• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이식 전이

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Treatment of Ruptured Posterior Cruciate Ligament using Augmentation of the Synthetic Polyester Prosthetic Ligament (Synthetic Polyester Prosthetic Ligament 보강술을 이용한 후방 십자 인대 손상의 치료)

  • Sohn, Sung-Won;Jeon, Si-Hyun;Park, Jin-Uck
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.121-125
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes and radiological changes of arthroscopic augmentation with synthetic polyester ligament for posterior cruciate ligament injury Materials and Methods : The assessment was made among 60 patients who underwent arthroscopic augmentation with synthetic polyester ligament (ABC ligament, Surgicraft, U.K.) into the substance of ruptured PCL proper under the arthroscopic control from January, 1990 to January, 1996 and whose follow-up period was more than 5 years (average 7.8 years). The results were analyzed by using the posterior stress radiographs by Telos stress device, KT-2000 arthrometer and the clinical assessment by using Lysholm knee score. Results : The average difference of posterior displacement on stress radiographs were 13.2 mm preperatively and 3.6 mm at last follow up. Both knee showed minimal difference on KT-2000 arthrometer (0.7 mm on 20 lb) at the last follow-up. The mean Lysholm knee score was 49.2 preoperatively and improved to 84.3 post-operatively. Conclusion : Authors observed that long-term results of arthroscopic augmentation with synthetic polyester ligament for PCL injury were similar with those using human allograft. Taking these results into consideration, the synthetic polyester ligament is assumed to be a method of treatment of the PCL injury.

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The Clinical Results of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Transtibial Tunnel and Posterior Transseptal Portal (경골터널과 후방 경격막 도달법을 이용한 후방십자인대 재건술의 임상적 결과)

  • Cho, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study is to provide the clinical results of arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament(PCL) reconstruction with preservation of the original PCL using transtibial tunnel and posterior transseptal portal. Materials and Methods: 36 patients underwent PCL reconstruction with achilles tendon allografts. We tried to preserve of the original PCL.At the final follow-up, patients were evaluated retrospectively by four measurements: Lysholm knee scores, IKDC grades, Telos stress radiography, and second look arthroscopy.Follow-up periods were from 12 months to 30 months. Results: The average Lysholm knee score improved from $66.0{\pm}8.67$ to $87.9{\pm}5.04$. Preoperative IKDC grades were abnormal in 15(41.7%) and severely abnormal in 21(58.3%), postoperative IKDC grades were normal in 6(16%),nearly normal in 24(66%), abnormal in 5(16%) and severely abnormal in 1(2%).The average side to side difference in Telos stress test decreased from $12.5{\pm}2.61(7{\sim}20)$ mm to $3.9{\pm}1.34(7{\sim}1)$ mm (paired sample T test, p=0.001) Conclusion: Arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament(PCL) reconstruction with preservation of the original PCL using transtibial tunnel and posterior transseptal portal is useful surgical method.

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Growth, Productivity, and Quality of Strawberry as Affected by Propagation Method and Cultivation System (번식방법과 재배시스템에 따른 딸기의 생장, 생산성, 품질)

  • Kang, Dong Il;Hu, Jiangtao;Li, Yali;Jeong, Byoung Ryong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.326-336
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate productivity of strawberry plants as affected by propagation method and cultivation system. Transplants propagated by cutting propagation and pinning propagation were planted and grown for a whole production period in soil and hydroponic cultivation systems. Growth parameters, fruit productivity, and fruit quality were measured during the whole harvest period. The results showed that propagation method and cultivation system had significant effects on vegetative growth of strawberry plants. Total fruit yield per plant and average fruit weight per fruit during the whole harvest period were significantly lower in the plants grown in soil cultivation system. Total unmarketable fruit ratio was significantly greater in soil cultivation system than that in hydroponic cultivation system. Small fruits were the primary unmarketable fruits in soil cultivation system, while malformed fruits were the primary unmarketable fruits in hydroponic cultivation system. The overall high quality of fruit was found in February, and the plants cultivated in hydroponic cultivation system had higher quality of fruit as compared with that in soil cultivation system. It is concluded that cutting propagation is better than pinning propagation, and hydroponic cultivation system is better than soil cultivation system for fruit productivity of strawberry.

