• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위험규제

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Safe Management for Hazardous Cargo in relation to explosions in port of Tianjin (천진항 사고에 따른 안전한 위험물 관리방안)

  • An, Jung-Min;Lee, Hong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.208-210
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    • 2015
  • After the huge explosive accident in port of Tianjin, it is being strengthened on the dangerous goods regulations. This also has been make an extra impact which must meet international standards and even different parts became possible import customs regulations exporting from Korea. Since 2004, internationally in compliance with the enforced the transport of dangerous goods regulations (IMDG Code), but becomes substantial damage to the domestic industry that exports of dangerous goods is a lot of difficulties in the logistics of efficiency due to possible follows only the clearance to the needs of the Chinese Government. In Korea and secure hazardous materials management needs have emerged, but piecemeal ad hoc policy is connected economically costly and unnecessary regulations weighted long-term safe at the same time enables continuation of the development of the only domestic chemical industry to find effective hazardous materials management plan it is.

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복합금융그룹의 부실위험

  • Jang, Uk;Park, Jong-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-158
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 복합금융그룹의 부실위험을 그룹전체기반 측도로 측정하는 방법론을 비교하고 국내 복합금융그룹의 자료를 이용하여 실증분석한다. Joint Forum(2001a) 방법은 연결기준을 사용하여 그룹내 자본의 중복요소들을 상계한 후 필요자본 대비 자기자본비율을 구한다. 신BIS 규제자본 방법은 Vasicek(1987)의 점근적 단일위험 모형을 가정하여 자산의 전체기반 위험을 측정하고 연결기준을 사용하여 자본의 중복계상을 배제하여 측정한다. 개별 경제적 자본 방법은 개별 경제적 위험을 수준별로 합산하여 전체기반 경제적 자본을 빌딩블록 방식으로 합산한다. 경제적 자본 방법은 위험 측정시 겪게 되는 극단적 손실 문제와 결합분포의 비대칭성을 반영할 수 있는 방법을 측정시 포함시킬 수 있다. 국내 복합금융그룹의 자료를 이용하여 실증분석을 한 결과, 첫째, 개별 재무지표에서 복합금융그룹 소속회사들의 ROA, ROA 변동성 그리고 총자산 대비 자기자본비율이 우량한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 가장 비중이 큰 은행산업에서 위 개별 재무지표는 복합금융그룹 소속회사에서 우량하게 나타난다. 둘째, 그룹전체기반 위험자본 측도로서 필요자본 대비 자기자본 비율과 연결기준 BIS비율을 살펴본 결과 은행계열 금융그룹의 부실위험이 낮은 것으로 판단된다. 전체적으로 국내 복합금융그룹의 부실위험은 높지 않은 것으로 판단된다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 복합금융그룹에 대한 리스크상시감시방안에의 시사점을 살펴보면, 첫째, 복합금융그룹 소속 금융회사에 대한 리스크 평가시 그룹전체기반 부실위험평가를 반영하여 이를 측정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 권역별로 통일된 리스크감시를 위해 권역별 자기자본규제의 형평성을 제고할 필요가 있다.

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Economic Assessment of Coal-fired & Nuclear Power Generation in the Year 2000 -Equal Health Hazard Risk Basis- (2000년대 원자력과 유연탄 화력 발전의 경제성 평가 -동일 보건 위험도 기준-)

  • Seong, Ki-Bong;Lee, Byong-Whi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 1989
  • On the basis of equal health hazard risk, economic assessment of nuclear was compared with that of coal for the expansion planning of electric power generation in the year 2000. In comparing health risks, the risk of coal was roughly ten times higher than that of nuclear according to various previous risk assessments of energy system. The zero risk condition can never be achievable. Therefore, only excess relative health risk of coal over nuclear was considered as social cost. The social cost of health risk was estimated by calculation of mortality and morbidity costs. Mortality cost was $250,000 and morbidity cost was $90,000 in the year 2000.(1986US$) Through Cost/Benefit Analysis, the optimal emission standards of coal-fired power generation were predicted. These were obtained at the point of least social cost for power generation. In the year 2000, the optimal emission standard of SOx was analyzed as 165ppm for coal-fired power plants in Korea. From this assessment, economic comparison of nuclear and coal in the year 2000 showed that nuclear would be more economical than coal, whereas uncertainty of future power generation cost of nuclear would be larger than that of coal.

