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Development of Pre-Service and In-Service Information Management System (iSIMS) (원전 가동전/중 검사정보관리 시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, H.J.;Choi, S.N.;Kim, H.N.;Kim, Y.H.;Yang, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2004
  • The iSTMS is a web-based integrated information system supporting Pre-Service and In-Service Inspection(PSI/ISI) processes for the nuclear power plants of KHNP(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.). The system provides a full spectrum coverage of the inspection processes from the planning stage to the final report of examination in accordance with applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements. The major functions of the system includes the inspection planning, examination, reporting, project control and status reporting, resource management as well as objects search and navigation. The system also provides two dimensional or three dimensional visualization interface to identify the location and geometry of components and weld areas subject to examination in collaboration with database applications. The iSIMS is implemented with commercial software packages such as database management system, 2-D and 3-D visualization tool, etc., which provide open, updated and verified foundations. This paper describes the key functions and the technologies for the implementation of the iSIMS.

Study on the Applicability of Dynamic Pile Load Test to Check Integrity during Installation of Extension Plate Attached PHC Piles and Bolts Spliced PHC Piles and the Correct Proof Test of the Transformed-installation PHC Piles (확장판 선단부착 PHC말뚝 및 볼트 수직이음을 사용한 PHC말뚝의 시공 중 건전성 확인을 위한 동재하시험의 적용성 및 변형시공법 PHC말뚝들의 올바른 검증시험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myunghak;Choi, Yongkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 2018
  • Extension plate attached PHC piles and bolts spliced PHC piles were installed in field test site. Pile integrities were checked during installation with dynamic pile test and the actual pile conditions after installation were compared with integrity index (${\beta}$ index) by PDA test. Theoretically the break in near pile end or pile end (especially extension plate itself) was very difficult to access by integrity index (${\beta}$ index) and also require a high level of knowledge and field experience on PDA test. First actual wave equation of bolts spliced PHC piles due to bolts spliced equipment can be different with welding spliced. Second wave length of the stress wave from installing can be longer than the height of bolts spliced equipment (about 100 mm). Third Beta processing in PDA analysis function is very difficult to access without a high level of knowledge and field experience on wave equation. Above-mentioned three reasons can make conclusion that traditional PDA test in domestic site can not access the integrity of bolts spliced equipment in bolts spliced PHC piles.

A Study on the Identification of Hazardous Factors and Prevention of Accident in Old Boilers (노후보일러 유해인자 발굴 및 사고예방에 관한 연구)

  • Sa, Min-Hyung;Woo, In-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • Large-scale industrial boilers operating at high temperature and high pressure, have a large amount of water, and a large amount of energy is released at the time of explosion. Currently, most industrial boilers use gas fuel such as LNG and LPG, etc. and fuel exists in the same space as equipment, so there is a high possibility of secondary damage such as fire or explosion in the event of a boiler accident. Both special care and management are required to operate the very dangerous equipment that causes casualty 2.51 per accident. For boilers of a certain size or more, the Korea Energy Agency conducts inspections in accordance with the Energy Usage Rationalization Act, KS, and public notice of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources. In this research, based on the results of the inspection, the hazard factorss are configured, and a questionnaire is conducted to the inspector, the equipment manager, the maintenance person, and the person in charge of the manufacturer. We analyzed the results by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). As a result of analysis, generally recognized hazard factorss are not good management, measurement failure, specification failure, water leak, leak analysis, but connection, welding, scale, and corrosion, etc. are relatively less important. It is judged that the adverse factors that are recognized to be highly important among all groups and careers are already well managed, but less important and adverse factors should be well managed to ensure that the safe usage of the boiler.

An Experimental Study on the Structural Performance of Lateral Resistance in Steel Elevator Pit (강재엘리베이터 피트 측압저항 구조성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hong, Seong-Uk;Kim, Tae-Soo;Baek, Ki-Youl
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • Steel elevator pit was developed for the purpose of minimizing the excavation, simplifying the construction of the frame and economical efficiency by improving the problems that occurred in the existing reinforced concrete. It is common to apply conventional RC method through excavation to underground structures such as underground floor collector well and elevator pit. In recent years, the use of steel collector well and steel elevator pits to reduce construction costs by minimizing the materials of steel and concrete has been continuously increasing. The steel elevator pit is an underground structure and then the performance of the welding part and the structure system is important. Specimen with only steel plate and concrete without studs could support the load more than 3 times than the specimen with deck only. Therefore, even if there is no stud, the deck (steel plate) rib is formed and the effect of restraining the steel plate and the concrete during the bending action can be expected. However, since sudden fracture in the elevator pit may occur, stud bolt arrangement is necessary for the composite effect of steel plate and concrete. It is expected that the bending strength can be expected to increase by about 15% or more depending with and without stud bolts.

