• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인정이론

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Personality and Individual Media Dependency Goals (성격유형에 따른 미디어 의존관계에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.25
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    • pp.203-225
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated hypothesized relationships between three personality traits, as defined by PEN model (Psychoticism, Extraversion and Neuroticism), and individual media dependency. The basic idea of the study was that individuals' goals are related to active media use, and the goals will be different based on differences in individuals' personality types. In addition, this study attempted to find whether there are gender difference in constructing media dependency relations with the media. The study was conducted online and the total number of participants was 337 (158 male and 179 female). Correlation analyses indicated no relationship between the extraversion and any of the IMD media use categories. Lower levels of psychoticism were related to a greater likelihood of utilizing the media in an effort to obtain self understanding and having fun more than higher levels of psychoticism. Individuals with higher levels of neuroticism were significantly more likely to depend on the media for achieving self understanding than those with lower levels of neuroticism. When the variable of participant gender was controlled for, there were different patterns of the relationships between personality types and IMD goals. This study showed that to varying degrees certain personality types are related to the goals individuals seek to fulfill with the media use. The implications of the study were discussed.

A Study on Improvement Plan of Teacher Librarians' Placement by a Comparison between Teacher Librarian and Other Teachers Not-teaching the Subject Matter (사서교사와 타 비교과 교사의 배치 비교를 통한 사서교사 배치 개선방안 연구)

  • Kang, Bong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to find a better way for placement of teacher librarians. So, the literature research is applied for the study. It is unreasonable to arrange one school librarian staff per 1,500 students, based on the criteria of the total number of personnel including that of teacher librarians and practice teachers and librarian, in accordance with the existing enforcement decree of Article 7. In fact, this clause, linked to other related regulations, makes it difficult to place teacher librarians. And the quota of teacher librarians is noticeably low as compared with that of other teachers who are not-teaching the subject matter. This operates disadvantageously to teacher librarians when it comes to assigning quota in secondary teacher selection test and the accumulation of this phenomenon gradually worsens the current situation. The roles of teacher librarians and librarians should be defined separately when amending the Enforcement Decree of School Libraries Promotion. And we should also take into consideration that the number of students per school is around 500. Therefore, Enforcement Decree of School Libraries Promotion Act should be revised toward placing teacher librarians depending on the size and number of schools. Predictability should be secured in teacher librarians selection test. In addition, flexibility should be granted to the training institute so that many people can prepare the teacher librarians qualification. Finally, it is necessary to increase the teacher librarian capacity for private schools. This study will be the basis of the theoretical foundation for stable teacher librarian placement.

Study on the Compared between u-Learning and e-Learning based SCORM (SCORM 기반 u-Learning과 e-Learning 비교연구)

