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Dynamic Traffic Assignment Using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 동적통행배정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Chul;Park, Chang-Ho;Chon, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Sung-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2000
  • Dynamic traffic assignment(DTA) has been a topic of substantial research during the past decade. While DTA is gradually maturing, many aspects of DTA still need improvement, especially regarding its formulation and solution algerian Recently, with its promise for In(Intelligent Transportation System) and GIS(Geographic Information System) applications, DTA have received increasing attention. This potential also implies higher requirement for DTA modeling, especially regarding its solution efficiency for real-time implementation. But DTA have many mathematical difficulties in searching process due to the complexity of spatial and temporal variables. Although many solution algorithms have been studied, conventional methods cannot iud the solution in case that objective function or constraints is not convex. In this paper, the genetic algorithm to find the solution of DTA is applied and the Merchant-Nemhauser model is used as DTA model because it has a nonconvex constraint set. To handle the nonconvex constraint set the GENOCOP III system which is a kind of the genetic algorithm is used in this study. Results for the sample network have been compared with the results of conventional method.

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Evaluation of Community Land Model version 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model over Deciduous Forest in Gwangneung, Korea (광릉 활엽수림에서 Community Land Model 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model의 평가)

  • Lim, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Young-Hee;Kwon, Hyo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2010
  • The performance of Community Land Model version 3.5 - Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM) was evaluated through a comparison with the observation over temperate deciduous forest in Gwangneung, Korea. Influence of plant phenology, composition of plant functional type, and climate variability on carbon exchanges was also examined through sensitivity test. To get equilibrium carbon storage, the model was run for 400 years driven by the observed atmospheric data at the deciduous forest of the year 2006. We run the model for 2006 with the equilibrium carbon storage at Gwangneung forest and compared the model output with the observation. A comparison of leaf area index (LAI) between the model and observation indicated that the simulated phenology poorly represented the timing of budburst, leaf-fall, and evolution of LAI. Senescence of the phenology was delayed about four weeks and the simulated maximum LAI (of 5.8 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$) was greater than the observed value (of 4.5 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$). The overestimated LAI contributed to overestimation of both gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration $(R_e)$ through increased photosynthesis and foliar autotropic respiration $(R_a)$, respectively. Despite the discrepancy between the simulated and observed LAI, the simulated tree carbon storage amounts were comparable with the reported values at the site. Change in plant phenology from the simulated to the observed reduced more than six weeks of the plant growth period, resulting in the decreased amount of GPP and $R_e$. These values, however, were still higher (~10% of GPP and 40% of $R_e$) than the observed values. The effect of change in plant functional type composition (from dominant temperate deciduous forest to the coexistence of temperate deciduous and needle leaf forests) on the estimated amount of GPP and $R_e$ was marginal. The influence of climate variability on carbon storage amounts was not significant. The simulated inter-annual variation of GPP and $R_e$ from 1994 to 2003 depended on annual mean air temperature and total radiation but not on precipitation. Other deficiencies of CLM3.5-DGVM have been discussed.


  • Bae, Yong-Chul;Lee, Eun-Hee;Choy, Min-Ki;Hong, Su-Hyung;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Na, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2001
  • Little is known about processing mechanism of pain sensation of the oral cavity at the 1st synapse of trigeminal sensory nuclei. Serial ultrathin sections of tooth pulp afferent terminals, identified by the transganglionic transport of 1% wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase, were investigated with electron microscope. Quantitative ultrastructural analysis was performed on digitizing tablet connected to Macintoshi personal computer (software; NIH Image 1.60, NIH, Bethesda, MD). Labeled boutons could be classified into two types by the shapes of containing vesicles : S bouton, which contained mainly spherical vesicles (Dia. 45-55 nm) and few large dense cored vesicles (Dia, 80-120nm), and LDCV bouton, which contained spherical vesicles as well as large number of large dense cored vesicles. Most of the parameters on the ultrastructural characteristic and synaptic organization of labeled boutons were similar between S and LDCV boutons, except shapes of containing vesicles. Majority of the labeled boutons showed simple synaptic arrangement. The labeled boutons were frequency presynaptic to dendritic spine, and to a lesser extent, dendritic shaft. They rarely synapsed with soma and adjacent proximal dendrite. A small proportion of labeled boutons made synaptic contacts with presynaptic, pleomorphic vesicles containing endings and synaptic triad. Morphometric parameters of labeled boutons including volume and surface area, total apposed area, mitochondrial volume, active zone area, vesicle number and density showed wide variation and these were not significantly different between S and LDCV boutons. The present study revealed characteristic features on ultrastructure and synaptic connection of pulpal afferents which may involved in transmission of oral pain sensation.

