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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 인장 전단 시험

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Evaluation of Strength of Weld Bonding Specimen Considering Effects of Environments (In Case of Tensile Shear) (환경영향을 고려한 WELD BONDING 시험편의 강도평가(인장전단의 경우))

  • Lim, Ki-Chang;Kuen Ha, Shin;S.H. Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 1992
  • Weld bonding can be applied as a combined method of spot welding and adhesive to have more advantages than those. Weld bonding has many merits that enlarge the fatigue strength of spot Welding and also improve the creep of adhesive. But it has not beer proved well in the various environmental conditions. In this study, weld bonding test for fatigue properties and tensile strength is presented under such various coditions as temperatures, humidity, and etc.

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Stress Block of High Strength Polymer Concrete Flexural Members (고강도 폴리머 콘크리트 휨부재의 응력블럭)

  • 김관호;김남길;연규석
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.638-644
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    • 2002
  • The stress-strain relationship of polymer concrete flexural member was evaluated using C-shaped polyester concrete specimen, the compressive strength of which is 1400 kgf/cm2. Eccentric compression test was performed to estimate the parameters, α, β1, γ for equivalent rectangular stress block. The ultimate moment strength ware obtained from the bending test on reinforced polymer concrete beams which were prepared with S different tensile steel ratios with a shear span ratio of 4.0. These values were compared with theoretical ultimate moment strengths, which were obtained using the parameters α=0.61 and β1=0.73 from stress-stain curves of C-shaped specimens. The results showed that, when tensile steel ratio was over 0.50 ρb, the experimentally obtained moment strengths were well matched with theoretically calculated values. In order to develop accurate criteria for polymer concrete flexural members, however, many other expermental studies for parameter determination are necessary using C-shaped specimens which have various compressive strengths and different sizes.

An Investigation on the Nonlinear Shear Behavior of FRP Composites Considering Temperature Variation and Fabricating Parameters (FRP 복합재료의 온도변화 및 제작인자별 비선형 전단거동 조사)

  • Jung, Woo-Young;Hwang, Jin-Seop
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.833-841
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    • 2013
  • In the case of composite material, a variety of characteristics were expressed depending on the materials that were composed of. In this study, the materials showing non-linear shear behavior were investigated among FRP composite. Each specimen was designed and analyzed according to ASTM D4255 method: regulations on the 2-rail. The dependent variables included in this experiment were a variety of fiber, fiber volume ratio, fiber array direction, temperature, material homogeneity. For determination of characteristics based on the fiber array, fiber array direction of 0, 30, 45, and 60 degrees were selected for test specimen. Temperature of 25, 40, 60, and 80C were considered for investigation of FRP materials'shear behavior based on the external temperature. Nonlinear shear behavior was observed throughout the FRP composite material in this study. Also, using vinyl ester resins, high fiber volume ratio, and fiber array direction of 45 degree appeared to show the most prominent nonlinear shear behavior. As for the findings related to the temperature change, non-linear behavior was decreased as the external temperature increased. For factory manufactured product, non-linear behavior was relatively at parity in comparison to the behavior found in the hand lay-up FRP composite specimen.

A Study on the Prediction of End Milling Cutting Force by Tensile Test (인장실험을 통한 엔드밀링 작업에서의 절삭력 예측에 관한 연구)

  • 신근하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 1999
  • On End Milling Process predict the cutting force is important. Dynamics the shear stress is the main parameter influencing the energy requirement in machining. It is well known that a nonzero force is obtained when cutting forces measured at different feed rates but otherwise constant cutting conditions are extrapolated to zero feed rate. In this paper, the cutting force measured in end-milling is compared with the simulated force models. The result show that stress measured in cutting is consistent with that stresses predicted.

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Effect of Shear Key and Edge Length of Near Surface-Mounted FRP Plate in Concrete (콘크리트에 표면매입 보강된 FRP판의 전단키 및 연단거리 효과)

  • Seo, Soo-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a bond test to find the effect of shear key and edge length from the bonded FRP in near surface-mounted(NSM) retrofit using FRP plate. Main parameters in the test are the location and size of shear key and the edge length. For the test, 10 specimens were made by embedding FRP plate of 3.6mm×16mm into 400mm×200(300)mm×400mm concrete block and fixing it by using epoxy. Tensile load was applied to the FRP of the specimens until failure and was recorded at each load increase. In addition, the bond slip and elongation of FRP were measured during the test. From the test, it was found that the further the shear key located from the loading, the higher strength we could get. The bond strength inversely depended on the size of shear key. Especially, when the size of shear key was to be lagger than certain size, the bond strength decreased to very low value; even less than that of the case without shear key. The bond strength somewhat increased corresponding to the increase of edge length from the bonded end of FRP to loading in spite of same bond length. The bond-slip between FRP and concrete governed overall deformation in the bond test of NSM FRP so that the effect of excessive slip is necessary to be considered in the design.

A Study on the Behavior of Staturated Sandy Soils Under Dynamic Loads using Disturbed State Concept (교란상태개념모델을 이용한 포화사질토의 동적거동에 관한 연구)

  • 정철민;박인준;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2000
  • 교란상태개념(Disturbed State Concept;DSA)모델릉 이용하여 포화사질토의 동역학적 거동을 모사하는 예측기법을 개발하였다. 실내진동전단시험 자료로부터 DSC모델 매개변수를 찾고, DSC 모델을 이용하여 전개한 응력중분과 변형률중분의 관계를 표현하는 탄소성구성방정식으로부터 진동하중을 받는 지반재료의 간극수압 및 유효응력 변화, 그리고 축자응력-축방향변형률 거동을 예측하였다. 압축 및 인장 재하시에는 DSC모델을 사용하여 변형률 경화(strain-hardening)및 진동하중에 의한 변형률 연화(cyclic-softening)현상을 모사하고, 제하(unloading)시에는 선형탄성모델을 사용하여 근사화하였다. 예측 결과를 실내전단시럼 결과와 비교하여 예측기법을 검증하였다.

