• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의사결정 균형

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Personality Type Test(MBTI) of the Korean Bruxism Patients (한국 이갈이 환자의 성격 유형 검사(MBTI))

  • Lee, Hyun-Ae;Auh, Q-Schick;Jung, Kee-Taig;Chun, Yang-Hyun;Hong, Jung-Pyo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2008
  • The focus of this study is to analyze the effect of stress on the health of bruxism patients using the MBTI system. The most common personality type will be identified among the bruxism patients and by understanding their personality & their handling of stress, more comprehesive and effective treatment plan can be constructed. The study will also conclude that the type of personality has big effect on the cause of bruxism, and that this will be considered in the treatment plan in this hospital. The result of the study is as follow. First, more bruxism patients were type I than type E. It can be suggested that this result is due to the introversive people maintaining their energy how within themselves, and private are less to likely to release there stress than the expressive people. Second, among the bruxism patients significantly more type T were found compared to type F. This implies the bruxism tend to follow principals, scientific and analysing during decision making rather than basing their decision an meanings, emotions and influences. Thirdly, more bruxism patients clarified into ST in comparison to non-bruxism patients. This is thought to be due to probable increased stress and anxiety following ST people's tendency to more strict and realistic thinking according to effectiveness, evidence-based and productivity. Fourth, the type IJ was the most of the bruxism patients. We can come to the conclusion that decision-oriented introversion people who have hard to change, a thoroughgoing preparation characters are likely to grind their teeth by their detailed characters. Fifth, the type IT was the most of the bruxism patients. Bruxism patients are usually influenced by spirit, easily hearted, awed of relationship and attention. So, their intensity of stress is much bigger because of their personality. The last, Type IS was the most of the bruxism patients. It means that introvert sensitive types who have characters of calm, passive but defence to other's emotion, also neutral, keep moderation, and have cold-heartedness are likely to grind their teeth frequently. In conclusion it is evident that bruxism patients have particular personality types. Precisive, analysing and introversive bruxism patients are expected to have higher sensitivities to stress.

Environmental Review Factors for Environment-friendly Construction Management in the Natural and Ecological Environment Sector (자연생태환경분야의 환경친화적 건설사업관리를 위한 환경성 검토항목)

  • Yoon, Ho-Bin;Lee, Chan-Sik;Lee, Young-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2008
  • Environment-indifferent developments have brought about a great deal of environmental pollution and a destruction of the ecosystem. The global interest in environmental pollution has emerged in accordance with the environmental regulations becoming ever stricter in the international society. Various attempts are being pitched in Korea such as the PERS (Prior Environmental Review System) and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and they practice a significant impact on the construction industry. Recently, there have been cases where large-scale national development businesses are delayed and terminated or re-examined for their feasibility for not having reflected and analyzed the environmental factors of the natural and ecological environment. We must sustain the ecological functions and balance and minimize environmental pollution issues that can be caused by land developments and preserve the natural environment so to induce environmentally-friendly development businesses. Thus, this research paper proposes environmental review categories of the natural ecosystem sector that can be applied to all stages of construction businesses including master planning stages, basic planning and execution designing stage, construction stage, and maintenance stage. The environmental review categories proposed in this paper are expected to offer a great deal of support in terms of inducing environment-sustainable development to decision makers in the master plan stage, designers in the basic planning and execution designing stage, and construction managers in the construction and maintenance stages.

Development of A Dynamic Departure Time Choice Model based on Heterogeneous Transit Passengers (이질적 지하철승객 기반의 동적 출발시간선택모형 개발 (도심을 목적지로 하는 단일 지하철노선을 중심으로))

  • 김현명;임용택;신동호;백승걸
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposed a dynamic transit vehicle simulation model and a dynamic transit passengers simulation model, which can simultaneously simulate the transit vehicles and passengers traveling on a transit network, and also developed an algorithm of dynamic departure time choice model based on individual passenger. The proposed model assumes that each passenger's behavior is heterogeneous based on stochastic process by relaxing the assumption of homogeneity among passengers and travelers have imperfect information and bounded rationality to more actually represent and to simulate each passenger's behavior. The proposed model integrated a inference and preference reforming procedure into the learning and decision making process in order to describe and to analyze the departure time choices of transit passengers. To analyze and evaluate the model an example transit line heading for work place was used. Numerical results indicated that in the model based on heterogeneous passengers the travelers' preference influenced more seriously on the departure time choice behavior, while in the model based on homogeneous passengers it does not. The results based on homogeneous passengers seemed to be unrealistic in the view of rational behavior. These results imply that the aggregated travel demand models such as the traditional network assignment models based on user equilibrium, assuming perfect information on the network, homogeneity and rationality, might be different from the real dynamic travel demand patterns occurred on actual network.

