• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유기농업자재

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Comprehensive Pest Management Techniques of Organic Cultivation Sweet Persimmon Orchards (유기재배 단감 과수원의 병해충 종합관리기술)

  • Choi, Duck-Soo;Ma, Kyung-Cheol;Ko, Sug-Ju;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Lee, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.445-460
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out for three years from 2013 to 2015 to investigate the actual condition of pest control of domestic persimmon organically cultivated farmers, to select environment - friendly pest control materials for major pests, and to conduct field test of established control system. The main cultivated cultivar of the reader farmer of organic cultivation was "Buyou" and sprayed organic agricultural material 9~17 times per year for pest control. The most harmful pests were anthracnose, bugs, persimmon fruit worm, and scales, etc. The control materials used were organic lime sulfur mixture, red clay sulfur, emulsifier, bordeaux solution, and self-made plant extracts using garlic, ginkgo nut and pine tree. The effective materials for controlling anthrax were lime sulfur mixture and red clay sulfur. Garlic oil + citronella emulsion, shrubby sophora seed extract + tea extract was effective to control Riptortus clavatus and Euproctis subflava. When installed 60 ea per 10a of mating disruption trap in a sweet orchard, the fruit setting rate was improved by 30%. The results of field test of control system to control 10 times a year in organically grown persimmons were able to harvest fruit of 70.7%. However, since any kinds of pesticides can not be sprayed during the harvest season in September and October, the damaged by bugs did not decreased, and further research is needed.

잘 사귀면 매우 안전 · 도움 큰 자재

  • Korea Crop Protection Association
    • Life and Agrochemicals
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    • v.26 no.8 s.211
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    • pp.42-45
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    • 2005
  • 농약 오해 많아, '전문지식 부족 · 무책임한 정보'로 안전성 판단해선 안돼 유기 · 무농약농법 '농약 우산' 속서 일부 가능, 경제적 · 안전방제법 세계유익

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Effect on Fruit Quality and Tree's Main Disease Control by Agro-chemical alternatives (대체농업자재에 의한 과수의 품질 및 주요병해방제 효과)

  • Nam, Ki-Woong;Kim, Seung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate an effects on ago-chemical alternative materials such as the wood vinegar, a lactic acid bacteria serum, the fermented plant juice, the brown rice vinegar and a Chitosan used for amount and qualities of fruits and to examine the pest protection efficiency for their uses in the apple and pear orchard farms. An apple yields in the orchard cultivated with using the ago-chemical alternative materials without appling the fertilizer and pesticides were decreased at 56% relative to the conventional farming practice method. Also, it was indicated that there was difficult to produce the fruits with marketability because the small sizes of fruits were produced. For the quality of fruits, the brix of apple produced in the orchard cultivated with using the ago-chemical alternative materials was similar, but Vitamin C content was greater than that of the conventional farming practice method. As a results of treating with the wood vinegar, a lactic acid bacteria serum, the fermented plant juice, the brown rice vinegar and a Chitosan instead of applying pesticides, the fruit disease in the Chitosan treatment was a little decreased, but was great occurred in the other treatments compared with the conventional farming practice mehod. However, it observed that brix and Vitamin C content of apple produced in the Chitosan, brown rice vinegar, fermented plan juice and fish amino acid treatments and in the Chitosan, brown rice vinegar, charcoal power and peat moss treatments were greater than those of the conventional farming practice method, respectively. Over all, it considered that there was very difficult to manage the orchard depended on the ago-chemical alternative materials without appling the chemical fertilizer and pesticides in the apple orchard, but it might be proper to use the ago-chemical alternative materials as an auxiliary means to decrease the appling amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Furthermore, the general effects on the ago-chemical alternative materials to the perennial fruits should be investigated with considering the changes of soil fertility, soil microbial status and natural enemy creatures after treating them for a long time.

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Effect of the Soil Physicochemistry Property and Plant Growth and Components of Chinese Cabbage after Application Organic Farming Materials (유기농 자재의 시용이 토양의 이화학적 특성과 배추의 생육 및 체내성분에 미치는 영향)

