• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유지보전

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Landscape Plants and Planting Characteristics of Three-Treasure Temples (삼보사찰의 조경식물 및 식재특성)

  • You, Ju-Han;Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Lee, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to find a basic theory about Korean traditional planting pattern by analyzing a characteristic of planting and planted species in Haein, Tongdo and Songkwang Temples. The results are as follows. The planted species in three-treasure temples were 129 taxa; 57 families, 96 genera, 110 species, 12 varieties and 7 forma. The species related in Buddhism were Viburnum sargentii for. sterile, Hydrangea macrophylla for. otaksa and Musa basjoo. They are related in plant form and Buddhist ceremony. The results of forms were 34.1% in trees, 33.3% in shrubs, 3.9% in vine and 28.7% in herbage. The results of leaf fall were 56 taxa in broad-leaved deciduous trees, 27 taxa in broad-leaved evergreen trees and 14 taxa in needle-leaved evergreen trees. The native species were 32 taxa in Haein Temple, 27 taxa in Tongdo Temple and 44 taxa in Songkwang Temple. And the exotic species were 20 taxa, 28 taxa and 44 taxain the Haein, Tongdo and Songkwang Temples, respectively. In the results of analyzing the characteristics of planting, in the case of Haein Temple, Abies holophylla was linearly planted in Yiljumun, and Magnolia denudata was single planted in plant stairs of Haetalmun. In the case of plant stairs of Jeokmukdang, Cephalotaxus koreana was planted at regular intervals. In the case of Tongdo Temple, Celtis sinensis, Zelkova serrata and so forth were planted in Yiljumun, and Phyllostachys nigra was planted in form of screen planting in Youngsanjeon. The form of Hwanghwagak was a planting of symmetry in the center of a building, and the one of Daekwangmyyeongjeon was a mixed planting. The regular planting pattern was not shown in Yiljumun of Songkwang Temple. In the case of Dosungdang, Corunus officinalis was linearly planted in the west. In the case of Gwaneumjeon, Juniperus chinensis var. globosa and Camellia japonica were planted in symmetry. The old aged trees were planted in front of specimens planted in front of Daewoongbojeon.

Seasonal Variation in Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Content of the Loranthus tanakae, Viscum album var. coloratum and its Hosts in Korea (계절에 따른 국내 자생 꼬리겨우살이, 겨우살이 및 기주목의 광합성 특성과 엽록소 함량)

  • Lee, Sugwang;Lee, Seong Han;Woo, Su Young;Kang, Hoduck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2015
  • We investigated seasonal variation in photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll content of the Loranthus tanakae, Viscum album var. coloratum and its hosts in Korea. The maximum photosynthesis and transpiration rate of L. tanakae were 9.36μmolm2s1 at 941μmolm2s1 PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) in June, 5.06μmolm2s1 at 1,596μmolm2s1 PAR in July, respectively. The maximum photosynthesis and transpiration rate of V. album var. coloratum were 6.51μmolm2s1 at 418μmolm2s1 PAR in Autumn, 3.91μmolm2s1 at 1,735μmolm2s1 PAR in Autumn, respectively. V. album var. coloratum was able to conduct photosynthesis in November whereas its host and L. tanakae were not able to conduct photosynthesis. Especially transpiration rate of L. tanakae were always higher than its host and V. album var. coloratum. The chlorophyll a+b contents of L. tanakae was 8.23mgg1 in July, V. album var. coloratum was 10.27mgg1 in June, and chlorophyll a/b ratio of L. tanakae was 1.7~3.7, V. album var. coloratum was 1.1~4.5, depend on season.

Study on Legal Position of Aviation Security Subject in Aviation Safety and Security (공항보안요원의 법적 지위에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 2006
  • According to the Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, an appropriate authority of each contracting state has to define and allocate tasks and coordinate activities between the departments, agencies and other organizations of the State, airport and aircraft operators and other entities concerned with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security programme. The airport has to take leading role in implementing security tasks at airport area because the airport operator is the provider of airport facilities and services to its customer and the security activities belong to its services. So Republic of Korea Government enact the Law, Aviation Safety and Security. The Purpose of this Act is to prevent any unlawful act in airport facilities with international conventions, including the ICAO to provide for standards, procedures and mandatory matters needed to ensure the safety and security of civil aviation. But the Act has some error. So is this paper to review the revision of aviation security regulation and the changes of aviation security responsibilities and task assignment. There is the term "aviation security personnel", who are charged with the task of preventing any act of disrupting the order and safety in airport. But there is no term "security screening personnel" who performs to detect or search for dangerous object, such as weapons or explosives, which may be used for the unlawful obstruction.

