• Title/Summary/Keyword: 요추부

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The Study of Diagnostic Results Discordance Analysis on BMD Using DEXA (이중에너지 X선 흡수 계측법을 이용한 골밀도 검사 시 진단불일치에 대한 분석)

  • Park, Won-Kyu;Kang, Yeong-Han;Jo, Gwang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to understand for the diagnostic discordance of bone mineral density(BMD) in DEXA(Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry). And the diagnostic difference between lumbar spine and femur neck, forearm was evaluated using T-score. Materials and Methods : We studied 220 females measured BMD on lumbar spine, and femur neck, forearm including ward's triangle and ultra digital(UD). We were distinguished T-score into normal, osteopenia, osteoporosis(WHO classification) and evaluated discordance rate according to age and degree of bone loss. Correlation analysis and chi-square test between L-spine, L-4, femur neck, Ward, Forearm, UD were carried out. Results : In the lumbar spine, the number of normal were in 57(25.9%), osteopenia in 86(39.1%), osteoporosis in 77(35.0%). In the L-4 and ward's triangle, the number of osteoporosis were in 78(35.5%), in 126(57.3%). There was significant correlation between lumbar, femur neck and forearm BMD in all cases. The discordance of BMD between lumbar and femur were 57%, lumbar and forearm 43%, forearm and femur 51%. The discordance rates of normal, osteopenic, osteoporotic groups were 39%, 64%, 43%, respectively, showing the highest discordance rate in osteopenia patients. In normal group of lumbar spine, the discordance rate was 25%, 23%, 11%, 65%, 86% in 30', 40', 50', 60', 70', respectively. In osteopenia, osteoporosis group of lumbar spine, the discordance rate was 62%, 55%, 36%, 20%, 9% in 30', 40', 50', 60', 70', respectively. Conclusion : It was different of the results of BMD with lumbar, femur and forearm site. The discordance rate was decreased with age in osteopenia, osteoporosis lumbar spine. In osteopenia group, the discordance rate was the highest. So, it is necessary that the BMD of lumbar, femur neck and forearm should be checked.

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Intradural Schwannoma Associated with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Cese Report (요추부 척추관 협착증과 동반된 경막내 신경초종: 증례 보고)

  • Soh, Jae-Wan;Kim, Tae-Heon;Kwon, Sai-Won
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.106-110
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    • 2011
  • In the patient who has intradural mass associated with spinal stenosis, if the operation for spinal stenosis is performed alone, the symptom may remain. We report with literature review that we achieved the successful outcome after simultaneous decompression of spinal stenosis and space occupying mass removal in the case of intradural and extradural compression. A 71-year-old female patient suffering from low back pain and radiating pain of both lower extremities admitted. In magnetic resonance imaging, spinal stenosis on L4-5 and spondylolisthesis on L5-S1 compressed dural sac and intradural space occupying mass on L4 level compressed. By posterior approach, decompression and interbody fusion were carried out. Then mass was removed with median durotomy. Pathologic diagnosis was schwannoma and the symptom was improved remarkably.

Ultrasound-Guided Injections in the Lumbar and Sacral Spine (요추 및 천추부에 대한 초음파 유도하 중재 시술)

  • Ko, Kwang Pyo;Song, Jae Hwang;Kim, Whoan Jeang;Kim, Sang Bum;Min, Young Ki
    • Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2018
  • Study Design: Literature review. Objective: Ultrasound-guided injections are a common clinical treatment for lower lumbosacral pain that are usually performed before surgical treatment if conservative treatment fails. The aim of this article was to review ultrasound-guided injections in the lumbar and sacral spine. Summary of Literature Review: Ultrasound-guided injections, unlike conventional interventions using computed tomography or C-arm fluoroscopy, can be performed under simultaneous observation of muscles, ligaments, vessels, and nerves. Additionally, they have no radiation exposure and do not require a large space for the installation of equipment, so they are increasingly selected as an alternative method. Materials and Methods: We searched for and reviewed studies related to the use of ultrasound-guided injections in the lumbar and sacral spine. Results: In order to perform accurate ultrasound-guided injections, it is necessary to understand the patient's posture during the intervention, the relevant anatomy, and normal and abnormal ultrasonographic findings. Facet joint intra-articular injections, medial branch block, epidural block, selective nerve root block, and sacroiliac joint injections can be effectively performed under ultrasound guidance. Conclusions: Ultrasound-guided injections in the lumbar and sacral spine are an efficient method for treating lumbosacral pain.