  • 정순재;정원복;김회태;강경희;이종성;오주성
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was focused on finding out the potential problems in organic farming system, which is recently emphasized on the produce of horticultural crops due to the serious environmental deterioration. Thus, in this study, the effect of the application of organic farming materials in soil on plant growth and components of chinese cabbage and the soil Physicochemistry property were compared with conventional culture. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The effect of soil chemical properties after application of organic farming materials, The amounts of pH and O.,M. in N, P, K treated plot were few of change, To the contray, fermentation compost and microorganisms fermentation compost treated plot were some increase, Amount of P$_2$O$_{5}$ , Ca and increase in comparison with the N, P, K treated plot, Specially chicken manure+ microorganisms fermentation compost treated plot was the highest. 2. Change of soil microbial after application of organic farming materials, The number of bacteria and actinomycetes in N, P, K treated plot were appeared definite direction, to the fermentation compost and microorganisms fermentation compost treated plot showed the increased tendency, specially, chicken manure+ microorganisms fermentation compost treated plot was the highest, 3. The growth characteristic of chinese cabbage after application of organic farming materials was superior in order of chemical fertilizers plot> microorganisms fermentation compost plot> fermentation compost plot. It shows the NO$_3$$^{[-10]}$ accumulation in chinese cabbage was higher in the outer leaves than in the inner leavess. It was some lower in the microorganisms fermentation compost plot, it was the highest at chemical fertilizers plot , all inner and outer leaves.

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Inhibition Effect of Environment-Friendly Agricultural Materials on Yellowish Kiwifruit Soft Rot Pathogen (Botryosphaeria dothidea) (친환경농자재의 황색참다래 과실무름병 병원균 억제 효과)

  • Moon, Doo-Gyung;Chung, Bong-Nam;Koh, Sang-Wook;Kim, Seong-Cheol;Joa, Jae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2016
  • The SS (Bacillus subtilis 10%), WS (Microbial extract 70%), and DS (Sulfur 78%) agents were selected by mycelial growth inhibitory effect test against kiwifruit soft rot pathogen (B. dothidea) with 11 kinds of environment-friendly agricultural materials on PDA medium for 10 days. They showed at 94.2%, 65.2%, 58.9%, respectively. The control value of WS and SS agents were better than DS in storage experiment. It was effective SS and WS single application, DS-WS and WS-SS alternate application in the field trial.

Current Status of Pest Management and Biodiversity in Organic Pear Orchards in Korea (배 유기재배 과수원의 병해충 관리 실태 및 생물 다양성)

  • Song, Jang-Hoon;Lim, Kyeong-Ho;Cho, Young-Sik;Lee, Han-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to survey the current pest occurrence and grower's pest management practices, and to investigate biodiversity including birds, snakes, rodents, and amphibians in organic pear orchards. From the questionnaires and field survey of 22 organic orchards in 2010, the materials such as lime sulphur, plant extracts and their mixtures with microorganisms, and oils were preferred over insecticides. Scab, mealybugs, woollybugs and barkminers were the major pests for organic pear growers. Environment-friendly fungicides and insecticides were applied 9 to 10 and 5 to 6 times respectively. Incidence and severity of scab on Niitaka pear fruits in organic orchards was higher than in conventional ones. Whereas for mealybugs there was no significant difference between organic and conventional orchards. Pear fruits in organic orchards were significantly smaller than those of non-organic orchards. For the biodiversity of amphibians, snakes, pheasants, and rodents, there was no significant difference between organic and conventional orchards, but Rufous turtle doves were monitored more in organic areas than in conventional ones.

Diseases and Weeds Occurrence and Control in Organic and Conventional Rice Paddy Field (유기 및 관행벼 재배지 병해와 잡초 발생 및 방제에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Guei;Lee Yong-Hoan;Kim Ji-Soo;Lee Byong-Mo;Kim Mi-Ja;Shin Jae-Hoon;Kim Han-Myeng;Choi Doo-Hoi
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2005
  • Diseases were surveyed in 5 Rice paddy field areas of Organic paddy field and conventional paddy field. The 3 major diseases, rice leaf blast, bacterial leaf blight and sheath blight in rice were surveyed at duck raising, rice bran and conventional rice paddy field. They were serious in duck raising paddy field, rice bran paddy field more than conventional paddy field. The Ilpum variety were infected seriously more than Chucheong. At the effectivity test of the environment-friendly substance for the rice-seed sterilization, 1000-times diluted brown-rice vinegar showed controlling effect against Bakanae disease, and germination rate also was good. There was no Weeds Control efficacy by cultivating of hairy vetch in rice paddy field. However, extract of hairy vetch Leaf and root repressed the germinating of lettuce seed.

