• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이용 기능

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A Study on the Coexistance of Ganghak(講學) and Yusik(遊息) space of Oksan Confucian Academy, Gyeongju: Directed Attention Restoration Theory Perspectives (주의집중 피로회복이론의 장으로 본 경주 옥산서원 강학 및 유식공간의 일원적 공간성)

  • Tak, Young-Ran;Sung, Jeong-Sang;Choi, Jong-Hee;Kim, Soon-Ae;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.50-66
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    • 2016
  • This study attempts to understand and explain how "Directed Attention Restorative Environment (DARE)" is managed and fostered in "Gang-Hak (講學)" and "Yu-Sik (遊息)" spaces both inside and outside of Oksan Seowon Confucian Academy, Gyeongju. Directed Attention is a pivotal element in human information processing so that its restoration is crucial for effective thinking and learning. According to Kaplan & Kaplan's Attention Restoration Theory, an environment, in order to be restorative, should have four elements: 'Being Away,' 'Extent,' 'Fascination,' and 'Compatibility.' We could confirm OkSan Seowon Confucian Academy has an inner logic that integrates two basically different spacial concepts of "Jangsu" and "Yusik" and thus fosters the Attention Restorative Environment. Particularly, the Four Mountains and Five Platforms (四山五臺) surrounding the premises provides an excellent learning environment, and is in itself educational in terms of the Neo-Confucian epistemology with "Attaining Knowledge by way of Positioning Things (格物致知)" as its principle precept, and of its aesthetics with "Connectedness with Nature" as its central tenet. This study attempts to recapture the value of Korea's cultural heritage concerning the Human/Nature relationship; and it may provide useful insights and practical guidelines/grounds in designing today's schools and campuses, where the young people's needs for the Directed Attention- and Attention Restorative- Servicescapes seem to be greater than ever.

Ecological Role of Urban Stream and Its Improvement (도시하천의 생태학적 역할과 개선방안)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 1998
  • A stream plays an important role as the source of drinking water, the ecological space and the living space. But the today's urban stream whose ecosystem is destroyed and water quality become worse in consequence of covering, concrete dyke construction, and the adjustment of high-water-ground[dunchi], is deprived of the function as a stream. Therefore this paper aims to elucidate the role that urban stream plays ecologically and to try to find a improvement to the problem. A stream is the pathway through which several types of the solar radiation energy are transmitted and the place which is always full of life energy. In the periphery of a stream, primary productivity is high and carrying capacity of population is great. Thus ancient cities based on agricultural products grew out of the fertile surroundings of stream. In Korea most cities of the Chosen Dynasty Period based on the agriculture have grown out of the erosional basins where solar energy is concentrated. The role of a stream in this agricultural system is the source of energy and material(water and sediment) and a lifeline. In consequence of the growth of cities and the rapid growing demands of water supply after the Industrial Revolution, a stream has become a more important locational factor of city. However, because cities need the life energy of urban streams no longer, urban streams cannot play role as a lifeline. And As pollutant waste water has poured into urban streams after using external streams' water, urban streams have degraded to the status of a ditch. As the results of the progress of urbanization, the dangerousness of inundation of urban stream increased and its water quality became worse. For the sake of holding back it, local governments constructed concrete dyke, adjusted high-water-ground[dunchi], and covered the channel. But stream ecosystem went to ruin and its water quality became much worse after channelization. These problems of urban stream can be solved by transmitting much energy contained in stream to land ecosystem as like rural stream. We should dissipate most of the energy contained in urban stream by cultivating wetland vegetation from the shore of stream to high-water-ground, and should recover a primitive natural vigorous power by preparation of ecological park.

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Latarjet Operation for Anterior Shoulder Instability with Glenoid Bone Defect (관절와 골 결손을 동반한 견관절 전방 불안정증에 대한 Latarjet 술식)