Ultrasound-guided Intervention in Lumbar Spine (요추부 초음파 유도하 중재술)

  • Moon, Sang Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2013
  • This review was described to investigate the feasibility of using ultrasound as an image tool for interventions of lumbar spine. This article will first provide an overview of lumbosacral spine surface anatomy and sonoanatomy. A detailed understanding of anatomy is critical for interpretation of ultrasound and procedural performance at spine. Fluoroscopy is most commonly used in interventional spine procedures, but radiation exposure is the major concern when obtaining fluoroscopic images. Ultrasound is radiation-free, is easy to use, and can provide real-time images with high accuracy. Also this device can be used in virtually any clinical setting. Ultrasound guidance offers a reliable alternative to fluoroscopy or computed tomography for lumbar interventions and can be safely performed without radiation exposure.

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Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures: SPECT Findings (골다공증에 동반된 척추골절의 골 SPECT 소견)

  • Baik, Jun-Hyun;Park, Young-Ha;Ihn, Yon-Kwon;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Chung, Yong-An;Yoo, Ie-Ryung;Kim, Jee-Yeung;Jung, Hyun-Seok;Sohn, Hyung-Seon;Chung, Soo-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.522-527
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone using Tc-99m MDP in the diagnosis of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Materials and Methods: Thirty two patients with osteoporotic vertebral fracture were included in this study (mean age: $67{\pm}8$, male: 5, female: 27). Seventy nine vertebral fractures were detected (38 thoracic/thoracolumbar lesions and 41 lumbar lesions), which were classified by type of deformity (wedge, biconcave or compression). The patterns and locations of increased uptakes were examined and analyzed. Results: Forty seven wedge fractures, 20 biconcave fractures and 12 compression fractures were found. Diffuse and asymmetric uptakes were common in fractured bodies. More than one uptake were examined in 69 posterior elements of fractured vertebrae (87.3%) including 40 of 47 wedge fractures (85.1%), 17 of 20 biconcave fractures (85.0%) and 12 of 12 compression fractures (100%). Wedge fractures were predominant fracture in thoracic/thoracolumbar spine whereas incidence of biconcave or compression type war similar to that of wedge fracture in lumbar spine (p=0.04). Spinous process uptake was more frequently seen in lumbar lesions than thoracic/thoracolumbar lesions (p=0.009). Facet joint uptake in biconcave fracture was more common in lumbar spine (92.3%) than thoracic/thoracolumbar spine (57.1%). Spinous process uptake in biconcave fracture was also more frequently detected in lumbar spine (p=0.043). Conclusion: Bone SPECT was useful in the evaluation of osteoporotic vertebral fracture, especially posterior elements of vertebrae.

The Case Report of Conservative Treatment on the Herniation of Intervertebral Disc Patient After the Fusion Surgery of a Lumbar Segment (요추부 한 분절 유합술 이후 발생한 추간판 탈출증환자에 대한 보존적 치료 치험 1례)

  • Kang, Myung-Jin;Kong, Duck-Hyun;Kim, Wu-Young;Cho, Tae-Young;Nam, Hang-Woo
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is the evaluation of conservative medical treatment on the herniation of intervertebral disc(HIVD) patient after the fusion surgery of a lumbar segment. Methods: We used acupuncture, herbal medication, and manipulation for this patient. And we measured of VNRS score and SLR test result to evaluate effect of conservative medical treatment. Results & Conclusions: Patient's low back and left leg pain VNRS is decreased, and the SLR test result is improved.

