• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일용 근로자

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The Impacts of Socio-Economic Characteristics on the Services User's Perception by the Change of Social Condition in Healthcare Services (보건의료서비스 이용자의 사회경제적 특성이 보건의료서비스의 여건변화 지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3276-3283
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether some socio-economic characteristics affect the service users' perception on the change of social condition in healthcare services. The research target for this study was fixed on the sample members in national sample design and the data of this study was used 37,648 effective samples collecting using Probability Proportional to Size. The results of this study using the causal relationships model are as follows: The variables including type of female, age, years of schooling show positive signs on the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. And the variables including household income, temporary worker, casual worker, urban residents show negative signs on the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. In conclusion, the socio-economic characteristics affect the service users' perception on the social condition change of healthcare. And the service user's perception on the social condition change of healthcare was affected positively on the beneficiary side.

New! 안전시설&보호구 - 경제성과 안전성을 갖춘 자동화시스템, 건설현장에서 '인기'

  • Im, Dong-Hui
    • The Safety technology
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    • no.173
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    • pp.24-25
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    • 2012
  • 우리나라 재해 중 사망사고가 가장 많이 발생하는 업종은 단연 건설업이다. 지난해에도 총 2,114명의 산업재해 사망자 중 621명(29.4%)이 건설업에서 발생했다. 이렇듯 건설업에서 사망재해가 많이 발생하는 것에는 여러 이유가 있겠지만, 그 중에서도 현장에서 체계적이고 시스템적인 관리 및 업무처리가 잘 이뤄지지 않고 있다는 것이 주 요인으로 꼽힌다. 이는 현장의 이동이 빈번하고, 일용근로자가 많다는 건설현장특성상 어쩔 수 없는 부분으로 여겨져 왔다. 이러한 상황 속에 최근 설계 도면부터 각종 안전장치까지, 수동적인 시스템을 탈피해 자동적인 시스템을 구축 확산하려 노력하고 있는 기업이 있어 주목을 끈다. 바로 자동화시스템 전문업체인 (주)제이엠디(이하 JMD)다. 이곳의 대표적인 제품으로는 철골 자동화 설계 프로그램인 'Marvel Shop'과 자동안전샤클 제품인 'MASS2 ss11'이 있다. 건설현장의 자동화를 지향하는 이들 제품을 한번 살펴봤다.

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Study on the Musculoskeletal Subjective Symptoms Disorders and Health Promotion Behavior of Daily Plant Construction Workers in One Area (일 지역 일용직 플랜트 건설근로자의 근골격계 질환 자각증상과 건강증진행위)

  • Kim, Ja-Sook;Kim, Ja-Ok;Seo, Ji-Yong;Kim, Hack-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This research is a correlative study to assess the relationships of musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders and health promotion behavior of the daily plant construction workers. Methods: The subjects were comprised of 306 daily plant construction workers by self-reported questionnaires on October 19, 2011. The instruments used for this study were musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders (NIOSH) and health promotion lifestyle profile II (HPLP-II). The data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 14.0. Results: The scores of health promotion behavior of daily plant construction workers were 2.13, and the scores of health promotion behavior were significantly different depending on gender (t=-2.51, p=.013), religion (t=3.10, p=.002), owning house (t=2.59, p= .010), exercise (t=6.01, p<.001), time to rest during work (t=2.21, p=.027), and work satisfaction (F=8.97, p<.001). The musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders attack rate was 90.5%. The results of the correlative study to assess relationships showed significant negative correlation between musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders and health promotion behavior (r=-1.45, p=.011). Conclusion: The results of the study showed that it was lower level of health promotion behavior level. Therefore, to increase the health promotion behavior of the daily plant construction workers, a great deal of efforts are required at the level of the government, employers and workers.

The Study on Gender Equality in the Family by Type of Employment of Married Woman (기혼여성의 고용형태에 따른 가정내 성평등에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Seung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.52
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    • pp.201-221
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    • 2003
  • This paper aims to examine whether there are significant differences in various aspects of a household's arrangements by type of employment of married woman; 1) the extent of the division of labor, 2) the authority of decision making, and 3) financial and expenditure responsibilities. It also investigates the determinants of gender equality in the family. Based on data collected in the fall of 2002 from a representative sample of the Korean population, this study finds that nonstandard employment of married woman including temporary work and daily basis work does not contribute to gender equality within the household, although most of nonstandard employees are full-time workers. However, standard employment of married woman contribute to gender equality in the family. The results of this study show that husbands whose wives are standard-employed are more likely to take part in housework chores that are female-dominated, and standardly employed wives are more likely than non-standardly employed or housewives to take part in the household's financial and expenditure responsibilities. Standardly employed wives also have more power in decision making process within households. On the contrary, non-standardly employed wives gain no advantage over housewives within their families, due to lack of bargaining resources that enable them to affect the household's arrangements. Thus, they have confronted additional burdens, which stem from carrying the dual role of doing house work as well as paid work. Such increasing work-family conflict may bring about disruption of family. Therefore, this study maintains that it is high time that government-level efforts should be made in order to improve the status of irregularly employed wives in the workplace.

