• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자궁 전이

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Himasthla kusasigi(Tremtoda, Echinostomatidae) recovered from the Intestine of the Dunlin, Calidris alpina sakhalina, in Korea (한국산 민물도요(Calidris alpina sakhalina)의 장에서 발견된 흡층류 1미기록종(Himasthla kusasigi))

  • 주종필;조유정;유정칠;박성균
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2000
  • This paper deals with the morphology and taxonomy of the first reported species of echinostome belonging to the genus Himasthla Dietz, 1909, found from dunlins (Calidris alpina sakhalina) in Korea. Birds were captured with mist-nets at the tidal flat of Yeochari, Kanghwa-gun, Kyunggi-do, Korea. The worms were removed from avian intestines in physiological saline, fixed, acetocarmine stained and observed. Himasthla kusasigi Yamaguti, which was found in 1939, was characterized morphologically by a long and slender body (5.27 mm in length), besetting with spines and reniform head collar (0.27 mm) in a form of a single and uninterrupted row of 31 spines. The oral sucker (0.057$\times$0.0684 mm) is smaller than the ventral sucker (0.35$\times$0.29 mm). The ventral sucker was close to the anterior extremity of the body. The worm had two elliptical testes (anterior 0.47$\times$0.30 mm, posterior 0.59$\times$0.27 mm). The testes were close to the posterior end of the body. The uterus was very long, winding and extending through at least two thirds of the body length. The ovary (0.13$\times$0.14mm) was round and small. Below the ovary, a round and small seminal receptacle was found.

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Pregnancy-Related Cytologic Changes In Cervicovaginal Smears (자궁경부 세포검사에서 임신과 관련된 세포학적 변화)

  • Chun, Yi-Kyeong;Jang, Hoi-Sook;Kim, Hye-Suu;Hong, Sung-Ran;Choi, Jong-Sun;Park, Ji-Young;Cho, Jung-Sook;Seong, Seok-Ju;Yang, Jae-Hyug;Kim, Hy-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2004
  • Due to insufficient clinical information, most cervicovaginal smears from pregnant or postpartum women have been screened without regard to pregnancy-related cytological changes. Here, we have reviewed 116 abnormal cervicovaginal smears from 103 pregnant and postpartum women. Initial cytological diagnoses revealed the following: 9 cases of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), 8 cases of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 85 cases of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), and 14 cases involving atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS). 31 cases upon review, involved pregnancy-related cytological changes, comprising 25 cases of decidua cells, 4 cases of Arias-Stella reaction, and 2 cases of cedidual cells coupled with Arias-Stella reaction. Interpretation errors were detected in 14 cases: 13 cases of decidual cells interpreted as either ASCUS favor reactive or ASCUS ruled out HSIL, and one case of Arias-Stella reaction was interpreted as ASCUS ruled out HSIL. Decidual cells and degenerated glandular cells with Arias-Stella reaction can result in diagnostic mistakes. In order to avoid misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgeries, both clinicians and pathologists must be aware of the pregnancy-related cytological changes. The clinician should also always inform the pathologist on the pregnancy status of the patient.

Sensitivity of AutoPap Primary Screening System with Location-Guided Screening in Uterine Cervical Cytology (자궁목세포진에서의 AutoPap Primary Screening System with Location-Guided Screening의 민감도 검사)

  • Choi, Jong-Sun;Jang, Hoi-Sook;Kim, Hy-Sook;Chun, Yi-Kyeong;Kim, Hye-Sun;Park, Ji-Young;Park, In-Sou;Hong, Sung-Ran
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2003
  • Objective: The sensitivity of the AutoPap Primary Screening System with Location-Guided Screening (AutoPap LGS) for Identifying atypical cells in cervicovaginal smears was evaluated. Methods: Two hundred forty one slides with atypical cervical cytology randomly sampled were rescreened both manually and by the AutoPap LGS. The AutoPap LGS localized the atypical cells as 15 fields of view(FOVs), which were reexamined by manual review. The sensitivity was also evaluated in accordance with the cellularity of the smears. Results: The AutoPap LGS successfully processed 232 out of 241 slides. The sensitivity of the AutoPap LGS identifying the atypical cells in successfully processed slides was 97.4%(226/232). The false negative rate was 2.6%(6/232). There was no false negative case on high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) or squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) smears in the AutoPap LGS. The FOVs localized the diagnostic-atypical cells in 97.8%(221/226). The number of diagnostic-atypical FOVs was increased in higher-degree of atypical cytology. The AutoPap LGS localized the atypical cells in 100% of adequately cellular smears and in 92.5% even in low cellular smears. Conclusion: The AutoPap LGS showed relatively good sensitivity to detect atypical cells. It can be a valuable system to localize atypical cells, especially in HSIL or cancer slides, even in smears with low cellularity.

