• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구 지리학

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The Relationship between the Growth of Central City and the Growth of Suburban Areas in U.S. Metropolitan Cities (미국 대도시지역들의 도심지역과 교외지역 성장간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Lee, Eun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between central city and suburban areas. In particular, we examine the relationship of construction activities in suburban areas with construction activities in central city. That is because if the construction activities in central city are correlated with those in suburban areas, the economic trends in those two parts would become interdependent. The construction permit data in 114 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) for the past 11 years are used as a central explanatory variable of influencing the relationship, as construction permits issued would reflect population growth, economic growth and housing price in certain area. The main findings of our analysis are as follows. First, MSAs classified as showing high population growth has higher correlation between central city and suburban area than MSAs showing low population growth rate except for only office construction. However, there is little difference in correlation characteristic by the size of MSA Second, most of the MSAs show little causality between the central city and suburban area in lagged situation. Therefore, it is hard to say that the past trend of construction activity in central city reflects in direct the future trend of construction activities in suburban area.

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Actor's Role and Networks in the Environmentally Friendly Farming in Busan Metropolitan Agricultural Region (부산 김해평야 농업지역 친환경농업의 행위자-연결망 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.276-296
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    • 2003
  • This study is to analyze the adoption of environmentally friendly fanning(EFF) by Actor-Network Theory(ANT). ANT declares that the world is full of hybrid entities containing both human and non-human elements and maintains that adoption of an innovation comes as a consequence of the action of everyone in the chain of actors who has anything to do with it. In this study, adoption of EFF will be analysed through the role of actors and networks. And this paper try to identify the intermediaries and obligatory passage point(OPP) in each networks. In study area, 5 actors, -nature, governmental institute, food processors, consumers and farmers-, have each roles in their networks, But only 18 farmers adopted EFF. This study revealed that three OPPs were not overcome in each network. The one is nature, such as water and soil pollution. Another is shortage of reliability between farmers and governmental institute. The other is shortage of information about agricultural commodity trade. And through this application of ANT to the EFF, we contend that ANT can be useful for studies of diffusion of EFF and sustainability of rural systems in situations where interactions of the social, technological and political are regarded as particularly important.

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Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Estuarine Wetlands Related to Watershed Characteristics in the Han River Estuary (유역특성에 따른 한강하구 습지의 공간분포 및 변화분석)

  • Rho, Paik-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.344-354
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    • 2007
  • Estuarine wetlands for 33 watersheds in the Han River estuary were delineated on topographic maps from the 1910s, 1970s, and 2000s. Then, these data were used to address the issue of spatial distribution and temporal variation. Watershed characteristics such as drainage density, location, watershed size, slope, and elevation were identified for each watershed to determine the relationship between watershed characteristics and spatial distribution of estuarine wetlands. The analysis of estuarine wetlands indicated that wetlands in the estuary had declined gradually between the 1910s and the 1970s, although most wetlands were lost since the 1970s mainly caused by the large development projects related to urban expansion in metropolitan Seoul. The sediment composition and formation processes of the wetlands differed with watershed location; mud flats dominate in the lower part of the estuary, and relatively more sandy and emergent-plant wetlands occur near the main channel and tributaries of the Han River. Relatively more estuary wetlands occur in large watersheds, which have high slopes and low elevations. Estuarine wetlands have been lost dramatically in the densely populated watershed regions (i.e., Han River Seoul, Han River Goyang, West Han River), while relatively more wetlands have remained in undeveloped regions, including the Lower Imjin River and Lower Han River. In particular, anthropogenic disturbance has played an important role in the loss of wetland through the conversion of wetland into agricultural and developed land.

Delineation of Functional Economic Areas in Korea based on Inter-firm Transaction Networks (기업 간 거래망에 기초한 기능적 경제권의 설정)

  • Park, Sohyun;Kwon, Kyusang;Park, Soyoung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to identify economic interdependencies between regions and define functional economic areas of Korea by analyzing inter-firm transaction networks. Previous research has relied on pre-given administrative boundaries or cultural homogeneity and used data such as commuting, population movement, and cargo flows which could not fully explain economic activities. To overcome the limitations, this study applies a community detection method to inter-firm transaction networks derived from the CRETOP+ database of Korean corporate data. The novel dataset and the network analysis enables us to identify Korea's functional economic areas based on actual inter-firm linkages. The result shows that there are six to seven economic blocs in the networks as of 2018. In particular, one huge economic bloc is formed integrating the Seoul metropolitan area, Chungcheong, and Gangwon provinces. Meanwhile, North Jeolla and South Jeolla provinces form two economic blocs separately rather than being tied up in one bloc due to the low frequency of transactions between each other. The two big economic blocs of Daegu-Gyeongbuk and Busan-Gyeongnam exist, and interestingly, Ulsan, Gyeongju, and Pohang form a separate middle-sized bloc across the administrative boundaries. The results reveal that the future balanced national development policies should be implemented based on functional economic areas derived from empirical data.