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The Study on the Relationship Between the Duration of Chest Vibration prior to Endotracheal Suctioning and the Changes in Oxygen Saturation in Low-Birth-Weight Infants (저체중아에 있어 기관내 흡인전 흉부진동법의 기관과 산소포화 변화간의 관계 연구)

  • Ahn, Young-Mee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.597-607
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    • 1995
  • 1960년대 이후 인공호흡기(mechanical ventilator)의 보급과 최근 의료과학의 발달, 간호의 질적 향상의 결과로 저체중출생아를 포함한 고위험 신생아의 생존율이 높아져왔다. 호흡장애증후군(RDS)은 일차적으로 폐포의 완전한 확장을 위해 필요한 계면활성물질(surfactant)의 부족, 미발달된 심폐기능에 의한 병리적 현상으로 저체중아의 가장 큰 원인이 되어왔다. RDS로 인해 인공호흡기에 의존해 있는 저체중아의 경우 적절한 산소공급과 이를 위한 호흡의 유지는 치료의 가장 큰 핵심이 되며, 이를 위한 기관내 흑은 비인두 흡인 (nasopharyngeal suction)은 신생아 중환자실(NICU)의 가장 중요한 간호행위가 되어왔다. 인공호흡기를 위한 기관삽관은 그 자체가 기도의 성모운동을 방해하고 기침반사를 억제시켜 폐 분비물의 효과적 배출을 억제하며, 특히 저체중아의 경우 조산과 관련하여 미발달된 흥곽운등과 심폐기능은 폐분비물의 이동을 저해하는 요소이다. 따라서 기도내의 분비물의 이동을 효과적으로 하여 흡인 시에 최대한의 효과를 돕기 위해 흥곽 물리요법(chest physiotheraphy : CPT)의 한 형태인 흉곽진동법 (Chest Vibration : CV)가 행해져 왔다. 그러나 저체중아를 위한CV의 임상적 적용은 그 대상의 생리적 특성, CV의 적용부위(site)와 기간(duration)에 대한 과학적 근거 없이 만성감염이나 폐질환을 가진 성인이나 cystic fibrosis환자를 위한 CV protocol을 무분별하게 채택하여 저체중아에게 행하여져 왔다 이에 본 연구자는 저체중아에 대한 CV의 안전성을 평가하고, 이에 기초하여 저체중아에게 바람직한CV의 형태를 알아보고자 본 연구를 시작하였다. 연구설계는 CV의 안전성을 평가하기 위한 실험연구이다. CV의 안전성은 RDS치료의 가장 일차적 목표인 oxygenation변화에 의해 평가될 수 있으므로, 본 실험 연구에서는 Pulse oximeter에 의해 계속적으로 측정된 산소포화 변화(oxygen saturation change)를 측정하였다. 실험대상은 미국동부에 위치한 대학병원의 NICU에 입원하여 RDS와 관련된 호흡장애로 인공호흡기에 의존해 있는 10명의 저체중아였다. 