소 수정란이식에 있어서 효율적 발정동기화 처리법에 관한 연구

  • 윤종택;이호준;최은주;정경섭;신용순;민관식;이종완
    • Proceedings of the KSAR Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.93-93
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    • 2003
  • 소의 수정란이식에 있어서 성공적인 임신을 위해서는 수란우의 적절한 영양상태, 양질의 수정란, 이식 시술자의 기술력과 수란우와 수정란의 적절한 동기화가 필수 요인이라 사료된다. 특히, 적절한 동기화를 위해서 발정관찰은 필수적이지만 번거롭고 장시간동안 관찰을 해야 하는 단점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 단점을 보완할 수 있도록 발정동기화 처리방법을 비교, 검토하여 수정란이식에 있어서 효과적인 발정동기화 방법을 모색하고자 실시하였다. 발정동기화 방법은 Fig 1과 같이 CIDR처리방법(A군)과 GnRH 처리방법(B군)을 사용하였으며, 황체의 등급은 직장검사와 초음파 진단기를 이용하여 직경이 2cm 이상, 1~2cm와 1cm 미만의 황체를 각각 1등급, 2등급과 3등급으로 분류하였다. 또한 본 실험에 공시된 수정란은 체외 생산된 한우 배반포기의 수정란을 사용하였으며, 1등급의 황체를 가진 수란우만을 선별하여 비외과적인 방법으로 황체가 존재하는 자궁각심부에 이식하였다. 임신진단은 이식 후 45~60일에 직장검사와 초음파진단을 이용하여 실시하였다. 발정동기화처리결과는 Table 1에서 보는 바와 같이 A군과 B군에서 발정발현율이 각각 100%와 96%로 나타났으며, 이식하기에 적합한 1등급 황체의 출현율이 65.4%와 56%로 A군에서 다소 높게 나타났다. 발정동기화 처리방법에 따른 수정란 이식 후 수태율은 A군에서 신선란과 동결란일 때 각각 66.7%와 60%로 나타나 B군의 22.2%와 0%의 결과보다 유의적으로 높은 결과를 나타내었다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과로 미루어 볼 때 수정란 이식을 위한 발정동기화 방법은 CIDR 처리방법을 적용하는 것이 GnRH 처리방법 보다 효율적이라 사료된다.다. 특히 기능황체에서의 특이적 발현 spot을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과들로부터 황체의 progesterone분비기능의 역할을 수행하기 위한 단백질들이 전, 중기에 발현된다는 것을 알 수 있고 퇴행황체에서는 발현이 안되고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 다른 양상을 띤 spot을 분리하여 어떤 단백질인지를 분석하여 각각의 황체단백질의 특성을 규명할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.적율(HCT)을 이루고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 적혈구 평균용적(Mean Corpuscular Volume ; MCV), 평균적혈구혈색소량(Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin ; MCH), 평균적혈구혈색소농도(Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration ; MCHC) 그리고 혈소판(Platelets) 분석결과 형질전환돼지가 일반돼지보다 약간 높은 수치를 나타냈으며 변화양상 또한 유사한 결과를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 시험분석결과를 토대로 사람 조혈촉진유전자(hEPO)가 형질전환된 돼지는 유즙으로 발현할 수 있도록 형질전환 되었음에도 불구하고 헤모글로빈 및 적혈구가 증가함으로서 형질전환돼지 개체의 혈장으로도 사람 조혈촉진인자가 분비하고 있음을 간접적으로 알 수 있었다. 정상돼지 보다 형질전환돼지가 약 30% 높은HCT 수준을 보였으며 이러한 현상은 사람에서는 적혈구증다증(erythrocytosis)으로 분류되고 있다. 이에 대한 고찰은 형질전환돼지 자체의 생리적 문제점(side effects)에 대한 해결과 더불어 기존의 인간질병에 대한 모델동물로서의 이용 가능성을 제시할 수 있는 것으로 사료된다.mu\textrm{m}$ 300BG는 56.32$\mu\tex

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Risk Factors for Lymphedema Patients (림프부종 환자에서의 위험 인자)

