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Effects of Nutrient Strength and Light Intensity on Nutrient Uptake and Growth of Young Kalanchoe Plants (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 'Marlene') at Seedling Stage (배양액의 농도와 광강도가 단일처리전 칼랑코에 유묘의 양분흡수와 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Lu, Yin-Ji;Son, Jung-Eek
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2005
  • It is very important to make shorter and healthier pot plants with increased numbers of branch at a growing stage before short-day exposure. Especially light and nutrient conditions directly affect the growth and quality of the plants as described above. In this study, the effects of nutrient strength and light intensity on the nutrient uptake and growth of young Kalanchoe plants (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 'Marlene') during this growth stage were investigated. The plants were grown under two radiation integral (15.8 and 7.9 $mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$, PPF) and three EC (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 $dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$) conditions. Leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight and number of branch were higher at a higher PPF, and this tendency was more evident at an EC above 1.6$dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$. The plants became higher at a lower PPF. When the EC was at 0.8 $dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$, the plants did not grow so healthy regardless of PPF conditions. EC decrement in the nutrient solution was increased with increase of nutrient strength. With growth stage, the nutrient uptake was increased with increases of nutrient strength and PPF. At a higher PPF, $NO_3-N,\;K^{+}\;and\;Ca^{2+}$ were much more absorbed, and especially the uptake of $K^{+}$ was 1.1 to 1.5 times greater than that or $NO_3-N$. From the results, the EC needed above 1.6 $dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ during the seedling stage in order to make more healthy Kalanchoe plants having more leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight and number of branches under adequate light conditions.

The Characteristics of the Agricultural Management in the Less Favored Metropolitan Areas - A Case study of Bonli, Taegu- (대도시내 영농조건 불리지역의 농업경영 특성 - 대구광역시 본리마을을 사례로 -)

  • Woo, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2000
  • Generally speaking, the metropolitan agricultural regions have some advantages from the high accessibility to markets. But agriculture inevitably rests on the biological process. This study shows what characteristics of the agricultural management are found in these less favored metropolitan areas with bad natural conditions and how farm household live there. From the view point of farm household, the quality of labors they can get is quite low, and insufficient in quantity. The shortage of labor can be made up for the farming on Trust Farming System And the relatively less favored agricultural conditions prevent people from immigrating into these kind of areas, if they don't have any relationship with there. With bad natural conditions, the farm households usually cultivate relatively small areas for the purpose of self-sufficiency, and with smaller cultivating units(Baemi) of the land than in open fields. The scale of the agricultural management is largely affected by the ages of agricultural managers. The more aged the managers are, the smaller scale of the agricultural management. How to use lands is determined in accordance with the natural conditions such as percentage of sunshine and accessibility to drainage facilities -the two major factors- and more. Either owner-run farmlands or leased farmlands doesn't show any difference in each growing crops. Depending on the conditions of the lands, rice paddy is used for growing rice and field is used for growing self sufficient plants including vegetables for the farm household. Although the lack of infrastructure causes the inconvenience of living, and there exist less favored agricultural conditions, this kind of life and agricultural management style -self-sufficiency type- seems to be sustained quite longer. The less favored natural conditions for farming keeps the agricultural management style from being developed to be the level of commercialization. And the poor economic situation of farmers are continuing again and again. With the result of this study, there should be two conditions to be established previously if they want to develop these regions. First, each farm household should get to know of the importance of commercialization and try to spread it. The commercialization. should be attained through the expansion of the environmental friendly agriculture and the improvement of the previously established distribution system of the crops. Secondly, there should be a support from the government. The support will include the expansion of the infrastructures for fanning to improve the fanning conditions and the compensation system directly from the government to the farmers.