Spatio-temporal Characteristics of the Daily Activities of economic-active married women (취업주부의 일상생활활동의 시 ${\cdot}$ 공간적 특성)

  • Park, Soon-Ho;Kim, Enn-Sook
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-143
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    • 1998
  • Married women who follow occupations have remarkably increased. Economic-activies married women[EAMW] have experienced a great degree of role confilcts as the results of that they should play the role of wage workers and do duty as household affairs as well as raise children. To understand problems of EAMW and to make alterniative plans for EAMW, the daily life actives of EAMW should be examined. This study attempts to understand the daily life activites of EAMW. To obtain the goal this research generalizes the daily life actives of EAMW. classifies the patterns the activites, and analyzes the activites in the micro-level. The acivites of EAMW mainly consist of formal business and household affairs. The spatial bounds of activities are influenced by weekdays and holidays. During the weekday their activities are mainly found around residences and/or work places; while, during the weekend, they are discovered around residences and/or around residences or relatives who take care of their children. EAMW move longer distance rather than a full-time housewife; however, the activites of EAMW are residential orientation like those of full-time housewives. The role conflicts of EAMW are mainly from social cultural structure, the distance between workplace and residence, and the location of public service institutes.

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Changes in Land Use and Ownership of Kumnamno in Kwangju Under the Rule of Japanese Colonialism (일제(日帝) 강점기(强占期) 광주(光州) 금남로(錦南路) 지역(池域)의 토지이용(土地利用)과 소유(所有)의 변화(變化))

  • Jo, Jung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2001
  • This study explored the changes of the patterns of land use and the social patterns of ownership of Kumnamno in Kwangju under the rule of Japanese colonialism by analyzing the townscape of Kumnamno in terms of the form and function of it. The research was done considering three periods: the year of 1912, 1930 and 1945. Kumnamno is the name of the street as well as the legal district name, and includes Kumnamno 1-ga, 2-ga, 3-ga, 4-ga and 5-ga. In the year 1912, Kumnamno was utilized as land, farmland and road. With the increase in population and the urbanization of the Kwangju area, it gradually began to be changed into land. By 1941, it was completely turned into land. Before and after the year 1910, the streets intersecting the Kumnamno area came into being as the roads of the Kwangju town, and were built with a lattice pattern. The road building of the Kumnamno began in accordance with the building of Kwangju station in 1922. The road building linking Kwangju Station to Chonnam Provincial Hall marked the first appearance of Kumnamno. The block from Ku-sung-no to Kumnamno 3-ga was built in 1925, the block from Kumnamno 3-ga to 2-ga in 1921, and Kumnamno 1-ga in 1930. It was not until the year 1933 that the construction of streets ranging from Ku-sung-no through Kumnamno 5-ga was finished. Examining the land ownership of the Kumnamno area in 1912, the Japanese possessed the land of Kumnamno 1-ga, 2-ga and 3-ga on the one hand and the Koreans possessed the land of 4-ga and 5-ga on the other hand. In 1930, the Japanese enlarged their sphere of influence and controlled the land located in all the areas of Kumnamno, and the Koreans reduced their ownership of Kumnamno 4-ga and 5-ga. There was a tendency for companies to occupy the land rapidly. In 1945, while the land owned by the Japanese decreased and the land owned by the Koreans did not change in quantity, the possessions of companies increased. To summarize, the Kumnamno area had some changes in the use of land during the above mentioned period. This was in part due to the construction of a street linking Kwangju Station to Chonnam Provincial Hall in order to strengthen the authority of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, as well as the expansion of the residential zone with the increase of the population of Kwangju.