  • Jung, Gyou-Chul;Kim, Sun-Hyun;Yeom, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Lymphedema is edema developing mainly in the arms and legs due to an abnormal lymphatic system, over one hundred millions of patient worldwide suffer from it. At present, prevention is the best treatment. Thus, It is important to know which patient are more pone to develop it in order to prevent it. By evaluating the risk factor for lymphedema, we intended to find the effective prevention. Methods: We have investigated that outpatients who chiefly complained of lymphedema visited the lymphedema clinic at one university hospital from September 1 in 2003 to August 31 in 2005. We evaluated the risk factor for lymphedema by questionnaires. Questionnaire consists of demographic data, disease factor, treatment factor, posttreatment factor. We evaluated the correlation between lymphedema with each factor. Results: The total number of patients was 50, 19 patients with breast cancer and 31 patients with cervical cancer. In terms of stages of edema, 12 patients were below stage 1 and 38 patients were above stage 2. The incidence of lymphangitis was more frequent, more obese and the impairment of the site of edema site more severe, the stage of cancer was higher in the patients higher than stage 2 than in the patients below stage 1 (P>0.05). Conclusion: Lymphedema is more severe when the cancer stage in higher, accompanying more frequent infections, more obesity and more impairment at the site of edema site. Above all, cancer stage and the impairment of edema site are impossible to correct but obesity and infection may be corrected. Therefore we speculate that we are able to protect the aggravation of edema by weight reduction and infection control.

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Dystocia Causing Postrenal Azotemia in a Captive Spotted Hyena (Crocuta Crocuta) (점박이 하이에나에서 신후성 질소혈증을 유발한 난산 증례)

  • Han, Jae-Ik;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Sook-Jin;Lee, Jong-Won;Han, Sang-Hui;Na, Ki-Jeong;Kim, Ill-Hwa;Kang, Hyun-Gu
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.614-617
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    • 2010
  • A 3-year-old, female spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) was referred with dystocia. The hyena had been in labor for over 5 days, but she failed to expel the infant. The blood biochemistry profiles showed severe azotemia. During caesarian section, we confirmed that the uterus had expanded and contained 1 dead, decayed infant, which compress the urethra, leading to the expansion of the urinary bladder and that the dead fetus was nearly 3 kg in weight (approximately 5% of the maternal weight). Thus, we confirmed that the dystocia caused by oversized fetus and malposture, and the severe azotemia resulted in compression of the urethra by fetus in the hyena. This report is the first to show that the dystocia can induce postrenal azotemia in female spotted hyenas.

RAPD Analysis and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus Isolated from Thoroughbred Horses (더러브렛 말에서 분리한 Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus의 RAPD 분석 및 약제 감수성)

  • Choi, Seong-Kyoon;Park, Yong-Soo;Cho, Kwang-Hyun;Cho, Gil-Jae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.649-654
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    • 2010
  • A total of 68 samples were collected including vaginal mucosa (n=66) from Jangsu stud farm, an equine aborted fetus (n=1), and uterine contents (n=1) from Jeju island. Seventeen Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (S. zooepidemicus) strains isolated from horses in Korea were identified as S. zooepidemicus by biochemical tests and sodA.seeI specific multiplex PCR. All isolated strains were divided into 4 clusters: group 1 (No. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), group 2 (No. 4, 9), group 3 (No. 10, 16, 17), and group 4 (No. 1, 8) by RAPD typing. In group 3, No. 10 isolate that was isolated from vaginal mucosa was indistinguishable from No. 16 and 17 isolates, which were isolated from the equine uterine contents and the equine aborted fetus, respectively. The results of this study suggest that a limited epidemiological relationship exists between the strains from Jangsu (No. 10) and Jeju (No. 16 and No. 17). All isolates showed a high susceptibility to ampicillin, cefoxitin, ceftiofur, cephalothin, florofenicol, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, oxacillin, penicillin, tiamulin, tylosin and vancomycin in antimicrobial susceptibility tests. These results may provide the basic information needed to establish strategies for the treatment and prevention of reproductive diseases in mares in Korea.