  • Cho, Seung-Hyun;Cho, Nam-Su;Yi, Jin-Woong;Choi, Il-Hun;Kwack, Yoon-Ho;Rhee, Yong-Girl
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: We wanted to evaluate the clinical results of the Latarjet procedure for treating anterior shoulder instability combined with a glenoid bone defect. Materials and Methods: Between Oct. 2006 and May. 2007, fourteen patients underwent a Latarjet operation to treat their anterior shoulder instability combined with a glenoid bone defect. The mean follow-up period was 15 months (range: 12 to 19 months), and the average age at the time of surgery was 29.9-years-old (range: 19 to 44 years). There were 13 males and 1 female. Eight patients exhibited involvement of the right shoulder. The dominant arm was involved in 8 patients. Six patients had undergone a previous arthroscopic Bankart repair before their Latarjet operation and 2 patients had a history of seizure. Results: The average Rowe score improved from 51.8 to 80.2 with 9 excellent, 4 good, and 1 fair results. The average Korean shoulder score for instability improved from 61.6 to 82.1 postoperatively. The active forward flexion and external rotation at the side of the involved shoulder was an average of $8^{\circ}$ and $16^{\circ}$ less than that of the uninvolved shoulder. The muscle strength of the involved shoulder measured 78.7% in forward flexion and 82.5% in external rotation, as compared with that of the uninvolved shoulder. There was 1 case of dislocation, 1 transient subluxation, 2 fibrotic unions, 1 resorption of the transferred coracoid process, 1 intraoperative broken bone, 1 transient musculocutaneous nerve injury and 1 case of stiffness. Conclusion: The Latarjet procedure for treating anterior shoulder instability combined with a significant glenoid defect effectively restores function and stability through extending the articular arc at the expense of external rotation. We should be cautious to avoid or detect complications when performing coracoid transfer.

Using Effective Temperatures to Determine Safety Cultivation Season in Direct Seeding Rice on Dry Paddy (작물생육 유효기온 출현시기를 이용한 건답직파 벼의 지역별 안전작기 설정)

  • 최돈향;윤경민;윤성호;박무언
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.666-672
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    • 1997
  • Twenty years' daily mean air temperature data was used to calculate the critical early seeding date(CESD), the optimum heading date(OHD), the critical late heading date for stable ripening(CHDR) and the critical late ripening date(CLRD) for rice seeded on dry paddy in different agroclimatic zones in Korea. The CESD was defined as the first day with mean air temperature of 13$^{\circ}C$, and the OHD as the first day of the 40 consecutive days with mean air temperature of 22$^{\circ}C$ or above after heading. The CHDR was defined as the date after which the cumulative daily mean air temperature would be at least 76$0^{\circ}C$. Lastly, the CLRD was defined as the last day when daily mean air temperature remains above 15$^{\circ}C$. This information was used for the estimation of periods from the earliest date of seeding to optimum heading date, the latest possible date of heading and the latest possible date of ripening in respective regions. For instance, in Suwon, those respective periods mentioned were found to be 104days, 124days, and 165days.

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Comparison of Acting Style Between 2D Hand-drawn Animation and 3D Computer Animation : Focused on Expression of Emotion by Using Close-up (2D 핸드 드로운 애니메이션과 3D 컴퓨터 애니메이션에서의 액팅(acting) 스타일 비교 -클로즈-업을 이용한 감정표현을 중심으로-)

  • Moon, Jaecheol;Kim, Yumi
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2014
  • Around the turn of 21st century, there has been a major technological shift in the animation industry. With development of reality-based computer graphics, major American animation studios replaced hand-drawn method with the new 3D computer graphics. Traditional animation was known for its simplified shapes such as circles and triangle that makes characters' movements distinctive from non-animated feature films. Computer-generated animation has largely replaced it, but is under continuous criticism that automated movements and reality-like graphics devaluate the aesthetics of animation. Although hand-drawn animation is still produced, 3D computer graphics have taken commercial lead and there has been many changes to acting of animated characters, which calls for detailed investigation. Firstly, the changes in acting of 3D characters can be traced from looking at human-like rigging method that mimics humanistic moving mechanism. Also, if hair and clothing was part of hand-drawn characters' acting, it has now been hidden inside mathematical simulation of 3D graphics, leaving only the body to be used in acting. Secondly, looking at "Stretch and Squash" method, which represents the distinctive movements of animation, through the lens of media, a paradox arises. Hand-drawn animation are produced frame-by-frame, and a subtle change would make animated frames shiver. This slight shivering acts as an aesthetic distinction of animated feature films, but can also require exaggerated movements to hide the shivering. On the contrary, acting of 3D animation make use of calculated movements that may seem exaggerated compared to human acting, but seem much more moderate and static compared to hand-drawn acting. Moreover, 3D computer graphics add the third dimension that allows more intuitive movements - maybe animators no longer need fine drawing skills; what they now need is directing skills to animate characters in 3D space intuitively. On the assumption that technological advancement and change of artistic expressionism are inseparable, this paper compares acting of 3D animation studio Pixar and classical drawing studio Disney to investigate character acting style and movements.

