• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유효낙차

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Performance and Internal Flow Analysis on the 80kW-Class Cross-Flow Hydro Turbine with the Variation of Effective Head (유효낙차에 따른 80kW급 횡류수차의 성능 및 내부유동 해석)

  • Choi, Young-Do;Lim, Jae-Ik;Lee, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.703-710
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    • 2010
  • Recently, small hydropower attracts attention because of its clean, renewable and abundant energy resources to develop. However, suitable turbine type is not determined yet in the range of small hydropower and it is necessary to study for the effective turbine type. Therefore, a 80kW-Class cross-flow turbine is adopted in this study because of its simple structure and high possibility of applying to small hydropower. The result shows that as effective head increases, tangential and radial flow velocities increase and thus, the increased tangential velocity contributes to the increase of angular momentum and output torque.

Performance and Internal Flow of Cross-Flow Hydro Turbine by Effective Head (횡류수차의 유효낙차 변화에 따른 성능 및 내부유동)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan;Choi, Young-Do;Lim, Jae-Ik;Lee, Young-Ho
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.191.1-191.1
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    • 2010
  • Global concerns about environmental issues such as a greenhouse effect are increasing gradually. Quantity of emission of carbon dioxide by Hydro-Power Plants is smaller than those by power plants of other renewable energy sources. Manufacturing costs of hydro turbine is relatively very expensive because the structure of hydro turbine is very complex. Therefore, cross-flow turbine is adopted in this study because of its simple structure and high possibility of applying to small hydropower. The result shows that as effective head increases, tangential and radial flow velocities increase and thus, the increased tangential velocity contributes to the increase of angular momentum and output torque.

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Performance Evaluation of the Samcheonpo Ocean Small Hydropower Plant Using Operation Results Data (운전실적자료를 이용한 삼천포 해양소수력 성능평가)

  • Kang, Keum-Seok;Kim, Ji-Young;Cho, Hong-Yeon
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.403-406
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    • 2007
  • 발전소 온배수의 원활한 배수를 위한 설계 낙차와 함께 남서해안의 조위변화에 따른 낙차의 이용가능성을 인지하고 소수력 발전 방식과 조력발전 방식의 특정을 동시에 활용하는 해양소수력 발전소를 삼천포 화력발전소 배수로에 최초로 건설하여 운전함으로써 청정 재생에너지 개발 및 $CO_2$ 저감효과 창출에 이바지하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 삼천포 해양소수력 발전소의 운전실적 자료를 토대로 조위 및 방류량의 변화에 따른 해양소수력의 효율 특성을 분석하고자 한다. 해양소수력 발전소의 효율은 방류량과 유효 낙차의 영향을 직접적으로 받기 때문에 관측한 수위 및 방류량, 해양소수력발전소 운전실적 자료를 토대로 효율분석을 실시하였다. 우선, 소수력 가동 이후 배수로에서의 수위 상승이 명확히 나타났으며, 배수로내 위어에서의 흐름구조가 완전월류 상태에서 불완전월류로 바뀌면서 배수로 전체의 수면 불안정성이 크게 증가하였으나, 배수로의 범람이나 순환수 계통에의 큰 영향을 초래할 만한 수준은 아니었다. 성능시험 결과, 최대출력, 평균출력, 최소출력 모든 부분에서 설계 보증치 이내의 값을 보였으며, 효율 또한 설계 보중치를 상회하는 결과를 보였다. CWP 유량 분석결과, 소수력 발전소에서의 유량이 과소 측정되고 있음을 확인하였으며, 최대낙차에서 최대효율을 보이고, 저낙차일 때는 보증치보다 효율이 낮게 나타나는 결과를 보였다. 또한 조위조건을 고려한 유량을 이용하여 산정한 효율 곡선이 보증치와 가장 일치하였으며, 전체 시스템 효율은 비교적 양호한 상태임을 알 수 있었다.

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Experimental Study of Micro hydropower with Vortex Generation at Lower Head Water (저낙차에서 와류발생부를 구비한 마이크로 소수력에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Choi, In-Ho;Kim, Jong-Woo;Chung, Gi-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2020
  • This paper described a laboratory investigation of micro hydropower at lower head water in a free vortex flow. The vortex height, turbine rotation and torque for straight blade with inner curved edge, twisted blade and curved blade were investigated at the flow rate of 0.0069 ㎥/s in the inlet channel. The results showed that the optimum vortex strength occurred within the range of the diameter of basin to the outlet diameter ratios of 0.17~18.5. The power output and efficiency of straight blade were higher as compared to other blades. The highest amount of generated energy was 12.33 W, the torque was 0.91 N·m and the highest efficiency by considering effective head was 29.5 %, whereas the highest efficiency by considering vortex height was 80.5 % at the rotational speed of 132 rpm. The water vortex velocity of straight blade was about 2.8 times larger than the mean velocity in the inlet channel.