Changes in atlas position with Class ll activator treatment in Class II malocclusion patients (II급 부정교합자에서 액티베이터 사용에 따른 atlas의 위치 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Moon-Ki;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Chung, Dong-Hwa;Lee, Jin-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.37 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2007
  • Objective: Previous studies have reported that morphological features of the first cervical vertebra (atlas) have been associated with mandibular growth direction. The purpose of this study was to show the possible positional and morphological changes of the Atlas from activator treatment in Class II malocclusion patients. Methods: Lateral cephalometric radiograph tracings were made at initial, middle and final stages of treatment. Angular and linear measurements of skeletal and morphological features were measured on the anatomical landmarks and reference planes. Results: The skeletal effects of activator treatment on Class II malocclusion patients were evident on ramal height, body length, effective body length, ANB, and overjet. Clockwise rotation of the long axis of the Atlas was found in Group 1, but there was no inclination change of the Atlas in groups 2 and 3. There was no significant correlation between anterior and posterior positions of the atlas or morphological change in all groups. - except for posterior movements of the Atlas found in group 1. Conclusion: Clockwise rotation of the atlas axis resulted from activator treatment in Cl II malocclusion patients. Change in atlas axis can be thought of as an indicator for success of activator treatment.

C-Reactive Protein in Pregnancy and Labor (임신주령과 진통에 따른 임부 혈청 C-Reactive Protein의 동태)

  • Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Byung-Suk;Lee, Jae-Yul;Lee, Young-Gi;Lee, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 1993
  • In order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of maternal serum C-reactive protein measurement in early detection of infectious morbidity at term laboring women, serum C-reactive protein levels were measured in 521 healthy pregnant women ; 64 who were not in labor before term, 55 who were in labor before term, 71 who were not in labor at term and 331 who were in labor at term. The frequencies of elevated serum C-reactive protein level were compared in relation to the gestational weeks, the presence or absence of labor, the status of amniotic membranes and the degree of cervical dilation. The obtained results were as follows. 1. The frequencies of women with elevated serum C-reactive protein, 0.8mg/dl or higher and 2.0mg/dl or higher, in 521 health pregnant women were 12% and 4%, respectively. 2. C-reactive pretein levels of 0.8mg/dl or higher were more frequent in the group of women in labor than those not in labor(5.93%, vs. 13.73%, p<0.05), but the frequencies of C-reactive protein level of 2.0mg/dl or higher were not statistically different between both groups. The frequencies of C-reactive protein level of 0.8mg/dl or higher and 2.0mg/dl or higher were not statistically different between the groups before term and at term, intact and ruptured membranes, latent phase and active phase of labor, respectively. 3. Before term, C-reactive protein levels of 0.8mg/dl or higher and 2.0mg/dl or higher were more frequent in the group of women in labor than those not in labor(23.64 vs. 4.69, p<0.001 and 12.73% vs. 3.13%, p<0.05, respectively), but those statistical differences were not seen between both group at term. Above results and review of literature suggest that serum C-reactive protein level of 2.0mg/dl or higher may be reliable in early detection of infectious morbidity at term laboring women as well as laboring women before term, and the presence of subclinical infection should be suspected in the laboring women before term with serum C-reactive protein level of 0.8mg/dl or higher.

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MicroRNA 155 Expression Pattern and its Clinic-pathologic Implication in Human Lung Cancer (폐암에서 microRNA 155의 발현 양상과 임상병리학적 의의)

  • Kim, Mi Kyeong;Moon, Dong Chul;Hyun, Hye Jin;Kim, Jong-Sik;Choi, Tae Jin;Jung, Sang Bong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1056-1062
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    • 2016
  • Lung cancer is currently the most common malignant disease and the leading cause of mortality in the world and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 75-80% of lung cancer cases. miR-155 gene was found to be over expressed in several solid tumors, such as thyroid carcinoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and lung cancer. The aims of this study were to define the expression of miR-155 in lung cancer and its associated clinic-pathologic characteristics. Total RNA was purified from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded NSCLC tissues and benign lung tissues. Expression of miR-155 in human lung cancer tissues were evaluated as mean fold changes of miR-155 in cancer tissues compared to benign lung tissues by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (real-time qRT-PCR) and associations of miR-155 expression with clinic-pathologic findings of cancer. Compared with the benign control group, miR-155 expression was significantly overexpressed in NSCLCs (p=<0.001). miR-155 was more overexpressed in squamous cell carcinoma than in adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated tumors showed significantly overexpression of miR-155 than well-differentiated tumors (p=<0.001). Overexpression of miR-155 was significantly associated with lymph node metastasis (p=<0.05). In survival analysis for all NSCLC patients, high miR-155 expression was significantly correlated with worse overall survival (p=<0.05). These results suggested that miR-155 might play an important role in lung cancer progression and metastasis.