• Title/Summary/Keyword: 웹서비스시스템

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Password-Based Authentication Protocol for Remote Access using Public Key Cryptography (공개키 암호 기법을 이용한 패스워드 기반의 원거리 사용자 인증 프로토콜)

  • 최은정;김찬오;송주석
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2003
  • User authentication, including confidentiality, integrity over untrusted networks, is an important part of security for systems that allow remote access. Using human-memorable Password for remote user authentication is not easy due to the low entropy of the password, which constrained by the memory of the user. This paper presents a new password authentication and key agreement protocol suitable for authenticating users and exchanging keys over an insecure channel. The new protocol resists the dictionary attack and offers perfect forward secrecy, which means that revealing the password to an attacher does not help him obtain the session keys of past sessions against future compromises. Additionally user passwords are stored in a form that is not plaintext-equivalent to the password itself, so an attacker who captures the password database cannot use it directly to compromise security and gain immediate access to the server. It does not have to resort to a PKI or trusted third party such as a key server or arbitrator So no keys and certificates stored on the users computer. Further desirable properties are to minimize setup time by keeping the number of flows and the computation time. This is very useful in application which secure password authentication is required such as home banking through web, SSL, SET, IPSEC, telnet, ftp, and user mobile situation.

New EDI Developments in the Era of Electronic Commerce (전자상거래시대에 있어 전자문서교환(EDI)의 새로운 발전방향에 관한 소고)

  • 옥석재
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 1999
  • 운송에 필요한 각종 서류와 정보의 효율적 교환은 국제물류시스템의 중요한 일부분이 되었다. 또한 EDI(전자문서교환)는 수출입에 필요한 각종 상거래 서식을 컴퓨터가 읽을 수 있는 표준화된 전자문서의 형태로 바꾸어 교환함으로써 무역절차의 간소화와 운송서류의 신속한 교환을 가능하게 하여 물류 효율성을 증대시키는 것으로 알려져있다. 이러한 맥락에서 세계각국의 항만당국은 자국의 물류혁신을 도모하기 위하여 경쟁력으로 EDI의 도입을 추진해왔다. 그러나 90년대에 들어 EDI의 발전은 처음의 기대와는 달리 저조한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 크게 두가지로 설명된다. 첫째는 EDI 문서의 국제표준을 제정하는 UN/ECE 산하 WP4의 표준제정 미 공표의 비효율성으로 인해 실제 상거래에서 필요한 문서들의 EDI 표준화가 제때에 이루어지지 않았다는 점이다. 두 번째 이유는 대부분의 EDI 사용자가 전자문서의 교환통로로 이용해 왔던 부가가치통신망(VAN)서비스의 고비용적인 구조로 인하여 비용에 민감한 중소규모 화주들의 폭넓은 이용을 저해왔다는 점이다. 따라서 본고에서는 EDI의 확산을 저해했던 두가지 문제점에 입각하여 먼저 효율적 EDI 표준 제공을 위한 국제적 노력의 산물인 CEFACT(Center for Facilitation of Procedures and practices for Administration Commerce and Transport))와 보다 안전하고 신뢰성 있는 전자상거래 솔류션의 마련을 위해 이루어진 각종 국제기구들의 활동 및 결과물들을 소개하고 다음으로 인터넷의 급속한 확산으로 새롭게 개발되고 있는 Web-based EDI, XML/EDI, Simpl-EDI, Form-based EDI 그리고 Lite-EDI의 저비용적 구조 측면을 분석하여 중소규모화주들의 EDI에 대한 인식을 제고시킴으로써 EDI의 전반적인 확산을 도모하고 있다.

