• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이차방사선

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Second Malignant Solid Neoplasms in Children Treated with Radiotherapy - Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature - (소아암의 방사선치료후 발생한 이차 악성 고형 종양 - 증례보고 및 문헌고찰 -)

  • Chung, Eun-Ji;Suh, Chang-Ok;Kim, Gwi-Eon;Lyu, Chuhl-Joo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 1995
  • Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can effectively control cancer but can also cause new second cancers to develop as long-term complications especially in childhood cancer. We experienced two patients with second malignant solid neoplasm who had been treated with radiation and chemotherapy for childhood cancers One female patient with rhabdomyosarcoma of the right popliteal fossa was treated with radiotherapy at total dose of 54Gy Three years and seven months later, osteosarcoma developed in the field of radiation therapy The other male patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the small bowel was treated with radiotherapy and leiomyosarcoma developed in the field of radiotherapy 18 years later. We reviewed the literature of the second malignant neoplasm in children in respect of risk factors. The risk for a second primary cancer following radiotherapy or chemotherapy emphasizes the need for life long follow-up of patients receiving such treatments, particularly patients treated for childhood cancers.

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Characterization of Physical Processes and Secondary Particle Generation in Radiation Dose Enhancement for Megavoltage X-rays (MV X선의 방사선 선량 증강 현상에서 물리적 특성과 이차입자의 발생)

  • Hwang, Chulhwan;Kim, JungHoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.791-799
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    • 2019
  • We evaluated the physical properties that occur to dose enhancement and changes from secondary particle production resulting from the interaction between enhancement material. Geant4 was used to perform a Monte Carlo simulation, and the medical internal radiation dose (MIRD) head phantom were employed. X-rays of 4, 6, 10, 15, 18, and 25 MV were used. Aurum (Au) and gadolinium (Gd) were applied within the tumor volume at 10, 20, and 30 mg/g, and an experiment using soft tissue exclusively was concomitantly performed for comparison. Also, particle fluence and initial kinetic energy of secondary particle of interaction were measured to calculate equivalent doses using the radiation weight factor. The properties of physical interaction by the radiation enhancement material showed the great increased in photoelectric effect as compared to the compton scattering and pair production, occurred with the highest, in aurum and gadolinium it is shown in common. The photonuclear effect frequency increased as the energy increased, thereby increasing secondary particle production, including alpha particles, protons, and neutrons. During dose enhancement using aurum, a maximum 424.25-fold increase in the equivalent dose due to neutrons was observed. This study was Monte Carlo simulation corresponds to the physical process of energy transmission in dose enhancement. Its results may be used as a basis for future in vivo and in vitro experiments aiming to improve effects of dose enhancement.

A Study of Radiation Exposure in Proton Therapy Facility (양성자치료기 가속기 시설에서의 작업종사자의 방사선 피폭 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Shin, Dong-Ho;Yoon, Myong-Geun;Shin, Jung-Wook;Rah, Jeong-Eun;Kwak, Jung-Won;Park, Sung-Yong;Shin, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Doo-Hyun;Ahn, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Dae-Yong;Cho, Kwan-Ho;Lee, Se-Byeong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2009
  • Proton therapy facility, which is recently installed at National Cancer Center in Korea, generally produces a large amount of radiation near cyclotron due to the secondary particles and radioisotopes caused by collision between proton and nearby materials during the acceleration. Although the level of radiation by radioisotope decreases in length of time, radiation exposure problem still exists since workers are easily exposed by a low level of radiation for a long time due to their job assignment for maintenance or repair of the proton facility. In this paper, the working environment near cyclotron, where the highest radiation exposure is expected, was studied by measuring the degree of radiation and its duration for an appropriate level of protective action guide. To do this, we measured the radiation change in the graphite based energy degrader, the efficiency of transmitted beam and relative activation degree of the transmission beam line. The results showed that while the level of radiation exposure around cyclotron and beam line during the operation is much higher than the other radiation therapy facilities, the radiation exposure rate per year is under the limit recommended by the law showing 1~3 mSv/year.

