• Title/Summary/Keyword: 응급 의료서비스

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A case study on the application of service design in a tertiary care hospital - Focusing on patient and Medical staff experience data at a Regional emergency medical center - (상급종합병원 서비스디자인 적용 단일 사례연구 -권역응급의료센터의 환자와 의료진 경험 데이터를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jugnmin;Ahn, Jinho
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.113-130
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    • 2023
  • This study is a single case study of the application of service design in a regional emergency medical centre of a senior general hospital, focusing on the experiences of patients and medical staff. It aims to measure and improve the experience of healthcare services using service design techniques and to verify their effectiveness. A qualitative case study centred on ethnography and design workshops was conducted to collect in-depth experience data from patients and medical staff. The study identified key experiential differences between patients and healthcare workers, with a particular focus on the challenges faced in emergency medical services. The qualitative data collected through patient and healthcare worker interviews and design thinking workshops were analysed and incorporated into the design in order to understand the complex dynamics of the regional emergency medical centre environment. The results of the study highlighted the need to improve communication, manage patient flow, and improve the environment in three main aspects of the current state of design reflecting the needs of patients and medical staff. By analysing the differences in the specific needs of the two groups of patients and medical staff, a design-led implementation process can be applied to improve the services of the regional emergency medical centre. This study highlights the role and importance of design in healthcare and provides an efficient way to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical design implementation. This will contribute to creating a faster, more effective, and more satisfying healthcare experience. It is hoped that this will be a new opportunity to see service design as a key to a new innovation process for the satisfaction of both patients and medical staff.

회원병원 소개 - 온세상을 건강한 미소로... - 창원파티마병원 -

  • 한국가톨릭의료협회
    • Health and Mission
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    • s.17
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    • pp.24-27
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    • 2009
  • 지난 6.29일자 중앙일보에 보도에 의하면 창원파티마병원은 2005년에 이어 2008년에도 보건복지가족부 주관 전국의료기관평가서 최우수병원으로 선정되었다. 의료서비스 및 환자만족도 등 20개 부문 중 19개 부문에서 A등급을 받아 평가 대상 의료기관 중 최고의 성적을 거두었다. 창원파티마병원은 1969년 마산시 대성동에서 4개 진료과, 10개 병상의 마산파티마병원에서 출발하여 2002년 창원으로 이전, 진료를 시작한 이래 응급환자의 진료에 만전을 기하기 위해 응급의료센터를 개설하고, 보건복지가족부 지정 중증외상 및 응급뇌질환 특성화후보센터를 운영하고 있다. 말기 암 환자를 위한 호스피스 병동을 지역최초로 개설하였고, 전신 암 조기진단장비인 PET-CT 등 첨단 장비를 지속적으로 보강하여 보다 질 높은 의료서비스 제공을 위해 노력하고 있다. 또한 온생명 Care 캠페인을 통해 지구의 환경을 보전하기 위한 환경 운동을 전개하는 한편 다문화 가정 지원사업, 환자와 보호자를 위한 사랑의 음악회, 찾아가는 시민강좌 등 다양한 사회공헌 활동을 하고 있다.

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Measures of Spatial Accessibility to Emergence Medical Services with a Modified Three-Step Floating Catchment Area Model : A Case Study of the Chungnam Province (수정 3SFCA 모형을 활용한 응급의료서비스 접근성 분석: 충청남도를 사례로)

  • Park, Jeong Hwan;Woo, Hyun Jee;Kim, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.388-402
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an enhancement of the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method for measuring spatial accessibility between three age groups, addressing the problem of uniform access within the catchment by applying multiple impedance function to account for distance decay and by applying weights to different age groups to account for medical service preference. The enhancement is provided to be another special care of the gravity model. When applying this modified three-step floating catchment area to measure the spatial access to emergency medical services in a study area, Chungnam province in South Korea, we find that it reveals the variation of spatial accessibility patterns between cities and rural areas and delineates more spatially explicit medical service shortage areas in southern Chungnam areas, especially remoted local rural areas. Finally, this method may be used to help the health and medical service divisions and the state departments improve designation of medical shortage areas. From the discussions, it is easy to implement in planning spatial policies of medical service and straightforward to be used as a basic, but core element for health and medical strategies in the province.