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Processing Speed Improvement of HTTP Traffic Classification Based on Hierarchical Structure of Signature (시그니쳐 계층 구조에 기반한 HTTP 트래픽 분석 시스템의 처리 속도 향상)

  • Choi, Ji-Hyeok;Park, Jun-Sang;Kim, Myung-Sup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.4
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2014
  • Currently, HTTP traffic has been developed rapidly due to appearance of various applications and services based web. Accordingly, HTTP Traffic classification is necessary to effective network management. Among the various signature-based method, Payload signature-based classification method is effective to analyze various aspects of HTTP traffic. However, the payload signature-based method has a significant drawback in high-speed network environment due to the slow processing speed than other classification methods such as header, statistic signature-based. Therefore, we proposed various classification method of HTTP Traffic based HTTP signatures of hierarchical structure and to improve pattern matching speed reflect the hierarchical structure features. The proposed method achieved more performance than aho-corasick to applying real campus network traffic.

NAMA: A Context-Aware Multi-Agent Based Web Service Approach to Proactive Need Identification for Personalized Reminder System (NAMA: 개인화된 상기 시스템 구축에서의 선응적인 욕구 파악을 위한 상황인지가 가능한 다중 에이전트 웹서비스 접근법)

  • Kwon, Oh-Byung;Kim, Min-Yong;Choi, Sung-Chul;Park, Gyu-Ro
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.121-144
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    • 2004
  • Developing a personalized system on a user's behalf which is working around the Internet-based marketplace is one of the challenging issues in intelligent e-business, especially mobile commenrce. It has been highly recommended that such a mobile personalized system has to perceive the user's needs a priori by tracking user's current context such as location with activity and then to identify the current needs dynamically and proactively. Automatically and unobtrusively getting user's context is an inevitable feature for the development of autonomous mobile commenrce. However, personalization methodologies and their feasible architectures for context-aware mobile commerce have been so far very rare. Hence, this paper aims to propose a context-aware mobile commerce development methodology by applying agent and semantic web technologies for personalized reminder system, which is one of the mobile commerce support system. We revisited associationism to understand a buyer's need identification process and adopt the process as 'purchase based on association' to implement a personalized reminder system. Based on this approach, we have showed how the agent-based semantic web service system can be used to realize need-aware reminder system. NAMA(Need-Aware Multi-Agent), a prototype system, has been implemented to show the feasibility of the methodology and framework under mobile setting proposed in this paper. NAMA embeds bluetooth-based location tracking module and identify what a user is currently looking at through her/his mobile device such as PDA. Based on these capabilities, NAMA considers the context, user profile with preferences, and information about currently available services, to aware user's current needs and then link her/him to a set of services, which are implemented as web services.

Development of Core Module and Web System for a Visualization Platform for the 3D GIS Service of Disaster Information using Unity (재난정보 3차원 GIS 서비스를 위한 Unity 기반 시각화 플랫폼 핵심모듈 개발 및 웹 시스템 구축)

  • Gang, Su Myung;Ryu, Dong Ha;Kim, Tae Su;Park, Hyeon Cheol;Kim, Jin Man;Choung, Yun Jae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.520-532
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    • 2017
  • Large-scale natural disasters such as typhoon and localized torrential downpour cause widespread human and property damages. Recently, management systems using GIS are being developed to manage such disasters from various angles. Integrated disaster management encompasses diverse areas such as prediction through the computation of disaster information and field support for response. The development of disaster information systems must also consider the installation of various computation modules. Furthermore, GIS is generally included for realistic description of the field situation and for spatial operations. This study aims to develop the core module of a visualization platform for the 3D GIS services of integrated disaster information using Unity engine This system will enable integrated disaster management from various angles, encompassing disaster prevention experts, field support personnel, and citizens.

An Analysis of the Overhead of Multiple Buffer Pool Scheme on InnoDB-based Database Management Systems (InnoDB 기반 DBMS에서 다중 버퍼 풀 오버헤드 분석)

  • Song, Yongju;Lee, Minho;Eom, Young Ik
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.1216-1222
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    • 2016
  • The advent of large-scale web services has resulted in gradual increase in the amount of data used in those services. These big data are managed efficiently by DBMS such as MySQL and MariaDB, which use InnoDB engine as their storage engine, since InnoDB guarantees ACID and is suitable for handling large-scale data. To improve I/O performance, InnoDB caches data and index of its database through a buffer pool. It also supports multiple buffer pools to mitigate lock contentions. However, the multiple buffer pool scheme leads to the additional data consistency overhead. In this paper, we analyze the overhead of the multiple buffer pool scheme. In our experimental results, although multiple buffer pool scheme mitigates the lock contention by up to 46.3%, throughput of DMBS is significantly degraded by up to 50.6% due to increased disk I/O and fsync calls.

