• Title/Summary/Keyword: 용어의 의미

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Critique of the Revitalization Trajectory of Bilbao (스페인 빌바오의 지역발전 재생 경로)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hwan;Moon, Seung-Hee;Jung, Hye-Yoon;Hong, Jin-Ki
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.258-273
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    • 2019
  • Bilbao, Spain, made a mark as a example of the regional revitalization by culture and tourism. Korean Government have a perspective that culture and tourism could be an alternative to the regional crisis of manufacturing in 2018. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the locational specificity and the revival strategies for the regional development of Bilbao in a structural context. This could provide implications to the regional crisis of Korea. The main results are summarized as follows. Firstly, the local government of Bilbao has taken an active role, using not only its political and financial autonomy but also its locational advantage as an important nodal region of transnational trade networks in Europe. Secondly, Bilbao was able to sustain its regional revitalization initiatives for a long period by facilitating public-private partnership system. Finally, despite the effectiveness of the mega project and place marketing, low job security and the polarization of the service sector have emerged as a problem at the same time. Still, the deindustrialization of Bilbao could be possible due to the various services including knowledge-based services and financial services as well as culture and tourism.

Analysis of the Conceptual Understanding of In-service and Pre-service Earth Science Teachers about 'Stellar Evolution' (현직 및 예비 지구과학교사의 '별의 진화'에 대한 개념 이해 분석)

  • Ha, Min-Kyoung;Sohn, Jungjoo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.538-547
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the conceptual understanding of in-service and pre-service earth science teachers about the H-R diagrams and evolution of stars using conceptual status analysis categories. The results show that (a) many teachers use unscientific language in the Intelligibility range, (b) teachers are categorized in Low scientific inquiry ability related to graph creation and unscientific analogy for scientific concept which is hightly corelated to the possibility of misunderstanding in the teaching process, and (c) pre-service teachers lack the understanding of the secondary science curriculum. It is necessary to develop pre-service curriculum that can be applied to the school site. In the category of Plausibility range, (d) both groups understood the cosmological meaning of stellar evolution. However, pre-service teachers do not specifically explain the mechanism of a star. In the category of Fruitfulness range, in-service teachers come up with educational problems reflecting the academic characteristics of earth science and apply their knowledge to actual problem solving. On the other hand, pre-service teachers show high nonresponse ratio, they do not see the H-R diagram and the evolution of stars as a practical concept. In the analysis process, both groups are found to have many unscientific conceptions about the H-R diagram and evolution of stars. Therefore, it is suggested that caution be used in developing a professional development program of earth science teachers.

A Study on Acceptance and Modification in Yulgok Neo-Confucianism by Myungjae Yoon Jeung (명재 윤증의 율곡성리학의 수용과 변전(變轉))

  • Lee, Young-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.39-70
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    • 2014
  • Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae Yoon Jeung either accepted Yulgok Neo-Confucianism as it was or modified it. In this study, his Neo-Confucianism was divided into acceptance and modification in Yulgok Neo-Confucianism and examined. In the acceptance of Yulgok Neo-Confucianism, it was clarified that Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae Yoon Jeung thoroughly inherited characteristics of Yulgok Neo-Confucianism, including 'Yiguijimyo', 'Yitongguiguk' and 'Guibalyiseungildo'. However, Myungjae was not just satisfied with inheriting Yulgok Neo-Confucianism as it was, but modified and inherited the theory of Yulgok by suggesting his own original preaching. There were three original preaching of his in overall; 'emphasis on the control of Li', 'argument method on a theory of gaining knowledge by the study of things', and 'perception on moral mind, human mind and human desire'. Ultimately, it is concluded that Myungjae modified, inherited and developed Yulgok Neo-Confucianism to adjust a theory of Neo-Confucianism in a position of 'Yiguijimyo', based on 'a theory of Guibalyiseungildo' of Yulgok as a Confucian scholar of Giho school. It is consistent with his life philosophy that he avoided speculative arguments on Neo-Confucianism and pursued solid study(實工) with solid mind(實心). It is also consistent with his view of learning that he believed that theories of ancient sages were already rich that we should read them and practice their true knowledge(眞知), and making an effort on writing regardless of them was not a study of Mushil(務實). However, due to his younger students, he was classified as a scholar who emphasized the control of 'Li' the most in Yulgok school, and a new academic tie of Giho Soron was created. It is the most important significance that Neo-Confucianism of Myungjae has in that of Giho.

