• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원자력 정치

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A Feasibility of Once-Through Thorium Fuel Cycle for PWR (가압경수로에서 비순환 토륨 핵연료 주기의 적용 타당성)

  • 우일탁;김명현
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1999
  • 토륨은 자연계에서 유일한 동위원소인 Th-232로 존재하며 반감기는 1.4$\times$$10^{10}$년으로 U-238의 4.5$\times$$10^{9}$년에 비하여 약 3배 길고 매장량도 약 3배 많은 것으로 알려져 있다. 토륨은 원자력 초기 개발단계인 1950년대부터 우라늄에 관한 연구와 함께 시작되었지만, 70년대 중반 이후로는 토륨 핵연료 재처리의 어려움과 여러 정치적 이유로 이에 관한 연구가 거의 중단되었다.(중략)

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고리 3/4호기 음의 중성자속 변화율 트립설정치 제거 연구

  • 이재용;이창섭;송동수;김종걸;이동혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.05b
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 1996
  • 이 연구의 목적은 고리 3/4호기 및 영광 1/2호기의 음의 중성자속 변화율에 의한 원자로 트립(NFRT) 설정치를 제거하여 불의의 제어봉 낙하 사고시에 원자로 트립을 방지하는 것이다. 현재의 인허가된 안전해석 방법론에 의하면 제어봉 낙하사고시에 NFRT에 의하여 원자로가 트립되고 결국 발전소의 이용율이 감소하게 되는데 본 연구에서 적용된 새로운 방법론으로는 이 NFRT 보호신호 없이도 제어봉 낙하사고시에 발전소의 안전성을 입증할 수 있다. 안전분석은 주기별로 다른 핵설계 자료 즉, 냉각재 온도상수, 전출력에서의 제어봉가 및 제어봉 삽입한계 등을 이용하여 수행되었다. 웨스팅하우스형 연료인 OFA 및 V5H에 대하여 고리 4호기 6주기외 3개 주기에 대하여 분석되었다. 분석된 주기들에 대해서 NFRT 신호 없이도 핵비등 이탈률(DNBR) 설계기준을 모두 만족하였다. 그러므로 고리 3/4호기 및 영광 1/2호기의 NFRT 신호는 제거할수 있고 이로써 제어봉 낙하사고시의 발전소 불시정지를 방지할수 있다.

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AHP 방법을 이용한 후행 원전연료주기 정책 분석

  • 송명재;신상운
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1995.05b
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    • pp.1061-1066
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    • 1995
  • 우리나라의 후행 원전연료주기 정책은 경제성이나, 기술성, 환경 영향 등 여러가지 계량, 비계량 지표들을 면밀히 분석하여 궁극적으로 국민의 복지와 민족의 번영에 이바지 할 수 있도록 선정되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) 방법을 후행 원전연료주기 정책 수립에 이용할 수 있도록 우리나라에서 가능한 후행 원전연료주기 시나리오의 몇가지 예를 제시하였으며, 정책 결정요소로서 에너지 안보와 경제성, 기술성, 국내 사회정치, 국제관계 등 5개의 주기준과 주기준에 종속되는 19개의 보조기준을 선정하였는데, 적절한 후행 원전연료주기 정책대안들을 선정하여 AHP 방법에 따라 정책결정기준들을 평가한다면 후행 원전연료주기 정책수립과정에 AHP 방법을 효과적으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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A Study on Awareness of Nuclear Power Generation and Fukushima Contaminated Water (원자력발전과 후쿠시마 오염수에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Yeon-Hee Kang;Sung Hee Yang;Yong In Cho;Jung-Hoon Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2024
  • In order to determine the level of awareness of nuclear power generation and Fukushima contaminated water, this study conducted an online survey targeting the general public living in the Busan area and analyzed a total of 201 questionnaires. Independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to verify differences in variables according to the characteristics of the study subjects, and correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the correlation between variables. First, the results of the study showed that women had a more negative perception of nuclear power generation and Fukushima contaminated water than men. In terms of age, it was found that people in their 40s and older had a high level of negative perception. In terms of political inclination, progressive respondents showed a higher negative perception toward nuclear power generation and Fukushima contaminated water. Second, information on nuclear energy was most often collected through the Internet, broadcasting, and SNS. Third, the higher the negative perception of nuclear power generation, the more negative the results were in terms of issues of concern following the discharge of contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Nuclear power cannot be separated from human life. Therefore, it is believed that accurate information and a knowledge delivery system are needed to ensure correct awareness of nuclear power generation.

