• Title/Summary/Keyword: 육종양

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Biodegradation of Aromatic Compounds by Strains of Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas속 세균에 의한 방향족화합물 생분해)

  • 정윤창;김경남;최용진;양한철;송준상;서윤수
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1989
  • Thirty-six aromatic compound biodegraders; 10 strains for benzoate, 10 for salicylate, 6 for m-toluate, and 10 for DL-camphor were isolated and taxonomically characterized. A mutant Pseudomonas strain, Ben 6-2, derived from Ben 6 revealed remarkably improved ability to metabolize benzoate. Thus enhancement of the average substrate removal rate from 5.2 to 11.0mg/$\ell$/ hr was attained by the mutant. Both of strains Sal 7 and Tol 2, degraders of salicylate and m-toluate respectively, were classified as Pseudomonas sup. Both strains were found to be extremely effective in metabolizing each aromatic substrates. The average substrate degradation rates in minimal salt media containing 2,200mg/$\ell$ of the substrate were calculated to be 40.1 mg/$\ell$/ hr for strain Sal 7 and 33.0mg/$\ell$/ hr for Tol 2. Cam 10, a camphor degrading strain was demonstrated to be capable of mineralizing benzoate, phenol, toluene, octane, cyclohexane and xylene as well as camphor. Strain 1040 isolated from Cam 10 after repented adaptation to 1,000 mg/$\ell$ m-toluate gained the ability to utilize toluate as a sole carbon source. The mutant Brew actively at the expense of a mixture of car-bon sources; camphor, m-toluate, benzoate and phenol (each: 200 mg/$\ell$) and utilized the substances in the preferential order of camphor, phenol, benzoate, and m-toluate. Among the biodegraders examined Cam 1040 and Tol 2 were detected to harbor plasmid. The plasmid from Cam 1001 was determined to be about 98kb, and evidenced to encode the enzyme(s) for the degradation of camphor. For the further diversification of the metabolic potentials of Cam 1040, the NAH 2 plasmid of Pseudomonas putida NCIB 9816 was transferred to Cam 1040 by conjugation. The exconjugant obtained, Cam 1043, proved to gain an additional ability to metabolize salicylate and naphthalene.

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The Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 in Lung Cancer Cells (폐암세포주에서 Heme Oxygenase-1의 역할)

  • Jung, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Hak-Ryul;Kim, Eun-Jung;Hwang, Ki-Eun;Kim, So-Young;Park, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Hwi-Jung;Yang, Sei-Hoon;Jeong, Eun-Taek
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.304-313
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    • 2006
  • Background : Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an inducible enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative degradation of heme to form biliverdin, carbon monoxide (CO), and free iron. The current evidence has indicated a critical role of HO-1 in cytoprotection and also in other, more diverse biological functions. It is known that the high expression of HO-1 occurs in various tumors, and that HO-1 has an important role in rapid tumor growth because of its antioxidative and antiapoptotic effects. Therefore, the role of HO-1 was analyzed in human lung cancer cell lines, and especially in the A549 cell line. Material and Methods : Human lung cancer cell lines, i.e., A549, NCI-H23, NCI-H157 and NCI-H460, were used for this study. The expression of HO-1 in the untreated state was defined by Western blotting. ZnPP, which is the specific HO inhibitor we used, and the viability of cells were tested for by conducting MTT assaysy. The HO enzymatic activity, as determined via the bilirubin level, was also indirectly measured. Moreover, the generation of intracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was monitored fluorimetrically with using a scopoletin-horse radish peroxidase (HRP) assay and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA). We have also transfected small HO-1 interfering RNA (siRNA) into A549 cells, and the apoptotic effects were evaluated by flow cytometric analysis and Western blotting. Results : The A549 cells had a greater expression of HO-1 than the other cell lines, whereas ZnPP significantly decreased the viability of the A549 cells more than the viability of the other lung cancer cells in a dose-dependant fashion. Consistent with the viability, the HO enzymatic activity also was decreased. Moreover, intracellular H2O2 generation via ZnPP was induced in a dose-dependent manner. Apoptotic events were, then induced in the HO-1 siRNA transfected A549 cells. Conclusion : HO-1 provides new important insights into the possible molecular mechanism of the antitumor therapy in lung cancer.