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Simulation of Local Climate and Crop Productivity in Andong after Multi-Purpose Dam Construction (임하 다목적댐 건설 후 주변지역 기후 및 작물생산력 변화)

  • 윤진일;황재문;이순구
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.579-596
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    • 1997
  • A simulation study was carried out to delineate potential effects of the lake-induced climate change on crop productivity around Lake Imha which was formed after a multi-purpose dam construction in Andong, Korea. Twenty seven cropping zones were identified within the 30 km by 25 km study area. Five automated weather stations were installed within the study area and operated for five years after the lake formation. A geostatistical method was used to calculate the monthly climatological normals of daily maximum and minimum temperature, solar radiation and precipitation for each cropping zone before and after the dam construction. Daily weather data sets for 30 years were generated for each cropping zone from the monthly normals data representing "No lake" and "After lake" climatic scenarios, respectively. They were fed into crop models (ORYZA1 for rice, SOYGRO for soybean, CERES-maize for corn) to simulate the yield potential of each cropping zone. Calculated daily maximum temperature was higher after the dam construction for the period of October through March and lower for the remaining months except June and July. Decrease in daily minimum temperature was predicted for the period of April through August. Monthly total radiation was predicted to decrease after the lake formation in all the months except February, June, and September and the largest drop was found in winter. But there was no consistent pattern in precipitation change. According to the model calculation, the number of cropping zones which showed a decreased yield potential was 2 for soybean and 6 for corn out of 27 zones with a 10 to 17% yield drop. Little change in yield potential was found at most cropping zones in the case of paddy rice, but interannual variation was predicted to increase after the lake formation. the lake formation.

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Palatability and Physicochemical Properties in 2001 Yield Increased by 10% than Normal Level in 2000 (쌀 수량이 평년수준인 2000년 대비 10% 증가한 2001년의 식미 및 이화학특성 비교)

  • Lee, Jeom-Sig;Lee, Jeong-Heui;Yoon, Mi-Ra;Kwak, Jieun;Mo, Young Jun;Chun, Areum;Kim, Chung-Kon
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.292-300
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we examine the palatability and physicochemical properties of rice in the year, when there was 10% increase in yield compared to normal year due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours. The results of the analysis of rice yield over the last 20 years (1993-2012) showed 10% difference between the yield in 2000, which was normal, and that in 2001. With regard to the crop weather condition during the ripening period in 2001 compared to 2000, the daily range and sunshine hours were higher, but the mean temperature was similar. The rice yield in 2001 was 9.8% higher than that in 2000 due to the increased number of spikelets per panicles and ratio of ripened grain. In terms of chemical traits, protein, Mg, and K contents decreased in 2001 compared to 2000, but amylose content increased. Trough and final viscosity assessed with a Rapid Visco Analyser were significantly higher in 2001 than 2000. The quality of cooked rice was measured through the Toyo Mido Meter Glossiness Value (TGV) instead of a palatability score because a sensory test produces relative comparison values rather than absolute values. The correlation coefficients between the sensory evaluation parameters and the TGV in several rice materials harvested in two years showed a highly significant positive correlation ($r=0.81^{**}-0.89^{**}$, n=27-47). TGV was also significantly higher in 2001 than in 2000. The results suggested that the palatability of cooked rice was good in 2001 with about 10% increase in rice yield compared to normal year in 2000 due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours.

Risk Assessment of Pine Tree Dieback in Sogwang-Ri, Uljin (울진 소광리 금강소나무 고사발생 특성 분석 및 위험지역 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Lee, Bora;Kim, Jaebeom;Cho, Nanghyun;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.3
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2020
  • Extreme weather events, such as heat and drought, have occurred frequently over the past two decades. This has led to continuous reports of cases of forest damage due to physiological stress, not pest damage. In 2014, pine trees were collectively damaged in the forest genetic resources reserve of Sogwang-ri, Uljin, South Korea. An investigation was launched to determine the causes of the dieback, so that a forest management plan could be prepared to deal with the current dieback, and to prevent future damage. This study aimedto 1) understand the topographic and structural characteristics of the area which experienced pine tree dieback, 2) identify the main causes of the dieback, and 3) predict future risk areas through the use of machine-learning techniques. A model for identifying risk areas was developed using 14 explanatory variables, including location, elevation, slope, and age class. When three machine-learning techniques-Decision Tree, Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were applied to the model, RF and SVM showed higher predictability scores, with accuracies over 93%. Our analysis of the variable set showed that the topographical areas most vulnerable to pine dieback were those with high altitudes, high daily solar radiation, and limited water availability. We also found that, when it came to forest stand characteristics, pine trees with high vertical stand densities (5-15 m high) and higher age classes experienced a higher risk of dieback. The RF and SVM models predicted that 9.5% or 115 ha of the Geumgang Pine Forest are at high risk for pine dieback. Our study suggests the need for further investigation into the vulnerable areas of the Geumgang Pine Forest, and also for climate change adaptive forest management steps to protect those areas which remain undamaged.