  • Choi, Sung;Ryu, Gab-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2006
  • IT기술기반 교육시스템은 인터넷 등장 이전에도 가능성을 인정받아 지속적으로 개발되어 온 분야이며, 교육공학과의 연계로 지식 전날의 이론체계로 각광을 받고 있다. 사이버교유도 인터넷이전부터 다양한 통신방법을 응용하여 개발되었고, 최근 인터넷을 통하여 사이버 교육시스템은 완벽한 기술기반을 갖추게 되였다. 그러나 IT기술의 급격한 변화로 사이버교육시스템은 계속하여 신기술 변화에 적용해야만 한다. 현재 정보통신기술의 변화는 방송 통신망의 융합, 브로드 밴드 네트워킹, 스마트 디바이스의 다양화, 멀티미디어 기술의 고도화로 요약된다. 이 기술의 종합한 작용으로 유비쿼터스 사회의 기반으로 진화되고 있다. 그래서 e-Learning 분야도 기존 인터넷기반 시스템과는 달리 차세대 온라인교육시스템으로 친화되고 있다. IT융합가술 기반의 온라인 교육시스템은 각종 국제표준단체에서 표준안이 제시되고 있다. e-Learning 시스템이란 선기술 기반을 반영한 표준기술을 사용하는 온라인교육시스템을 포괄하는 개념이다. 본 연구에서는 e-Learning 시스템과 유비쿼터스 기술을 반영한 e-Learning을 비교하였다. 그리고 u-Learning 시스템의 기술정립과 EOD(Education On Demand) 시스템에 대하여 연구하였다. 1. u-Learning 정의 정보산업분야를 비롯한 문화, 교육 등 모든 분야에서 유비퀴터스라는 수식어가 붙어 다니고 있다. e- Learning 교육 업계에 따르면 10년 후에는 유비쿼터스는 대중화가 될 것이며, 부가가치 규모는 100조 원에 이를 것으로 추정된다. 그래서 교육산업도 주변 환경이 아날로그 방식에서 IT 기반에 의한 디지털 환경으로 변화되고 있다. 또한 e러닝, T러닝, m러닝, u러닝 등의 용어가 생성되고 있다.키지에어컨에서 사용되고 있는 밀폐형 압축기에 대해서 그림 2에서 나타내고 있는 냉방능력 10tons(120,000Btu/h) 이하를 중심으로 상기의 최근 기술 동향을 간략하게 소개하고자 한다.질표준의 지표성분으로 간주되는 진세노사이드의 절대함량과 그 성분조성 차이에 따른 임상효과의 차별성이 있는지에 대한 검토와, 특히 최근 실험적으로 밝혀지고 있는 사포닌 성분의 장내 세균에 의한 생물전환체의 인체 실험을 통한 효과 검정이 필요하다. 나아가서는 적정 복용량의 설정과 이와 관련되는 생체내 동태 및 생체이용율(bioavilability)에 관한 정보가 거의 없으므로 이것도 금후 검토해야 할 과제로 사료된다. 인삼은 전통약물로서 오랜 역사성과 그동안의 연구결과에 의한 과학성을 가지고 있으므로 건강유지와 병의 예방 및 회복촉진을 위한 보조요법제 또는 기능성 식품으로써의 유용성이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 앞으로 인삼의 활용성 증대를 위해서는 보다 과학적인 임상평가에 의한 안전성 및 유효성 입증과 제품의 엄격한 품질관리의 필요성이 더욱 강조되어야 할 것이다.xyl radical 생성 억제 효과를 보여 주었다. 본 실험을 통하여 BHT 를 제외하고 전반적으로 세포 수준에서의 oxidative stress 에 대한 억제 효과를 확인해 볼 수 있었으며 특히 수용성 항산화제들에서 두드러진 효과를 보여 주었다. 제공하여 내수기반 확충에도 노력해야 할 것 이다.있었다., 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을 받을 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 이에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어져야할 것으로 판단된다.태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$<

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Successful Marriage Adaptation of Korean Husbands Who are Multicultural Families (다문화가정 한국인 남편의 성공적인 결혼적응)

  • Jeong, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.337-356
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the research is to explore the main cause and effect of successful marriage that Korean husbands, who are multicultural families had. To do the research, the experiment has been done with 7 husbands for 2 months. The 7 husbands took depths interview and analyzed the result by grounded theory approach. As a result, the husband experienced 'repentance of marriage' because of 'unready marriage', but 'Raising children', 'Helping housework' and 'recognition from friends and colleague' have affected the husbands to have a successful marriage adaptation. Based on the result, a political and practical proposal has been proposed to the Korean husbands who are multi-cultural family. Here are the examples of the proposal. As a social welfare policy, 'obligation of information offering for prospective spouse', 'following the Labor Standards and parental leave', 'expansion of visiting supervise system' and 'making guidance for husbands and distribute map of Immigration Office, Multicultural Family Support Center and Community Center' have proposed. And as an alternative plan for a practical social welfare policy and continuous social awareness improvement, 'various education program', 'a program with domestic married couple', 'a program with parents-in-law', 'a specific program to increase the housework participation for husbands' and necessity of development and practice of group program for husband have been emphasized.