용담댐 건설로 인한 금강 상류의 하천환경변화 분석 II - 수리변화분석 -

  • 정승권;정동양
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.971-976
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    • 2004
  • 하천유지를 위한 하천내 최소유량의 충족은 사실상 환경문제에 제공되는 것으로서 기본적으로 하천변 수생식물의 생태계 서식처를 유지하거나 복원하기 위해 제공된다. 또한 하천유지유량은 하천의 고유종 동${\cdot}$식물을 보전하고, 아름다운 하천에 대한 심미적 질을 유지하며 여가활동 및 상업적 어획고를 최대로 늘릴 수 있거나 과학적 또는 문화적 관심사의 특성을 보호하는 기능을 위한 목적으로도 제공된다. 그러므로 생태학적인 하천유지유량 차원에서 무엇보다 중요한 것은 충분한 물을 확보하고 쾌적한 하천을 유지할 수 있는 맑은 물을 하천에 흐르도록 하는 것이다. 이와 더불어 하천의 생태학적인 측면에서는 서식지 보호를 고려한 계획이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. 기존의 개발은 하천정비, 골재채취, 수중 보와 하구 둑 등 하천시설물 건설, 그리고 댐 및 교량건설 등 인위적인 요인에 의하여 하천환경이 심각하게 변화는 경우가 많다. 특히 댐 건설로 인해 하류지역에 수리학적 변화와 하상 변동 등이 발생하고, 이로 인하여 생태계의 변화를 초래하기도 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 금강 최상류에 건설된 용담다목적댐에 의해 인위적으로 하천유입량이 감소하고 이로 인해 발생할 수 있는 수리학적 변화를 모의하여 댐 건설이 금강 상류에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 2차원 유한요소모형을 이용하였으며, 댐 건설전 자연유출량 및 댐 건설후 하천유지유량에 의한 하천의 건조면적, 습지면적을 산정하였다. 또한 하천의 한계소류력과 하도를 형성하는 재료에 따라 바닥면 전단응력을 산정하여 그 차(差)를 활용하여 유량에 따른 유사이송현황을 모의하였다. 모의된 결과를 visual하게 표현하고자 GIS 기법을 이용하여 주요구간에 대한 유사이송현황을 도시하였다.유역의 고도차를 이용한 흐름특성 분석을 위해 수치고도자료를 이용하여 유역흐름특성을 분석할 수 있는 TOPAZ(Topographic PArameteri-Zation) 프로그램을 이용하였다. TOPAZ 프로그램을 통해 분석된 각 격자별 분포형 수문 매개변수는 적합한 관계식을 통해 분포형 유출량을 모의하는데 적용된다.다 정확한 유입량 예측이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.이 작은 오차를 발생하였으며, 전체적으로 퍼프 모형이 입자모형보다는 훨씬 적은 수의 계산을 통해서도 작은 오차를 나타낼 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 Gaussian 분포를 갖는 퍼프모형은 전단흐름에서의 긴 유선형 농도분포를 모의할 수 없었고, 이에 관한 오차는 전단계수가 증가함에 따라 비선형적으로 증가하였다. 향후, 보다 다양한 흐름영역에서 장${\cdot}$단점 분석 및 오차해석을 수행한 후에 각각의 Lagrangian 모형의 장점만을 갖는 모형결합 방법을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.mm/$m^{2}$로 감소한 소견을 보였다. 승모판 성형술은 전 승모판엽 탈출증이 있는 두 환아에서 동시에 시행하였다. 수술 후 1년 내 시행한 심초음파에서 모든 환아에서 단지 경등도 이하의 승모판 폐쇄 부전 소견을 보였다. 수술 후 조기 사망은 없었으며, 합병증으로는 유미흉이 한 명에서 있었다. 술 후 10개월째 허혈성 확장성 심근증이 호전되지 않아 Dor 술식을 시행한 후 사망한 예를 제외한 나머지 6명은 특이 증상 없이 정상 생활 중이다 결론: 좌관상동맥 페동맥이상 기시증은 드물기는 하나, 영유아기에 심근경색 및 허혈성 심근증 또는 선천성 승모판 폐쇄 부전등을 초래하는 심각한 선천성 심질환이다. 그러나 진단 즉시 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술로 수술

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Effects of Liming and Nitrogen Sources on the Yield and Quality of Burley Tobacco II. Effects of Chemical Constituents of tobacco leaves (석회의 질소원이 버어리종 담배의 수량과 품질에 미치는 영향 II. 잎담배의 화학성분에 미치는 영향)

  • 김상범;한철수;김용규
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 1987
  • A field experiment was conducted to find out the effects of liming (soil pH) and sources of N on the chemical constituents of soil and leaf lamina of burley tobacco. Treatments consisted of liming (nonliming, liming to soil pH 5.5 and 6.5) as the main plot and N sources[compound fertilizer of containing 3.9% $NH_4-N$ and 6.1% $NH_2-N,\;NaNO_3,\;(NH_2)_2CO\;and\;(NH_4)_2SO_4$]as the sub-plot. The soil pH was high in $NaNO_2$ plot, while low in $(NH_4)_2SO_4$. But the differences of Ca concentration in top soil among N sources were not detected. The $NO_3-N$ concentration in top soil was high in high limed and $NaNO_3$ plot. The $NO_3-N$ content of leaf (lamina) at 75 days after transplanting was high in $NaNO_3$ plot and CaO con-tent of leaf at 45 days after transplanting was high in high limed plot. But neither liming nor N source had effect on the contents of total nitrogen, $P_2-O_{5}\;and\;K_2O$ of leaf during growing season. There was no significant differences in total alkaloid and total nitrogen contents of cured leaf (lamina) to liming and N source. But when the source of N was $NaNO_3$, the content of total alkaloid was increased by adding lime. When the source of N was $(NH_4$)_2SO_4$, the content of $K_2O$ in cured leaf was high while CaO was low. But neither liming nor N source had effect on the contents of $P_2-O_{5}$ and MgO in cured leaf.