Energy Scenarios and the Politics of Expertise in Korea (한국의 에너지 시나리오와 전문성의 정치)

  • Han, Jae-Kak;Lee, Young Hee
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.107-144
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    • 2012
  • Recently concerns on the energy future are rising in Korea after nuclear disaster of Fukushima in Japan last year. However, even after Fukushima disaster Korean government keeps on insisting nuclear oriented energy policy. Contrary to it, some of civil society's organizations(CSOs) including environment groups and progressive political parties are making strong voices for phase-out nuclear. As a way of phase-out nuclear activity researcher groups based on CSOs have presented several alternative energy scenarios against the official government scenario so that contest between the two senarios seems not to be avoided. This article aims to analyse the politics of expertise around energy scenarios in Korea by highlighting differences between two scenarios of government and CSOs in terms of epistemological and methodological base, value orientation, institutional foundation, and the socio-political contexts of scenarios. Our research shows that government's energy scenario is based on scientific-positivist epistemology, firm belief in value neutrality and forecasting method, and is built by neo-classical economists at government-sponsored research institutes in accordance with the 'Business As Usual' approach. In contrast, alternative scenarios of CSOs can be said to be based on epistemological constructivism, value oriented attitudes and backcasting method, and be built by collaboration of researchers and activists with different academic and social backgrounds after Fukushima nuclear disaster.

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Small Break LOCA Analysis for RCP Trip Strategy for YGN 3&4 Emergency Procedure Guidelines (영광3, 4호기 비상운전지침용 원자로냉각재펌프 정지전략을 위한 소형냉각재상실사고 분석)

  • Seo, Jong-Tae;Bae, Kyoo-Hwan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 1995
  • A continued operation of RCPs during a certain small break LOCA may increase unnecessary inventory loss from the RCS causing a severe core uncovery which might lead to a fuel failure. After TMI-2 accident, the CEOG developed RCP trip strategy called “Trip-Two/Leave-Two” (T2/L2) in response to NRC requests and incorporated it in the generic EPG for CE plants. The T2/L2 RCP trip strategy consists of tripping the first two RCPs on low RCS pressure and then tripping the remaining two RCPs if a LOCA has occurred. This analysis determines the RCP trip setpoint and demonstrates the safe operational aspects of RCP trip strategy during a small break LOCA for YGN 3&4. The trip setpoint of the first too RCPs for YGN 3&4 is calculated to be 1775 psia in pressurizer pressure based on the limiting small break LOCA with 0.15 ft$^2$ break size in the hot leg. The analysis results show that YGN 3&4 can maintain the core coolability even if the operator fails to trip the second too RCPs or trips at worst time. Also, the YGN 3&4 RCP trip strategy demonstrates that both the 10 CFR 50.46 requirements on PCT and the ANSI standards 58.8 requirements on operator action time can be satisfied with enough margin. Therefore, it is concluded that the T2/L2 RCP trip strategy with a trip setpoint of 1775 psia for YGN 3&4 can provide improved operator guidance for the RCP operation during accidents.

