• 제목/요약/키워드: 자가 면역성 질환

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The Etiological Relationship between Autoimmune Diseases and HERVs (자가면역 질환과 HERV의 병인학적 관계)

  • 정아람;김희수
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.236-240
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    • 2003
  • Human immune system acts to protect the host from infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and from other noxious insults. However, immune diseases are sometimes caused by the impairment of immune system leading to abnormal immune response. Especially, autoimmune diseases are very diverse and often bring serious damage Although many active investigations to reveal the etiological mechanisms concerning the autoimmune diseases, it still remains unclear. After proposing a HERV (human endogenous retrovirus) as a candidate autoimmune gene in type I diabetes, it is newly attracting our attention for demonstrating that an endogenous human retroviral superantigen can be transactivated by interferon-$\alpha$ (IFN- $\alpha$) or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. These might provide us with powerful clues to carry out further studies to overcome autoimmune diseases as the presentation of a relatively clear connection between endogenous superantigens and human diseases.

Association between the Polymorphism of Glutathione S-transferase Genes and Autoimmune Diseases in Asian Population: a Meta-analysis (아시아인종에서 자가면역질환과 GST 유전자 다형성의 메타분석)

  • Kim, Hee Sung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.648-663
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    • 2017
  • To verify the association between GSTM1/GSTT1 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to autoimmune diseases in Asian population. 18 published reports cited in EMBASE, Google, KISS, MEDLINE and PubMed up to December 2015 were collected for a meta-analysis. The GSTM1/GSTT1 polymorphism for null and present type were analysed separately. The significant association was found between the GST polymorphism and autoimmune diseases in an overall population (GSTM1, OR=1.334, 95% CI=1.137-1.567, p=0.000; GSTT1, OR=1.212, 95% CI=1.012-1.452, p=0.037). Asian population showed the significant association of GSTM1 in the autoimmune diseases, especially vitiligo and atopic dermatitis but non-significant association of GSTT1 in RA and SLE. The GSTM1 null and the GSTT1 present type showed the association with autoimmune diseases in Asian population. The null type frequency of the combination of GSTM1-GSTT1 polymorphism in autoimmune diseases in Asian population was higher than that of the control group. This result indicated that null type of GSTM1-GSTT1 combination can be a risk factor of autoimmune diseases in Asian population.

Autoimmune hepatitis-primary sclerosing cholangitis overlap syndrome in a 10-year-old girl with ulcerative colitis (궤양성 대장염에 동반된 자가면역성 간염-원발성 경화성 담관염의 중복 증후군 1예)

  • Hong, Jeana;Song, Mi Kyoung;Ko, Jae Sung;Kang, Gyeong Hoon;Kim, Woo Sun;Seo, Jeong Kee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.504-507
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    • 2009
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) are chronic autoimmune liver diseases. Overlap syndrome is defined as a condition in which the clinical, biochemical, and histological features of these autoimmune diseases are overlapped. Thus, it is difficult to appreciate overlap syndrome as an actual diagnostic entity. Only a few cases of the overlap syndrome of AIH and PSC have been reported, especially in children. Moreover, PSC is known to be the most frequent liver disorder associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis. We report one case of AIH-PSC overlap syndrome in a child who was diagnosed as having ulcerative colitis.


  • 김희남;임상빈;김영호;송선복
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1987.05a
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    • pp.12.1-12
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    • 1987
  • 1979년 McCabe가 자가면역성 감음신경성 난청이라는 용어를 처음으로 사용한 이래. 많은 학자가 면역성질환에서 감음신경성 난청이 동반될 수 있다는 보고가 있어 왔다. 자가면역성 감음신경성 난청은 보통 양측성, 비대칭적으로 점진적인 난청이 수주 혹은 수개월에 걸쳐서 진행되는 것이 특징이다. 그간 내이의 면역학적인 측면에 관한 연구가 진행되어 왔던 바, 일반적인 치료에 듣지 않으며 면역억제요법으로 효과를 볼 수 있는 감음신경성 난청의 범주를 결정할 수 있었으며, 이는 치료가 가능한 감음신경성 난청이라는 점에서 이비인후과 영역에서 관심을 가져야 할 필요가 있다고 하겠다. 저자들은 최근 자가면역성 질환인 전신성 홍반성 낭창을 가진 27세 여자환자에서 감음신경성 난청을 관찰할 수 있었으며, 면역억제요법으로 청력의 호전을 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