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Labor-Market Activities of Uninsured Persons and Policy Implications for Reforming the National Pension Scheme in Korea (국민연금 적용제외자의 노동시장 활동과 제도 개선에 대한 함의)

  • Woo, Haebong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.203-226
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    • 2010
  • Using the Korean Welfare Panel Study, this study examines the labor-market activities of uninsured persons and discusses policy implications for reforming the National Pension Scheme in Korea. First, despite the short observation period, the data show that pension status is not a static state and can be better understood in terms of dynamic processes. Second, in addition to frequent changes in income-earning activities, complex criteria for pension coverage cause substantial transitions in pension status. Third, a portion of uninsured persons involve in income-earning activities but they tend to face poor working conditions as well as unstable employment. Overall, this study suggests that building solid foundations for developing a financially sustainable and reliable social protection system is more important than rapid increase in pension coverage.

The Effect of Employment Types of Middle and Old Age Group of Wage Earner on Life Satisfaction (중·노년층 임금근로자의 고용형태에 따른 삶의 만족도)

  • Lee, Seo-yeong;Song, Hee-kyong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 2019
  • The study was conducted on the impact of employment types middle and old age group of wage earner on life satisfaction and analyzed by dividing it into variables in the employment types and demographic characteristics. Based on the data for the 12th year of the Korea Welfare Panel Study, 1,244 respondents who answered that the main types of economic activities were 'full-time, temporary, daily wage earners' or 'self-help labor, public labor, and elderly empolyment program in public sector.' among 4,341 people over 55 years of age under the age of 75 as of 2017 standard. The survey covered 1,244 people. By age group, 826 people aged 55-64 (middle-age group) and 418 people aged 65-74(old-age group). Middle age group showed that education level, spouse, health condition, beneficiaries of basic livelihood and average monthly income variables were the factors that influence the satisfaction of life. But The type of employment did not significantly affect. Old age group showed that the higher education level, in spouse with-living or spouse death, the better health condition is perceived, the less experience of beneficiaries of basic livelihood, the higher average monthly income, the more satisfied life is. The survey also found that old-aged people who participate in "self-help labor, public labor, and elderly employment program in public sector" are also found to be more satisfied with their lives. According to these results, policy for the old age group should be focused on hunting and expanding of employment program in public sector for the elderly. In order to boost life satisfaction of the elderly, more intensive vocational education and employment training should be provided.

Middle-Old Age's Retirement Transition, Old Age Income Security and the Support of Gradual Retirement (중고령자의 퇴직전환 및 노후소득보장과 점진적 퇴직지원)

  • Ji, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.135-168
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    • 2006
  • This study reviewed pension reform's overall characteristic and(anticipated) positive negative effect in OECD countries's and then analysed middle-old age's retirement transition and determinants of full/gradual retirement through the $3{\sim}7th$ Korea Labor and Income Panel considering that Korea has been aging society quickly and it is necessary to suggest not only solution of early retirement and working age reduction but also pension reform. As a result of this study, about 1/4 of 50 years and older have been continuing to work through various pathways after retirement and 98% among fully retired older who passed by re-employment step of occupational status including retirement are still searching for jobs. This showed that it is also inappropriate to typical retirement concept itself on the lines of labour market participation in Korea and part-time/temporary work or self-employment have been used by means of alternatives of maintaining works for middle-old ages. However, the duration of changed occupational status of gradual retirees is mostly only $1{\sim}2$ years. Therefore it is necessary to support the gradual retirement to minimize a term of income insecurity and promote the work of the old ages who have will and capacity of work. Most of all, partial pension system which is main program of gradual retirement, should make the rules that beneficiaries are those who age less than pensionable age and benefit levels should be actuarial fairness together with pension system and provide substantial help. But, the introduction of partial pension system is not the only way to solve and needs overall social economic approach. Especially guarantee the increase of quantitative qualitative employment for middle-old ages linking labor market policy and supporting gradual retirement not ought to be abused to force the part time works and early retirement route against their own will.