인공호흡기에 의존된 모든 저체중아는 Pulse oximeter와 심폐기능 측정기(cardiopulmonary monitor)에 의해 산소공급과 호흡상태가 계속 측정되고 있었다. 실험대상의 평균 출생시 몸무게는 평균 1,3050gm(SD=580.6)이었고, 임신월령 은 평균 28.6주(SD=3.1)였다. RDS가 그들의 일차적 진단명이었고, 그중 4명은 pneumonia, atelectasis의 합병증을 가지고 있었다. 10명중 6명은 intermittent mandatory ventilation(IMV)의 형태로, 4명은 continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP)의 형태로 인공호흡기에 의존되어 있었고 CV시의 FiO2는 평균 42.3(SD=21.2)였다. CV는 중환아용 소형진동기 (minivibrator)를 이용해 가각 10명 의 간호사에 의해 행하여 졌고, 최소 22초에서 최대 100초 동안 실시되었다. 50%의 간호사는 30초에서 40초간 CV를 실시하였으며, CV의 적용부위도, 전후 흉곽부위, 혹은 병변이 있는 좌 우측, 흑은 양쪽 흉벽 등으로 다양했고, 적용방법도 원형으로 돌려가며(circular motion), 혹은 아래에서 위로, 혹은 아무런 기준없이 간호사의 기호에 따라 다양하게 적용되었다. 산소포화의 변화는 CV가 행해지기 전.후로 5초동안 관찰되었다. 연구의 결과, 산소포화 변화는 비 모수통계(non parametric statistics)의 일종인 Matched Paired Wilcoxon test로 분석 한 결과 CV후에 3%의 감소를 보였다(P<.05). 저체중아에 있어 산소포화의 3%감소는 임상적으로 중요한 의미가 없다고 사료되어지며, 실제 흡인전의 과도호흡에 의해 CV를 행하기 이전의 산소공급수준으로 돌아 왔다. CV실시 기간과 산소포화와의 상관관계는 비 모수통계인 Spearman rho correlation coefficient를 이용하여 분석하였는데, 이 두 변수는 서로 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다(P>.05) 또한 CV와 흡인 후에 각각의 간호사들에게 CV를 필요로 한 저체중아의 기준, 적용부위, 기간, 방법등에 대한 기준을 물었으나 대상의 특성에 따른 간호사정에 의존하기보다는 간호사 각자의 선호하는 방법이나 습관에 라 행하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 CV와 산소포화 변화와의 관계, NICU에서 관찰된 CV의 임상적 적용을 기초로 저체중아에게 안전한 CV protocol은 신생아용 소형 진동기를 이용하여, 양쪽 흉곽의 늑골하측 변연 부위(low lateral costal margin)에서 시작하여 흉골 중앙부위 방향으로 30초 동안 진동기를 적용하는 것이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 이에 CV의 효과를 평가하기 위한 보다 과학적인 접근방법으로, CV와 흡인의 결과인 가래(sputum)에 대한 연구를 제언하는 바이다.