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EC&M System to Improve Emergency Rescue Service (응급구조서비스 개선을 위한 EC&M 시스템)

  • Na, Eunseo;Sin, Hayeon;Kim, Dayeong;Jang, Mugyeong;Hwang, Soyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2021.07a
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    • pp.361-362
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문에서는 효율적인 환자 이송 및 치료를 위한 응급구조사와 의료기관 간의 의사소통 및 질 관리를 위한 EC&M (Efficient Communication and Management) 시스템을 제안한다. 이는 관련 앱을 효율적으로 사용하여 응급차 배치부터 병원 도착 시 환자 수속 작업 등을 최소화하고, 각 작업의 수행시간을 최소화 한다. 또한 이 시스템의 사용자는 소방청, 의료기관, 119 응급 구조사이고, 이 중 응급구조사에 초점을 두었다. 이는 PRE-KTAS를 소방청과 의료기관에 동시전달하여 전달된 PRE-KTAS를 통한 적절한 의료기관을 배치하고 선정된 응급의학 전문의에게 직접의료지도를 요청할 수 있다. 그리고 응급구조사는 의무기록활동지를 작성하여 의료기관에 전달하여 내용전달의 효율성을 높인다. 본 논문에서는 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제안하는 응급구조사와 의료기관 간의 정보 공유 시스템은 기존에 제안하는 앱을 사용하지 않고 발생했던 많은 문제를 해결 할 수 있을 것이므로 기존의 앱보다 우수할 것으로 기대된다.

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Predictors of Emergency Medical Transports Use Based on 2009 Korea Health Panel (응급환자 이송 서비스의 이용 특성과 예측 인자: 한국의료패널 2009년 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Kyunghee
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2014
  • Based on 2009 Korea Health Panel, this study investigated socio-economic and clinical characteristics associated with emergency medical transport use, and analyzed a simple predictive model of emergency medical transport use. Analysis results were summarized as follows: First, emergency medical transports such as 119 ambulance were more used than private cars, taxis, or walk-in. Second, between a user group and a non-user group of emergency medical transports, there were statistically significant differences in age, the level of education, family composition, house type, household income, the relationship with the head of household, insurance types, the presence of handicap, the presence of chronic disease, reasons to emergency medical service use, and treatment after emergency medical service completed. Third, age, household income, the presence of handicap, reasons to emergency medical service use, and treatment after emergency medical service completed were statistically significant predictors associated with emergency medical transports use. To improve emergency medical service system, the characteristics and predictors associated with emergency medical transports are more concerned.

Development of Authentication Service Model Based Context-Awareness for Accessing Patient's Medical Information (환자 의료정보 접근을 위한 상황인식 기반의 인증서비스 모델 개발)

  • Ham, Gyu-Sung;Joo, Su-Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2021
  • With the recent establishment of a ubiquitous-based medical and healthcare environment, the medical information system for obtaining situation information from various sensors is increasing. In the medical information system environment based on context-awareness, the patient situation can be determined as normal or emergency using situational information. In addition, medical staff can easily access patient information after simple user authentication using ID and Password through applications on smart devices. However, these services of authentication and patient information access are staff-oriented systems and do not fully consider the ubiquitous-based healthcare information system environment. In this paper, we present a authentication service model based context-awareness system for providing situational information-driven authentication services to users who access medical information, and implemented proposed system. The authentication service model based context-awareness system is a service that recognizes patient situations through sensors and the authentication and authorization of medical staff proceed differently according to patient situations. It was implemented using wearables, biometric data measurement modules, camera sensors, etc. to configure various situational information measurement environments. If the patient situation was emergency situation, the medical information server sent an emergency message to the smart device of the medical staff, and the medical staff that received the emergency message tried to authenticate using the application of the smart device to access the patient information. Once all authentication was completed, medical staff will be given access to high-level medical information and can even checked patient medical information that could not be seen under normal situation. The authentication service model based context-awareness system not only fully considered the ubiquitous medical information system environment, but also enhanced patient-centered systematic security and access transparency.