Structural Analysis and Design of B-pillar Reinforcement using Composite Materials (복합소재를 활용한 B필러 강화재의 구조해석 및 설계)

  • Kang, Ji Heon;Kim, Kun Woo;Jang, Jin Seok;Kim, Ji Wook;Yang, Min Seok;Gu, Yoon Sik;Ahn, Tae Min;Kwon, Sun Deok;Lee, Jae Wook
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims to reduce weight by replacing the reinforcements of the B-pillar used in vehicles with CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) and GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics) from the existing steel materials. For this, it is necessary to secure structural stability that can replace the existing B-pillar while reducing the weight. Existing B-pillar are composed of steel reinforcements of various shapes, including a steel outer. Among these steel reinforcements, two steel reinforcements are to be replaced with composite materials. Each steel reinforcement is manufactured separately and bonded to the B-pillar outer by welding. However, the composite reinforcements presented in this paper are manufactured at once through compression and injection processes using patch-type CFRP and rib-structured GFRP. CFRP is attached to the high-strength part of the B-pillar to resist side loads, and the GFRP ribs are designed to resist torsion and side loads through a topology optimization technique. Through structural analysis, the designed composite B-pillar was compared with the existing B-pillar, and the weight reduction ratio was calculated.

Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Fe based Shape Memory Alloy Bar (철계-형상기억합금 바로 제작된 콘크리트 보의 휨 거동)

  • Hong, Ki-Nam;Yeon, Yeong-Mo;Ji, Sang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2020
  • This paper reports an experimental study to evaluate the flexural behavior of concrete beams reinforced using Fe based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) bars. For the experiment, a concrete beam of 200mm×300mm×2,200mm was produced, and a 4% pre-strained Fe-SMA bar was used as a tensile reinforcement. As experimental variables, type of tensile reinforcement (SD400, Fe-SMA), reinforcement ratio (0.2, 0.39, 0.59, 0.78), activation of Fe-SMA (activation, non-activation), and joint method of Fe-SMA bar (Continuous, welding, coupler) were considered. The electric resistance heating method was used to activate the Fe-SMA bar, and a current of 5A/㎟ was supplied until the specimen reached 160℃. After the upward displacement of the specimen due to the camber effect was stabilized, a three-point flexural loading experiment was performed using an actuator of 2,000 kN capacity. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the upward displacement occurred due to the camber effect as the Fe-SMA bar was activated. The specimen that activated the Fe-SMA bar had an initial crack at a higher load than the specimen that did not activate it. However, as with general prestressed concrete, the effect of the prestress by Fe-SMA activation on the ultimate state of the beam was insignificant.

Examination of Lateral Torsional Bucling Strength by Increasing the Warping Strength of I-Section Plate Girder with Concrete Filled Half Pipe Stiffener (콘크리트 충전 반원기둥보강재가 적용된 플레이트 거더의 뒤틀림 강도)

  • Cheon, Jinuk;Lee, Senghoo;Baek, Seungcheol;Kim, Sunhee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 2023
  • Lateral torsional buckling causessafety accidentssuch as collapse accidents during erection. Therefore, anaccurate safety designshould be conducted. Lateral torsional buckling canbe prevented by reinforcing the end orreducing the unbraced length. The method ofreducing the unbraced length by installing a crossframe has high material and installation costs and low maintenance performance.In addition, structuralsafety may be deteriorated due to cracks. The end reinforcement method using Concrete Filled Half Pipe Stiffeneris a method ofreinforcing the end of a plate girder using a stiffenerin the form of a semi-circular column. This method increasesthewarping strength ofthe girder and increasesthe lateral torsional buckling strength.In thisstudy, the effect ofincreasing the warping strengthof plate girders with concrete filled half pipe stiffeners was confirmed. To verify the effect, the results ofthe designequationand the finite element analysis were compared and verified through a experiment. As a result, the plate girderwithCFHPS increased thewarping strengthand confirmed that the lateral torsional buckling strength was increased.