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A Characteristics of Maintenance Planning of Trees in Historical Landscape Forest of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (조선왕릉 역사경관림 수목 정비 계획의 특성)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Lee, Jong-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2018
  • After UNESCO appointed Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty to be World Cultural Heritages(2009), Cultural Heritage Administration in Korea established Management Office of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty(2012) and conducted Mid to Long-Term Plan on Conservation, Management, Utilization of World Heritage 'Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty(2015)'. The report, as an implementation plan, provides detailed contents of the maintenance planning of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. From this background, with a view to comprehending the characteristics of the maintenance planning of trees in historical landscape forests, this study extracted the contents related to the historical landscape forests of the 40 Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty from the "Mid to Long-term Plan" and conducted literature research. The results of the study are as follows. First, from 2016, the short-term plans have provided detailed contents on logging, transplanting and planting trees in the plans divided by stages. On the other hand, the long-term plans, instead of presenting abstract contents repeatedly for each royal tomb, should seek vegetation landscape that each royal tomb should aim for. Second, since the areas that are in charge of the various functions of the royal tombs have been subjects to the maintenance planning, it is effective to establish a maintenance planning by separating functional areas instead of the comprehensive concept as historical landscape forests. Third, the maintenance planning of trees in historical landscape forest of the Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty is based on daily management such as density control and maintaining the shape of trees, which is necessary to sustain the forest. Also, due to the goal of preserving the pine forest, which is recognized as a prototype vegetation landscape, foreign species and other trees have been more cut down. With a few limited types of tall tree but few shrubs and flowers, it is characterized that the orientation toward aesthetic landscapes is insufficient in large green spaces. Fourth, according to the function of the tomb, it is divided into entrance area, ceremonial area, burial area and outer forest, and the contents of the maintenance planning are analyzed by basic conditions of tree management: prototype, ecology, functionality, and aesthetics. After studying the tree management characteristics of each area, four suggestions are made: understanding the diversity of trees that form prototype landscape as a management plan, sustainability of various forests adapted to ecological environment, convenience required in addition to ceremony and safety characterizing the Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty, and the necessity of access to aesthetic landscape on the tombs.

Analysis of Environmental Design Data for Growing Pleurotus ervngii (큰 느타리버섯 재배사의 환경설계용 자료 분석)

  • Yoon, Yong-Cheol;Suh, Won-Myung;Lee, In-Bok
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to file up using effect and requirement of energy for environmental design data of Pleurotus eryngii growing houses. Heating and cooling Degree-Hour (D-H) were calculated and compared for. some Pleurotus eryngii growing houses of sandwich-panel (permanent) o. arch-roofed(simple) type structures modified and suggested through field survey and analysis. Also thermal resistance (R-value) was calculated for the heat insulating and covering materials of the permanent and simple-type, which were made of polyurethane or polystyrene panel and 7\~8 layers heat conservation cover wall. The variations of heating and cooling D-H simulated for Jinju area was nearly linearly proportional to the setting inside temperatures. The variations of cooling D-H was much more sensitive than those of heating D-H. Therefore, it was expected that the variations of required energy in accordance with setting temperature or actual temperature maintained inside of the cultivation house could be estimated and also the estimated results of heating and cooling D-H could be effectively used far the verification of environmental simulation as well as for the calculation of required energy amounts. When the cultivation floor areas are all equal, panel type houses to be constructed by various combinations of materials were found to by far more effective than simple type pipe house in the aspect of energy conservation maintenance except some additional cost invested initially. And also the energy effectiveness of multi-span house compared to single span together with the prediction of energy requirement depending on the level insulated for the wall and roof area could be estimated. Additionally, structural as well as environmental optimizations are expected to be possible by calculating periodical and/or seasonal energy requirements for those various combinations of insulation level and different climate conditions, etc.

