에 의한 막힘 현상과 이로 인한 압력 손실 증가와 악취 및 휘발성 유기화합물의 제거성능의 저하를 근본적으로 해결할 수 있다.

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Automatic Control System of Vertical Agitation Heater for Controlling Temperature of Greenhouse (시설하우스 온도 조절을 위한 수직형 교반 히터 자동제어 시스템)

  • Kwak, Yun-Ah;Park, Kyoung-Wook;Kim, Eung-Kon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2015
  • As the current heating control of the greenhouse is located in specifically designed place, there is an inevitable difference in degrees depending on the latitude in it. Even though it is necessary to maintain the proper temperature in the greenhouse producing vegetables and fruit plants, the difference between ups and downs in the facilities results in the increasing energy consumption to both warm and cool down the facilities. The newest heating method, automatic control system of vertical agitation heater, which manipulates the inner air circulation efficiently, is suggested in this paper. The proposed system utilizes both the upper temperature and the lower temperature, and controls the air circulation fan and heating independently, so that maximizes the efficiency of heating with the minimum energy and implements predictable planning of farm products.

The present state and developing trend of the vacuum/automatic pressure gelating resin-casting technology for electric applications (전기산업분야에서 이용되고 있는 진공/자동가압 겔화 수지-주형기술의 현황과 개발동향)

  • 왕종배;정일형;김재환
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 1994
  • 본 고는 현재 전기적 응용을 위한 수지 절연물의 진공/가압 수지-주형처리 분야에서 가장 앞선 기술과 연구개발력을 보유하고 있는 스위스의 Ciba-Geigy사와 최신의 진공성형 시스템을 개발, 생산하고 있는 독일의 Hedrich사 및 진공주형/자동가압 성형장비를 생산하는 스위스의 Vogel사 등을 최근에 방문하여 Epoxy, Polyurethane, Polyester 및 Silicone 수지 등의 수지절연시스템을 가지고 구조적으로 기포가 없으며 전기적, 기계적, 열적특성이 매우 우수하고 매끄러운 표면이 요구되는 수지 mold제품을 생산하는데 적용되고 있는 진공 수지-주형처리기술의 현황과 아울러 경화시간을 크게 단축시켜 생산자동화가 가능한 최신의 자동가압겔화(Automatic pressure gelation)/주입몰드공정(Injection molding process)의 특징 및 기술개발현황에 대해 파악한 내용을 소개하고자 한다.

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Study on University Timetabling for Naval Academy (해군사관학교의 강의시간표 자동 작성 시스템 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Hojin;Seo, Yunhwan;Hwang, Jaeryong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.945-947
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    • 2012
  • This paper shows the early result of the study on university timetabling system for naval academy. Naval academy has limitation of number of professors and classrooms, and has characteristic that timetabling is fixed by grade, major, and class. Lecture-hour exchange and rotation among three lecture-hour are suggested to solve the problem of automatic timetabling.

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A Study on Smart Monitoring and Automatic Control based Food Waste Disposer (스마트 모니터링과 자동 제어 기반의 음식물 처리장치 연구)

  • Ahn, Yoon-Ae;Byun, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2018
  • A food waste disposer commonly used in restaurants or homes is a type of machine with an agitator attached. The food waste disposer of the crushing type has a problem that the agitator may be broken if the piping or decomposition filter is blocked. In addition, there is an inconvenience that the user must manually open the cover to check the level in the food waste disposer. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a device that combines basic IoT technology with food waste disposer. The proposed device additionally designs and implement a real-time monitor processor and an automatic control processor inside the existing food waste disposer. The proposed food waste disposer allows the user to monitor the inside of the device using the smartphone. In addition, when the food is filled up to a certain position in the food waste disposer, it automatically stops and alarms. Using the proposed system, the user can conveniently check the inside of the food waste disposer, which has the advantage of preventing malfunctions in advance and reducing the probability of malfunction.

Development of Auto Mixing System of High Expansion Foam for Optimal Expansion Performance according to Changing Temperature (고발포 소화약제의 온도 변화에 따른 최적발포성능 유지를 위한 자동혼합시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Ha-Young;Kim, Sung-Soo;Rie, Dong-Ho
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2010
  • Fire fighting foam is expanded when it mix with many water in mechanical method. It have adaptability, mass production possibility, long-time storage possibility. But foam isn't recommended that it use for extinguish the fire in winter. Because of, expansion ratio is changed according to exterior temperature and environment. In this study, we analysis to effect of expansion according to temperature and develop auto mixing system available for fire engine. As a result of non-standard drug mixture is 3.0% up to 30.08% depending on the temperature of the fire showed that the difference in performance occurs. In addition, analysis of the applicability of automatic mixing system design values and actual experimental data as 0.012% maximum error of the applicability of the system obtained according nataname was judged.

The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Microbial Transglutaminase production by Streptoverticillium morbaraense (용존산소 농도 조절이 미생물유래 Transglutaminase 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • 유재수;전계택;정용섭
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2003
  • The effect of dissolved oxygen(DO) on microbial transglutaminase(mTG) production by Streptoverticillium morbaraense was studied in on-line computer controlled fermentation system. In order to control dissolved oxygen during fermentation, the agitation speed and aeration rate of 2.5 L fermenter ranged from 260 to 360 rpm and 0.3 to 3.9 L/min, respectively. The maximum microbial transglutaminase production was obtained at controlled 20% of dissolved oxygen among the various dissolved oxygen controlled batch cultures tested. The production of microbial transglutaminase at controlled 20% of dissolved oxygen was about 2.12 U/mL which was 1.1 times higher than that obtained in batch culture without control of dissolved oxygen. Also, the highest microbial transglutaminase production was obtained in fed-batch cultures in which dissolved oxygen was controlled at 20%, and it was improved almost 1.3 times in comparison with that without control of dissolved oxygen. Maximal dry cell weight and microbial transglutaminase production were 13.2 g/L and 2.6 U/mL, respectively. Finally, it was also found that fed-batch fermentation at controlled 20% of dissolved oxygen showed a good performance for the microbial transglutaminase production by on-line computer controlled fermentation system which may be generally applicable to other microbial cultures.