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Role of Government in Environment-friendly Agricultural Development of Bangladesh (방글라데시의 친환경농업개발과 정부의 역할)

  • Islam, Md. Mafizul;Hwang, Han-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 방글라데시의 친환경농업 실태와 농업인들의 인식을 바탕으로 친환경농업 개발에 대한 정부의 역할과 정책적 대안을 모색하고자 하였다. 연구 자료는 방글라데시 탕가일 지역의 농업인을 대상으로 유기농가 100가구와 일반농가 100가구를 무작위로 추출하여 설문조사를 통하여 수집되었다. 인구 과밀의 방글라데시 정부는 식량안보를 위하여 지력 저하 및 환경악화를 방지하고자 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 즉 지속 가능한 농업개발을 위하여 통합해충관리(IPM), 통합작물 관리(ICM)를 비롯하여 토양의 비옥도 개선, 페로몬트랩이나 자연 천적을 이용한 해충방제 등 다양한 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 농업인들의 의견 조사에 따르면 친환경농업에 대한 정부의 역할은 긍정적으로 평가하고 있으나 정책이나 관련 프로그램은 아직 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 일반농가인 경우 극히 소수 농가만이 친환경농업을 실행하고 있는데, 이는 관련기술에 대한 지식의 부족과 유기농 비료 등의 자재 부족이 친환경농업을 실행하는데 가장 큰 어려움이라 지적하고 있다. 일반농가의 39%는 유기농업 의사를 보이고 있지만 마케팅시설의 부족과 농사 실패에 대한 두려움 등을 유기농으로 전환하지 못하는 주요 이유로 들고 있다. 일반농가의 일부(17%)만이 정부의 농업교육 프로그램임인 통합해충관리(IPM)과정을 이수하고 있다. 정부의 유기농 정책은 거의 전무하며 NGO들의 지원에 의하여 꾸준하게 진행되고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 농업인들은 통합해충관리(IPM), 유기농 퇴비, 페로몬트랩이나 자연 천적 등 매우 다양한 농민교육프로그램들을 정부 주도적으로 실시하여야 하며 친환경농업정책을 보다 명확하게 규정하기를 요구하고 있다. 비교적 젊고 교육수준이 높은 소규모 농업인들이 유기농에 적극적임을 알 수 있다. 유기농의 평균 농지규모는 0.246ha, 유기농 평균 경력은 7.63년, 일반농가대비 농가수입은 11.4% 높게 나타났고 비교적 소농들이 높은 수익률을 보이고 있다. 소비자의 신뢰, 마케팅시설, 생산자단체나 조직의 부족 등이 유기농가들의 가장 큰 애로점이 되고 있고, 유기농산품의 표준화를 위하여 정부의 인증제도와 인증기관 설립이 필요함을 지적하고 있다. 유기농을 보다 활성화하기 위해서는 정부 주도하에 마케팅을 비롯하여 교육, 수출 및 각종 장려책 등이 마련되어야 할 것이다.

Effect of Organic Materials Use Recommendation System on Soil N Mineralization and Rice Productivity in Organic Paddy (유기자원 사용처방 기준 적용에 따른 토양 질소 무기화 및 유기 벼 생산성)

  • Lee, Cho-Rong;Lee, Sang-min;Hwang, Hyeon-Yeong;Kwon, Hyeok-Gyu;Jung, Jung A;An, Nan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the field application of the developed recommendation system in organic rice (Oriza sativa L.) paddy and to investigate the mineral nitrogen content in soil and rice productivity. According to the developed system, hairy vetch (HV), rye+rapeseed oil cake (R+OC), rapeseed oil cake (OC) for only basal fertilization (OC-B), OC for split application (OC-S), pig manure compost (PMC), and chemical fertilizer (CHM) were applied to paddy soil at the rate of 107~133 kg N/ha. Results were followed, unhulled rice yield of OC-S (111%), OC-B (110), R+OC (106), HV (101), and PMC (96) were no significantly different with CHM (100). Also there was positive correlation (R2=0.803*) between unhulled rice yield and cumulative inorganic N in soil. For nitrogen use efficiency of rice, OC-B, OC-S, and R+OC were not significantly different with CHM. In conclusions, the developed organic materials use recommendation system was effective for organic rice productivity. It could be useful for organic farmer to apply the organic materials use recommendation system for rice.

친환경인증(親環境認證) 바로알기

  • Korea Duck Association
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.64
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2008
  • 친환경인증제도란 환경에 농산물(예: 농약을 사용하지 않은 유기농산물), 친환경건축자재, 친환경건축물 등등 다양한 분야에 적용되는 인증제도입니다. 농약의 환경보전 기능을 증대시키고, 농업으로 인한 환경오염을 줄임으로 일반농산물을 친환경농산물로 허위 또는 둔갑표시하는 것으로부터 생산자.소비자를 보호하기 위해 유통과정에서의 신뢰구축으로 친환경농산물 생산과 공급체계를 확립하기 위한 것입니다. 그 동안 증산위주의 고투입농법에 의존해 온 결과 농업환경이 약화되어 지속가능한 농업생산을 위협하고 지나친 농약사용은 토양미생물, 천적감소 등 생태계 교란, 수질오염 및 농산물의 농약잔류문제를 야기하는 등 관련 국제규범이 제정됨으로써 환경보전 및 식품안전에 대한 국민의 관심제고에 적극적인 대응 필요에 만들어 졌습니다.

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