Standard Index Development for Comparing the Glomerular Number (사구체 수의 증감을 비교할 수 잇는 기준 개발)

  • Kim, Yong-Jin;Lee, Chi-Eun;Lee, Kook-Joo;Choi, Young-Ho;Hong, Jung-Suk
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2001
  • Background: The number of glomerulus has been considered one of the etiologic factors especially for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. However, glomeruli are too many to calculate them correctly. Although the fractionator method has became convinced, in which they used selected sections, not whole kidney sections, with same intervals, it is also very hard to get good results. Because it is still very time-consuming and laborous work which leads to make big observers' biases. Methods and Materials: We designed the index for glomerular number to estimate the tendency of increase or decrease of the number of it in different kidneys and which was evaluated by other conventional methods including fractionator method. Index was based upon the theory by Nyengaard; "the number of glomerulus correlates with the weight of kidney, which is positively correlated with body weight". Calculating formula is the number of glomeruli/surface areas of cortices, which contain calculated glomeruli multiplies by kidney weight/body weight. Results: We applied this index to kidneys of FGS/Kist mouse and those of RFM/Nga mouse. The former is spontaneous glomerulosclerosis model with heavy protein uria and renal failure and the latter is the mother side of FGS/Kist mouse but has no glomerular disease or protein uria. The number of glomerulus of FGS/Kist mouse was decreased by 30% to those of RFM/Nga mouse. Conclusion: This index was useful and reliable for estimating the relative glomerular number between two groups.

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The Formation of the Ruling Ideology of the Han Dynasty and the Meaning of the Thoughts of Dongzhongshu - Focused on the relationship between the history of thought and the religious characteristic - (한조(漢朝) 통치이념의 형성과 동중서(董仲舒) 사상의 의미 - 사상사적 상호연관성과 종교성에 주목하여 -)

  • Jung, Hae-wang
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.142
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    • pp.265-294
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    • 2017
  • In the early days of human history, the governing groups of rulers needed to justify their rule. The cause of rule became the ruling ideology. In China, the backbone of the ruling ideology was originally referred to as 'Di(帝)' or 'Shangdi(上帝)', who was later replaced by 'Tian(天)', Heaven. So there was a claim that Heaven gave the cause of the rule. This idea is the 'Tianming (天命)' idea. When the Zhou(周) Dynasty took control of the central government, the 'Tianming' idea had had a relatively sophisticated form. It was the 'Zhouli(周禮)' that organized the systematic order of the Zhou Dynasty. After this system collapsed, those who recognized 'Zhouli' as a desirable social system considered the collapse of 'Zhouli' as a situation of turbulent age. It was Qin(秦) State that unified all of the states of the period. However, after the unification, the Qin Dynasty fell sharply. The next dynasty was the Han(漢) Dynasty. The new ruling powers of the Han Dynasty needed to justify their regime. That means that it was necessary to establish the ruling ideology of the Han Dynasty. The representative of the ruling ideology of the Han Dynasty was Dongzhongshu, whose thought was based on Confucianism. His thought was related to "Chunqiugongyangzhuan(春秋公羊傳)", an interpretation of "Chunqiu(春秋)". This interpretation perspective is based on the idea of religious Heaven. Dongzhongshu thought that there were co-communions between Heaven and humans. His thought has the meaning of political theology in which rulers hold the basis of the rulers' sovereignty.

The Role of Reason in Aquinas' Theory of the Freedom of Will (의지의 자유선택에 있어서 이성의 역할 - 토마스 아퀴나스에게서 의지와 이성의 관계에 대한 하나의 고찰 -)

  • Lee, Sang-sup
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.325-350
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    • 2018
  • The overemphasis of the priority of reason over will runs the risk of resulting in intellectual determinism. On the contrary, it is also unfair to underestimate the role of reason in Saint Thomas Aquinas' theory of the free will to avoid intellectual determinism. For, according to Thomas, "the will inclines to the good, insofar as it is an appetite, and it follows the judgment of the reason in the pursuit of the good, insofar as it is a 'rational' appetite." It is the objective of this article to show that, for Thomas, the idea of the free will is not contradictory to that of the will's following the judgment of reason. For this purpose, it is decisive to adequately evaluate the role of reason in Thomas's theory of the free will. This article therefore proves that in principle Thomas argues the priority of the will over reason as well as the freedom of the will, and that he nevertheless recognizes the role of reason which precedes the choice of the will by making the second-level judgment even when the will chooses not to follow the first-level judgement of reason. It is entirely up to the will to follow the judgement and order of reason or not. It explains the freedom of the will. But 'not to follow reason' is contradictory to the essential determination of the will as the 'rational' appetite. For from the will's not following reason, wrong-doing follows; the human act which does not conform to reason. This article therefore argues that for Thomas, the 'true' liberty of the will corresponding to its determination as the rational appetite consists in its following the rule and order of reason, not in acting against the judgement of reason.