A historical study on the flexibility square-format typeface and the prospects - Focused on the three-pairs fonts of hangeul - (탈네모글꼴에 관한 역사적 연구와 전망 - 세벌식 한글 글꼴을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jeong-Mi
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2006
  • Hangeul as the Korean unique characters were invented according to some character-making principles and based on scholars' exhaustive researches. While most of the characters in the world evolved naturally, Hangeul was invented based on a precise linguistic analysis of the time, and therefore, it is most scientific and reasonable among various characters throughout the world. Nevertheless, Hangeul typeface designs do not seem to inherit the ideology of scientific and reasonable Hangeul correctly. For the square forms have been used intact due to the influences from the Chinese characters which prevailed during the time. If a single set of square characters should be designed, as much as 11,172 fonts should be designed, which suggests that advantages of Mangeul may not well be used fully; Hangeul was invented to visualize every sound with the combinations of 28 vowels and consonants. Problems of such square fonts began to be identified since 1900's when typewriters were introduced first from the West. Since a typewriter is designed with 28 characters laid out on its keyboard by using such combinations, the letters may be easily combined on it. The so-called the flexibility square-format typeface was born as such. Specially, the three-pairs fonts of these can be combined up to 67 letters including vowels and consonants. The three-pairs fonts system can help to solve the problems arising form the conventional square fonts and inherit the original ideology of Hangeul invention. This study aims to review the history of the three-pairs fonts designs facilitated by mechanic encoding of Hangeul and thereupon, suggest some desirable directions for future Hangeul fonts. Since the flexibility square-format typeface is expected to evolve more and more owing to development of the digital technology, they would serve our age of information in terms of both functions and convenience. Just as Hunminjongum tried to be literally independent from the Chinese characters, so the flexibility square-format typeface designs would serve to recover identity of our Hangeul font designs.

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Solution Structure of 21-Residue Peptide (Asp 84-Leu 104), Functional Site derived from $p16^{INK4A}$ ($p16^{INK4A}$ 단백질 활성부위(Asp 84-Leu 104)의 용액상 구조)

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Ahn, In-Ae;Ro, Seonggu;Choi, Young-Sang;Yoon, Chang No;Lee, Kang-Bong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.494-503
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    • 2000
  • A 21-residue peptide corresponding to amino acids 84-104 of $p16^{INK4A}$, the tumor suppressor, has been synthesized and its structure was studied by Circular Dichroism, $^1H$ NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. A p16-derived peptide (84-104 amino acids) forming stable complex with CDK4 and CDK6 inhibits the ability of CDK4/6 to phosphorylate pRb in vitro, and blocks cell-cycle progression through G1/S phase as shown in the function of the full-length p16. Its NMR spectral data including NOEs, $^3J_{NH-H{\alpha}}$ coupling constants, $C_{\alpha}H$ chemical shift, the average amplitude of amide chemical shift oscillation and temperature coefficients indicate that the secondary structure of a p16-derived peptide is similar to that of the same region of full-length p16, which consists of helix-turn-helix structure. The 3-D distance geometry structure based on NOE-hased distance and torsion angle restraints is characterized by ${\gamma}$-turn conformation between residues $Gly^{89}-Leu^{91}$(${\varphi}_{i+1}=-79.8^{\circ}$, ${\varphi}_{i+1}=60.2^{\circ}$) as evidenced in a single crystal structure for the corresponding region of p18 or p19, but is undefined at both the N and C termini. This compact and rigid ${\gamma}$-turn region is considered to stabilize the structure of p16-derived peptide and serve as a site recognizing cyelin dependent kinase, and this well-defined ${\gamma}$-turn structure could be utilized for the design of anti-cancer drug candidates.

