• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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A Study on Status and Perception of Class Operation by Elementary School Science Specialized Teachers in COVID-19 Situation (COVID-19 상황에서 초등 과학 전담 교사의 수업 운영 실태 및 인식)

  • Kim, Seong-Un;Yang, Il-ho;Lim, Sung-man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.317-329
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how elementary science specialized teachers operate and how they have a perception of the science class in the COVID-19 situation. The number of participants in the study is 21 who are dedicated to science subjects in 2020. 21 teachers were given an open survey of science classes and future directions in the COVID-19 situation, and 8 out of 21 teachers were interviewed in-depth on how and why they did so. As a result of the study, first, the science classes before and after COVID-19 of primary science teachers were different. Under the COVID-19 situation, teachers identified the characteristics of online and offline classes and operated them in a way that was specific to their characteristics. Second, there was a common perception of teachers' classes on the basis of this science class operation style, which is that science classes should be operated as activities, that I would like to have classes that suit my taste as long as the policy allows, and that online classes cause students to lose motivation and widen their educational gap.

A Study on Online Youth Worship in the Untact Era (언택트 시대 온라인 청소년 예배 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Joong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.615-627
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    • 2021
  • With Covid-19, the era of Untact has arrived. Online is bound to develop because face-to-face has become difficult among the threats of the Corona virus. Even in this era, even worship services to God have been offered online. Teenagers, the generation most accustomed to online, seem to easily adapt to online worship. Online youth worship is expected to continue even in the post-corona era. If so, the theological reflection on whether online youth worship is possible is necessary. Through theological reflection, we need to secure theological justification for online youth worship, and strive to make it a better and more accurate online worship service. Online worship tailored to the eye level of youth and online worship that meets the spiritual needs of youth should be planned, prepared, and implemented. This paper presented the theological justification for online youth worship by looking at the definition of worship, elements of worship, places of worship, and history of worship. In addition, while examining the characteristics of adolescence, it suggested why online youth worship is important and necessary. Then, in order to plan online youth worship that is more advanced and more accurate than the online worship currently being conducted in each church, the reality of online youth worship was presented by examining the purposes, contents, and methods of online youth worship.

The Blended Approach of Machine Translation and Human Translation (기계번역과 인간번역의 혼합적 접근법)

  • Kim, Yangsoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2022
  • Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is gradually breaking down the boundary between human and machine translation. We look at actual cases of human and machine translation and discuss why machine translation needs a human touch. In this paper, we raise three driving questions: Can humans be replaced by machines?; How human translators can remain successful in a NMT-driven world?; Is it possible to eliminate language barrier in the era of NMT and World Englishes? The answers to these questions are all negative. We suggest that machine translation is a useful tool with rapidity, accuracy, and low cost productivity. However, the machine translation is limited in the areas of culture, borrowing, ambiguity, new words and (national) dialects. The machines cannot imitate the emotional and intellectual abilities of human translators since machines are based on machine learning, while humans are on intuition. The machine translation will be a useful tool that does not cause moral problems when using methods such as back translation and human post-editing. To conclude, we propose the blended approach that machine translation cannot be completed without the touch of human translation.

Interaction of native language interference and universal language interference on L2 intonation acquisition: Focusing on the pitch range variation (L2 억양에서 나타나는 모국어 간섭과 언어 보편적 간섭현상의 상호작용: 피치대역을 중심으로)

  • Yune, Youngsook
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we examined the interactive aspects between pitch reduction phenomena considered a universal language phenomenon and native language interference in the production of L2 intonation performed by Chinese learners of Korean. To investigate their interaction, we conducted an acoustic analysis using acoustic measures such as pitch span, pitch level, pitch dynamic quotient, skewness, and kurtosis. In addition, the correlation between text comprehension and pitch was examined. The analyzed material consisted of four Korean discourses containing five and seven sentences of varying difficulty. Seven Korean native speakers and thirty Chinese learners who differed in their Korean proficiency participated in the production test. The results, for differences by language, showed that Chinese had a more expanded pitch span, and a higher pitch level than Korean. The analysis between groups showed that at the beginner and intermediate levels, pitch reduction was prominent, i.e., their Korean was characterized by a compressed pitch span, low pitch level, and less sentence internal pitch variation. Contrariwise, the pitch use of advanced speakers was most similar to Korean native speakers. There was no significant correlation between text difficulty and pitch use. Through this study, we observed that pitch reduction was more pronounced than native language interference in the phonetic layer.