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Effects of a Transtheoretical Model Based Exercise Behavior Improving Program on Blood Pressure and Physical Activity for Older Adults with Hypertension (범이론모형(Transtheoretical Model) 기반의 운동행위강화 프로그램이 고혈압 노인의 혈압 및 신체활동량에 미치는 효과)

  • Song, Mi-Soon;Kim, Seon-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.364-377
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    • 2011
  • This study was done to evaluate the effects of a transtheoretical model (TTM) based exercise behavior improving program for older adults with hypertension on the stage of change, processes of change, decisional balance, exercise self-efficacy, blood pressure and physical activity. A non-equivalent control pre-post design was used for this study. The subjects were 41 adults over 65 years of age with hypertension who did not practice regular exercise. The experimental group (n=20) received the 8-week TTM based exercise behavior improving program. The control group received hypertension self care management education. Descriptive analysis, $x^2$-test, t-test, paired t-test were used for analyzing the data using SPSS for Windows 14.0. As a results, there was a significant increase in stage of change, total score for processes of change, behavioral process of change, exercise self-efficacy, total physical activity, and walking in the experimental group compared to the control group. But, there were no significant differences between the two groups on the experiential processes of change, decisional balance, and blood pressure. The results of this study suggest that a TTM based exercise behavior improving program has positive effects on improving exercise behavior among older adults with hypertension.

The Usefulness of a Wearable Smart Insole for Gait and Balance Analyses After Surgery for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis: Immediate and Delayed Effects (척추측만증 환자의 수술 효과 평가 수단으로서 웨어러블 스마트 깔창을 이용한 보행분석의 유용성)

  • Seo, Min Seok;Shin, Myung Jun;Kwon, Ae Ran;Park, Tae Sung;Nam, Kyoung Hyup
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 2020
  • This study presents a gait analysis method (including time series analysis) using a smart insole as an objective and quantitative evaluating method after lumbar scoliosis surgery. The participant is a degenerative lumbar scoliosis patient. She took 3-min-gait-test four times(before and 8, 16, and 204-days after surgery) and 6-min-gait-test once(204-days after surgery) with smart-insoles in her shoes. Each insole has 8-pressure sensors, an accelerometer, and a gyroscope. The measured values were used to compare the characteristics of gait before and after surgery. The analysis showed that all of the patient's gait parameters improved after surgery. And after 6 months, the gait was more stable. However, after long walk, the swing duration of one leg was slightly shorter than that of the other again. It was a preclinical problem that could not be found in the visual examination by the practitioner. With this analysis method we could evaluate the improvement of patient quantitatively and objectively. And we could find a preclinical problem. This analysis method will lead to the studies that define and distinguish gait patterns of certain diseases, helping to determine appropriate treatments.

The Influence Factors on the Stages of Change of Exercise in Middle Aged Men who Work based on the Transtheoretical Model (범이론적모형에 근거한 직장 중년남성의 운동행위변화단계에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Hyea-Kyung Lee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the stages of change of exercise in middle-aged men who work. 170 middle-aged men who work surveyed, 40 to 59 years old, is residing, Chung-Buk and Chung-Nam province, who understand the purpose of this study and agree to participate in this study. This study data is analyzed by using frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test, 𝑥2 test and Logistic regression analysis. The study show that the exercise self-efficacy(𝛽=.965, p=.003) and the perceived health status(𝛽=.805, p=.025) among middle aged men who work have an effect on the stages of change of exercise meaningfully. That is, the exercise self-efficacy of middle aged men who work who have exercise behavior is 2.6 times higher than middle aged men at work who don't have exercise behavior, and the perceived health status is 2.2 times higher. This study suggests that the development of better exercise practice for middle aged men who work should be aimed at promoting exercise self-efficacy and perceived health status, Based on this, it is necessary to find ways to operate exercise programs at the workplace and community level.