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Genetic Polymorphisms of MYL2 and ADCYAP1R1 Genes and Their Association with Carcass Traits in Finished Pigs (비육돈의 도체형질과 MYL2, ADCYAP1R1 유전자 다형성의 상관관계)

  • Han, ang-Hyun;Shin, Kwang-Yun;Lee, Sung-Soo;Ko, Moon-Suck;Seong, Pil-Nam;Kwon, Ki-Baek;Cho, In-Cheol
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2008
  • DNA variation of MYL2 intron 5 A345G and ADCYAP1R1 intron 2 A337G were investigated for carcass trait association in finished pigs. Three genotypes(two homozygotes and their heterozygote) were found at 10.6% AA, 45.6% AG and 43.8% GG in MYL2 and 60.5% AA, 34.6% AG, and 22.2% GG for ADCYAP1R1. In finished pig population, individuals containing genotype G- of MYL2 had significantly heavier carcass weight by more than 2.4 kg and thicker backfat thickness by more than 1.3 mm than those of AA homozygous pigs(p<0.05). No significant difference was found in other traits tested in this study such as marbling score, meat color, texture, moisture and separation score(p>0.05). The ADCYAP1R1 intron 2 377GG homozygotes showed coarse texture, i.e., meat quality was inferior than those of AG and AA genotypes, and the moisture level of homozygote AA was higher than those of AG and GG genotypes(p<0.05). The other carcass traits were not significantly associated with ADCYAP1R1 genotypes(p>0.05). The genetic polymorphism of MYL2 and ADCYAP1R1 genes affected the carcass traits in finished pig population. Further studies to explain the association between genetic variations and their phenotypic effects including economic traits in pigs are required including critical mutation in both genes through molecular approaches.

Research for Application of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service in DMB (DMB에서의 양방향 데어터방송 서비스도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Geun;Choe, Seong-Jin;Lee, Seon-Hui
    • Broadcasting and Media Magazine
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2006
  • In this Paper, we analyze the application of Interactive Data Broadcasting in DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) in the accordance with convergence of service and technology. With the acceleration of digital convergence in the Ubiquitous period substantial development of digital media technology and convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication industry are being witnessed. Consequently these results gave rise to newly combined-products such as DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting), WCDMA(Wide-band code division multiple access), Wibro(Wireless Broadband Internet), IP-TV (Internet protocol TV) and HSDPA(High speed downlink packet access). The preparatory stage for the implementation of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service will be reached by the end of December, 2006. DMB is the first result of a successful convergence service between Broadcasting and Telecommunication in new media era. Multimedia technology and services are the core elements of DMB. The Data Broadcasting will not only offer various services of interactive information such News, Weather, Broadcasting Program etc, but also be linked with characteristic function of mobile phone such as calling and SMS(Short Message Service) via Return Channel.

Effects of lymphocyte DNA damage levels in Korean plant food groups and Korean diet regarding to glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms (건강한 성인의 glutathione S-transferase M1과 T1 유전자 다형성에 따른 한식에서의 식물성 식품군과 한식의 DNA 손상 감소 효과)

  • Kim, Hyun-A;Lee, Min-Young;Kang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.10-24
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: GST (glutathione S-transferase) M1 and T1 gene polymorphisms are known to affect antioxidant levels. This study was carried out to evaluate genetic susceptibility by measuring the effect of DNA damage reduction in the Korean diet by vegetable food according to GST gene polymorphisms using the ex vivo method with human lymphocytes. Methods: Vegetable foods in the Korean diet based the results of the KNHANES V-2 (2011) were classified into 10 food groups. A total of 84 foods, which constituted more than 1% of the total intake in each food group, were finally designated as a vegetable food in the Korean diet. The Korean diet applied in this study is the standard one-week meals for Koreans (2,000 Kcal/day) suggested by the 2010 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans. Ex vivo DNA damage in human lymphocytes was assessed using comet assay. Results: In the Korean food group, the DNA damage protective effect of GSTM1 and GSTT1 was found to be greater in mutant type and wild-type, respectively. and the DNA damage protective effect according to the combined genotype of GSTM1 and GSTT1 was different depending on the food group. On the other hand, in Korean Diet, the DNA damage protective effect appeared to be larger in GSTM1 wild-type than in mutant type and was found to not be affected by GSTT1 genotype. Conclusion: These results can be used as basic data to demonstrate the superiority of the antioxidant function of Korean dietary patterns and food groups. Furthermore, it may be a starting point to begin research on customized antioxidant nutrition according to individual genes.