• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동척

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The Effect of Abdominal Draw-in Maneuver with Leg Movements on Transversus Abdominis Thickness and Trunk Control in Stroke Patients (다리 움직임을 동반한 복부 드로우-인 기법이 뇌졸중 환자의 배가로근 두께와 몸통 조절에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Jeong-Il;Moon, Young-Jun;Jeong, Dae‐Keun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was, base on the observation that the leg movement has effect on muscles around trunk, to provide clinical fundamental data to develop effective abdominal draw-in technique by investigating the effect of abdominal draw-in exercise accompanying leg movement on the thickness of transversus abdominis muscle and trunk control ability in patients with stroke. The subjects were assigned randomly to experimental group I (n=9) on which the abdominal draw-in technique is applied and experimental group II (n=9) on which the abdominal draw-in technique accompanying leg movement is applied. The thickness of transversus abdominis muscle in the affected side and the trunk control ability were measured before and after treatment using ultrasonography and trunk impairment scale. A session of 30 minutes per day were performed four days a week for four weeks and the measured outcomes were analyzed. The in-group comparison showed significant difference both thickness of transversus abdominis muscle during abdominal draw-in technique application (p<0.01) and trunk control ability (p<0.001) between before and after treatment. The significant difference between two groups were observed only in trunk control ability (p<0.05). It was concluded that the abdominal draw-in technique accompanying leg movement is an intervention that has positive effect not only on transversus abdominis muscle but also on tunk control ability by inducing more efficient contraction reaction in muscles around trunk through autonomic pelvic movement caused by leg movement.

Research on the Development of Distance Metrics for the Clustering of Vessel Trajectories in Korean Coastal Waters (국내 연안 해역 선박 항적 군집화를 위한 항적 간 거리 척도 개발 연구)

  • Seungju Lee;Wonhee Lee;Ji Hong Min;Deuk Jae Cho;Hyunwoo Park
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 2023
  • This study developed a new distance metric for vessel trajectories, applicable to marine traffic control services in the Korean coastal waters. The proposed metric is designed through the weighted summation of the traditional Hausdorff distance, which measures the similarity between spatiotemporal data and incorporates the differences in the average Speed Over Ground (SOG) and the variance in Course Over Ground (COG) between two trajectories. To validate the effectiveness of this new metric, a comparative analysis was conducted using the actual Automatic Identification System (AIS) trajectory data, in conjunction with an agglomerative clustering algorithm. Data visualizations were used to confirm that the results of trajectory clustering, with the new metric, reflect geographical distances and the distribution of vessel behavioral characteristics more accurately, than conventional metrics such as the Hausdorff distance and Dynamic Time Warping distance. Quantitatively, based on the Davies-Bouldin index, the clustering results were found to be superior or comparable and demonstrated exceptional efficiency in computational distance calculation.

Quality Control Using Contrast Scale in Computed Tomography Equipment (전산화단층촬영장치에서 대조도 척도를 이용한 품질관리)

  • Jong-Eon Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.707-713
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    • 2024
  • In CT equipments, the contrast scale changes as the equipment ages. In order to maintain a constant contrast scale in clinical practice, users must perform periodic quality control. In this study, the contrast scale for each effective photon energy was determined and analyzed based on CT slice images of the CT number calibration block in the AAPM CT performance phantom. CT slice images of the CT number calibration block were obtained with five scans each at 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp X-ray beams. In the 5 CT slice images obtained for each tube voltage, the average CT number of the averages was calculated from the average CT numbers measured by setting the region of interest to water and 5 pins. For water and 5 pins, a linear regression analysis was performed on the average CT number of the averages calculated for each tube voltage versus the line attenuation coefficient for each photon energy, and the photon energies with the largest correlation coefficients of 58.5, 65, 71, and 77 keV were found to be effective photon energies. decided. The line attenuation coefficient used to determine this effective photon energy was automatically determined as the effective linear attenuation coefficient. For the effective photon energy, a linear equation was obtained by linear regression analysis of the average CT number of the averages in water and the five pins versus the difference in effective linear attenuation coefficient between the five pins and water. The contrast scale was determined by taking the slope of the obtained linear equation as the reciprocal. The determined contrast scale is 0.000198 to 0.000177 cm-1 HU-1 in the effective photon energy range of 58.5 to 77 keV. The contrast scale decreased as the effective photon energy increased.