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Vitamin D in autoimmune, allergic, and infectious diseases (비타민 D의 자가면역, 알레르기, 감염질환에서의 역할)

  • Shim, Chae-Hyeon;Choi, Je-Min
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.276-283
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    • 2022
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin helps to retain calcium and phosphorus but also has shown to affect immune regulation and homeostasis. In humans, vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 and their metabolite has intensively studied in both innate and adaptive immune system that they are important to regulate overwhelmed inflammation. The vitamin D receptor is a nuclear hormone receptor which regulate various downstream target gene expressions as a transcription factor related to metabolism, immune regulation, etc. Vitamin D deficiency is a high-risk factor for inflammatory diseases like autoimmune disease and allergy. In addition, reduced vitamin D seem to correlate with susceptibility to the virus infection such as HIV and COVID-19. In this review, we will summarize up-to-date vitamin D's role in various immune cells, immune regulatory functions during autoimmune, allergic, and infectious diseases. We will also discuss about vitamin D supplement effects in human trial studies for COVID-19.

Evaluation of Usefulness for Anti-TPO Antibody Test in Item of the Medical Examination (건강검진 종목으로서 항갑상선 과산화효소 항체검사의 유용성에 대한 평가)

  • Kim, Yun-Hyun;Shin, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Ji-Young;Seok, Jae-Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.112-115
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The test had been applied for outpatient by end of 2006, however, it has been included in the medical examination since January 2007, as demand and interests have been gradually increasing in the thyroid gland disease and cancer. thus, we would necessarily evaluate usefulness of the test by comparing the number of patients who are diagnosed as "benignancy" by the medical test with the number of outpatient who attend and are diagnosed as autoimmune thyroid disease among the benign patient, in samsung medical center for a certain period. Materials and Methods: Based on the result for Anti-TPO Antibody test by RIA for the 12,937 patients in samsung medical center from October 2007 to March 2008, for six months, benignancy rate classified by sex and age is measured statistically and number of the patients who are diagnosed as autoimmune thyroid disease are kept tracked on. Results: According to the analysis of the Anti-TPO antibody test 1,135 of 12,937, which is 8.77% are benign and 218 treated patient of them, which is 19.2%, were diagnosed as autoimmune thyroid disease. Conclusions: Based on the statistics, usefulness of the test seem to have co relationship with derivation of autoimmune thyroid disease. this is 19.2% of probability relatively high. this figure, however, does not have strong relationship with specialty of the disease. Thus screening test seems to have somewhat effectiveness, considering other experiments and their margin.

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조력 T세포 인자에 의한 면역반응의 억제

  • 이종길
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 1990
  • 면역계에는 조력T세포(helper T cell)와는 반대로 면역반응을 억제적으로 조절하는 것이 주 기능인 억제성 T세포(suppressor T cell)가 존배한다는 것이 아려져 있다. 이 억제성 T세포가 존재한다는 개념이 면역학및 임상의학에 준 영향은 매우 지대하여, 앨러지나 자가 면역질환 같은 질병은 억제성 T세포의 결핍으로, 그리고 면역 결핍증같은 질병은 T세포가 지나치게 활성화된 것으로 설명되기에 이르렀다. 한마디로 거의 모든 저하된 면역반응은 억제성 T세포와 연관하여 설명되었다. 그러나 억제성 T세포가 발견된지 근 20년이 되고 그에 관한 논문이 5000여편에 달하는 최근까지도 억제성 T세포 및 이들 세포가 만드는 억제성 T세포 인자에 대한 실체는 정확히 규명되지 못하고 있다. 오히려 억제성 T세포가 조력 T세포처럼 별개의 세포군으로 존재한다는 것을 부인하는 학자도 최근 나오게 되었다.(이 분야의 연구에서 나타난 문제점들이 정리되어 있음). 그러나 억제성 T세포의 존재를 부인하는 학자들도 T세포가 면역 반응의 억제에 관여한다는 사실, 적어도 그 현상 자체를 부인하지는 않았다. 다시말하면, 면역반응이 T세포에 의하여 억제되는 현상은 이미 수 천년의 논문을 통하여 입증되고 있다. 면역반응의 억제에 있어서 억제성 T세포및 억제성 T세포 인자의 역할은 앞으로의 연구를 통해 명확히 규명될 것이며, 정말 억제성 T세포가 있느냐 없느냐 하는 것은 이 총설의 주제가 아니다. 다만 여기서는 조력 T세포도 경우에 따라서는 면역반응의 억제에 관여한다는 최근의 연구결과를 간단히 소개하고자 한다.