Feasibility Study of small hydropower at a municipal wastewater treatment plant by model analysis (모델분석을 통한 하수처리장 소수력발전 경제성 평가)

  • Kim, Won-Kyoung;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kang, Ji-Hoon;Chae, Kyu-Jung;Kim, Jung-Yeon;Lee, Chul-Hyung;Park, Wan-Soon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.216-220
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 경기도 용인시에 위치한 공공하수처리장을 대상으로 소수력발전 성능특성을 예측하고 경제성을 분석하여 소수력발전소의 건설타당성을 제시하였다. 방류구에서의 수준측량 조사에 따르면 실제 유효 낙차는 4.3m로 나타났다. 최근 5년간 방류량 자료를 살펴보면 일평균 실제 처리량은 약 $30,000m^3/day$로 나타났으며, 우수 유입과 물 사용량이 증가하는 여름 및 가을에 처리량이 증가하였다. 설계유량은 유량변화에 따른 누적 확률밀도와 유량지속곡선에 근거해 산정하였으며, 시간빈도로 보았을 때 17%의 유량이 지속되는 $0.35m^3/sec$가 설계유량으로 나타났다. 예상되는 수차 발전용량은 11kW급이며, 시스템 가동율은 74%, 그리고 계통선에 송출될 수 있는 연 전력생산량은 71.3MWh로 나타났다. 경제성 평가는 신재생에너지 경제성 분석 도구인 RETScreen 프로그램을 사용하여 B/C ratio, IRR, 개발투자비 등의 경제성 평가지표들을 산정하였다. 편익(Benefit) 산정시 전력기준단가는 133.67원/kWh, 할인율 7%를 적용하였으며, 비용(Cost) 산정시 유지관리비는 초기 건설비의 1%, 사용연한 30년을 적용하였다. 경제성 분석결과 기흥레스피아의 소수력발전소 건설시 초기 건설공사비가 $165,000 일 때, B/C 1.0, NPV $3,534, 투자회수기간 15.1년으로 산정되었고 따라서 초기 건설비용이 $165,000 이하일 때 가장 경제적인 것으로 파악되었다.

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Performance Characteristic Analysis of Small Hydropower for Buddhist Temple (사찰의 소수력발전 성능특성 분석)

  • Park, Wansoon;Lee, Chulhyung
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.208.1-208.1
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    • 2011
  • 우리나라 전국의 사찰수는 약 22,000개로 추정되며, e-나라지표에 의하면 사찰 역사가 오래되거나 전통 양식의 건축물과 문화재 등을 간직한 사찰로 문화체육관광부가 지정하는 전통사찰은 2010년 3월말 현재 전체의 4.2%인 935개로 알려져 있다. 대도시에 위치한 사찰을 제외하면 일반적으로 사찰은 계곡에 위치하여 인근에 하천이 있으며, 유역이 작아 유량은 적으나 경사가 심해 낙차를 크게 얻을 수 있다. 또한 설계제원이 비슷한 전통사찰들을 그룹핑하고 소수력발전시스템을 Kit형태로 표준화하여 개발한다면 초기투자비를 저감할 수 있는 장점도 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 전통사찰에 소수력발전의 적용가능성을 타진하기 위하여 유역면적이 $49.71km^2$인 사찰 1지점을 선정하여 인근의 하천을 이용한 소수력발전 성능특성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 단위 유효낙차당 설비용량은 약 9.3kW, 연간전기생산량은 약 28,602kWh로 산정되었으며, 낙차가 커질수록 설비규모와 연간전기생산량은 비례하여 증가될 것으로 추정된다. 부존자원이 부족하여 에너지해외의존도가 97%가 넘는 현실을 감안할때 전통사찰에 대한 타당성 조사를 통해 소수력발전을 적용함으로서 사찰에서 사용되는 전기에너지의 절약과 친환경 재생에너지의 활용을 확대해 나가는 것이 바람직 할 것으로 사료된다.

