• Title/Summary/Keyword: 은유성

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CEO's Innovation DNA and Innovation : Fit of Environment (경영자 혁신DNA와 혁신 : 환경 적합성)

  • Kim, Seung Ho;Huh, Moo Yul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2015
  • Most innovation related theories including entrepreneurship theory regard the CEO's innovative competencies as the starting point of innovation. The study was investigated the relationship between CEO's innovation DNA and Innovation and the effects of environmental fit in their relation. For the empirical test, the sample was collected from 110 manufacturing companies in Daegu and Gyeongbook region. The results as follows: First, Innovation DNA has generally significant positive effect on innovation. The effect of discovery DNA is stronger than operating DNA to the product innovation, but the operating DNA stronger than the discovery DNA to the process innovation. The fit between CEO's innovative DNA and exogenous environmental turbulence make a strength innovation. The supplementary fit between discovery DNA and technology turbulence and complementary fit between discovery DNA and market turbulence reinforce product innovation. Process innovation were strengthen by the complementary fit between operating DNA and market turbulence.

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Analysis on Pataphysics of the Metamorphosis in Film 'X-Men' (영화 '엑스맨(X-Men)'의 변신모티브에 나타난 파타피직스 분석)

  • Chang, Seyoung;Chung, Jeanhun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2016
  • The movie, X-men, develops the narrative with metamorphosis as the main motif making visual effects of characters and background. The objective of this study is to suggest that the metamorphosis motif can be materialized based on the virtuality of "pataphysics" as one of the genre characteristics of superhero movies and the newly materialized virtuality can be aesthetic characteristics of metamorphosis motif movies. With the virtuality that has its own characteristics with metaphorical symbols such as satire on an absurd society out of existing traditions, pataphysics started in mid-twentieth century and has had an impact on art movements of dadaism, surrealism, pop art, and postmodernism. Analyzing the characteristics of pataphysics which were shown in these artworks, we applied it to metamorphosis scenes of the movie. As a result, we found out that it visualized the shape and aspect of inner and outer strength of a superhero with aesthetic characteristics of metamorphosis scenes and it realized the presence, hybridity, and ex-formal properties of pataphysics consisting of overlapped virtual and physical reality, with technical virtuality.

A Study of the Architectural Planning Based on the Concept of Sense of Place -The Cultural Complex at the Thames River- (장소성의 개념을 적용한 건축공간 계획에 관한 연구 -템스 강 복합문화공간 계획안-)

  • Choi, Dong-Hyeog
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2016
  • This study is an architectural design thesis aimed at designing a building at the River Thames in London, which could float along the river and be anchored in the river, in terms of the concept of the sense of place. The process of the study was as follows. First, theoretical backgrounds of the concepts of sense of place, placelessness, and non-place were examined and the sense of place of River Thames was analyzed. Second, the architectural planning elements could be applied to architectural design in terms of the relationship between the place and architecture, form of architecture, and behaviors of peoples. Third, the architectural design concepts and programs were specified based on the planning elements and a cultural complex that floats on the River Thames in London, England was proposed. The focus of this study was the process of formation of a sense of place by the cognition of architecture and people's activity, and this study claimed that the sense of place could be materialized by the metaphorically inherent property of the architecture.

Visual Contents Study of Historic Re-create about Memory of China 6th Generation Director (중국 6세대 감독의 기억에 관한 역사적 재현 영상콘텐츠 연구)

  • Han, Dal-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2010
  • This dissertation is considered a historic generation that Chinese film $6^{th}$ director remembers through their life. Also it is figured out historic anguish and hurt how it was remembered and appeared in film. They have made actual films through their efforts which are different from the conventional generation. In addition, between memory and oblivion the time's signification in the history is showed how what way can be represented. It was presented the time's anguish through memory's metaphor in Chinese film $6^{th}$ works. Also, it was shown the existence's reality from dream was losing as memory was hiding between desire and despair. Additionally, the self of daily was expressed to unconcernedly accept reality, and its against the unchangeable world's eye and memory. The $6^{th}'s$ films' desire was expressed passive appearance to accept reality with losing dream in these three things; cannot be reality in the process to figure out own natural character, and appearance to keep traditional character, finally gradually changing reality. When $6^{th}$ directors analysis the history as memory, social repression follows family's repression, family's repression brings personal repression, and then repression changes to desire, finally the life as a reaction could be maintained. In conclusion, personal desire was covered for fantasy, and the overcoming figure was represented. Moreover, Chinese face that $6^{th}$ directors have memorized was presented through these sentiments.

The Introduction and the Use of Number Line on the Learning of Number Concept (수 개념 학습에서 수직선의 도입과 활용)

  • Kim, Yang Gwon;Hong, Jin-Kon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.431-456
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the appropriate time of introduction and the usage of the number line, in order to suggest the right point of learning the number concept to the elementary school students. For the efficient achievement of this purpose, we investigated the mathematical models for constructing the number concept such as number line, empty number line and double number line, counting and development of number concept. Then, we conducted case study on the time of introduction and the usage of the number line. Finally, we analyzed the result. First, there is need for adjustment to conduct the introduction of the number line from the second year of elementary school, so to help the students understand the continuing number concept through the understanding on the metaphorical concept of the number line. Second, there is the need of positive introduction and the use on the mathematical models; empty number line which helps to draw various thinking strategy visually through the process of operations such as addition and subtraction; the division into equal part and division by equal part in which multiplicative comparative situation or division takes place; the double number line which helps to understand the rate or proportional distribution. Finally, when adopting the number line, the empty number line, or the double number line, we suggested the necessity of learning about elaborate guidance and the usage in order to fully understand the metaphorical concept of the number line.

