• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원형 정합

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A Study of Character Recognition using Adaptive Algorithm at the Car License Plate (적응 알고리즘을 이용한 자동차 번호판 인식 시스템 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Jang, Seung-Ju
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.3155-3163
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    • 2000
  • In the recognitionsystem of car license plate, it is very important to extract the character from the license plate and recognize the extrated character. In this paper, I use the adaptive algorithm to recognize the charactor of licensse plate image. The adaptive algorithm is compounded of thinning algorithm template matching,algarthm, vector algorithm and so on. The adaptive algorithm was used to recognize the character from license image. In the result of expenment, character recognition is about up to 90% with the adaptive algorithm for the character region.

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Fast Template Matching for the Recognition of Hand Vascular Pattern (정맥패턴인식을 위한 고속 원형정합)

  • Choi, Kwang-Wook;Choi, Hwan-Soo;Pyo, Kwang-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.532-535
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that can enhance the speed of template matching of hand vascular pattern person verification or recognition system. Various template matching algorithms have advantages in the matching accuracy, but most of the algorithms suffer from computational burden. To reduce the computational amount, with accuracy maintained, we propose following template matching scenario as follows. firstly, original hand vascular image is re-sampled in order to reduce spatial resolution. Secondly, reconstructed image is projected to vertical and horizontal direction, being converted to two one dimensional (1D) data. Thirdly, converted data is used to estimate spatial discrepancy between stored template image and target image. Finally, matching begins from where the estimated order is highest, and finishes when matching decision function is computed to be over certain threshold. We've applied the proposed algorithm to hand vascular pattern identification application for biometrics, and observed dramatic matching speed enhancement. This paper presents detailed explanation of the proposed algorithm and evaluation results.

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Development of Character Recognition using Adaptive Algorithm at the Car License Plate (적응 알고리즘을 이용한 자동차 번호판 인식 시스템 개발)

  • 장승주;김성관;최만림
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 2000.08a
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 2000
  • 자동차 번호판 인식 시스템에서 가장 중요한 요소는 자동차 이미지 영역에서 번호판 영역을 추출, 추출된 영역에서 문자 추출, 추출된 문자의 인식 등의 과정이다. 본 논문은 자동차 번호판 인식 과정에서 적응 알고리즘을 이용하여 보다 정확한 인식이 될 수 있도록 한다. 본 논문에서 사용하는 적응 알고리즘은 기존의 방식과는 달리 특정한 알고리즘을 이용한 인식을 하지 않고 다양한 알고리즘을 이용한 인식 결과의 조합으로 최적의 해법을 찾는다. 번호판 인식을 위한 적응 알고리즘은 원형 정합 알고리즘, 벡터 알고리즘, 세선화 알고리즘 등이다. 적응 알고리즘을 이용한 실험 결과 자동차 이미지에 대해서 90% 이상 인식이 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Number Recognition of Dot Matrix LED Display Using Morphological Processing and Template Matching (영상 형태학적 처리와 원형 정합을 이용한 도트 매트릭스 LED 디스플레이의 숫자 인식)

  • Jung, Min Chul
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a new method for the number recognition on dot matrix LED display. The proposed method uses morphological processing that dilates dots of numbers and connects the dots into strokes. The size of numbers is normalized using horizontal projection because the gaps of dots are different according to the size of numbers. The numbers are segmented by connected component analysis and finally, template matching method recognizes the segmented numbers. The proposed method is implemented using C language in Raspberry Pi system with a camera module for a real-time image processing. Experiments were conducted by using various dot matrix LED displays. The results show that the proposed method is successful for the number recognition on dot matrix LED display.

The Calendar Date of Pottery with Ring-Rim -Appearance Date of the Slim Bronze Dagger Culture and Ironware- (점토대토기의 실연대 -세형동검문화의 성립과 철기의 출현연대-)

  • Lee, Chang Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.48-101
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    • 2010
  • This paper estimated the calendar date of pottery with ring-rim(粘土帶土器) with the radiocarbon dating. This was based on archaeological facts with comparing line relations and radiocarbon dates of Yayoi pottery(彌生土器). As a result, I understood that pottery with circle ring-rim(圓形粘土帶土器) appeared in BC 6c, pottery with triangle ringrim(三角形粘土帶土器) appeared at the time in BC 300 . Based on the calendar date and aspect of ironware and pottery in grave, I kept in BC 4c with appearance date of ironware. And I kept in BC 5c with appearance date of the slim bronze dagger culture. Korea and Japan common chronological order were built for the first time based on radiocarbon dates, line relations of pottery with ring-rim and Yayoi pottery. This is the calendar date to date back approximately 100~300 years from the existing the calendar date. Current periodization does not match in the calendar date when I built it newly. Therefore I suggested it as follows. Early iron age is from the first~middle part BC 4c to BC 100. And the latter half of Bronze age is from BC 6c to the front appearance of ironware. Then Songguk-ri type(松菊里式) becomes staudard type of pottery in the middle stage of Bronze age.