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Influence of Side Leakage Loss on the Performance of a Micro Positive Displacement Hydraulic Turbine (마이크로 용적형 수차의 측면누설손실이 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young-Do
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 2006
  • Recently, greenhouse effect by $CO_2$ gas emitted by use of fossil fuel causes earth environmental problem. As a countermeasure of the global warming. micro hydropower under 100kW becomes the focus of attention for its clean and renewable energy sources. Newly developed micro positive displacement hydraulic turbine shows high efficiency and good applicability for the micro hydropoewer. The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of leakage loss and effective head on the performance of the positive displacement hydraulic turbine for the further improvement of the turbine performance. The results show that the turbine. with a smaller side clearance. has much higher efficiency than that with bigger side clearance and it can sustain the high efficiency under the wider range of operation conditions. The turbine torque is proportional to the effective head and independent of the flow rate. The leakage is also dependent on the effective head but nearly independent of the flow rate.

Micro-Hydropower System with a Semi-Kaplan Turbine for Sewage Treatment Plant Application: Kiheung Respia Case Study (하수처리장 적용을 위한 Semi-카플란 수차가 장착된 마이크로수력발전 시스템: 기흥레스피아 사례)

  • Chae, Kyu-Jung;Kim, Dong-Soo;Cheon, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Won-Kyoung;Kim, Jung-Yeon;Lee, Chul-Hyung;Park, Wan-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2013
  • Small scale hydropower is one of most attractive and cost-effective energy technologies for installation within sewage treatment plants. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a semi-kaplan micro-hydropower (MHP) system for application to sewage treatment plants with high flow fluctuations and a low head. The semi-kaplan MHP is equipped with an adjustable runner blade, and is without a guide vane, so as to reduce the incidence of mechanical problems. A MHP rating 13.4 kWp with a semi-kaplan turbine has been considered for Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant, and this installation is estimated to generate 86.8 MWh of electricity annually, which is enough to supply electricity to over 25 households, and equivalent to an annual reduction of 49 ton $CO_2$. The semi-kaplan turbine showed a 90.2% energy conversion efficiency at the design flow rate of 0.35 $m^3/s$ and net head of 4.7 m, and was adaptable to a wide range of flow fluctuations. Through the MHP operation, approximately 2.1% of total electricity demand of Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant will be achievable. Based on financial analysis, an exploiting MHP is considered economically acceptable with an internal rate of return of 6.1%, net present value of 15,539,000 Korean Won, benefit-cost ratio of 1.08, and payback year of 15.5, respectively, if initial investment cost is 200,000,000 Korean Won.

Field Test for Performance Evaluation of a Tubular Turbine in Marine Small Hydro Power Plant (해양소수력발전소 튜블러 수차 성능평가를 위한 현장시험)

  • Hwang, Yeong-Ho;Lee, Young-Ho;Choi, Young-Do
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1070-1077
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    • 2011
  • This study includes field test results for performance evaluation of a tubular turbine in marine small hydro power plant. Minimum output power of the tested turbine generator is examined with using of the measured effective head, output power and efficiency. For the rated and maximum output power tests, corrected values from the result of turbine model test are used for the performance evaluation, because experimental conditions of field test at the rated and maximum output powers are restricted correctly. Performance of the test turbine shows good conformance with the suggested guarantee values of output power and efficiency at the measured points of minimum, rated and maximum output power.

A Study on the Optimum Design Flowrate for Tunnel-Type Small Hydro-Power Plants (터널식 소수력 발전소의 최적 설계유량에 관한 연구)

  • 이철형;박완순
    • Water for future
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 1991
  • This study represents the methodology for feasibility analysis of small hydro power plants. Cumulative density function of Weibull distribution and Thi-essen method were adopted to beside flow duration curve at candidate sites. The performance prediction model and construction cost estimation model for tunnel-type small hydro power plants were developed. Eight candidate sites existing on Han river selected and surveyed for actual sites reconnaissance. The performance characteristics and economical feasibility for these sites were analyzed by using developed models. As a result, it was found that the optimum design flowrates with the lowest unit generation cost for tunnel-type small hydro power plants were the flowrate concerning with between 20 % and 30 % of time ratio on the flow duration curve. Additionally, primary design specifications such as design flowrate, effective head, capacity, annual average load factor, annual electricity production were estimated and discussed for surveyed sites.

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