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A Study of Performance Evaluation of Warm Asphalt Binder Properties using LEADCAP(R) additive (중온화 첨가제(LEADCAP(R))를 사용한 중온 아스팔트 바인더의 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-Jun;Yang, Sung-Lin;Kwon, Soo-Ahn;Hwang, Sung-Do
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this paper is to evaluate the performance of low CO2 asphalt binder properties using LEADCAP(R)(Low Energy and Carbon Asphalt Pavement) additive as function of various aging methods such as RTFO(Rolling thin film oven), Ultraviolet(UV) lay. In order to simulate the short-term aging of asphalt binder that occurs during the hot-mixing asphalt process, the Rolling Thin Film Oven(RTFO) was used. Asphalt binder using LEADCAP(R) is prepared by addition of a photoinitiator activated by ultraviolet lay. The mechanical and rheological properties of the asphalt binder were estimated using UTM(Universal Testing Machine) and DSR(Dynamic Shear Rheometer). The test results showed that the asphalt binder using LEADCAP(R) additive was improved the rutting resistance at testing temperature (70C) and increased tensile strength at low temperature. Also, Thermal analysis shows that the Melting Point(Tm) of asphalt binder using LEADCAP(R) additive was constant although the asphalt binder was aged by Ultraviolet.

Study on the Burr Formation and Fracture at the Exit Stage in Orthogonal Cutting (2차원절삭에서 공구이탈시 발생하는 버(Burr)와 파단에 관한 연구)

  • 고성림
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1172-1182
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    • 1993
  • In orthogonal machining a quantitative model for burr formation process and fracture when tool exits workpiece is proposed. When no fracture during burr formation burr formation process is divided by three parts; Initiation, Development and Final burr formation. According to the properties of workpiece fracture will happen or not after initiation of burr formation. Considering the fact that fracture depends on the ductility of workpiece, the fracture strain obtained from ductile fracture criterion is used for prediction. It is verified that the fracture strain from tension test can be used as fracture criterion in burr formation without large error. For detailed observation of burr formation an experimental stage for micro orthogonal cutting inside SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) is built. Through the comparison between model prediction and experimental result from orthogonal machining in milling machine the model is verified.

Interfacial Properties of Gradient Specimen of CNT-Epoxy Nanocomposites using Micromechanical Technique and Wettability (미세역학적 실험법과 젖음성을 이용한 CNT-에폭시 나노복합재료 경사형 시편의 계면특성)

  • Wang, Zuo-Jia;GnidaKouong, Joel;Park, Joung-Man;Lee, Woo-Il;Park, Jong-Gyu
    • Composites Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2009
  • Interfacial evaluation of glass fiber reinforced carbon nanotube (CNT)-epoxy nanocomposite was investigated by micromechanical technique in combination with wettability test. The contact resistance of the CNT-epoxy nanocomposite was measured using a gradient specimen, containing electrical contacts with gradually-increasing spacing. The contact resistance of CNT-epoxy nanocomposites was evaluated by using the two-point method rather than the four-point method. Due to the presence of hydrophobic domains on the heterogeneous surface, the static contact angle of CNT-epoxy nanocomposite was about 120, which was rather lower than that for super-hydrophobicity. For surface treated-glass fibers, the tensile strength decreased dramatically, whereas the tensile modulus exhibited little change despite the presence of flaws on the etched fiber surface. The interfacial shear strength (IFSS) between the etched glass fiber and the CNT-epoxy nanocomposites increased due to the enhanced surface energy and roughness. As the thermodynamic work of adhesion, Wa increased, both the mechanical IFSS and the apparent modulus increased, which indicated the consistency with each other.

A New Coefficient for Three Dimensional Quantification of Rock Joint Roughness (암석 절리면 거칠기의 새로운 3차원 정량화 계수)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Lee, Yong-Ki;Song, Jae-Joon;Choi, Byung-Hee
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.106-119
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    • 2012
  • Roughness of rock joint has generally been characterized based upon geometrical aspects of a two-dimensional surface profile. The appropriate description of joint roughness, however, should consider the features of roughness mobilization at contact areas under normal and shear loads. In this study, direct shear tests were conducted on the replicas of tensile fractured gneiss joints and the influence of the shear direction on the shear behavior and effective roughness was examined. In this procedure, a joint surface was represented as a group of triangular planes, and the steepness of each plane was characterized using the concepts of the active and inactive micro-slope angles. The contact areas at peak strength which were estimated by a numerical method showed that the locations of the contact areas were mainly dependent on the distribution of the micro-slope angle and the shear behavior of joint was dominated by only the fractions with active micro-slope angles. Therefore, a three-dimensional coefficient for the quantification of rock joint roughness is proposed based on the distribution of active micro-slope angle: active roughness coefficient, Cr. Comparison of the active roughness coefficient and the peak shear strength obtained from the experiment suggests that the active roughness coefficient is the effective parameter to quantify the surface roughness and estimate the shear behavior of rock joint.