Folk Ideas, Daoist Images, and Daoist Texts from the Late Joseon Dynasty (구한말 민중사상과 도교이미지, 그리고 도교서 언해)

  • Lee, Bong-ho
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.36
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    • pp.201-225
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    • 2020
  • In the late Joseon Dynasty, ideas in folk religions were closely related to Daoist themes. There were, for instance, folk ideas centered on Prophecies of Jeong Gam (鄭鑑錄 jeonggamrok) that developed into 'raising island-armies (海島起兵說 hado gibyeongseol),' the future utopian movement known as the 'South Joseon Faith (南朝鮮信仰 namjoseon sinang),' and faith around 'Maitreya's Descensionist-Birth (彌勒下生 mireuk hasaeng).' People aimed to transform their country based on these ideas. Associated folklore tended to come from fengshui (風水) and books on prophecies and divination (圖讖 docham), and both of these drew heavily upon Daoist concepts. On the other hand, Daoist texts began being translated as national projects under King Cheoljong (哲宗), and many more were translated and published later under King Gojong (高宗). The nature of these Daoist texts mostly consisted of either morality books (善書 seonseo) or precious scrolls (寶卷 bogeon). The problem was that these ordinances and the Daoist texts of regents were among the main causes of civil war during the Qing Dynasty. In this regard, the translation of the Daoist texts conducted as a national project provided a theoretical basis for the people wishing to foment civil war or transformation. This raises the question of why King Gojong implemented a Daoist translation project in his nation. In an effort to answer this question, this article summarizes the popular ideas of the late Joseon Dynasty and explains how they were closely related to Daoism. In addition, this article summarizes the facts about how Daoism has emerged from a national crisis but developed a function of protecting the state (鎭護) in Korean history. Further described is the situation under which Daoism was summoned during the Japanese Invasion of Joseon (壬辰倭亂). Analysis is provided to show that King Gojong's intention was to translate Daoism due to Daoism's role in protecting the state. In addition, the relationship between current Daoist rites and customs in Korea and King Gojong's dissemination of Daoist oaths and vouchers is confirmed.

Exploring the Characteristics of the Content and Organization of Elementary School Science Textbooks from the Perspective of the Astronomical Spatial Concept (천문학적 공간 개념 측면에서 초등학교 과학 교과서의 내용 및 조직의 특징 탐색)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Park, Kyeong-Jin;Jung, Chan-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.480-497
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to explore the content and organization characteristics of elementary school science textbooks in the astronomical domain from the perspective of understanding the astronomical spatial concept. This study analyzed the relevant unit of the achievement criteria in the 2015 revised science curriculum for the 'space' domain in elementary school science textbooks in comparison with that in secondary school textbooks according to the spatial concept analysis criteria by texts, illustrations, and inquiry activities. As a result, elementary school science textbooks were found to be organized around phenomena rather than concepts, targeting observable celestial bodies linked to real life in order to optimize the amount of learning content. However, the learning contents of astronomical observation related to observation and phenomena-centered real life should stimulate the curiosity and imagination of elementary school students and encourage their intellectual participation. Students need to be supported for understanding of the spatial concept to find an answer to the question of 'why'. The content organization for core concepts should be organized around the transferable spatial concept rather than simply focusing on presenting results by accurately describing the phenomena observed by students through scientific practice in order for students to answer various questions that arise in the course of scientific practice.

An exploratory study on the impacts of International Digital Tax Agreement on Korean Industry (디지털세 국제 합의가 국내 산업에 미치는 영향에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Jinhui;Kim, Taeyeol
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.10-31
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    • 2021
  • The digital tax, recently referred to as the Google tax was finally agreed at the 31st General Assembly of the OECD (October 8, 2021) with full support by 136 countries and will take effect from 2023. The purpose of this study is to analyze the digital tax prepared by the OECD for global MNEs, and to suggest the impacts on the Korean industry and to present the Korean governmental countermeasures. As the first study, we analyzed the international agreement on digital tax. In results, we found that even if global MNEs do not set up a business operation in overseas countries, if sales and profits are generated, 25% of the excess profit is borne as tax (pillar 1), and when MNEs do business in all the countries, they are liable to at least a 15% tax (pillar 2). We think that countries around the world have prepared a minimum countermeasure to protect their companies in anticipation that global MNEs will easily encroach on their markets in the future. As the second study, in order to discover the reason why the MNEs are so strong, we investigated the trends of Google and B2B SaaS companies in details. In results, we discovered that the global MNEs establishes a digital platform partnership ecosystem that enables them to enter foreign markets easily and expand rapidly. In conclusion, as a countermeasure for the Republic of Korea, governmental policies were proposed at the corporate (startup nurturing), industry, and national level respectively.