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Study on the Change of Nuclear Energy Policy: Before and After Fukushima Nuclear Accident (원자력 정책 변동에 관한 연구: 후쿠시마 원전 사고 전후를 중심으로)

  • Park, Soo-Kyung;Jang, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.222-235
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    • 2019
  • Since Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred in 2011, the nuclear energy policy of the international society has been in recession. However, In Korea, the nuclear-friendly policy had remained and even expanded over the last 60 years until the Park Geun-hye government. In other words, there was the path dependence of nuclear energy policy. Since the Moon Jae-in government that pledged to perform nuclear phase-out policy in 2017 was inaugurated, the nuclear-friendly policy began to swerve from the course of path dependence. Based on the mai logic of historical institutionalism, this study looked into the change of Korean nuclear policy by before and after the Fukushima nuclear accident. As the result of this research, the external situation of Fukushima Nuclear Accident became a critical turning point and led to a change in the government's policy on nuclear power. From an institutional perspective, it influenced the paradigm of nuclear power policy, policy decision structure, and laws of nuclear power. From a doer's perspective, it influenced political idea and social acceptability. Since Moon Jae-in government was inaugurated in 2017, nuclear phase-out policy has secured its institutional foundation and nuclear power policy has basically changed from nuclear-friendly policy to nuclear phase-out policy. Therefore, the energy policy of Moon Jae-in government gets out of the nuclear power based path dependency that previous governments pursued, keeps punctuated equilibrium, and changes to renewable energy oriented policy.

Study on the Isomeric Ratio by Thermal Neutron Activation

  • Bak, Hae-Ill
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 1974
  • The cross-section ratios of the nuclear isomeric pairs $^{80}$ B $r^{m, g}$, sup 81/S $e^{m, g}$, $^{104}$ R $h^{m, g}$, $^{116}$ I $n^{m, g}$ and $^{134}$ C $s^{m, g}$ through the radiative thermal neutron capture process have been studied. The experimental values of these ratios obtained by the activation method have been compared with the calculated ones deduced from the modified Huizenga-Vandenbosch method. Agreement between these values within 30% could be attained by controlling the spin cut-off parameter and gamma-ray multiplicity.

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Framework & Functions of Configuration Management (CM) in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) (원자력발전소 형상관리 적용을 위한 Framework 및 생애주기단계별, 관리기법별 기능리스트 도출)

  • Kang, Mi-Yeon;Jung, Youngsoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2015
  • In the 1950s, the concept of configuration management (CM) was started by the US Department of Defense (DOD). Later, it has begun to be applied in aerospace, software, engineering, construction, and nuclear power industry. However, configuration management (CM) in the Korean nuclear industry was firstly utilized in 2006 only for selected parts of facilities, while the US nuclear industry has applied CM for the facilities' entire systems since 1990s. Furthermore, configuration management (CM) is in its conceptual stage in the Korean nuclear industry because of ambiguous CM concepts, lacks of CM professional manpower, non-computerization, and inadequacy of CM procedures and processes. In order to address this issues, seven industries (including defense, aerospace, software, engineering, architecture, civil engineering, nuclear power) that utilize the concept of configuration management (CM) were compared and analyzed based on the CM purpose, technique, and life-cycle perspectives. By an extensive literature review and expert interviews, this paper developed a framework of configuration management (CM) for the nuclear industry. And also, a list of functions based on life-cycle stages and CM techniques are developed for clarifying CM framework in order to promote practical applications.

A Numerical Study on the Step 0 Benchmark Test in Task C of DECOVALEX-2023: Simulation for Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Behavior by Using OGS-FLAC (DECOVALEX-2023 Task C 내 Step 0 벤치마크 수치해석 연구: OGS-FLAC을 활용한 열-수리-역학 복합거동 수치해석)

  • Kim, Taehyun;Park, Chan-Hee;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.610-622
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    • 2021
  • The DECOVALEX project is one of the representative international cooperative projects to enhance the understanding of the complex Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical(THMC) coupled behavior in the high-level radioactive waste disposal system based on the numerical simulation. DECOVALEX-2023 is the current phase consisting of 7 tasks, and Task C aims to model the THM coupled behavior in the disposal system based on the Full-scale Emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont-Terri underground rock laboratory. This study performs the numerical simulation based on the OGS-FLAC developed for the current study. In the numerical model, we emplaced the heater with constant power horizontally based on the FE experiment and monitored the pressure development, temperature increase, and mechanical deformation at the specific monitoring points. We monitored the capillary pressure as the primary effect inducing the flow in the buffer system, and thermal stress and pressurization were dominant in the surrounding rocks' area. The results will also be compared and validated with the other participating groups and the experimental data further.