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Color Change of Food Staining and Bleaching on Composite Resin (콤포지트 레진의 음식물에 따른 착색과 미백에 따른 색 변화)

  • Choi, Eun-Jung;Moon, Sung-Hee;Mun, So-Ra;Pak, Sun-Young;Song, Mi-Joung;Kim, Eun-Young;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.477-485
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    • 2012
  • This study evaluate the influence of food staining food and bleaching on the color (CIELAB) and reflectivity of two-way (anterior & posterior) composite resin and flowable composite resin. There were 6 immersion media: kimchi, red pepper paste, blueberry, tea, curry and distilled water. A total of 36 specimens ($11{\times}11{\times}2$ mm) were prepared and immersed in each immersion media for 8 days at $37^{\circ}C$. Their color and reflectivity measured with the spectrophotometer at baseline and every 24 hours. Data from the color change and reflectivity were collected and subjected to statistical analysis by ANOVA, ANCOVA and RM-ANOVA. Curry showed the highest influence on color change and blueberry on brightness (p<0.001) on both resins. Bleaching after polishing made color change more than polishing or bleaching independently on two-way (anterior & posterior) composite resin, but not on flowable composite resin. It was suggested cleaning the mouth after taking curry and blueberry be needed to maintain the original color of composite resin.

Distribution and Interrelationship of Smoking, Drinking, and Physical Exercising among Some Rural Adult, an Application of the Transtheoretical Model (행동수정의 단계적 변화론 모형(Transtheoretical Model)에 의한 일부 농촌성인의 흡연, 음주 및 운동행태 분포와 상호 관련성)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Lee, Young-Sung;Shin, Hyun-Hwa;Lee, Kun-Sei;Yoon, Seok-Jun;Jung, Ki-Hweon;Kim, Eun-Young;Chun, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.113-131
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    • 2000
  • Transtheoretical model of change has been proven very effective in explaining both the acquisition and cessation of many health related behaviors. The objectives of this study were to describe the distribution of smokers by stage of change of smoking, alcoholic drinking, and exercising in rural residents and to develope health promotion strategies. This study was done in Okchun County of Chungbuk Province. The representative sample were 892 residents over 30 years old. The questionnaires of interview included socio-demographic, the six stage distribution of smoking, alcoholic drinking, and exercising. In male, 50.6% of smokers were in the precontemplation stage, 32.5% in the contemplation. In female, corresponding figures were 60.6% and 28.8%. Precontemplation and contemplation stage of drinker were 72.8%, 19.3% in male and 80.3%, 15.5%. Distribution of exercise were 80.6%, 1.8% in male, 87.6%, 1.2% in female, respectively. The stage distribution of smoker, alcoholic drinker, and exerciser was shift to left of the distribution. And the stage distribution was slightly differ with each health behavior. The stage of change with smoking, drinking and exercising was correlated with each other but not concordant. So interventions in rural residents need to take into account the large proportion of precontemplators repeatedly observed among smoker, drinker, and non-exerciser. And intervention strategies of each risk behavior should be different approach. Result of concordance analysis suggest reconstruct validity of the transtheoretical model in our country due to ethnic and sociocultural difference. This results and theory should be tested in prospective intervention studies for seeking the possible gateway of health behavior.

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The Studies on the Development of Low Irritable Preservative System with Phenoxyethanol in Cosmetics (Phenoxyethanol을 이용한 저자극 방부시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Gi-Woong;Lee, Chn-Mong;Kim, Hyeong-Bae;Jeong, Ji-Hen;Jo, Byoung-Kee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.31 no.1 s.49
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2005
  • Recently, according as people who have sensitive skin increase, we've been giving more importance to the safety of cosmetics. Especially, preservative is known to be one of the main stimuli which cause side-effects of cosmetics. However, there have been few reports describing cell cytotoxicity, skin penetration, oil-aqueous phase partition, anti-microbial activity of preservatives and their correlation with skin irritation. The study is aimed to develop low irritable preservative system with phenoxyethanol, one of the most commonly used preservatives in cosmetics, considering various factors mentioned above. According to our results of cell cytotoxicity against human normal fibroblasts by means of MTT assay, phenoxyethanol showed the lowest cytotoxicity when compared to other preservatives tested (cytotoxicity: pro-pylparaben > butylparaben > ethylparaben > methylparaben > triclosan > phenoxyethanol), but human patch test for assessing shin primary irritation revealed that phenoxyethanol has higher skin irritation than methylparaben and triclosan. We performed in vitro skin penetration test using horizontal Franz diffusion cells with skin membrane prepared from hairless mouse (5 ${\~}$ 8 weeks, male) to evaluate the rate of skin penetration of preservatives. From the results, we found that the higher irritable property of phenoxyethanol in human skin correlates with its predominant permeability (skin penetration: phenoxyethanol > methylparaben > ethylparaben > propylparaben > butylfaraben > triclosan). Therefore, we made an effort to reduce skin permeability of phenoxyethanol and found that not only the rate of skin penetration of phenoxyethanol but also its skin irritation is dramatically reduced in formulas containing oils with low polarity. In the experiments to investigate the effect of oil polarity on the oil-aqueous phase partition of phenoxyethanol, more than $70\%$ of phenoxyethanol was partitioned in aqueous phase in formulas containing oils with low polarity, while about $70 {\~} 90\%$ of phenoxyethanol was partitioned in oil phase in formulas containing oils with high polarity. Also, in aqueous phase phenoxyethanol showed greater anti-microbial activity. Conclusively, it appears that we can develop less toxic preservative system with reduced use dosage of phenox-yethanol and its skin penetration by changing oil composition in formulas.

Effects of the Raising Period on Meat Quality in Two New Strains of Korean Native Chicken (사육기간에 따른 신품종 및 상용토종닭의 육질특성 비교분석)