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Convergence Study on Diagnostic Agreement between Occurrence of Osteoporosis and Doctor's Diagnosis of Osteoporosis (골다공증 유무와 골다공증 의사진단여부와의 진단 일치율 융합연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ran;Park, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2019
  • This study, which checked diagnostic agreement at the femoral region and lumbar region during diagnosis of osteoporosis and surveyed errors related with choosing measured parts, aimed at providing basic date for right diagnosis of osteoporosis. The study, using the first, second years of the fifth period from initial data from National Nutrition Survey, surveyed 1,637 men and 2,128 women at the age of 50 years or older. The study used kappa test to grasp the agreement between the occurrence of osteoporosis at the femoral region and lumbar region and whether or not received doctor's diagnosis. Women showed diagnostic agreement of osteoporosis at all of the femoral region and lumbar region, with diagnostic agreement of the lumbar region being higher than that of the femoral region. While, men showed diagnostic agreement of osteoporosis only at the lumbar region. Bone density changes with the age and varies depending on parts, and so, the study believes, measuring bone density should conduct all of the femoral region and lumbar region and diagnosis had better be made focused on the lumbar region.

Effect of Lumbar Stabilization Exercise on Spinal In stability in Patients With Low Back Pain : A Literature Review (요추부 안정성 운동이 요통 환자의 척추 불안정성에 미치는 영향: 문헌고찰)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Tae
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2000
  • 요통은 산업화된 현대사회에서 흔히 발생하는 질환이다. 요통의 다양한 원인 중에서도 척추의 정상 가동범위를 넘은 불안정성이 요통의 한 원인으로 보고되고 있다. 이 문헌고찰의 목적은 요추 부위의 안정성을 부여하는 운동 프로그램 후 근육 기능의 강화, 통증의 감소를 보고한 논문들을 비교, 분석하는 것이다. 그리하여 요통의 한 원인인 척추의 안정성을 증가시켜 요추 부위의 통증을 감소시키고 기능을 향상시키는 운동 프로그램의 효과를 입증하는 것이다.

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Effect of Frequency and Intensity of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (경피신경전기자극의 빈도-강도가 만성 요통 환자의 요통장애지수와 유연성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung-Ho;Song, Brian Byung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2012
  • The Purpose of this study was to find out the effects of frequency and intensity of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS) on the patients with chronic low back pain. The subjects were 32 patients with chronic low back pain average age 39.19 (${\pm}12.96$)years. The duration of chronic low back pain was 8.57 (${\pm}3.07$)months. The treatments were given 15 minutes once a day five a week for two weeks. to low back. Lumbar range of motion(ROM) and Oswestry Disabilitv Index(ODI)) was evaluated before and after TENS application. Each group was compared using Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test. The results were as followings: Each group showed significant effect. High intensity group showed more effect in low frequency group. High intensity group showed more effect in high frequency group. Therefore, the high intensity can be used more effectively with high frequency for treating chronic low back pain.

Paraganglioma of the Thoracolumbar Spinal Canal -A Case Report- (흉요추부에 발생한 부신경절종 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Jeong, Soon-Taek;Kim, Dong-Hee;Cho, Se-Hyun;Park, Hyung-Bin;Hwang, Sun-Chul;Lee, Jeong-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2007
  • Paragangliomas arise from a multicentric system of paraganglion cells derived from the neuroectoderm. Although these tumors are the most common in the head and neck region, they may occur in diverse locations including mediastinum, retroperitoneum and visceral organs. Spinal paragangliomas arising in the intradural space of the thoracolumbar spine have been reported rarely, with the majority located in the cauda equina. Only few cases of thoracic paraganglioma have been previously reported. We present an additional case of thoracolumbar paraganglioma and review the clinical MRI and histopathological features of this unusual tumor.

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