Study of 188Re(V)-DMSA for Treatment of Cancer: Radiolabeling and Biodistribution (암 치료를 위한 188Re(V)-DMSA에 관한 연구: 방사성동위원소 표지와 생체내 분포)

  • Kim, Young Ju;Jeong, Jae Min;Chang, Young Soo;Lee, Dong Soo;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung Chul;Koh, Chang-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the radiolabeling and biodistribution of $^{188}Re(V)$-DMSA as a therapeutic cancer radiopharmaceutical. We made a DMSA kit($NaHCO_3$ 1.5 mg, meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid 1.0 mg, L(+)-ascorbic acid 0.7 mg, $SnCl_2{\cdot}2H_2O$ 0.34 mg, pH 2.9) for labeling with $^{188}Re$. In this kit, $^{188}ReO_4{^-}$ 5 mCi/2 ml added and boiled at $100^{\circ}C$ for 3 hr in water bath. The final pH adjusted to 7.5 with 7% $NaHCO_3$ solution. We checked the labelling efficacy with TLC-SG(n-butanol : acetic acid : $H_2O$ = 3 : 2 : 3) and examined the stability both in room temperature and in serum at $37^{\circ}C$. Biodistribution(1, 3, 13, 24, 48 hr) of $^{188}Re(V)$-DMSA compound was evaluated in Sarcoma 180 tumor-bearing mice. Each labeling efficiency and stability at room temperature for 48 hours was over 98% and 95%, respectively. The stability in serum were 82%(6 hr) and 85%(48 hr). Tumor uptake of $^{188}Re(V)$-DMSA in Sarcoma 180-bearing mice were $0.66{\pm}0.15%$(1 hr), $0.51{\pm}0.10%$(3 hr), $0.19{\pm}0.05%$(24 hr) and $0.13{\pm}0.02%$(48 hr). These result are consistent with those of $^{99m}Tc(V)$-DMSA which were reported previously. In conclusion, $^{188}Re(V)$-DMSA may be a useful therapeutic radiopharmaceutical for treating some cancers and metastatic bone lesion.