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Regional Characteristics Model to Explain Fire Damage Elements : Hypotheses and Verification (지역 유형별 화재 피해 특성변수 모델: 가설과 검증)

  • Kang, Byungki;Chang, Eunmi;Choi, Kapyong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.379-393
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    • 2015
  • The fire damage has been increased as the frequency of fire incidence decreases with increasing in death and economic loss. Local governments are dependent on the activities of fire-fighters with crude preparedness and prevention for fire incidence. Most of researches on fire safety have focused on descriptive statistics which show general trends in fire incidence and condition. Here we tried to make a mutual causal model for fire damage, to make three big hypotheses with laying three small hypotheses under each big hypothesis. Five years statistics from public domains in the form of hardcopy or softcopy were collected and fifteen independent variables were selected to explain the number of death, the number of fire incidence and the amount of economic loss from fire incidence. The significances of statistics are different among the regional characteristics. The hypotheses were partially rejected and the meanings of rejected factors will refresh the tentative prejudice. It is necessary to revise the principle that the number of population and size of area are regarded as the most important criteria to allocate resources for fire control and to have the criteria flexible with results of our research such as the number of the weak to fire disaster.

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The New Urbanization Process and Changing Spatial Structure of Seoul (서울의 신도시화 과정과 공간구조의 변화)

  • 이경자;홍인옥;최병두
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.443-470
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    • 2003
  • This study is to consider economic, political, socio-cultural and environmental characteristics of the new urbanization process and its spatial structures and urban policy of Seoul in the 1990s. Some experimental findings which have been identified throughout this study can be summarized as follows. First of all, Seoul, the largest city in S.Korea has experienced a restructuring process of economy, which has been promoted by the development of producer services as well as knowledge- based or high tech industries. Secondly, the autonomy of Seoul has increased after the introduction of local self-government, with relatively higher self-management of local finance than other cities, strengthening the tendency of enterpreneurialism, empowering civil movements, and increasing the political participation of women. Thirdly, in the socio-cultural aspect, the material wants to gain a certain identity through consumption, using urban environments culturally, varying consuming attitudes and ways of leisure times in relation with the rapid development of transportation and information communication. Fourthly, in the environmental aspect, Seoul has tried to introduce the concept of sustainable development in terms of increasing wants on the quality of life, and to develop a pro-environmental eco-city with environmental rehabilitation, constructing green space and eco-park. Finally, in the spatial dimension, Seoul has shown a structuration of multi-centers, with highly spectacular urban landscapes and seemingly authentic urban planning. These results make us confirm that Seoul has been in the process of new urbanization which can be distinguished from the previous one.

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Regional Differential Development as an Alternative Regional Development Theory (대안적 지역발전론으로서 지역차이발전론)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.140-157
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    • 2012
  • Most of global citizens in the globalization era want to live peacefully in the symbiotic relationship among each region or locality with its identity. From this perspective, the new regionalist models of development such as new industrial districts, industrial clusters, regional innovation systems, and global city-regions isn't helpful to most of regions because they were developed to increase the global competitiveness of industrial region from a few advanced industrial areas. This study attempts to develop 'regional differential development' as an alternative regional development theory. This theory puts emphasis on the truth that the difference or differential industry between regions in the real world connotes two essential values of development like the symbiosis of global citizens and the regional identity. Regional differential development seeks the development of regional differential industry on the basis of geographical elements with differential advantage, and hence it reviews significantly geographical elements including location, natural environment(landform, soil, climate, etc.), natural resources, population, transportation, culture, and landscape which appear substantially differently among regions. And to realize regional differential development successfully, it is crucial that actors(government, company, related institutions, and regional residents) actively participate and play each complementary role in the relationship of cooperation and conflict. Further study needs to secure the universal validity of this theory through many empirical studies.

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A Location Model and Algorithm for Visiting Health-care Districting for the Rural Elderly (농촌지역 노년인구를 위한 방문 의료서비스 구역 설정 모델 및 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kam-Young;Shin, Jung-Yeop;Lee, Gun-Hak;Cho, Dae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.813-832
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    • 2009
  • As accessibility to health-care service in less populated rural areas is geographically limited and demand for public health-care by the aging is increasing, a new approach for health-care service such as a home care service is becoming more popular. For a home care service, health-care personnels directly visit to location of health-care clients. Such changes in provision of health services require developing innovative and scientific approaches for efficient allocation of health resources and managing services by public health-care organizations. The purpose of this study is to formulate a location model for visiting health-care districting for the rural elderly and to develop an Automated Zoning Procedure (AZP) to solve this model. Mobility, workload balance and contiguity criteria are considered in the model. Three different objective functions are evaluated; 1) minimizing the sum of network distance between the unit areas in a district, 2) maximizing spatial interaction between the unit areas in a district, and 3) minimizing tour distance that visits each unit area exactly once in a district. The AZP for solving the model is developed and applied to a rural area. The application results demonstrate that the AZP can generate different districting systems for each objective functions.