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Oral Health and Occupational Status among Korean Adults (우리나라 성인의 직업 수준에 따른 구강건강불평등 현황)

  • Shin, Bo-Mi;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Yoo, Sang-Hee;Shin, Sun-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the oral health condition and behavioral status of Korean adults according to occupational status. The subjects were 7,676 adults, aged between 19 and 64 years, who completed both oral examination and questionnaire survey, among those who indicated that they were currently participating in economic activities, according to the data from the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Occupational class and employment status were selected as measures of occupational status. Complex-samples logistic regression models were used to assess the associations among oral health, behavioral, and occupational statuses. We found a significant occupational class-related difference in the oral health and behavioral statuses of both the men and women. In particular, the prevalence odds ratios of untreated dental caries in manual workers were 1.19 and 1.67 times higher than in non-manual workers, for men and women, respectively. As for oral health condition and behavioral status according to employment status, the health risk in temporary employment workers was higher than that in permanent employment workers. As for the prevalence odds ratios of the risk of dental caries, the highest values were observed for tooth brushing fewer than 3 times per day, not undergoing oral examinations, and chewing difficulty complaints. The risk of dental caries for agricultural, forestry, and fishing workers for both men and women was found to be the highest among other workers. Thus, strategies to promote workplace oral health in the microscopic and macroscopic perspectives should be developed to constantly monitor oral health problems, and to identify vulnerable social groups within occupational groups and the related factors that mediate oral health differences.

Subjective Mismatch Determinants and Wage Effect of Youth Employees (청년취업자의 주관적 미스매치 결정요인 및 임금효과 분석)

  • Hwang, Kwanghoon
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.181-214
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    • 2018
  • This study uses the youth panel survey (YP2007 2th ~ 9th) data of the Korea Employment Information Service to examine the phenomenon of subjective mismatch arising from the youth labor market and analyzed the determinants and wage effects of subjective mismatch. Overall, the analysis showed that the over-education and over-technology of both educational background and technical skill level in the Miss Match significantly decreased, while the lack of education and technology increased rather gradually. Next, the analysis of the determinants of downward employment(Excess of education and technology) showed that males were less likely to be downwardly employed(Excess of education and technology) than females, and in the status of workers, the probability of downward employment of regular and non-wage workers was lower than that of temporary/daily workers. Finally, as a result of estimating the wage effect of the mismatch based on the pooled OLS model and the Panel Fixed Effect model, the mismatch which has the greatest effect on the wage was found to be excessive education, and it has been estimated that youth employees who are over-educated have an average 6.7% lower wages than those who are not. After controlling for the unobserved individual characteristics, they were found to receive a lower wage of 3.2%, and it is estimated that 2.9% for the technical excess mismatch and 2.3% for the major mismatch receive lower wages than the reference group.

The Excluded from Public Pension : Problem, Cause and Policy Measures (공적연금의 사각지대 : 실태, 원인과 정책방안)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.53
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    • pp.285-310
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    • 2003
  • As National Pension Scheme for all nation complete in 1999 through expanding application in cities, the public pension including Public Occupational Pension became main axis of old-age income maintenance. After 4years since then, now, it is only half of total National Pension insured persons who have been qualified to receive pension through participate and contribution. The other half of National Pension insured is left the excluded from public pension. This paper is intended to identify scale and characteristics of the excluded from public pension and to analysis its cause, and to explore policy measures for solving the excluded's problem. for current recipients over 60 years old generation, the its excluded's scale is no less than 86% of the old over 60 years. The probability of getting in the excluded is high in case of old elderly and female for current elderly generation. For future recipients 18-59 years working generation, the its excluded's scale is no less than 61% of the 18-59 years total population. The probability of getting in the excluded is high in case of 18-29 years and female for current working generation. As logistic regression analysis determinant factor of paying or not pension contribution for future recipients, it appear that probability of getting in the excluded for current working generation is high in case of younger old, lower education attainment, irregular employee, working at agriculture forestry fishery sector, construction sector, wholesale retail trade restaurants hotels sector, financial institution and insurance real estate renting and leasing sector in comparison with manufacturing sector, occpaying at elementary occupation, professionals technicians and associate professionals, sale and service workers, plant machine operators and assemblers, legislators senior officials and managers in comparison with clerks. The Policy measures for the current recipient old generation have need to reinforce supplemental role of Senior's pension(non-contribution pension) until maturing of public pension, because of no having chance of public pension participants for them. And the Policy measures for the future recipient working generation have need to restructure social security fundamentally corresponding with social-economic change as labour market and family structure etc. The pension system has need to change from one earner one pension to one citizen one pension with citizenship rights. At this point, public pension have need to manage with combining insurance's contribution principle and citizenship principle financing by taxes. Then public pension will become substantially universal social network for old-age income maintenance and we can find real solution for the excluded from.

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