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독일의 포도 재배와 와인산업

  • Bang, Won-Gi
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 2012
  • 독일의 와인 생산지는 라인 강과 그의 지류를 따라 대개 서남쪽에 산재해 있다. 독일은 102,000 헥타르(2005년, 전 세계 포도밭의 1.3%)의 포도밭을 가지고 있으며, 매년 약 915만 3천 헥토리터(2005년, 전 세계 생산량의 3.24%)의 와인을 생산하고 있다. 이는 독일이 포도 재배면적으로는 세계 13번째 국가이며, 와인 생산량으로는 세계 8위를 나타내는 수치이다. 독일은 원래 화이트와인의 나라였으나, 레드와인의 생산이 1990년대와 2000년대에 급속히 증가하였다. 현재(2011년) 독일 포도밭의 64%가 화이트와인을 위해 경작되고 있으며, 36%가 레드와인을 위해 경작되고 있다. 화이트와인을 위한 주요품종이 리슬링(Riesling, 22%), 레드와인을 위한 주요품종은 쉬페트부르군더(Sp$\ddot{a}$tburgunder, Pinot Noir, 11.5%)로 알려져 있다. 독일은 다양한 형태의 와인을 생산한다. 드라이(dry), 세미스위트(semi-sweet)와 스위트한 화이트와인들(sweet white wines), 로제와인, 레드와인과 발포성 와인인 젝트(Sekt, 독일형 샴페인)이다. 독일 포도밭의 위치가 북쪽이므로, 독일은 유럽의 다른 나라와는 전혀 다른 다수의 훌륭한 품질의 와인을 생산한다. 오늘날 독일의 포도재배는 1세기에서 4세기쯤의 고대 로마시대부터 시작된 것으로 알려져 있다. 카롤루스 대제(Carolus Magnus, 747/748-814)의 시대 전에 독일의 포도재배는 비록 독점적이지는 않았으나 라인의 서부지역에서 주로 경작되었다. 카롤루스 대제는 포도재배를 라인가우에 보급한 것으로 추측되고 있다. 1787년에 아우스레제(Auslese)로 시작한 수확된 성숙도에 기반을 둔 와인의 후속 분류는 품질보증 고급와인 체계의 초석을 놓았다. 대부분의 현재 독일 와인법은 1971년에 도입되었으며, 그 이후 사용되어온 바와 같이 품질보증 고급와인의 이름이 정의되었다. 독일와인 지역은 세계에서 가장 북쪽인 북위 $50^{\circ}$도 부근에 위치한다. 북쪽의 기후이기 때문에 적합한 포도 품종에 대한 연구가 되어왔으며, 가이젠하임 포도 육종 연구소에서 뮐러-투르가우와 같은 많은 교배종이 개발되어 왔다. 최근에 지역 및 국제 수요가 높은 품질의 와인을 요구함으로서 리슬링의 재배가 증가해 왔다. 와인은 모두 자주 산맥으로 보호된 주로 라인 강과 그 지류인 강 주변에서 생산된다. 강들은 온도를 조절하는 충분한 미기후 효과를 갖는다. 토양은 태양의 열을 흡수해서 그것을 밤에 보존하는 점판암이다. 독일 와인산업은 다수의 작은 포도밭 소유자로 이루어져 있다. 1989/90년에 서부독일에 76,683개의 크고 작은 기업이 있었으나, 1999년에는 68,598로 줄어들었으며, 2010년도의 조사에 의하면 48,009개의 기업이 조업 중인 것으로 나타났다. 그들 자신의 와인을 팔지 않거나 상업화할 수 없는 더 작은 포도 재배자는 여러 가지 선택이 가능하다. 즉 포도를 팔거나, 와인-생산 조합의 기본 와인으로서 그것을 사용하는 와인제조 회사에게 대량으로 와인을 판다. 정말로 좋은 장소에 포도밭을 가진 사람들도 포도밭을 전체적으로 경작하기를 원하는 대량 생산자들에게 빌려주는 선택을 할 수 있다. 2010년에 각각 5ha 이상을 지닌 5,974개의 포도밭 소유자가 독일 전 포도밭 면적의 70.3%를 소유하며, 생업 와인생산자와 기업이 여기에 속한다. 그러나 그들 자신의 포도밭을 지닌 진정으로 큰 와인 양조장은 독일에서는 희귀하다. 2007년의 고에 묘 와인가이드(Gault & Millau Weinguide)에 의한 독일에서 가장 좋은 것으로 생각되는 10개의 와인 양조장 중에 10개가 10.2-19ha의 포도밭, 하나(Weingut Robert Weil, 산토리 소유)가 75ha의 포도밭을 소유하였다. 이것은 대부분의 높은 순위의 독일 와인 양조장 각각 매년 약 100,000병의 와인을 생산한다는 것을 의미한다. 가장 큰 포도밭 소유자는 헤센의 주 와인 양조장(Hessische Staatsweing$\ddot{u}$ter)으로 헤센의 연방주에 의한 소유이며, 200ha의 포도밭을 지니고, 3개의 별도 와인 양조장에서 제조된다. 가장 큰 개인이 소유한 와인 양조장은 팔츠에 있는 85.5ha를 지닌 독토르 뷔르클린-볼프(Weingut Dr. B$\ddot{u}$rklin-Wolf)이다. 2009년도의 독일에서 총 와인 생산량은 910만 헥토리터였으며, 그중에 206만 8천 헥토리터를 수출하였다. 그러나 그해에 총 수입와인 양은 1,266만2천 헥토리터였다.

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Investigation on Korean Local Maize Lines VI. Use of a Korean Local Maize Line for Silage Production (재래종 옥수수 수집종에 대한 특성조사 제6보 청예를 위한 재래종 옥수수의 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, B.H.;Park, J.S.;Kim, Y.R.;Chung, S.K.
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 1981
  • Silage yield and nutritional values of a locally collected Korean corn line with high tillering and earing characteristics were investigated at plant densities from 2778 to 8333 plants/ l0a. This line and a non-tillering and nonprolific corn as a check were grown at four plant densities and at three planting dates. The Korean local line abbreviated as MET had the highest dry matter per l0a. The highest dry matter of the MET line compared with the check hybrid was due to the highest dry leaf weight of the MET line. The highest dry leaf weight of the MET line was due to the increased number of tillers of the MET line. Other plant parts such as ear weight, kernel weight and cob weight of the MET line were lower than those of the check hybrid. The dry husk weight per l0a of the MET line was higher than that of the check hybrid, probably due to the increased number of ears in the MET line. The total embryo production per 10 a of the MET line was significantly higher than that of the check hybrid. The increased portion of embryo of the MET line is probably responsible for the higher TON values of the MET line. No interaction between variety x planting dates or planting density was found, indicating that the MET line and check hybrid were both the same in effects of planting dates and densities. Both line and hybrid showed the highest dry matter production when the planting density was high and planting dates was early. When silage was made from either MET line or check hybrid the nutritional values in terms of crude protein, crude fat, fiber, and ash contents of the MET line were similar to those of the check hybrid. But the TON of the MET line was higher than that of the check hybrid, while the OCP of the MET line lower than that of the check hybrid. Amino acid contents of the MET line were also comparable to those of the check hybrid, while lysine content of the MET line was 10% higher than that of the check hybrid.