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A Study on the Necessity and Direction of Regulations on the Emission of Hazardous and Noxious Substances from Marine Industrial Facilities (해양산업시설의 위험유해물질 해양배출 규제체계 개선의 필요성과 규제방향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Moonjin;Kim, Kyewon;Kang, Wonsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.737-743
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the current status of marine industrial facilities, regulatory legal systems, and emission status of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) in these facilities were analyzed, and the direction of improvement of the regulatory system was presented accordingly. As a result of the analysis, it is estimated that about 1,100 marine industrial facilities are subject to the Marine Environment Management Act of 2007. It is estimated that 190 kinds of hazardous substances are discharged from these marine industrial facilities and are highly likely to flow into the ocean, of which 20 are estimated to be discharged into the water system. However, due to the lack of relevant laws and regulation, it is difficult to clearly determine whether the discharged material corresponds to an exceptional discharged material, making it difficult to effectively enforce regulations in the field. For this reason, effective regulatory enforcement is difficult in the regulatory field. The marine environment management law should clearly stipulate the exceptional emission standards and types of substances, and clarify the selection system, risk assessment system, and emission information collection and monitoring system for related Hazardous and Noxious Substances.

Effects of Trust, Stigma, Optimistic Bias on Risk Perception of Nuclear Power Plants (원자력발전소에 대한 공중의 신뢰, 낙인과 낙관적 편향성이 위험인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Song, Hae-Ryong;Kim, Won-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.162-173
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    • 2013
  • This study was to examine the effect of trust, stigma, optimistic bias on risk perception of nuclear power plants. For this study, we carried out a survey targeting residents, total of 383, living in Seoul. The findings showed that trust of general public on nuclear power plants influenced negatively on stigma. Second, trust of general public on nuclear power plants influenced not significantly on optimistic bias. Third, stigma of general public on nuclear power plants influenced positively on risk perception. Fourth, optimistic bias of general public on nuclear power plants influenced negatively on risk perception.

A Study on the Solution of School Zone Problems (어린이 보호구역의 문제점 및 대책에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 남구를 중심으로 -)

  • 신동철
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.312-322
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문은 학교 권역의 도로 및 교통요건을 조사하여 어린이 보호구역의 지정 및 관리기준의 적용 실태와 문제점 등을 분서하며, 어린이 보호구역의 조성기준을 적정화하고 체계적인 대책을 수립하는데 목적이 있다. 먼저 어린이 보호구역의 이론적 고찰을 통해 어린이 보호구역이 지정·관리기준 및 외국의 School Zone 사례를 살펴보았다. 현재 어린이 보호구역으로 지정·관리되고 있는 광주시 남구의 14개 초등학교를 대상으로 어린이 보호구역별 도로 및 교통현황과 함께 적용되고 있는 어린이 보호구역의 지정 범위 및 교통규제, 중요안전 시설물의 설치현황 등을 조사하였다. 또 연도주민의 설문을 통해 보행의 안전성과 교통사고의 위험성 등을 조사·분석하였다. 그 결과 12m 이하의 이면도로가 전체대상 통학로의 64.6%에 해당되며, 2차로 이상의 도로는 35.4%로서 이면도로에 접하는 초등학교가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 또 교통규제방안으로 시행되고 잇는 것은 8개 초등학교의 시차별 주차규제와 4개 초등학교의 총 10개의 과속방지턱이 설치되어 있을 뿐이다. 또한 설문을 통해 보행환경의 위험성을 분석한 결과 차량의 속도와 주차차량에 의한 통행 방해나 사고위험을 가장 많이 인식함에 따라 그에 따른 안전시설의 추가 설치가 뒤따라야 하겠다. 이러한 어린이 보호구역에서의 어린이나 보행자의 안전성과 쾌적성을 증진시키기 위해서는 무엇보다도 안전시설의 설치에 따른 유지 및 관리가 중요하다.