The study of monistic mind-nature theory of Nog-Moon Yim Seong-Joo (녹문 임성주의 일원적(一原的) 심성론(心性論) 연구)

  • Lee, Myong-Shim
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.41
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    • pp.185-222
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    • 2014
  • Nog-Moon Yim Seong-Joo(녹문 임성주) is a philosopher of late Choseon Dynasty of the 18th Century. He concluded that the debates between the school of Ho and that of Rack originated from the seclusion of Li(理) and Ki(氣), and theorized the new Li and Ki theory according to his own perspective. The prime point of Nog-Moon's Philosophy is said to be Li-Ki dongshil(理氣同實), Mind and Nature ilchi(心性一致) ; he proves his prime potints based on his pure and clean Ki substance. Thus Li-Ki is reduced to monism from dualism, and Mind-Nature(心 性) is reduced to mind. Since the basis of the existence of Mind is Ki(氣), Nog-moon's theory of Substance is concluded to be Ki-monism. Nog-Moon presents his great philosophy of Ki monism suggested by Jeong Myeong-Do's monistic methodology; he explains the universality of Substance and the diversity of Phenomenon with the logical structure of ilwonbunsu(一原分殊). The characteristics of Nog-Moon's philosophy is that ilwon(一原) and bunsu(分殊) are bonnyeon(本然) identical, which means Substance and Function(體用) are identical, or bonmalilchi(本末一致). It means Mind and Nature are bonnyeon(本然) identical, Ki and Mind and Nature are identical. With the expression of seongrihak (性理學) Gijil(氣質) is not different from bonnyeon(本然). Therefore 1 define the philosophy of Nog-Moon had been built on the context of a sage.

Confucianism 0n Morals(Human virtue:德) and Profit(利) (유가에서 도덕(道德)과 이재(利財))

  • Lim, Heongyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.31
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    • pp.143-171
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    • 2011
  • Confucius asserted that the most humane life is to realize the value of 'benevolence(仁) as a human Virtue(德). Mencius also concurred that Confucius's explication of the good life was right. Confucian human mind & it's nature is comprised of benevolence, righteousness(義), propriety(禮) and wisdom(智). Confucianism proposed that we have to approach to other man as benevolence(仁). Mencius discussed about 'Four Virtues(四德)', the essential goodness of human, confirmed by 'Four Clues (四端)' to talk about the possibility of realizing the good life and a good state. On the other hand, he devised Politics of benevolence(仁政)' as a practical tool for it. Confucianism consider a human beings as human relationship. Confucius said, "benevolence(仁) is to love all men, and wisdom to know all men"In generally, Profit(利) is subject to righteousness in Confucianism. Therefore, Confucius said, "When you see Profit, think about Righteousness "But Confucius understands that Profit is ground for the constitution of 'Good life', and 'good State.'In Confucianism, Human Virtue is the root, Wealth is the result. In a State Gain is not to be considered propriety, its propriety will be found in righteousness.

A Study on the Establishment and Expanding the Concept of SHIPSONG in Myeonglee (명리학에서 십성(十星)의 성립과 개념 확장에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Yeon;Kim, Ki-Seung
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this paper was to confirm the source of Shipsong called Yookchen or Yooksheen used in Myeongleehak and the meaning of Shipsong in major classics. It is to investigate the concept of Shipsong used in modern Myeongri, and to study in-depth the concept of Shipsong in a more advanced form, not just in family relationships. In reality, the concept of Yookchen was defined and the term Yookchen was first used in Yeonhaejapyeong. Most of the contents of the major classics, such as Yeonhaejapyeong, Sammyeontonghwe, and Japyeonjinjeong, were limited to setting only family concepts. Then, in 1963, Sajoojeongsul was published, which explained both family relations and the action of Shipsong. In particular, it is noteworthy that the scientific reputation written by Ki-seung Kim did not only explain the concept of Shipsong but also opened a new chapter to confirm human psychology and aptitude. In this study, I tried to find out the concept and tendency of Shipsong described in Kim Ki-seung's Science Myeongri in the major classics and how the concept changed. I hope this study will be of some help to the study of Myeongleehak in the future in terms of understanding and utilization of Shipsong.