A Coupled-ART Neural Network Capable of Modularized Categorization of Patterns (복합 특징의 분리 처리를 위한 모듈화된 Coupled-ART 신경회로망)

  • 우용태;이남일;안광선
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.2028-2042
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    • 1994
  • Properly defining signal and noise in a self-organizing system like ART(Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network model raises a number of subtle issues. Pattern context must enter the definition so that input features, treated as irrelevant noise when they are embedded in a given input pattern, may be treated as informative signals when they are embedded in a different input pattern. The ATR automatically self-scales their computational units to embody context and learning dependent definitions of a signal and noise and there is no problem in categorizing input pattern that have features similar in nature. However, when we have imput patterns that have features that are different in size and nature, the use of only one vigilance parameter is not enough to differentiate a signal from noise for a good categorization. For example, if the value fo vigilance parameter is large, then noise may be processed as an informative signal and unnecessary categories are generated: and if the value of vigilance parameter is small, an informative signal may be ignored and treated as noise. Hence it is no easy to achieve a good pattern categorization. To overcome such problems, a Coupled-ART neural network capable of modularized categorization of patterns is proposed. The Coupled-ART has two layer of tightly coupled modules. the upper and the lower. The lower layer processes the global features of a pattern and the structural features, separately in parallel. The upper layer combines the categorized outputs from the lower layer and categorizes the combined output, Hence, due to the modularized categorization of patterns, the Coupled-ART classifies patterns more efficiently than the ART1 model.

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Negligence theory of Aviation accident with reference to the japanese aviation accident precedent (항공 사고에서의 과실 이론 - 일본 항공 사고 판례를 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Ham, Se-Hun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.115-136
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    • 2008
  • The development of the aviation technology is beyond the people's imagination. For example, with some exaggeration, If the autopilot engage upon take off, You will realize that you are on the centerline of the foggy JFK runway 13R after 15 hours with only once or twice of intervention. But the more aviation technology develops, the more responsible the pilot will be who has the final authority of the aviation safety. In the JAL 706 accident caused by unidentified reason, the pilot increased pitch abruptly and overrode the control from the autopilot. The result of this process made the death of a flight attendant and some injuries of a few passengers. The district court found the pilot not guilty at the first trial on the ground that the control override was not connected to the possibility of foresight and avoidance of the human death. The pilot was proved to be innocent through the analysis of the DFDR and ADAS that the override did not precede the unidentified pitch up motion. The judicial precedent related to aviation accidents in Korea requires pilots' absolute and extended care compared to the ordinarily prudent or reasonably careful behaviors in the vehicle and medical accidents. Although there is some controversy about the standard care, the care required in the actual operation of high tech aircraft by a pilot should include objective and standard care and be judged by analysis of the scientific data. Although the pilot maintained the unusual hi speed that doesn't have safety margin and descended under turbulence in case of the JAL 706 accident, the court negatived its relation to the cause of pitch up. Also, the override of the control after initial pitch up might have caused the possibility of the death and injury, but the court denied it. Because of this complex cause of the aviation accidents, it is important for a court to figure out the core reason of the event and casual relationship with the pilot Now, It is required that the judgement of negligence in the aviation accidents should include an objective care with scientific data from simulated circumstances(or a simulator) as the Japanese court not from the theory of vehicle's negligence.

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프렌차이점에서 사용되는 튀김류의 산패도 및 트랜스지방의 함량 비교

  • Kim, Yeong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Sanitation Conference
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.76-97
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    • 2005
  • As the recent change of multiformity and taste in clination in eating habit culture is yearly in creasing foods used oil and fats. Because the frying food is especially important snack , it's safty is very essential. In order to know the safty and harmfulness of frying oil and fats. The 20 kinds samples were purchased chicken fried food shops around the north of seoul and kyunggi. The acid value, iodine value, peroxide value, TBA value, fatty acid, carbonyl value, and smoke point of deep fat fried oils were analyzed. Results of analyzed, A company of deep fat frying oil showed stability state and C company and B company of deep fat frying oil is acidification to turned. But D company of deep fat frying oil showed quite a bit acidification progressived of used hydrogenated oil.

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