Population Strategy for Physical Activity in Korea (우리나라 신체활동 및 운동사업에서의 인구집단 전략)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.227-240
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    • 2005
  • Health promotion has more comprehensive approaches in recent years. Nevertheless we accept the concept of health promotion differently, we are agree on that community is the most important field in health promotion which includes population at the aspect of health policy, individual skill and, environment. And there are a number of different approaches to health promotion. In them, 'population approaches' and 'high -risk group approaches' has the most different characteristics. 'Population approaches' is equally important or more important than 'individual approaches' for maintaining and promoting population health. Almost part of this article contents is the summary of the guideline and population strategy of health promotion in Korea, 1999 - 2005. Community based health promotion program should be reinforced, integrated, comprehensive, collaborative through efficiently utilizing community resources. Recent new orientation of community health program is integrated health program, we can find this orientation at Ottawa charter 1986. Comprehensive approaches with the determinant factors for health are essential task. Physical activity is a key health determinant. The population-health approach suggests that educating people about physical activity is not enough. Individual behavior changes are important too, but need to be balanced with strategies for environmental change. Population strategy with physical activity for health promotion should be developed through improving social and physical supportive environment, linking and integrating community resources between public and private sectors in national, regional and local level. Continuous public education and social marketing should be provided through collaborating with community physical activity organization, facilities, work-places and school for increasing concern of all the people of community about physical activity. Governments, agencies and citizens should held and participate to building movement. And the strategy that various 'active for life' program should be developed, delivered, maintained and reinforced continuously. Basically, adequate and sufficient financing, developing human resources, policies and legislation would be provided and supported fully too. At last, research development and knowledge exchange are required domestically and internationally. In Korea, we had classified the category of strategic priority of physical activity programs by environmental support, life-course approach, high-risk group approach and disease group approach for physical activity program based on community health center. Community based core programs for physical activity that includes infrastructure building and establishment of supporting environment, community campaign, health promotion education and public service announcement, physical activity programs for elderly and obesity, exercise prescription program.

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Development of Agent-based Platform for Coordinated Scheduling in Global Supply Chain (글로벌 공급사슬에서 경쟁협력 스케줄링을 위한 에이전트 기반 플랫폼 구축)

  • Lee, Jung-Seung;Choi, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 2011
  • In global supply chain, the scheduling problems of large products such as ships, airplanes, space shuttles, assembled constructions, and/or automobiles are complicated by nature. New scheduling systems are often developed in order to reduce inherent computational complexity. As a result, a problem can be decomposed into small sub-problems, problems that contain independently small scheduling systems integrating into the initial problem. As one of the authors experienced, DAS (Daewoo Shipbuilding Scheduling System) has adopted a two-layered hierarchical architecture. In the hierarchical architecture, individual scheduling systems composed of a high-level dock scheduler, DAS-ERECT and low-level assembly plant schedulers, DAS-PBS, DAS-3DS, DAS-NPS, and DAS-A7 try to search the best schedules under their own constraints. Moreover, the steep growth of communication technology and logistics enables it to introduce distributed multi-nation production plants by which different parts are produced by designated plants. Therefore vertical and lateral coordination among decomposed scheduling systems is necessary. No standard coordination mechanism of multiple scheduling systems exists, even though there are various scheduling systems existing in the area of scheduling research. Previous research regarding the coordination mechanism has mainly focused on external conversation without capacity model. Prior research has heavily focuses on agent-based coordination in the area of agent research. Yet, no scheduling domain has been developed. Previous research regarding the agent-based scheduling has paid its ample attention to internal coordination of scheduling process, a process that has not been efficient. In this study, we suggest a general framework for agent-based coordination of multiple scheduling systems in global supply chain. The purpose of this study was to design a standard coordination mechanism. To do so, we first define an individual scheduling agent responsible for their own plants and a meta-level coordination agent involved with each individual scheduling agent. We then suggest variables and values describing the individual scheduling agent and meta-level coordination agent. These variables and values are represented by Backus-Naur Form. Second, we suggest scheduling agent communication protocols for each scheduling agent topology classified into the system architectures, existence or nonexistence of coordinator, and directions of coordination. If there was a coordinating agent, an individual scheduling agent could communicate with another individual agent indirectly through the coordinator. On the other hand, if there was not any coordinating agent existing, an individual scheduling agent should communicate with another individual agent directly. To apply agent communication language specifically to the scheduling coordination domain, we had to additionally define an inner language, a language that suitably expresses scheduling coordination. A scheduling agent communication language is devised for the communication among agents independent of domain. We adopt three message layers which are ACL layer, scheduling coordination layer, and industry-specific layer. The ACL layer is a domain independent outer language layer. The scheduling coordination layer has terms necessary for scheduling coordination. The industry-specific layer expresses the industry specification. Third, in order to improve the efficiency of communication among scheduling agents and avoid possible infinite loops, we suggest a look-ahead load balancing model which supports to monitor participating agents and to analyze the status of the agents. To build the look-ahead load balancing model, the status of participating agents should be monitored. Most of all, the amount of sharing information should be considered. If complete information is collected, updating and maintenance cost of sharing information will be increasing although the frequency of communication will be decreasing. Therefore the level of detail and updating period of sharing information should be decided contingently. By means of this standard coordination mechanism, we can easily model coordination processes of multiple scheduling systems into supply chain. Finally, we apply this mechanism to shipbuilding domain and develop a prototype system which consists of a dock-scheduling agent, four assembly- plant-scheduling agents, and a meta-level coordination agent. A series of experiments using the real world data are used to empirically examine this mechanism. The results of this study show that the effect of agent-based platform on coordinated scheduling is evident in terms of the number of tardy jobs, tardiness, and makespan.