An Analysis of the Capacity Concept in Elementary School Mathematics: Focused on the Textbooks and Teacher Understanding (초등 수학 교과서 내용과 교사 이해를 중심으로 한 들이 개념 지도에 대한 분석)

  • Kim, Jeongwon;Pang, JeongSuk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.547-573
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    • 2021
  • Capacity is a concept that has been covered in elementary mathematics textbooks but its meaning has not been accurately defined in the textbooks. Two units, liter (L) and milliliter (mL), are introduced as the units of capacity in the textbooks, but they are the units of volume according to the International System of Unit. These stimulated us to analyze what capacity is, and how the capacity is related to the concept of volume. This study scrutinized how the different elementary mathematics textbooks that were developed from the first national curriculum to the most recently revised curriculum introduced the capacity and explained the relationship between capacity and volume. This study also examined the understanding of capacity by elementary school teachers using a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the concept of capacity has been mostly introduced in the third grade in common but that there were differences among textbooks in terms of how they presented and used the concept of capacity as well as whether they described its definition or relationship with the concept of volume. Regarding the results of teachers' understanding, most teachers could explain the capacity as either "the size of the inner space of the container" or "the amount that can be contained" but some of them provided only superficial or inappropriate feedback for the students with the common misunderstandings of capacity. Based on these results, this paper presents implications for textbook developers and teachers to better address the concept of capacity.

South Korean Elementary Teachers' Perception about Students' Mathematics Listening Ability (수학 청해력 유형에 관한 초등학교 교사의 인식 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Rina
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.343-360
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    • 2022
  • In mathematics classes, the verbal explanation may contain diverse mathematical concepts and principles in short sentences. It may also include mathematics symbols and terms that might not be used in everyday life. Therefore, students may need particular listening ability in order to understand and participate in mathematics communication. Unlike general listening, the listening ability for mathematics classes may require student to integrate their mathematical and linguistic knowledge. The aim of this study is to reveal the subdomains of listening ability for mathematics classes in a elementary school. I categorized listening ability for mathematics classes in a elementary school from the literature. The categories of listening ability for mathematics are Interpretive Listening, Evaluative Listening, Hermeneutic Listening, Selective Listening, Pretend Listening, and Ignored Listening. In order to develop a framework for understanding listening ability for mathematics classes, I investigated a hierarchy of 412 South Korean elementary teachers' perception. Through a web-based survey, the teachers were asked to rank order their beliefs about and students' listening ability. Findings show that teachers' perceptions about listening ability for mathematics classes are divergent from current research trends. South Korean elementary teachers perceived Interpretive Listening as the most important listening.

An Analysis of Students' Mathematical Communication Competency focused on Fraction Division (분수의 나눗셈에 대한 초등학생의 수학적 의사소통 능력 분석)

  • Pang, Jeong Suk;Kim, Yoon Young;Sunwoo, Jin
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 2022
  • Mathematical communication competency, one of the six mathematical competencies emphasized in the latest mathematics curriculum, plays an important role both as a means and as a goal for students to learn mathematics. Therefore, it is meaningful to find instructional methods to improve students' mathematical communication competency and analyze their communication competency in detail. Given this background, this study analyzed 64 sixth graders' mathematical communication competency after they participated in the lessons of fraction division emphasizing mathematical communication. A written assessment for this study was developed with a focus on the four sub-elements of mathematical communication (i.e., understanding mathematical representations, developing and transforming mathematical representations, representing one's ideas, and understanding others' ideas). The results of this study showed that students could understand and represent the principle of fraction division in various mathematical representations. The students were more proficient in representing their ideas with mathematical expressions and solving them than doing with visual models. They could use appropriate mathematical terms and symbols in representing their ideas and understanding others' ideas. This paper closes with some implications on how to foster students' mathematical communication competency while teaching elementary mathematics.

A Study on Construction of Digital Museum Archiving Regarding Dance Costume (무용공연작품 의상을 위한 디지털 뮤지엄 아카이빙 구축)

  • Jeong, Yu-Jin;Yoo, Ji-Young;Baek, Hyun-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2019
  • This article aims to identify the characters and theme shown in dance costume and utilize them from an educational perspective by constructing digital museum archiving, which can be systematically collected, classified and stored from dance costume. It deals with definition of digital museum archiving as theoretical background and examples of how to create digital museum archiving as research content. The role that archiving plays in digital museum and effectiveness have been demonstrated. Archive is a term used to indicate extensive material and its storage and referred to as an integrative model of display in the computer-generated space. When it comes to producing dance costume as a form of digital museum, the museum is to be made in the computer-generated area of dance costume. The museum shows each division of major, medium and minor classification. The major classification divides genre of dance performance into Korean dance, modern dance and ballet. The middle involves choreographers, costume designers. The minor categorization includes newspaper, interviews, performance pictures, and programs. Digital museum has the value of space utilization, creation, culture, utilization of multiple educational programs, offering of digital museum content, two-way communication, and program development of the new display form.