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Clinical Characteristics of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Developed in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (1형 당뇨병 환자에서 갑상선 질환이 발생한 경우의 임상적 특성)

  • Lee, Se Min;Chung, Hye Rim;Hong, Su Young;Shin, Choong Ho;Yang, Sei Won
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.292-297
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : It is known that 3-50 percent of type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM) patients develop autoimmune thyroid disease. We analyzed the clinical characteristics of autoimmune thyroid disease(AITD) developed in patients with T1DM in Korean. Methods : The medical records of 139 patients, who were followed up in Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital from Jan. 1981 to Jul. 2004, were analyzed retrospectively. Results : Forty-four males and 95 females were enrolled. At least one of the autoantibodies for thyroid was positive in 54 cases. The detection rate for AITD was not correlated with sex ratio, control of T1DM, body mass index, age at diagnosis of T1DM, and familial history of thyroid disease, between two groups. In the male group, AITD was more frequently found at a younger age than in the female group. The frequency of AITD was significantly higher in the goiter group without sex differences. In the thyroid disease group, 40 patients(74.0 percent) were euthyroid, seven patients(12.9 percent) were hypothyroid, and seven patients(12.9 percent) were hyperthyroid. Conclusion : We should monitor thyroid function and autoantibodies routinely in T1DM patients who develop goiters, or young boys with T1DM.

Clinical Characteristics, Histology and Prognosis of Autoimmune Hepatitis in Korean Children (소아 자가면역성 간염: 임상적 특성, 조직 소견 및 예후)

  • Chung, Dae-Lim;Seo, Jeong Kee;Yang, Hye Ran;Ko, Jae Sung;Park, Sung Hye
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.186-196
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic inflammatory liver disease with unknown cause that is characterized by liver histology, circulating autoantibodies and increased levels of immunoglobulin G. Only sporadic reports are available on autoimmune hepatitis in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, biochemical, and histological features, and the long-term outcome of autoimmune hepatitis in Korean children. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 14 children diagnosed as having autoimmune hepatitis at Seoul National University Children's Hospital from 1990 to 2004, and analyzed clinical, biochemical, and histological features, and clinical outcomes. Results: Mean age at diagnosis was 9 years and 11 of the 14 children were female. Six children presented with acute hepatitis-like manifestations. Jaundice and fatigue were the most common symptoms. Other autoimmune diseases accompanied in 6 children. Anti-nuclear antibody was detected in 13 patients and anti-smooth muscle antibody was positive in 8. All 14 patients were type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. The main histologic findings were interface hepatitis, rosette formation, and cirrhosis. Clinical and biochemical features were improved in six patients treated with ursodeoxycholic acid. Eight patients were treated with corticosteroid alone or in combination with azathioprine and five of them are in biochemical remission. Conclusion: Autoimmune hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease, which has a favorable long-term outcome if it is diagnosed and treated promptly. Therefore, autoimmune hepatitis should be suspected in children with chronic hepatitis of unknown etiology, especially in female patients who show hypergammaglobulinemia or some clinical features of autoimmune disease.

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Epidemiology of AIDS (AIDS의 역학)

  • 김정순
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 1988
  • AIDS, 즉 후천성면역결핍증은 인간면역결핍바이러스(Human Immunodeficiency Virus : HIV)라고 불리우는 바이러스에 의한 인간면역체계의 붕괴로 발생하는 질환이다. 1979년 최초로 새로운 임상적특징을 가진 증후군으로 의학학술지에 발표되어 의료계의 주목을 끌어오다가 1981년 봄 로스앤절레스에 있는 남성동성연애자에게 발생한 AIDS의 첫 예가 보고되어 본격적 연구가 시작되었다.

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