A Study of Fish Community on Up and Downstream of Hwabuk Dam Under Construction in the Upper Wie Stream. (위천 상류에 건설 중인 화북댐 상 하류 어류군집에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Kim, Hee-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.260-269
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    • 2009
  • Hwabuk Dam has been under construction to reduce flood damage in Nakdong River watershed and to supply stable water for middle area of Gyeongbuk Province. Therefore, fish investigation in up and downstream of the dam was conducted from 2004 to 2008 in order to determine any negative effect on fish community due to dam construction and to use as fundamental data for conserving species diversity and maintaining stream health. According to data analysis on water quality, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solids, and total E-coli had seasonal variation, but they did not significantly differ in sites. However, biological and chemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll-a, nitrogen, and phosphorus representing organic matter and nutrient concentration were higher in upper site and decreased to lower site so that they differed by site. Concentration of arsenic among the heavy metals was less than 0.05 mg L1, which is regulated for protection of human health in water quality standard, except for 0.092 mg L1 in June 2005. During the study period, the total number of fish caught from the 6 sites was 10,263 representing 7 families 19 species. Among them, dominant and subdominant species were Korean chub (Zacco koreanus, 62.5%) and Chinese minnow (Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, 10.6%) which inhabit mostly in mid and upper streams, Korea. Among the 19 species, Korean endemic species were 9 species (47.4%) including Korean slender gudgeon (Squalidus gracilis majimae), Korean dark sleeper (Odontobutis platycephala), and Korean shiner (Coreoleuciscus splendidus). There was several individuals of the 1st-class endangered species, Naktong nose loach (Koreocobitis nahtongensis), caught in 20052007, and no introduced species of fish was found in entire sampling period. According to result of community analysis, dominance index decreased toward lower site, but diversity and richness indices increased toward lower site. The equation of length-weight relationship on the dominant species was TW=0.000003(TL)3.2603. The parameter b in the equation was greater than 3.0 indicating good nutritional condition in the populations. Compared to populations of Korean chub in other streams, the population in Hwabuk Dam watershed had higher mean of condition factor by size indicating better growth rate. With fish fauna and multi-metric health assessment model in each sampling attempt, index of biotic integrity (IBI) was evaluated and it resulted mostly in good (2635) and excellent (3640) condition in all sites, and the mean of IBI was the highest in site 5. The results indicate that it is very important to study not only environmental impact assessment with fish composition but also stream health assessment in order to conserve healthy aquatic ecosystem.

Vascular Plant Diversity and Vegetation of Samusan Mt. in Jecheon-si, Korean Peninsula (사무산(제천시)의 식물다양성과 식생)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Seok;Nam, Gi-Heum;Jung, Eun-Hee;Lee, Kyeong-Ui;Hwang, Yo-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.396-418
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to investigate the flora and the vegetation of Samusan mountain on Jecheon-si, located in the middle part of the Korean peninsula. The vascular plants which were collected in 9 times from June 2014 to October 2015 were identified as 502 taxa in total, including 102 families, 314 genera, 445 species, 6 subspecies, 49 varieties, 1 form and 1 hybrid. The largest families were as follows; Asteraceae (70 taxa), Poaceae (52 taxa), Rosaceae (30 taxa), Fabaceae (28 taxa), and Cyperaceae (20 taxa). Of them, Korean endemic plants numbered 10 taxa, and vascular plants listed in the red data according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) numbered 14 taxa. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 61 taxa in total. Among them, 5 taxa revealed the floristic grade V, 11 for floristic grade IV, 14 for floristic grade III, 10 for floristic grade II, and 21 for floristic grade I. The alien plants were identified as 43 taxa and the percentage of naturalized index (NI) was 8.6%, and urbanization index (UI) was 13.4%, respectively. Samples of the forest vegetation on the Samusan Mt. were mainly classified as Pinus densiflora, Quercus variabilis, Q. acutissima, Q. mongolica, Zelkova serrata and Robinia pseudoacacia forest. The vertical structures of the forest were stable and the DBH-Class analyses showed that the dominant tree species would be maintained. In the surveyed areas, high plant diversity was shown, and a number of endemic, rare, calcicole plants and phytogeographically important plants were found. Nonetheless, numerous and diverse biological resources native have been consistently disturbed or damaged by human activities without some form of protection. Therefore, it is needed to set up strategies for conservation forest vegetation in this study area.