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Multiple Pyogenic Abscess of the Hybrid Mice on the Course of Radiation Experiment - Case Report - (한국산 잡종쥐의 방사선 조사실험중에 발생한 다발성 농양 1예 보고)

  • Lee, Sung-Heon;Shin, Sei-One;Kim, Myung-Se;Choi, Won-Hee;Kim, Seung-Hoon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.175-178
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    • 1985
  • Even though the mechanism and the nature of radiation induced pneumonitis, esophagitis and gastroenteritis were detailed by many authors, complicated secondary infection is still serious problem, sometimes fatal, even today. We experience a case of multiple pyogenic abscess in subcutaneous tissue of the back and both kidneys which could not differenciate from multiple metastatic sarcoma grossly, and report with review of literatures, lab findings.

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Difference in the Set-up Margin between 2D Conventional and 3D CT Based Planning in Patients with Early Breast Cancer (조기유방암환자의 이차원치료계획과 삼차원치료계획의 방사선조사범위의 차이)

  • Jo, Sun-Mi;Chun, Mi-Son;Kim, Mi-Hwa;Oh, Young-Taek;Kang, Seung-Hee;Noh, O-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Simulation using computed tomography (CT) is now widely available for radiation treatment planning for breast cancer. It is an important tool to help define the tumor target and normal tissue based on anatomical features of an individual patient. In Korea, most patients have small sized breasts and the purpose of this study was to review the margin of treatment field between conventional two-dimensional (2D) planning and CT based three-dimensional (3D) planning in patients with small breasts. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five consecutive patients with early breast cancer undergoing breast conservation therapy were selected. All patients underwent 3D CT based planning with a conventional breast tangential field design. In 2D planning, the treatment field margins were determined by palpation of the breast parenchyma (In general, the superior: base of the clavicle, medial: midline, lateral: mid - axillary line, and inferior margin: 2 m below the inframammary fold). In 3D planning, the clinical target volume (CTV) ought to comprise all glandular breast tissue, and the PTV was obtained by adding a 3D margin of 1 cm around the CTV except in the skin direction. The difference in the treatment field margin and equivalent field size between 2D and 3D planning were evaluated. The association between radiation field margins and factors such as body mass index, menopause status, and bra size was determined. Lung volume and heart volume were examined on the basis of the prescribed breast radiation dose and 3D dose distribution. Results: The margins of the treatment field were smaller in the 3D planning except for two patients. The superior margin was especially variable (average, 2.5 cm; range, -2.5 to 4.5 cm; SD, 1.85). The margin of these targets did not vary equally across BMI class, menopause status, or bra size. The average irradiated lung volume was significantly lower for 3D planning. The average irradiated heart volume did not decrease significantly. Conclusion: The use of 3D CT based planning reduced the radiation field in early breast cancer patients with small breasts in relation to conventional planning. Though a coherent definition of the breast is needed, CT-based planning generated the better plan in terms of reducing the irradiation volume of normal tissue. Moreover it was possible that 3D CT based planning showed better CTV coverage including postoperative change.