The Study on New Radiating Structure with Multi-Layered Two-Dimensional Metallic Disk Array for Shaping flat-Topped Element Pattern (구형 빔 패턴 형성을 위한 다층 이차원 원형 도체 배열을 갖는 새로운 방사 구조에 대한 연구)

  • 엄순영;스코벨레프;전순익;최재익;박한규
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.667-678
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a new radiating structure with a multi-layered two-dimensional metallic disk array was proposed for shaping the flat-topped element pattern. It is an infinite periodic planar array structure with metallic disks finitely stacked above the radiating circular waveguide apertures. The theoretical analysis was in detail performed using rigid full-wave analysis, and was based on modal representations for the fields in the partial regions of the array structure and for the currents on the metallic disks. The final system of linear algebraic equations was derived using the orthogonal property of vector wave functions, mode-matching method, boundary conditions and Galerkin's method, and also their unknown modal coefficients needed for calculation of the array characteristics were determined by Gauss elimination method. The application of the algorithm was demonstrated in an array design for shaping the flat-topped element patterns of $\pm$20$^{\circ}$ beam width in Ka-band. The optimal design parameters normalized by a wavelength for general applications are presented, which are obtained through optimization process on the basis of simulation and design experience. A Ka-band experimental breadboard with symmetric nineteen elements was fabricated to compare simulation results with experimental results. The metallic disks array structure stacked above the radiating circular waveguide apertures was realized using ion-beam deposition method on thin polymer films. It was shown that the calculated and measured element patterns of the breadboard were in very close agreement within the beam scanning range. The result analysis for side lobe and grating lobe was done, and also a blindness phenomenon was discussed, which may cause by multi-layered metallic disk structure at the broadside. Input VSWR of the breadboard was less than 1.14, and its gains measured at 29.0 GHz. 29.5 GHz and 30 GHz were 10.2 dB, 10.0 dB and 10.7 dB, respectively. The experimental and simulation results showed that the proposed multi-layered metallic disk array structure could shape the efficient flat-topped element pattern.

Design of Ultra-Wide Band Antenna with Compact MCR Structure for BW Enhancement (대역폭 향상을 위한 소형 MCR 구조를 갖는 Ultra-Wide Band 안테나 설계)

  • Nadeem, Iram;Kim, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.798-805
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a low profile multi circular ring with different radius, patch antenna with modified feed line and slotted ground. The size of the antenna is $15{\times}12mm^2$, having electrical dimensions of $0.14{\lambda}{\times}0.12{\lambda}$ (at lower initial frequency) and footprints of $180mm^2$. The proposed antenna covers 3.1 to 12.3 GHz, reflection coefficient up to -38 dB with Bandwidth ratio of 4.13:1 and fractional Bandwidth of 122%. Bandwidth dimension ratio has been calculated (which is 6246) as a proof for compact size. Thin slots introduced on the feed line provide good impedance matching for whole frequency band. Numerical simulations of the proposed antenna are reported in terms of reflection coefficient ${\leq}-10dB$, vswr 2:1, radiation pattern and group delay (ns). The proposed antenna has advantage of very small size along with better impedance match that provides a practical approach to realize it for BW enhancement and UWB applications.

Facial Texture Generation using an Image Registration Algorithm based on Ellipsoidal Prototype Model (타원체형 모델 기반의 영상정렬 알고리즘을 이용한 얼굴 텍스쳐 생성)

  • Lee Joong Jae;Noh Myung Woo;Choi Hyung Il
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2005
  • In this paper. we propose an image registration algorithm based on variable-sized blocks of ellipsoidal prototype model which is similar in shape to human face. While matching blocks, the existing cylindrical prototype model which only takes into account left and right curvature can accomplish a correct alignment on left and right images. But, registration errors are produced from up and down images because the cylindrical prototype model not reflects characteristics of head shape and jaw structure of human. The proposed method is a block matching algorithm which uses variable-sized blocks with considering left-right and up-down curvature of ellipsoidal face model and can correctly align images by using the correlation between them. We then adapt image mosaic technique to generate a face texture from aligned images. For this purpose, we stitch them with assigning linear weights according to the overlapped region and remove ghost effects to make more realistic facial texture.

Design and Fabrication of Ka-band Waveguide Combiner with High Efficiency and High Isolation Characteristics (고효율 및 높은 격리 특성을 갖는 Ka 대역 도파관 결합기 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Hyo-Chul;Cho, Heung-Rae;Lee, Ju-Heun;Lee, Deok-Jae;An, Se-Hwan;Lee, Man-Hee;Joo, Ji-Han;Kim, Hong-Rak
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a method to increase the combining efficiency and isolation of the combiner, the core module of SSPA (solid state amplifier), was studied. Specifically, the isolation was secured by matching the common port and the isolation port in the waveguide combiner. The matching structure for matching is in the form of a circular disk and is engraved inside the waveguide combiner. The structure is very simple, so it is possible to secure stable performance. And this structure showed more than 60 times higher critical power performance compared to previous studies, confirming that it is suitable for high output. And by combining 1-stage T-junction and 2, 3 stage MagicT combiner, miniaturization was achieved and the combining efficiency was optimized by reducing the insertion loss. The fabricated waveguide coupler obtained an isolation of 16dB or more and a coupling efficiency of 86.2%.

FRIP System for Region-based Image Retrieval (영역기반 영상 검색을 위한 FRIP 시스템)

  • Ko, Byoung-Chul;Lee, Hae-Sung;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.260-272
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we have designed a region-based image retrieval system, FRIP(Finding Region In the Pictures). This system includes a robust image segmentation scheme using color and texture direction and retrieval scheme based on features of each region. For image segmentation, by using a circular filter, we can protect the boundary of round object and merge stripes or spots of objects into body region. It also combines scaled and shifted color coordinate and texture direction. After image segmentation, in order to improve the storage management effectively and reduce the computation time, we extract compact features from each region and store as index. For user interface, by the user specified constraints such as color-care / don't care. scale-care / dont care, shape-care / dont care and location-care / dont care, the overal/ matching score is estimated and the top Ie nearest images are reported in the ascending order of the final score.

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