A Development of Smart Remote Medical Direction Support App (스마트 원격 의료 지도 지원 앱 개발)

  • Eum, Sang-hee;Kim, Gi-Ryon;Kim, Gwang-yeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.78-79
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    • 2018
  • Recently, medical technology and IT technology have been trying to converge to overcome limitations of the time and the space in medical technology application. In this study, an app was developed to support remote medical direction for emergency medical services. The developed app allows doctors in remote locations to receive real-time emergency patient situations from emergency paramedics. It can also guide the patient's condition diagnosis and emergency treatment and enable rapid response from the emergency room.

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A Study on the Radio Transmission of Bio-Signal for Tele-Medicine (원격진료를 위한 생체신호의 무선전송에 대한 연구)

  • 김정년;곽준혁;최조천;조학현
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2002
  • Tele-medicine and emergency medical system are necessary for moving from an accidental point or far distance to a hospital and emergency treatment or home treatment before a hospital. Emergency treatment is extremely important in the case of death before arriving a hospital and deformed of disabled by medical treatment delay. A necessary element for this medical system is the emergency communication system. This system is on preparing for an ability of furnishing patient status to a corresponding health service by monitoring the patient at an ambulance of the accident place. This is the transportation of basic biological information of a patient to a medical center by wireless communication system and the corresponding hospital of medical center examine the patient by monitoring, then they can send emergency medical order to the patient for emergency treatment. The TRS is most efficient way of emergency medical communication system, which is currently used with popularity. In this paper studied simultaneously a way of detecting and transporting bio-logical signals, and monitoring of transporting data with communication of voice in the accident place of ambulance.

The Study on Improving Medical Care Service by Analyzing the Time While the Homeless Patients Length of Stay Emergency Medical Institution (행려환자의 응급의료기관 체류시간 분석을 통한 의료서비스 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.619-627
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    • 2013
  • This study reviews the time while the homeless patients Length of Stay emergency medical institution according to their medical treatment when they visit a hospital and characteristics of pathogenesis to understand the related factors affecting the case. Such review aims at providing basic data and information on how to improve medical care services of our society. 691 homeless patients visited an emergency medical care institution in Chungnam-si for one year from January 1, 2012 until December 31, of the same year were surveyed. Methods adopted were the analysis of frequency, ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis was conducted by making an independent variable as a dummy. This study came to a conclusion that first of all a medical care institution is required to avoid negative awareness and it should provide the homeless patients with medical care of better quality, having emergency care support system. Second, as most of the homeless patients are in their 40 or 50's, they are still in the age of high productivity of our society. Therefore, proper policy should be established and managed by the government on the program for their returning to the society as well as providing them with better medical care and support.

Research on Enhancing Reliability of IT Convergence Technology Applied Emergency Management Information System (IT 융합 기술을 적용한 응급관리 정보 시스템의 신뢰성 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Gyoun-Yon;Lee, Seo-Joon;Lee, Tae-Ro
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.395-401
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    • 2013
  • In a situation of crisis, an ambulance is dispatched according to the given emergency management information system(EMIS). However, the problem of past EMIS is that they did not concentrate on the reliable communication between the ambulance and medical specialists, thereby causing some needless casualties. This paper presents HEMIS, a highly-reliable emergency management information system, to solve such flaws. The effects showed that HEMIS was superior in data packet size, data safety and quality of service(QoS) to that of typical EMIS. Therefore, HEMIS is expected to increase the quality of medical service in ambulances, thereby decreasing casualties of patients carried in ambulances.