  • Lee, Jong-Hyeok;Choi, Han-Seuk;Um, Chung-Moon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 1998
  • 목적: 치과용 수복재료의 방사선 불투과성은 매우 다양하다. 따라서 다양한 수복재료의 방사선 불투과성을 인지하여 치질과 비교하면 이차우식의 진단에 도움이 될 수 있다. 도재의 방사선 불투과성에 따라 적절한 luting cement의 선택이 가농해진다. 수복재료의 방사선 불투과성은 알루미늄 step wedge 의 후경과 방사선 불투과성과의 상관관계 의해 측정된다. 본 연구의 목적은 CAD/CAM용 도재와 이틀의 접착에 쓰이는 접착재료의 방사선 불투과성을 조사해 적절한 재료의 선택과 이차우식 진단의 효율결정에 도움이 되게 하는데 있다. 방법: 본 실험에서는 CAD/CAM용 도재인 Vita MarkII, Dicor MGC와 이의 접착에 사용되는 Z-100, 그리고 luting cement인 Duo cement, Scotchbond resin cement를 사용해 방사선 불투과성을 측정하였다. 시편 제작을 위해 도재를 저속절단기로 두께 2mm, 3mm로 절단하였으며 Z-100과 cement시편은 두께 2mm와 3mm, 직경 7.0mm의 금속 주형을 제작한 후 재료를 양쪽 면에 유리판을 대고 조임쇠로 압접하였으며 광조사기를 사용하여 각 재료마다 두 가지 두께로 10개씩 100개의 시편을 제작하였다. 치질의 시편을 얻기 위해 교정 목적으로 최근에 발거된 정상적인 상악 소구치를 저속 절단기를 사용하여 협설측 교두정을 기준 삼아 2mm, 3mm 두께로 절단하였으며 방사선 불투과성의 기준을 위해 12개의 step으로 구성된 12mm두께의 aluminum step wedge를 사용하였다. Kodak E-Speed occlusal film에 aluminum step wedge와 시편들을 위치시킨 후 70kVp, 7mA, 2.16mm aluminum filtration으로 고정된 dental X-ray unit을 사용하여 target과 film 사이의 거리는 25cm, 노출시간은 0.2초로 하여 방사선 촬영을 한 다음, 현상된 방사선 사진상에 나타난 방사선 불투과성을 X-rite 301 densitometer를 이용하여 측정한 값들의 평균을 냈다. 얻어진 결과는 one-way ANOVA Duncan test(P<0.01)로 검증하였다. 결론: 1. Dicor MGC의 방사선 불투과성은 법랑질보다 약간 높게 나타났다.(P<0.01) 2. Vita Mark Il는 상아질보다 낮은 방사선 불투과성을 보였다.(P<0.01) 3. Z-100과 Luting cement들의 방사선 불투과성은 법랑질보다 높았다. Duo cement가 방사선 불투과성이 가장 높았고 그 다음이 Z-100, 그리고 Scotchbond resin cement 순이었다. 4. Z-100과 2종류의 방사선 불투과성 luting cement들은 Vita Mark II 와 같이 사용하면 2차우식 진단에 도움이 된다.

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Probabilities of Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications and Radiographic Parameters in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy (유방암의 방사선치료에서 방사선학적 지표에 따른 폐 및 심장의 부작용 확률)

  • Noh, O-Kyu;Park, Sung-Ho;Ahn, Seung-Do;Choi, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Wook;Song, Si-Yeol;Yoon, Sang-Min;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) of 3-dimensional (3-D) radiotherapy and the radiographic parameters of 2-dimensional (2-D) radiotherapy such as central lung distance (CLD) and maximal heart distance (MHD). Materials and Methods: We analyzed 110 patients who were treated with postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer. A two-field tangential technique, a three-field technique, and the reverse hockey stick method were used. The radiation dose administered to whole breast or the chest wall was 50.4 Gy, whereas a 45 Gy was administered to the supraclavicular field. The NTCPs of the heart and lung were calculated by the modified Lyman model and the relative seriality model. Results: For all patients, the NTCPs of radiation-induced pneumonitis and cardiac mortality were 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. The NTCP of radiation-induced pneumonitis was higher in patients treated with the reverse hockey stick method than in those treated by other two techniques (0.0%, 0.0%, 3.1%, p<0.001). The NTCP of radiation-induced pneumonitis increased with CLD. The NTCP of cardiac mortality increased with MHD ($R^2=0.808$). Conclusion: We found a close correlation between the NTCP of 3-D radiotherapy and 2-D radiographic parameters. Our results are useful to reanalyze the previous 2-D based clinical reports about breast radiation therapy complications as a viewpoint of NTCP.

A Study on Stereo Visualization of the X-ray Scanned Image Based on Volume Reconstruction (볼륨기반 X-선 스캔영상의 3차원 형상화 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Ho;Park, Soon-Yong;Hwang, Young-Gwan;Park, Jong-Won;Lim, Yong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.1583-1590
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    • 2011
  • As the existing radiation scanning systems use 2-dimensional radiation scanned images, the low accuracy has been pointed out as a problem of it. This research analyzes the applicability of the stereo image processing technique to X-ray scanned images. Two 2-dimensional radiation images which have different disparity values are acquired from a newly designed stereo image acquisition system which has one additional line sensor to the conventional system. Using a matching algorithm the 3D reconstruction process which find the correspondence between the images is progressed. As the radiation image is just a density information of the scanned object, the direct application of the general stereo image processing techniques to it is inefficient. To overcome this limitation of a stereo image processing in radiation area, we reconstruct 3-D shapes of the edges of the objects. Also, we proposed a new volume based 3D reconstruction algorithm. Experimental results show the proposed new volume based reconstruction technique can provide more efficient visualization for cargo inspection. The proposed technique can be used for such objects which CT or MRI cannot inspect due to restricted scan environment.