  • Lee, Seong-Yun;Park, Ji-Young;Jung, Samooel;Jung, Jong-Hyun;Nam, Ki-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to determine the nutritional quality of two newly-developed native chicken strains, compared to the commercial Korean native chicken. A total of 600 chickens (CON: Hanhyup No. 3, CL1: candidate line C, CL2: candidate line D) raised under the same conditions were slaughtered at either 5 or 12 weeks. Leg meat was then obtained and analyzed for its physicochemical properties. The results showed that regardless of the growing period, there was no variation in proximate composition (P>0.05), except for crude protein, between strains. Water holding capacity did not differ between strains at either slaughter age; however, it was significantly lower in the 12-week group than in the 5-week group (P≤0.05). For both skin and muscle color, a* and b* values were lower at 12 weeks than at 5 weeks (P≤0.05). DPPH radical-scavenging activity tended to be lower at 12 weeks than at 5 weeks (P≤0.05). Furthermore, all chickens slaughtered at 5 weeks were found to have greater contents of linoleic acid (18:2) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and lower atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indices than those slaughtered at 12 weeks (P≤0.05). However, anserine, betaine, and glucose were more concentrated among the lines at 12 weeks than at 5 weeks (P≤0.05). In conclusion, the quality traits of native chickens were distinct by different production stages rather than chicken lines.

Study on Adsorption of PO43--P in Water using Activated Clay (활성 백토를 이용한 수중의 인산성 인(PO43--P) 흡착에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Ji Young;Jin, Ye Ji;Ryoo, Keon Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2021
  • In this study, activated clay treated with H2SO4 (20% by weight) and heat at 90 ℃ for 8 h for acid white soil was used as an adsorbent for the removal of PO43--P in water. Prior to the adsorption experiment, the characteristics of activated clay was examined by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) and BET surface area analyser. The adsorption of PO43--P on activated clay was steeply increased within 0.25 h and reached equilibrium at 4 h. At 5 mg/L of low PO43--P concentration, roughly 98% of adsorption efficiency was accomplished by activated clay. The adsorption data of PO43--P were introduced to the adsorption isotherm and kinetic models. It was seen that both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were applied well to describe the adsorption behavior of PO43--P on activated clay. For adsorption PO43--P on activated clay, the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm coefficients, KF and Q, were found to be 8.3 and 20.0 mg/g, respectively. The pseudo-second-order kinetics model was more suitable for adsorption of PO43--P in water/activated clay system owing to the higher correlation coefficient R2 and the more proximity value of the experimental value qe,exp and the calculated value qe,cal than the pseudo-first-order kinetics model. The results of study indicate that activated clay could be used as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of PO43-P from water.

Does a Preoperative Temporary Discontinuation of Antiplatelet Medication before Surgery Increase the Allogenic Transfusion Rate and Blood Loss after Total Knee Arthroplasty? (항 혈소판 제제의 술 전, 일시적 중단은 슬관절 전치환술 이후의 실혈량 및 동종수혈의 필요성을 증가시키지 않는가?)

  • Cho, Myung-Rae;Lee, Young Sik;Kwon, Jae Bum;Lee, Jae Hyuk;Choi, Won-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine if preoperative temporary discontinuation of antiplatelet medication (aspirin, clopidogrel, or cilostazol) is a safe procedure that does not increase early postoperative bleeding and allogenic blood transfusion after a total knee arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted among consecutive patients who underwent navigation assisted primary total knee arthroplasty performed by a single surgeon, from January 2013 to December 2016. A total of 369 patients enrolled in this study were divided into two groups, 271 patients with no history of antiplatelet therapy and 98 patients who underwent 7 days of temporary withdrawal of antiplatelet therapy. Comparative analysis between the two groups, on the variation of hemoglobin and hematocrit during the first and second postoperative days, was conducted to determine the amount of early postoperative bleeding and the frequency of allogenic blood transfusion during hospitalization. Results: The variation of hemoglobin, hematocrit during the first and second postoperative days and the frequency of allogenic blood transfusion between no history of antiplatelet medication and discontinuation antiplatelet medication before 7 days from surgery were similar in both groups. Of the 369 patients, 149 patients received a blood transfusion during their hospitalization. Compared to patients who did not receive a blood transfusion, those who did received blood transfusion were significantly older in age, smaller in height, lighter in weight, and showed significantly lower preoperative hemoglobin and hematocrit values. No statistically significant differences in sex, preoperative American Society of Anesthesiologists scores, and the history of antiplatelet medication until 7 days prior to surgery were observed between the two groups according to blood transfusion. Conclusion: Compared to patients with no history of antiplatelet medication, the temporary discontinuation of antiplatelet medication 7 days prior to surgery in patients undergoing antiplatelet medication did not increase the amount of postoperative bleeding or the need for allogenic blood transfusion.