May Extended Self be Moral Subject? - The Human Person as a Moral Agent - (확장된 자아는 도덕적 주체일 수 있는가? - 행위자로서의 인간인격 -)

  • Kim, Nam-ho
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.144
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    • pp.51-82
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    • 2017
  • In Meditation II, Descartes questions "sed quid igitur sum" ("But what then am I?"). To this question to rule our essence, A. Clark insists that "We are soft selves". The idea by Clark is a spontaneous conclusion of the extended mind theory stating that cognitive process, cognitive state, and self may be extended over biological organisms. However, it seems that it is difficult for the extended self to have the qualifications as a moral agent. There have been disputes about expandability of cognitive process and cognitive state, but there have not been many disputes about the possibility of accountability of behavior by the extended self. First of all, in this thesis, it will be revealed that the extended self through the analysis of metaphorical theories and the ontological essence of agent and behavior by G. Lakoff and M. Johnson is just metaphorical rhetoric, which is not suitable for rational comprehension of ontological essence of agent and behavior. Moreover, the analysis of problem about artificial moral agent (AMA) proposes the "Strong First-person Viewpoint" as a requirement of the agent. Finally, the concept of extended self will be shown to be unsuitable for theoretical explanation of us, and the concept of human person will be proposed as an alternative solution.

Analyzing the Creative Process of the Pauling's Research for Science Gifted Education (과학영재를 가르치기 위한 창의적 화학자 폴링의 연구과정 분석)

  • Koo, Mi-Na;Kim, Ji-Young;Park, Jong-Seok;Kim, Young-Min;Seo, Hae-Ae
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.945-959
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    • 2011
  • Creativity is always important in science gifted education. There are many research results about enhancing the creativity. One of the ways of enhancing students scientific' creativity is to let them think and research like scientists so that they can follow how scientists find problems and solve them. So in this study, scientific creative elements were extracted from the Pauling's detailed examples of research process by using many documents. Abductive reasoning, paradox, changing the perspective, modeling, simplifying, converging thinking, diverging thinking, and metaphorical thinking are thinking methods that were extracted from the Pauling's research process. Repeated experiment, co-experiment, using both theories and experiments, and social obligation as a scientist are research methods. Scientific creative elements that were extracted suggest some direction that have more scientific creativity, more ability to find problems, and more ability to form theories in science education or in science gifted education.

The effect of the appropriateness of gustatory features in 'multi-sensory' product design on product evaluation : An fMRI study (공감각 제품디자인의 미각적 요소와 제품과의 적합성이 제품평가에 미치는 영향 : fMRI를 중심으로)

  • Sung, Young-Shin;Choi, Min-Jo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the appropriateness of gustatory features in product design affect product evaluation and accompanied response by using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI). Through the pilot survey, we categorized the product designs into two groups based on the level of the appropriateness. The total of 40 product designs were selected as the experimental stimuli. 15 right-handed participants(mean age = 23.33, SD = 1.7) were scanned with 3T MRI machine(ISOL Tech, Oxford OR63). The experimental stimuli were passively presented inside the scanner. In post scanning session, participants were asked to measure their preference and buying intention to the product designs. The results show that both the preference and buying intention were significantly higher for the high appropriateness condition compared to those of low appropriateness designs. Caudate nucleus and putamen, areas related to the positive reward such as monetary acquisition showed greater activation in response to the designs of high appropriateness condition, compared to the low appropriateness designs.

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Bilateral chylothorax with diffuse pulmonary Iymphangiomatosis (미만성 폐림프관종증과 동반된 양측성유미흉 -수술치험 1례 보고-)

  • 김경렬;최세영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.360-364
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    • 1996
  • Chylothorax is denned by extravasation of the milky fluid to pleural cavity from the thoracic duct or it's main branches due to operative trauma, congenital lesions, diagnostic procedures, tumor, etc. Another rare cause is diffuse pulmonary Iymphangiomatosis which is uncommon and not well charact rized. We experienced a case of the bilateral chylothorax caused by the diffuse pulmonary Iymphangiomatosis. The patient was at years old girl with symptoms of coughing and febrile sensation, and the chest radiographs showed bilateral pleural effusion and interstitial infiltrates. The laboratory data of the pleural effusion was identified as chile. Uncontrollable with closed tube thoracostomy, division of tHe thoracic duct and biopsy were decided. Biopsy showed anastomosing endothelial lined spaces along the pulmonary Iymphatic routes especially in pleural and interlobar septum, and smooth muscle at the proliferative interstitium of the Iymphatic duct was observed. Postoperatively, chylothorax was controlled with several trial of chemical pleurodesis. Af'leer discharge from the hospital, she was well for ten months follow up.

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Modern Package Design Factors Hidden in Traditional Korean Wrapping Cloth (한국전통 보자속에 은유된 현대 포장디자인 요소)

  • Kwon, Il-Hyun;Nam, Young-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the use of wrapping cloth was studied by examining documents and drawings from the past that reflect the life of people of the time with a focus on "minbo" (a wrapping cloth used by civilians) and "gungbo" (a wrapping cloth used by the ruling class). Unlike the bag culture of industrialized society, wrapping cloth has diversity, dynamic and receptiveness to changes as well as coexistence of 2 and 3-dimension. Environment-friendliness of recyclability of the cloth used for making wrapping cloth is not found in any other traditional transportation device cultures of the world. Such polysemous elements converge into a various functions with the development of technology and raw material and allow a package design from a new perspective. This study analyzes the above factors from a package design perspective to suggest an innovative modern package design that has fusional, diverse features.