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The Mechanisms of Resistance to TNF in TNF-Sensitive Cancer Cells Transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ Gene Using Retroviral Vector (암세포에서 Retroviral Vector를 이용한 종양괴사인자 유전자 이입후 획득된 종양괴사인자 내성의 기전)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Pyo;Oh, Yeon-Mok;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Shim, Young-Soo;Han, Sung-Koo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.547-558
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    • 1997
  • Background : Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) has been considered as an important candidate for cancer gene therapy based on its potent anti-tumor activity. However, since the efficiency of current techniques of gene transfer is not satisfactory, the majorities of current protocols is aiming the in vitro gene transfer to cancer cells and re-introducing genetically modified cancer cells to hoot. In previous study, it was shown that TNF-sensitive cancer cells transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ cDNA would become highly resistant to TNF. Understanding the mechanisms of TNF-resistance in TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfected cancer cells would be an important step for improving the efficacy of cancer gene therapy as well as for better understandings of tumor biology. This study was designed to evaluate the role of new protective protein synthesis in the acquired resistance to TNF of TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfected cancer cells. Method : We transfected TNF-$\alpha$ c-DNA to WEHI164, a murine fibrosarcoma cell line, using retroviral vector(pLT12SN(TNF)) and confirm the expression of TNF with PCR, ELISA, MIT assay. Then we determined the TNF resistance of TNF gene transfected cells(WEHI164-TNF) and the changes of TNF sensitivities after treatments with actinomycin D(transcription inhibitor) and cycloheximide ( translation inhibitor). Results : WEHI164 which was sensitive to TNF became resistant to TNF after being transfected with TNF-$\alpha$ gene and the resistance to TNF was partially reversed after treatment with actinomycin D, but not with cycloheximide. Conclusion : The acquired resistance to TNF after TNF-$\alpha$ gene transfection may be associated with synthesis of some protective proteins.

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Water Potential and Photosynthesis of Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) Leaves (인삼(人蔘)잎의 수분(水分) Potential과 광합성(光合成))

  • Lee, Kang-Soo;Oh, Sang-Seon;Choi, Sun-Young;Ryu, Jeom-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 1994
  • This study was carried out to get information on the cause of low photosynthesis ofKorean ginseng, a shade plant. Photosynthesis, water content, stomatal conductance and water potential in leaves of ginseng and soybean were investigated. The light intensity for maximum photosynthesis was about $300{\mu}E\;/\;m^2\;/\;s^2$ in ginseng and about $800{\mu}E\;/\;m^2\;/\;s^2$ in soybean, respectively Photosynthesis was remarkably lower in ginseng than in soybean under the same light intensity and $temperature(at\;20^{\circ}C)$. Photosynthesis of detached leaves was stopped in shorter time in ginseng than in soybean particularly at high $temperature(30^{\circ}C)$. The decreasing rate of water content in detached leaves was slower in ginseng than that of soybean, while the remained water level in the leaves was much higher in $ginseng(70{\sim}71%)\;than\;in\;soybean(50{\sim}53%)$ when photosynthesis was stopped. Water content had a positive correlationwith photosynthesis in both plants. However, at the same water level, the ratio of photosynthesis to water content was remarkably lower in ginseng than In soybean. The relationship between the stomatal conductance and photosynthesis was significantly positive correlation in the both plants. The ratio of photosynthesis to stomatal conductance was similar in booth plants below about 40 $mmol\;/\;m^2\;/\;s\;at\;20^{\circ}C$. Water potential was remarkably lower in ginseng than in soybean, and waterpotential had a significantly positive correlation with water content, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in both plant. These results suggested that the low stomatal conductance and low water potential might cause the low photosynthesis in ginseng compared to soybean.