Supplemental Lighting by HPS and PLS Lamps Affects Growth and Yield of Cucumber during Low Radiation Period (약광기 HPS와 PLS lamp를 이용한 오이의 보광재배효과)

  • Kwon, Joon-Kook;Yu, In-Ho;Park, Kyoung-Sub;Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Sup;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.400-406
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    • 2018
  • In this experiment the effect of supplemental lighting on the growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. 'Fresh') plants during low radiation period of winter season were investigated in glasshouses using common high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and newly developed plasma lighting system (PLS) lamps. Plants grown without supplemental lighting were considered as a control. Supplemental lighting was provided from November 20th, 2015 to March 15th, 2016 to ensure 14-hour photoperiod (natural+supplemental light), also lamps were operated automatically when the outside sun radiation levels were less than $100W{\cdot}m^{-2}$. Spectral analysis showed that HPS lamp had a discrete spectrum, lacked of the radiation in the 400-550 nm wave band (blue-green light), but had a high output in the orange-red region (550-650 nm). A higher red light output resulted in an increased red to far-red (R/FR) ratio in HPS lamp. PLS had a continuous spectrum and had a peak radiation in green region (490-550 nm). HPS has 12.6% lower output in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) but 12.6% higher output in near infra-red (NIR) spectral regions compared to PLS. Both HPS and PLS lamps emitted very low levels of ultra-violet radiation (300-400 nm). Supplemental lighting both from HPS and PLS lamps increased plant height, leaf number, internode number and dry weight of cucumber plants compared to control. Photosynthetic activity of cucumber plants grown under two supplemental lighting systems was comparable. Number of fruits per cucumber plant (fruit weight per plant) in control, PLS, and HPS plots were 21.2 (2.9 kg), 38.7 (5.5 kg), and 40.4 (5.6 kg), respectively, thereby increasing yield by 1.8-1.9 times in comparison with control. An analysis of the economic feasibility of supplemental lighting in cucumber cultivation showed that considering lamp installation and electricity costs the income from supplemental lighting increased by 37% and 62% for PLS and HPS lamps, respectively.

Diffusion equation model for geomorphic dating (지형연대 측정을 위한 디퓨젼 공식 모델)

  • Lee, Min Boo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.285-297
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    • 1993
  • For the application of the diffusion equation, slope height and maximum slope angle are calculated from the plotted slope profile. Using denudation rate as a solution for the diffusion equation, an apparent age index can be calculated, which is the total amount of denudation through total time. Plots of slope angle versus slope height and apparent age index versus slope height are useful for determining relative or absolute ages and denudation rates. Mathematical simulation plots of slope angle versus slope height can generate equal denudation-rate lines for a given age. Mathematical simulations of slope angle versus age for a given slope height, for equal denudation-rate at a particular profile site, and for comparing to other sites having controlled ages.

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Determination of Appropriate Location for Baby Leaf Vegetable in Multi Bench System of Rice Seedling Nursery Facility During High Temperature Periods (다단식 벼육묘시설을 활용한 고온기 어린잎채소 재배 적정 위치 선발)

  • Kim, Jae Kyung;Kim, Il Seop;Kang, Ho Min;Choi, Ki Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the suitable of layer on growth of six baby leaf vegetables using existing facilities and equipment in rice seedling nursery. Three kinds of Lactuca(lettuce 'Jinppallola' and 'Romain white', and indian lettuce), two of Brassica(tatsoi and red tatsoi) and amaranth were used as the materials. After sowing, the rice seedling tray was placed in multi bench system($L120{\times}W60{\times}H195cm$, 10th floor), which were low(1st) layer above 15cm, middle(4th) layer above 115cm and high(7th) layer above 175cm apart from ground. Irrigation was sprayed 2~3 times a day using a automatic irrigation system. The growth characteristics and leaf color were investigated when leaf vegetables were reached the optimum size(within 10cm of plant height). During the culture periods(29th Jun.~31th Jul. 2017), daytime average temperature was $27.4{\sim}28.3^{\circ}C$ regardless of layers but solar irradiance was higher in the high-layer than low and middle-layer of 37% and 22%, respectively. The leaf length, leaf width and number of leaves in middle and high-layer have a tendency to increase but, fresh weight was different according to the layer. When the correlation between accumulation radiation and growth was analyzed, all of growth factor of Amaranth showed a high correlation and other cultivars showed correlation with each growth factors. As a result, It is suitable that amaranth and red tatsoi for high-layer, Indian lettuce and tatsoi for middle and high-layer and 'Romain white' for middle-layer. The growth of red lettuce 'Jinppallola' was good at low layer, but leaf color expression was poor. So the high layer is suitable for 'Jinppallola'.