Bayesian Confirmation Theory and Hempel's Intuitions (베이즈주의와 헴펠: 베이즈주의자들은 헴펠의 직관을 포착하는가?)

  • Lee, Ilkwon
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.351-395
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    • 2019
  • Hempel's original intuitions about the raven's paradox are summed up in three ways. The first is known as the paradoxical conclusion: If one observes that an object a - about which nothing is antecedently known - is a non-black non-raven, then this observation confirms that all ravens are black. The second is an intuitive verdict of the misled conclusion of the paradox: If one observes that an object a - which is known to be a non-raven - is non-black (hence, is a non-black non-raven), then this observation does not confirmationally affect that all ravens are black. The third is a comparative claim between the two intuitions: the degree of confirmation appearing in the first intuition is greater than the degree of confirmation in the second intuition. The Standard Bayesian Solution of the paradox is evaluated to fleshed Hempel's intuitions out by establishing the first intuition. However, such an evaluation of this solution should be further analyzed because Hempel's intuition is not the only one. The solution of paradox does not establish the second intuition in a strict sense. However, I think the Bayesian solution will establish the second intuition based on its typical strategy of quantitative vindication. If only quantitative vindication is accepted, this evaluation of the solution remains valid. Nevertheless, the solution fails to establish the third intuition. In this article, I propose a new way to apply the Bayesian method to establish Hempel's intuitions, including the third intuition. If my analysis is correct, the Standard Bayesian Solution of the raven's paradox could indeed flesh Hempel's intuitions out by denying one of the assumptions considered essential.

A Case Study on the Competitive System of EU Railway Transport Market (유럽 철도교통시장의 경쟁체제 도입사례 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Sang;Moon, Dae-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2008
  • This paper examines the situation and tasks of competitive systems of EU transport market focusing on railways. Recently, the EU transport market has changed radically, thanks to an increasingly competitive rail market. The European Commission has stimulated the creation of a competitive environment that will enhance the position of rail. Some scholars have insisted that the rail market is more monopolistic than competitive. However, the case of UK rail privatization suggests this is not the case. Moreover, some countries have a rail market that is more competitive. We draw on a wide range of sources including statistics and analyses of recent phenomena. These demonstrate the emergence of competitive markets in EU rail and the difficulty of developing a competitive market. With regard to the adoption of the competitive market, we examine three things. First, we observe recent cases and trends in competitive markets. Second, we compare the result of competitive markets and non-competitive markets within EU nations. Third, we demonstrate factors of formation of competitive markets and the possible expansion. We identified differences within open market policies amongst EU nations. Although a competitive EU rail market may have some difficulties, it will steadily begin to overcome technological differences and a lack of funds, because EU countries have a common goal, which is to develop the railways, solving, wherever possible both environmental and energy problems. Through this analysis, we found that the free market in EU rail will be extended to deliver efficiency and quality service.

A Flat Staging Studies in the Animation "Song of the Sea(2014)" (애니메이션 "바다의 노래(2014)"에 나타난 평면적 스테이징 연구)

  • Kim, Soong-Hyun;Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.373-380
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    • 2019
  • In this study, I examined the visual elements for narrative structure and the symbols, scene components and visual styles in the images through analyze the flat staging in Tomm Moore's animated feature film, . As a research method, I figure out the general theories about staging and analyze extracted scenes which revealed flat staging in the , then summarize and clarify the flat staging production elements and features of Tomm Moore. As a result, in , the composition of the screen using the basic shapes, the screen composition containing the spiral which is symbol of the Celtic traditional pattern, the stable and flat frame expression through the balanced screen composition, expression of spatial sensation using perspective, appearance of the period by using the inverted perspective, and composition that can emphasize the flat formability are appeared as a characteristic. Through this, the two-dimensional planarity was maximized to convey the feeling of appreciating the illustrations of fairy tales. Tomm Moore, who produced animation based on folk tales in order to inherit the traditional culture of Ireland, has been attracting worldwide attention because of its flat staging to help narrative, enhancing the original expression and performance of animation. I hope that this study will be used as basic data for industry workers and researchers who make unique and excellent animated feature film.