The Case Study of Design on Steel Pipe Sheet Pile for Earth Retaining Wall on Deep Excavation (대심도 지반굴착을 위한 벽강관말뚝 흙막이공법의 설계 사례 연구)

  • Byung-Il Kim;Jong-Ku Lee;Kyoung-Tae Kim;Kang-Han Hong;Sang-Jae Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the results of the elasto-plastic beam analysis, finite element analysis and optimization design of the steel pipe sheet pile applied as an earth retaining wall under the deep excavation were presented. Through this study, it was found that the high-strength and sea resistant steel pipe has high allowable stress, excellent structural properties, favorable corrosion, and high utilization as an earth retaining wall, and the C-Y type joint has significantly improved the tensile strength and stiffness compared to the traditional P-P type. In addition, it was investigated that even if the leak or defect of the wall occurs during construction, it has the advantage of being able to be repaired reliably through welding and overlapping. In the case of steel pipe wall, they were evaluated as the best in views of the deep excavation due to the large allowable bending stress and deformation flexibility for the same horizontal displacement than CIP or slurry wall. Elasto-plastic and finite element analysis were conducted in consideration of ground excavation under large-scale earth pressure (uneven pressure), and the results were compared with each other. Quantitative maximum value were found to be similar between the two methods for each item, such as excavation behavior, wall displacement, or member force, and both analysis method were found to be applicable in design for steel pipe sheet pile wall. Finally, it was found that economical design was possible when determining the thinnest filling method with concrete rather than the thickest hollow shape in the same diameter, and the depth (the embedded length through normality evaluation) without rapidly change in displacement and member force.

A fundamental study on the minimize wear of slurry shield TBM sludge bend pipe (이수식 쉴드 TBM 배니곡관 마모 최소화를 위한 기초 연구)

  • Soo-Jin Lee;Hyeon-Do Kim;Yong-Woo Kim;Sang-Hwan Kim
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2024
  • Currently, due to industrial development in domestic regions, buildings are saturated not only in major city centers but also in surrounding urban areas. Accordingly, people's attention has focused on underground spaces, and tunnels are being widely used, especially in urban development. Research on tunnels and tunnel excavation methods is actively underway. However, there is a lack of research on the wear and tear problems of sludge discharge pipes when using a slurry shield TBM. Therefore, in this paper, the L-shaped bend pipe used in the existing sludge discharge pipe was transformed into a T-shaped bend pipe to move sludge. As a result, it was confirmed that compared to the L-shaped bend pipe, the impact of the T-shaped bend pipe on the bend pipe when discharging sludge was reduced. Based on these results, it is expected that wear of the sludge discharge pipe can be minimized by using a T-shaped bend pipe when using slurry shield TBM equipment. This is expected to ultimately lead to economic benefits, such as reducing costs due to replacement of curved pipes or additional welding during tunnel construction.

Analysis of Structural Types and Design Factors for Fruit Tree Greenhouses (과수재배용 온실의 구조유형과 설계요소 분석)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Ko, Gi-Hyuk
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2013
  • In order to provide basic data for the development of a controlled environment cultivation system and standardization of the structures, structural status and improvement methods were investigated for the fruit tree greenhouses of grape, pear, and peach. The greenhouses for citrus and grape cultivation are increasing while pear and persimmon greenhouses are gradually decreasing due to the advance of storage facilities. In the future, greenhouse cultivation will expand for the fruit trees which are more effective in cultivation under rain shelter and are low in storage capability. Fruit tree greenhouses were mostly complying with standards of farm supply type models except for a pear greenhouse and a large single-span peach greenhouse. It showed that there was no greenhouse specialized in each species of fruit tree. Frame members of the fruit tree greenhouses were mostly complying with standards of the farm supply type model or the disaster tolerance type model published by MIFAFF and RDA. In most cases, the concrete foundations were used. The pear greenhouse built with the column of larger cross section than the disaster tolerance type. The pear greenhouse had also a special type of foundation with the steel plate welded at the bottom of columns and buried in the ground. As the results of the structural safety analysis of the fruit tree greenhouses, the grape greenhouses in Gimcheon and Cheonan and the peach greenhouses in Namwon and Cheonan appeared to be vulnerable for snow load whereas the peach greenhouse in Namwon was not safe enough to withstand wind load. The peach greenhouse converted from a vegetable growing facility turned out to be unsafe for both snow and wind loads. Considering the shape, height and planting space of fruit tree, the appropriate size of greenhouses was suggested that the grape greenhouse be 7.0~8.0 m wide and 2.5~2.8 m high for eaves, while 6.0~7.0 m wide and 3.0~3.3 m of eaves height for the pear and peach greenhouses.