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The Effect of Institutional Environment on the Employees' Start-Up Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Taking (제도적 환경이 종업원의 창업의도에 미치는 영향: 위험감수성의 매개 역할)

  • Young-Woo, Ko;Jong-Keon, Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the nation's institutional environment on start-up intention of employees and the mediating role of risk-taking propensity in the relationship between these variables. This study classified the institutional environment into institutional profile regulation, institutional profile norms, and institutional profile recognition. The research data were collected through questionnaires for office workers belonging to domestic companies, and 322 copies of questionnaire data were used for hypothesis verification, except for questionnaires that were omitted or unfaithful. The results of this study are as follows. First, institutional profile regulations and norms were positively related to start-up intention of office workers, while institutional profile cognition had no significant effect on the start-up intention. Second, institutional profile regulations and norms were positively related to risk taking, while institutional profile cognition had no significant effect on risk taking. Finally, risk taking was found to partially mediate the relationship between institutional profile regulation and start-up intention, and completely mediate the relationship between institutional profile norms and start-up intention. The theoretical implications of this study are as follows. First, this study makes a theoretical contribution in that it revealed that the country institutional profile regulation and norms are important prerequisites for start-up intention and risk taking. Next, unlike previous studies, this study makes a theoretical contribution by presenting a start-up intention model of office workers consisting of perception of the institutional environment and risk taking, which is the individual characteristic of entrepreneurs. The practical implications of this study are as follows. First, the government and local governments should strengthen regulations on institutional profiles so that start-ups can be activated. Second, the government and local governments should strengthen the norms for institutional profiles so that start-ups can be activated. Finally, the government, local governments, and educational institutions should devise measures to strengthen the risk taking of start-ups.

Managing Technological Risk and Risk Conflict : Public Debates on Health Risks of Mobile Phones EMF (기술위험 관리와 위험갈등 : 휴대전화 전자파의 인체유해성 논란)

  • Jung, Byung-Kul
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2008
  • We are living in the time of high probability of technological risk due to increased rate of technology development and diffusion of new technologies. Resolving uncertainties, the basic attribution of risk, by accumulating knowledge over the risk factors of certain technology is critical to management of technological risk. In many cases of technological risks, high uncertainty of knowledge is commonly mentioned reason for public controversies on risk management. However, the type of technological risk with low social agreement and low uncertainty of knowledge, the main reason for public controversy is absence of social agreement. Public debates on the risks of mobile phones electromagnetic fields(EMF) to human health comes under this category. The knowledge uncertainty on human health effect of mobile phones EMF has been lowered increasingly by accumulating enormous volume of knowledge though scientists have not reached a final conclusion whether it pose a risk to the physical and mental health of the general population or not. In contrast with civil organizations calling for precautionary approach based regulation, the mobile phone industry is cling to the position of no-regulation-needed by arguing no clear evidence to prove health risks of mobile phone EMF has found. In Korea, government set exposure standards based on a measurement called the 'specific absorption rate'(SAR) and require the mobile phone industry to open SAR information to the public by their own decision. From the view of pro-regulation side based on precautionary approach, technology risk managament of mobile phones EMF in Korea is highly limited and formalized one with limited measuring of SAR on head part only and problematic self-regulated opening of information about SAR to the public. As far as the government keeps having priority on protecting interest of mobile phone industry over precautionary regulation of mobile phones EMF, the disagreement between civil organizations and the government will not resolved. The risk of mobile phones EMF to human health have high probability of being underestimated in the rate and damage of risk than objectively estimated ones due to familiarity of mobile phone technology. And this can be the cause of destructive social dispute or devastating disaster. To prevent such disastrous results, technology risk management, which integrating the goals of safety with economic growth in public policy and designing and promoting risk communication, is required.

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