Effects of Low Air Temperature and Light Intensity on Yield and Quality of Tomato at the Early Growth Stage (정식 초기의 저온·저일조가 토마토 수량·품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Wi, Seung Hwan;Yeo, Kyung-Hwan;Choi, Hak Soon;Yu, Inho;Lee, Jin Hyong;Lee, Hee Ju
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.448-454
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to the effect of low air temperature and light intensity conditions on yield and quality of tomato at the early stage of growth in Korea. Inplastic greenhouses, low temperature and low temperature with shade treatments were performed from 17 to 42 days after plant. Tomato growing degree days were decreased 5.5% due to cold treatment during the treatment period. Light intensity decreased 74.7% of growing degree days due to shade. After commencing treatments, the plant growth decreased by low temperature and low radiation except for height. Analysis of the yield showed that the first harvest date was the same, but the yield of the control was 3.3 times higher than low temperature with shade treatment. The cumulative yields at 87 days after transplanting were 1734, 1131, and 854 g per plant for control, low temperature, and low temperature with shade, respectively. The sugar and acidity of tomatoes did not differ between treatment and harvesting season. To investigate the photosynthetic characteristics according to the treatment, the carbon dioxide reaction curve was analyzed using the biochemical model of the photosynthetic rate. The results showed that the maximum photosynthetic rate, J (electric transportation rate), TPU (triose phosphate utilization), and Rd (dark respiration rate) did not show any difference with temperature, but were reduced by shading. Vcmax (maximum carboxylation rate) was decreased depending on the low temperature and the shade. Results indicated that low temperature and light intensity at the early growth stage can be inhibited the growth in the early stage but this phenomenon might be recovered afterward. The yield was reduced by low temperature and low intensity and there was no difference in quality.

Characteristics and Variation of Panicle Traits of Korean Rice Varieties in Wet Season of the Philippines (국내 육성 벼 품종의 필리핀 우기재배에서의 이삭형질 변이 및 특성)

  • Park, Hyun-Su;Kim, Ki-Young;Mo, Young-Jun;Choi, In-Bae;Baek, Man-Kee;Ha, Ki-Yong;Ha, Woon-Goo;Kang, Hyun-Jung;Shin, Mun-Sik;Ko, Jae-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate characteristics and variations of rice panicle traits for breeding temperate japonica varieties adapted to tropical environment. Eleven panicle traits were investigated from nine Korean rice varieties cultivated in Korea and wet season of the Philippines. Tested cultivars were composed of six temperate japonica varieties, three Tongil-type varieties, and one indica variety bred in the Philippines. The number of spikelets on secondary rachis branches (SRBs) was the most variable trait in both environments, while the mean number of spikelets on a primary rachis branch (PRB) was the least variable. Compared with PRB-related traits, SRB traits showed higher correlation with the number of spikelets per panicle. Compared with the plants grown in Korea, the number of spikelets on SRBs, the number of SRBs, spikelets, and rachis branches per panicle were decreased more than other traits in the Philippines. According to path analysis, the number of spikelets on SRBs per panicle affects the number of spikelets per panicle more than the number of spikelets on PRBs per panicle. Climatic factors such as growth duration, cumulative mean temperature, and integrated solar radiation were highly correlated with the relative rate of number of spikelets per panicle. To breed temperate japonica rice varieties adapted to tropical environment, it would be important to select lines which maintain proper growth duration and spikelets on SRBs in target region.