On the New Prospect of Gangwon Border Area as a Peace Zone and its Sustainable Development (강원도 접경지역이 평화지역으로 가기위한 새로운 지평과 지속가능발전)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.638-651
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    • 2022
  • Last year, a new perception of the right to peace on the Korean Peninsula was adopted: DMZ Yanggu Peace Declaration 2021. The Declaration reflects that there is a raising of necessity for a new perception and approach from the perspective of DMZ-related laws, sustainable ecological environment and security. Gangwon is making considerable efforts to make the border area in DMZ as an area of peace by continuously enhancing publicity on the establishment of the 'Peace Special Self-Governing Province'. This study suggests the necessity of a paradigm shift towards the significance of the interkorean border region that it should function as a passage between the South and the North rather than a dam. For, to be renewed as a sustainably developing region through newly constructed flow of communication, the wall of hostility must preliminarily fall dawn. Then a question arises about how Gangwon is, out of other border region, most eligible for the reconsideration of its significance as a border area. The answer relies on the newly established agenda and understandings towards the right to peace in the perspective of founding the policy for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, the conservation of DMZ ecological environment through enlistment of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve should go hand in hand with the ultimate value of global agenda of the conservation and protection of the environment. The study insists that the peace zone is a prerequisite for the adaption of the era of future-oriented glocalization featured by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Up to this date, the border area was an area of pain and agony. It is time for Gangwon to be reborn as an area of peace and coexistence. The aim of this study is to point a direction for Gangwon to become a sustainably developing region by illuminating the value of the Gangwon border area as a new area of peace.

McBride's Disability Assessment: Why Is It Still Most Used? (맥브라이드 노동능력상실 평가법: 왜 아직도 가장 많이 사용되는가?)

  • Lee, Soon-Hyuck;Park, Se-Jin;Park, Jin Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2020
  • The task of defining the concept of 'disability' has proven to be surprisingly difficult. The way disability is assessed in the world suggests that very different conceptions of disability are being presumed. It is very hard to suggest appropriate criteria for assessing a disability that accurately demonstrates the presence and measures the severity of the disability, with proven consistency and validity provided by the assessors consuming the time and cost that the society can afford. When a rigorous framework in disability assessment procedures is used, discretion is then considerably restricted. Limited discretion tends to produce more consistency and validity in the assessment but at the cost of ignoring the individual differences or exceptional circumstances. The disability approach among the categories of the disability assessment is both the oldest and the most commonly used strategy of disability assessment around the world. Most of the criteria of disability assessment in Korea belongs to this. The McBride's criteria for disability evaluations can be used to obtain the ratio of body impairment and work disability without spending too much time and is being applied in court. Nevertheless, there are many errors and controversies, and corrections are required. On the other hand, an improvement plan for a disability evaluation method in Korea is to supplement and use the McBride's disability assessment method, which is currently the most widely used. This review article describes the conception of disability and the assessment of disability, and introduces the models of the assessment of disability to determine if the application of the McBride's criteria of disability evaluation can be justified.

A Qualitative Study on the Reasons Why Christian Young Adults Want to Leave the Church (기독 청년들의 교회를 떠나고 싶은 이유에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Shin, Seung Beom;Lee, Jong Min
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.273-307
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the inner perceptions and dilemmas of young people about the church. To achieve the purpose of the study, this study sampled the research subjects, and conducted in-depth interviews and FGI. The sample in this study was 21 young adults who met the study criteria. Some of these people are not currently attending church or have thought of moving to another church. In this study, research was conducted based on the analysis procedure of Riessman (1993). Focusing on the procedures of 'telling,' 'recording,' and 'analyzing,' the experience and life situation of the study participants are to be grasped. Through this process, we analyzed the situation and context of why young people leave the church. It consisted of 5 areas and 15 sub-themes. Based on the research results, it was found that young adults need a church and are looking for a church. The church is a mystical space, but from an pedagogical point of view, the church is a space for teaching and learning faith. As experts in theology and education, the minister must create a space so that the church can become a space of transcendence, a space of intimacy, a space of understanding, a space of change, a space of service, and a space of reflection.