Development of the Phoropter Simulator for Education using 3D Virtual Reality (3차원 가상현실을 이용한 교육용 포롭터 시뮬레이터의 개발)

  • Lim, Yong-Moo;Lee, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we presented a research about the development of the phoropter simulation program for education using the 3-D virtual reality in order to study the ophthalmic optics rather efficiently. Especially, by putting the facility such as the refractive error analysis of the eyeball in the cyber tutor inside, we have made the learner to learn and confirm the present situation of refractive correction through refractive power of principal meridians. By organizing the system which induces the active involvement of the learner and showing the result of the execution to the learner intuitively, the implementation of the more efficient education-environment can be possible. Consequently, it is expected that this program will be greatly helpful for the optician training as well as the ophthalmic optics education. As a next phase of study, we will develope the development technique of this simulator more and extend the cyber tutor contents more and make the web service version of this program to be provided through the internet network in order to inspire the learning desire of the learner more and more.

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A Study on Classification of Medical Information Documents using Word Correlation (색인어 연관성을 이용한 의료정보문서 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Hyeong-Geon;Jang, Duk-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.8B no.5
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2001
  • As the service of information through web system increases in modern society, many questions and consultations are going on through Home page and E-mail in the hospital. But there are some burdens for the management and postponements for answering the questions. In this paper, we investigate the document classification methods as a primary research of the auto-answering system. On the basis of 1200 documents which are questions of patients, 66% are used for the learning documents and 34% for test documents. All of are also used for the document classification using NBC (Naive Bayes Classifier), common words and coefficient of correlation. As the result of the experiments, the two methods proposed in this paper, that is, common words and coefficient of correlation are higher as much as 3% and 5% respectively than the basic NBC methods. This result shows that the correlation between indexes and categories is more effective than the word frequency in the document classification.

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Design of Automatic Database Schema Generator Based on XML Schema (XML 스키마 기반의 데이터베이스 스키마 생성기 설계)

  • Lim, Jong-Seon;Kim, Kyung-Soo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2007
  • B2B e-business is an economic transaction formed between companies through various networks including internet. At present, e-business between companies partly applies information distribution between companies, but many enterprises expect that a corporate basic system will be gradually changed into XML basis if web service is earnestly materialized, so they are competing with each other in developing XML DBMS. Existing XML DBMS studies used XML DTD in order to represent the structure of XML document. Such XML DTD defines the expression of a simple type, so there are many difficulties in defining the structure of XML document. To cope with this, in this paper, the author will develop database schema generator utilizing relational database generally used in storing contents of data, on the basis of XML schema selected as a standard of W3C. Also, to store XML data, the author proposed the automatic conversion method of relational database schema that used XML schema.

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Fabrication of smart alarm service system using a tiny flame detection sensor based on a Raspberry Pi (라즈베리파이 기반 미소 불꽃 감지를 이용한 스마트 경보 서비스 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Young-Min;Sohn, Kyung-Rak
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.953-958
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    • 2015
  • Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer with support for a large number of input and output peripherals. This makes it the perfect platform for interaction with many different devices and for usage in a wide range of applications. When combined with Wi-Fi, it can communicate remotely, therefore increasing its suitability for the construction of wireless sensor nodes. In addition, data processing and decision-making can be based on artificial intelligence, what is performed in developed testbed on the example of monitoring and determining the confidence of fire. In this paper, we demonstrated the usage of Raspberry Pi as a sensor web node for fire-safety monitoring in a building. When the UV-flame sensors detect a flame as thin as that of a candle, the Raspberry Pi sends a push-message to notify the assigned smartphone of the on-site situation through the GCM server. A mobile app was developed to provide a real-time video streaming service in order to determine a false alarm. If an emergency occurs, one can immediately call for help.