Application of Reduce Tillage with a Strip Tiller and its Effect on Soil Erosion Reduction in Chinese Cabbage Cultivation (배추 재배에 있어 경운방법에 따른 작업효율성 및 토양유실 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Tae;Lee, Gye-Jun;Ryu, Jong-Soo;Hwang, Seon-Woong;Park, Suk-Hoo;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Jeong, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.970-976
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    • 2011
  • Strip tiller equipment was developed to reduce soil erosion in the slope land for highland agricultural area. The equipment consisted of 4 rows strip tillage device and fertilizer applicator. The field was tilled in 10 cm width and in 10 cm depth by the equipment, of which tilled surface was 16.7% of full-width tillage. The working time and fuel consumption of the equipment were 3.8hoursha1 and 24.4Lha1 respectively, which were 59% and 74% less than those of the conventional tillage. Fertilizer efficiency of the equipment in cultivation of Chinese cabbage was 1.7, 1.6 and 1.5 times higher in nitrate, phosphorous and potassium respectively, than conventional tillage. When the equipment was used after covering of rye residue, the quantity of runoff was 49~67% lower than the conventional tillage. And the quantity of soil loss were 1.3 and 0.2Mgha1 at right after and 30 days after planting of Chinese cabbage respectively, while 11.5 and 4.1Mgha1 in conventional tillage. In conclusion, the strip tillage equipment developed in this study can be applicable to slope land, so that soil loss of 90% can be reduced.

A Study on the Characteristics of Projects Following the Promotion of Private Park Special Projects (민간공원특례사업의 추진에 따른 사업특성에 관한 연구)

  • Gweon, Young-Dal;Park, Hyun-Bin;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.112-124
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to examine and analyze local governments, park status, project characteristics, and the implementation in detail for private park special projects across the country as a means of responding to the sunsetting of urban parks. As a result of the analysis, first, the private park special project, was found to be mainly implemented in cities with a population of more than 100,000, so there was a limit to the application on military installations or in local small cities. Therefore, rather than applying the special system collectively, it was judged that institutional flexibility, considering the characteristics and size of local government, was needed. Second, the current special projects by the park creation donation collection method shows monotonous development centered on apartment houses, so it is necessary to diversify the development by introducing a park preservation method that purchases and donates park sites. Third, it was found that the area standard needs to be eased to less than 50,000m2 to include parks with high utilization and good accessibility in urban areas of large cities, as the type and area of parks are limited. Fourth, most special projects are mountain parks, which are feared to damage the natural terrain and skyline, so separate ordinances should be established and applied, and development approaches should be made to allow nature and parks to coexist with the setting of detailed building guidelines for each type of facility. The guidelines should include, first, after the nationwide private park special projects are completed, standards for appropriate returns for similar projects should be established, institutional standards such as the recovery of excess profits should be established, and environmental reviews should be conducted. Second, it was found that local governments should institutionalize the composition of private consultations to promote the efficient management of projects through a cooperative system, and third, a roadmap for maintenance after the donation of special parks should be established.

A Study on the Conditions of Natural Damage of Undesignated Cultural Heritages and the Plans to Reduce Damage through Vegetation Management - With Emphasis on Samcheonsaji Temple Site on Mt. Bukhansan - (비지정 문화유적의 훼손현황과 식생관리를 통한 저감방안 연구 -북한산 삼천사지를 사례로-)

  • Hong, Hee-taek;Kim, Hyeon-beom;Lee, Mun-haeng
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.114-133
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to identify the natural damage of the Samcheonsaji Temple Site in Bukhansan National Park and to suggest the plans to minimize damage for the remains. The types of natural damage are classified into direct vegetation damage, indirect topographical damage, and artificial damage. The most popular causes of damage to temple sites include the roots of trees as direct vegetation damage and the soil erosion by rain or stream as topographical damage. Direct vegetation damage includes burial remains damaged by the root of trees and vines, but it is often observed that some trees have contributed to protection against collapse. Indirect topographical changes have damaged the ruins by soil erosion caused by floods or typhoons. Vegetation changes due to topographical reasons have also caused damage. Artificial reasons of damage include forestry operations and compaction by hikers. Based on the analysis of the findings, the following could be suggested as plans to resolve these problems: 1. Natural damage occurs slowly due to negligence. Therefore, it could be reduced by forestry improvement, including forest density control through thinning, planting to prevent landslides, maintaining grasslands nearby. 2. Deciduous broadleaf trees can be planted to reduce soil erosion by rainfall. It is necessary to maintain the density of forests at around 0.020.18trees/m2. 3. It would be good to grow Quercus spp and Carpinus spp or weaken the community of Robinia pseudoacacia and Pueraria lobata which disturb the ecosystem. Samcheonsaji Temple Site is located in Mt. Bukhan National Park that is a publicly owned property. Therefore, it is constantly maintained for natural preservation and vegetation management could be considered for the preservation of historical remains.