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Growth of Plug Seedlings of Petunia 'Madness Rose' and Pansy 'Magestic GT' in Various Mixtures of Recycled Horticultural Media (원예용 폐배지를 재활용한 혼합배지에서 페튜니아와 팬지 플러그묘의 생육)

  • Shin, Woo Gun;Jeong, Byoung Ryong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2000
  • Plug seedlings of Petunia hybrida 'Madness Rose' and Viola tricolor 'Magestic GT' were cultured in media containing various volume ratios of recycled plug medium, recycled coir, perlite, granular rockwool, and vermiculite for 36 and 43 days after sowing, respectively. Recycled plug medium and recycled coir were steam pasteurized for 30 minutes at $120^{\circ}C$ and 1.5 atmosphere. An unused commercial plug medium (Tosilee, pH 5.10, EC $0.12mS{\cdot}cm^{-1}$ at 1:5 dilution, v/v, Shinan Grow Co.) was used as the control. The pH of different media before and after growing seedlings was similar. Medium EC was high when recycled plug medium was included. Recycled coir (75%)+vermiculite (25%) mixture also had high medium EC. However, medium EC was low when granular rockwool or perlite was included. Height, root formation, shoot dry weight and leaf count (ea) of petunia, and height, total fresh and dry weights, and shoot fresh and root dry weights of pansy were the highest in recycled coir (75%)+perlite (25%) mixture. Recycled coir was better than recycled plug medium in physicochemical properties, and also in resultant plant growth. It is recommended to include perlite or granular rockwool when plug media including recycled horticultural media are prepared.

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Arthroscopic PCL Reconstruction using fresh-frozen Achilles Allograft (동종 아킬레스건을 이용한 관절경적 후방 십자 인대 재건술)

  • Chun, Churl-Hong;Kim, Dong-Churl;Shin, Ho-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical results of fresh-frozen achilles allograft PCL reconstruction. Materials and Methods : 34 patients(35 cases) who was reconstructed PCL arthroscopically using achilles allograft were analyzed subjective and objective parameters, Telos stress arthrometer and Modified Feagin Scoring System. The average age was 36.2 years old($16\~57$ year) and average follow up period was 18.5 months($12\~27$ months). Result : The mean Lysholm Knee Scoring was improved from 47.5 to 87.4. Posterior translation by Telos arthrometer decreased to 2.3mm from 7.1mm. The modified Feagin scoring system showed 32 cases$(91.5\%)$ with excellent and good result. Conclusion : Clinical results of PCL reconstruction by Achilles allograft revealed good result as to scales. Achilles allograft provided enough initial tension with length and minimized the complication of using autograft. Therefore achilles fresh-frozen allograft in PCL reconstruction is a good substitute material for autograft.

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MHC Class II Allele Association in Korean Children With IgA Nephropathy and its Role as a Prognostic Factor (한국인 IgA 신병증 환아에서 MHC Class II유전자형과 예후와의 관계 분석)

  • Kim Pyung Kil;Yook Jinwon;Kim Ji Hong;Jang Yoon Soo;Shin Jeon-Soo;Choi In-Hong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: Our study was designed to investigate the association of MHC Class II (DR, DQ) allele with IgA nephropathy and its significance as a prognostic factor for progression to ESRD Material and Methods: 69 children with IgA nephropathy with normal renal function(serum creatinine $\leq$ 1.5mg/dL) was classified as group A and 70 patients who received renal transplantation due to IgA nephropathy were selected as group B. The HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 alleles were studied by polymerase chain reaction using sequence specific primers. We have compared the difference in alleles between these two groups and with normal control and also examined any possible effect of the MHC class II genes on the histopathological severity and prognosis of IgAN. Results: Mean age was $8.8{\pm}2.9$ years in group A and $35.0{\pm}15.5$ years in group B. Male to female ratio was 2.8:1 in group A and 2.5:1 in group B. There was a significantly higher frequency of HLA-$DQB1^*03\;and\;DQB1^*05$ in Group B. The frequency of HLA-$DQB1^*0302\;and\;^*05031$ allele had increasing tendency in Group B(P<0.05). HLA-$DRB1^*03\;and\;^*05$ were more common in Group B(P<0.05). HLA-$DRB1^*04$ allele was the most common DR alleles in both group, but there was no statistical significance. There were no significant correlation with MHC class 13 genes on the hjstopathological severity in Group A. Conclusion: In conclusion, $HLA-DQB1^*0302\;and\;HLA-DQB1^*05031 $ allele seemed to be more common in transplanted patients compared to group with normal renal function suggesting that this allele is associated with poor prognosis in IgAN. However larger studies and follow up are required to confirm this due to uncharacterized heterogeneity in etiopathogenesis of IgA nephropathy and possibly one or more than one gene may exert influence in determining susceptibility to the diseases.