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Breeding of Oriental Lily 'Pacific Wave' with Upward-facing and White Petals (상향 개화형 백색 오리엔탈나리 'Pacific Wave' 육성)

  • Rhee, Hye Kyung;Cho, Hae Ryong;Lim, Jin Hee;Kim, Mi Seon;Park, Sang Kun;Shin, Hak Ki;Joung, Hyang Young;Yae, Byeong Woo
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.299-303
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    • 2008
  • An Oriental lily cultivar 'Pacific Wave' was released in 2007 at National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA), Suwon, Korea. The crossing was made in 1999 between Oriental lily 'Simplon', an outward-facing and white colored cultivar, and 'Spinoza', pink colored cultivar. The first selection was done in 2003 with a line of 'O-03-16'. Multiplication and bulb growth, and performance test was conducted from 2004 to 2006. This selection was later on given as 'Pacific Wave' in 2007 at NHRI. Flowering time of 'Pacific Wave' in plastics house culture is mid June and grows average 115 cm. Flowers are upward-facing with 20.1 cm in diameter and white with yellow centered (RHS W155C + Y9A). Mean petal length and width is 12.2 cm and 4.2 cm, respectively. Leaves are 12.3 cm long, 2.9 cm wide. The throat color is green. It shows gray and purple stigma, and red brown pollen. The weight and size of bulb is 82.5 g and 19.6 cm, respectively. Year-round flowering can be by storing the bulb under -1 to $-2^{\circ}C$ conditions. It is necessary to add calcium to the fertilizer or remove side scales to prevent leaf scorch. It is needed to control Botrytis disease in summer wet season.

Analysis of research trends in mushroom science in North Korean journals (1978-2023) (북한 학술지에 게재된 버섯과학 연구동향 분석(1978~2023))

  • Woo-Sik Jo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2023
  • In this study, research trends in mushroom science were examined using North Korean journal articles published in 1978-2023. Researchers in each field reviewed 450 papers and finally selected 429 papers, excluding 21 papers classified in different fields. The number of researchers was 872, and the number of authors per paper was 2.03. Kim Cheol-Hak published the most academic papers in the field of mushroom science in North Korea, with 12 papers. The number of research articles increased annually, from 7 in 1985, 12 in 1998, 11 in 2008, and 27 in 2020, and has especially increased rapidly since the mid-2010s. The study by mushroom type was as follows: 42 pine mushrooms (17.8 %), 25 oyster mushrooms (10.6 %), 23 Ganoderma sp. (9.8 %), 19 shiitake mushrooms (8.1 %), 17 button mushrooms (7.2 %), and 16 manna lichens (6.8 %). This study is considered meaningful in reviewing the research status and technology level in North Korea through analyzing North Korean academic journals in the field of mushroom science for the first time.

Selection Indices to Identify Drought-tolerance and Growth Characteristics of the Selected Korean Native Plants (자생식물로부터 내건성 식물의 최적인자 선발과 생육특성)

  • Im, Hyeon Jeong;Song, Hyeon Jin;Jeong, Mi Jin;Seo, Yeong Rong;Kim, Hak Gon;Park, Dong Jin;Yang, Woo Hyung;Kim, Yong Duck;Choi, Myung Suk
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2016
  • Best drought tolerance index was determined through statistics analysis and growth appearance of drought tolerant plants was determined by cultivation in pot and sloping land. For determination of best drought tolerant indicators, RD(Resistant dry days), LD(Leaf area), UTR(Unit transpiration), RWC(Relative water content), RWL(Relative water loss), LA(Leaf area), SN(Stoma unmber) and SA(Stoma area) were carried out by correlation and PCA analysis. RWL and UTR were affected on plant drought tolerance according to comparison among six indices for resistant dry days. The PCs axes separated SA, LA, RD and RWC and SN. UTR was negatively correlated with SA, RWL were also negatively correlated with RWC and SN. RWL and UTR were proved best selection indicator for the selection of drought tolerant species. Ulmus parvifolia, Bidens bipinnata, Patrinia villosa, Kummerowia striata, Arundinella hirta, Artemisia gmelini etc. were selected drought tolerant plants. Shoot growth appearance of drought resistant plants was differed pot and sloping land. Shoot growth and leaf number was no significant differences between the pot and sloping land. However, root growth of drought tolerant plants was all the difference between two cultivation. T/R ratio of drought tolerant plants was also found a big difference. T/R ratio of drought tolerant plants in sloping land was lower than that of pot. These results will be served efficiently plant breeding.