A Study on the J. Calvin's thought of Economy and Management and its modern Application - with a Application Viewpoint of Distribution & Logistics Sectors - (존 칼빈의 경제, 경영 사상과 현대적 적용에 대한 연구 - 유통, 물류에의 적용 관점 -)

  • Kim, Hong-Seop
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.147-169
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    • 2015
  • Our society has been changed so rapidly and we have achieved industrialization and democratization swiftly. On our Economic growth and democratization, it is appraised that Christian Thought and western Capitalism thoughts have been one of the important factors. John Calvin, well known Reformer and thinker of Protestant, as M. Weber assessed, contributed greatly to the progress of Capitalism. He was a Religion Reformer as M. Luther and especially a thinker and man of deed, who affected large areas of human life such as Religion, Economy, Society and Politics. Calvin understood Economy is the main issue of theology and Economic activities can be a position which may restore the correct relationship of God and Man. This Paper aimed to survey, synthesize and systemize the Economy and Management thought of J. Calvin. On these changing current society, it surveyed if His thoughts that has long history, can be applicable or not and Where and How it may. Calvin's Thought not only on his age caused important changes and Reformation but now suggests critical milestones. His Thoughts of Love, Justice, and Fairness based on the Bible have been evaluated as the universal truth and important criteria. Until nowadays his Philosophy has composed critical Principles of decision making rules of Economy and Management and National policies. Especially today, when economy has been more emphasized as a center of our lives, His Thought suggests momentous directions on various Human Life such as Justice and Fairness, deepening of gap between poor and rich, expansion of conflicts among social classes, employment and wages, freedom of markets and its balance, and public good of land use. Reviewing Calvin's Economy and Management thoughts as meaningful basis on the our and world Economy which became worse caused by world monetary crisis and Europe financial crisis that aroused by world Economy globalization and expansion of neo-liberalism, this Paper suggested some future directions. And for the practical sectors, Distribution and Logistics, it proposed some issues and Directions, considering the impacts of His thoughts on the Industries. Nevertheless it can deliver some contributions, as a literature research, it reveals some limitations that it may contain lacking of practical investigations and cases on economy and management fields. In the future, more detailed and deeper research on the practical and situations of economy and management shall be needed.

Preliminary Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryong Village (구룡 해안마을 경관형성 기본계획)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Choi, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2012
  • This Study is about the "Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryoung Seaside Village that was one of most exhibited projects for developing sea villages." The formulations of the plan were supervised by the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs and were executed by the Goheung Country. Rather than proposing renovations for the landscape, this study maintains the existing order and attempts to examine the plan by scrutinizing the vernacular design language of the landscape. In the study, community members had the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas about the community through workshops composed of community participation programs, and participated in the decision-making process through consultation meetings. The conclusion of this study was relevant to the activities of the committee on landscape improvement. The Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan has three objectives: (1) resorting and modifying the natural landscape, (2) restructuring the roadways, and (3) modifying key spaces. In the end, the role of Gu-ryong Mountain as a background of the landscape was focused on tree planting drives that were undertaken, and accessibility to the sea front was improved. Second, in restructuring the roadways, rough roads were restored and unconnected roads were connected to ensure a network of roads along the sea front, inner roads in the village, roads at the Fringes Mountains, and stone roads on the mud flat. In addition, roads were named according to the character of the landscape and signs were installed. Finally, the existing key spaces, in which community members came together, were restored and new key spaces were created for the outdoor activities of the inhabitants and the diverse experience of visitors. A guideline was also created to regulate private areas such as roofs, walls, fences of residential buildings, and private container boxes and fishing gear along the sea front. The strength of this study is that it is seeking to determine the greatest potential of the landscape and set the plan by examining the lives of community members. Some problems were found during the development of this study. Further, there were problems in the community's understanding as elaborated below. First is the gap between community members' awareness and practice. Even though they were aware of the problems with the village landscape, they hesitated to implement improvements. Second, community members have misunderstandings about the landscape the improvement plan. The local government and the residents have understood this plan as a development project; for example, new building construction or the extension of roads. Third, residents are not aware that continuous attention and improvements are required for the upkeep of the landscape in the sea village. The plan to improve the landscape should promote a balance between making the area as a tourist attraction and maintaining the lives and cultural activities, because the sea village system incorporates settlements, economy, and culture.