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The Clinical Outcomes of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in the Octogenarians (80세 이상 고령 환자에서 심폐바이패스 없이 시행한 관상동맥우회술의 중단기 성적)

  • Kim Do-Kyun;Lee Chang Young;Lee Kyo Joon;Joo Hyun Chul;Yoo Kyung-Jong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.10 s.255
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    • pp.680-684
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    • 2005
  • Background: With the increasing age of the population, coronary artery bypass grafting in the elderly patients is becoming common. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) has been proven to be less morbidity and to facilitate early recovery. The elderly patients may have benefits by avoiding the adverse effects of the cardiopulmonary bypass. The purpose of this study is to evaluate our results of OPCAB in elderly patients. Material and Method: A retrospective chart review was carried out for 12 patients aged over 80 years who underwent isolated OPCAB from January 2001 and March 2004. Data were collected risk factors for disease, extent of coronary disease, and in-hospital outcomes. Postoperative graft patiency was evaluated in 9 patients by multi-slice computed tomography. Result: Eleven patients had triple vessel disease or left main disease. Four patients were suffered from preoperative CVA, and 4 patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Two patients had myocardial infarction (MI), among them 1 patient was suffered from pulmonary edema after preoperative MI. There was no perioperative death, perioperative MI, and no ventricular arrhythmia. Also there was no perioperative stroke and renal failure. But there was one deep sternal infection who recovered by treating of muscle flap. Atrial fibrillation was newly developed in 1 patient, but was well controlled by medication. Mean intubation time was $15.9\pm4.4(8\~20hrs)$ hrs and mean ICU stay was $2.9\pm0.8(2\~4 days)$ days. Mean hospital day was $21.6\pm14.3(13\~56 days)$ days. Postoperative mean CK-MS was $11.3\pm14.1\;ng/mL$. Early postoperative graft patency rate was $100\%(24/24)$. Follow-up was completed in all patients. In this time, there was no patients with angina or death. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that OPCAB reduces morbidity and favors hospital outcomes. Therefore, OPCAB is safe, reasonable and might be preferable operative strategy in elderly patients.

Risk Factor's Affecting long-term Outcome of Alport syndrome (Alport 증후군의 예후와 관련된 위험요인 분석)

  • Byun Ji-Yoon;Baek Seoung-Yon;Lee Young-Mock;Kim Ji-Hong;Lee Jae Seung;Kim Pyung-Kil;Hong Soon-Won;Jeong Hyeon-Joo;Kim Soon-Il;Kim Yu-Seun;Park Ki-Il
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.164-175
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : Alport syndrome is a hereditary nephrotic disease characterized by progressive nephrotic symptom, sensorineural hearing loss, ophthalmic abnormality, typical microscopic findings, and familial occurrence. In this study, we tried to find the risk factors related with its prognosis by taking a close observation on clinical symptoms of children with Alport syndrome reviewing retrospectively. Materials & methods : We chose children diagnosed as Alport syndrome in renal biopsy during 20 years(from 1980, Jan. until 1999, Dec.) who could receive follow up studies in tile department of pediatrics. They were divided into two groups by comparing renal function at the time of diagnosis and at current status. We compared several clinical aspects in them, and applied nonparametric test for statistical analysis. Results : The sex ratio(male:female) of 24 children was 3:1. The most common clinical symptom presented at their first visit was gross hematuria. Among those 24 children, 11 cases($46\%$) of progressing into chronic renal failure(Group II) were observed. Hypertension, proteinuria and edema were seen much frequently in group II. The level of serum protein, albumin, and creatinine clearance were decreased while BUN, creatinine were relatively increased. All the results were statistically significant. Conclusion Clinically significant risk factors related to prognosis in Alport syndrome were the presence of hypertension, edema, and proteinuria at the time of diagnosis. Also, the level of serum protein, albumin, BUN, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate were proved to be important factors in predicting prognosis. We believe that studies on these possible risk factors would be of great help in treating and predicting prognosis of children suffering with Alport syndrome. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2001;5 : 164-75)

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