• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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Why Do Young Consumers Engage in Social Shopping? The Impact of Imitating Desire regarding Human Brand on Social Shopping Behavior (왜 우리는 소셜 쇼핑에 참여하는가? 휴먼브랜드에 대한 모방 욕구가 소셜 쇼핑 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Woojin Choi;Ha Youn Kim
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.90-103
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    • 2024
  • The advancement of information and communication technologies has led to the rise of social media, giving rise to a new type of celebrity known as the "social media influencer". Social media influencers exert their influence not only by promoting products for various companies and brands but also by launching their own businesses. In other words, influencers leverage their credibility to create value in multiple markets as human brands, based on their unique characteristics and diverse images. Nowadays, social media influencers have become a type of human brand, supported by followers who enthusiastically engage in the influencers' businesses, a phenomenon also known as social shopping. Based on the human brand theory and doppelgänger effects, this study aims to investigate the impact of influencers' credibility, specifically their expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness on consumers' social shopping behaviors. Additionally, it examines the influence of consumers' desire to imitate influencers on their social shopping behaviors. A survey conducted with 300 female social media users revealed that trustworthiness and attractiveness significantly influenced imitation intentions and social shopping behaviors, while expertise did not show significant effects. Furthermore, imitation intentions had a significant impact on social shopping behaviors. These findings suggest that the attributes consumers perceive in influencers as human brands evoke a desire to imitate them, ultimately leading to social shopping behaviors.

The effects of social critical modelling classes on elementary school students' perception of mathematics and discussion patterns (사회비판적 모델링 수업이 초등학생들의 수학에 대한 인식 및 토론 양상에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Jaehoon;Park, Mangoo
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.353-378
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of a socio-critical modelling class on students' perception of the role of socially critical mathematics. Mathematics education involves cultivating the ability to understand and respond to the mathematics we use in our daily lives. Many elementary school students in Korea have doubts about why they need to learn mathematics, and in international assessments such as PISA and TIMSS, Korean students' affective dimensions are shown to be very negative. Researchers believed that a socio-critical modelling class would have an impact on students' perceptions and attitudes toward mathematics, and conducted a socio-critical modelling class for 20 sixth-grade elementary school students. Data collection and analysis were conducted inductively through students' words and actions during class, activity sheets, and interviews, based on the grounded theory of Strauss & Corbin (2014). As a result of the study, the socio-critical modelling class increased students' social critical awareness and made them re-aware of the role of mathematics.

Independence test and distribution inference for log returns of KOSPI energy companies (코스피 에너지 기업들의 로그수익률에 대한 독립성 검정과 분포 추론 연구)

  • Yujin Lee;Soyeon Park;Eunju Hwang
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.817-834
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    • 2024
  • Energy industry is an essential factor not only in the lives of individuals but also in the national development of all fields. This paper aims to study the independence test and distribution of log returns for top 6 energy companies in KOSPI. A cross-analysis on combinations of the six energy companies is conducted for the independence test. The return distributions are explored by adopting compressed exponential distribution function, which is a role of bridge between the normal and exponential distributions. Optimal compressed parameters of the return distributions are determined by minimizing the mean square difference between the empirical density function and compressed exponential function. To access a refinement of the distribution, asymmetry or skewness are tested via the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the asymmetric compressed exponential distributions are inferred on two sides of negative and nonnegative returns, respectively. The results of this work can help to provide an explicit analysis along with probabilistic information about the returns.

A Study on the Construal Level and Intention of Autonomous Driving Taxi According to Message Framing (해석수준과 메시지 프레이밍에 따른 자율주행택시의 사용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seong Jeong;Kim, Min Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.135-155
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of interpretation level and intention to use message framing when autonomous vehicle, which is emerging as the product of 4th industrial revolution, is used as taxi, Interpretation level refers to the interpretation of a product or service, assuming that it will happen in the near future or in the distant future. Message framing refers to the formation of positive or negative expressions or messages at the extremes of benefits and losses. In other words, previous studies interpret the value of a product or service differently according to these two concepts. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are differences in intention to use when two concepts are applied when an autonomous vehicle is launched as a taxi. The results are summarized as follows: First, the message format explaining the gain and why should be used when using the autonomous taxi in the message framing configuration, and the loss and how when the autonomous taxi is not used. Messages were constructed and compared. The two message framing differed (t = 3.063), and the message type describing the benefits and reasons showed a higher intention to use. In addition, the results according to interpretation level are summarized as follows. There was a difference in intentions to use when assuming that it would occur in the near future and in the near future with respect to the gain and loss, Respectively. In summary, in order to increase the intention of using autonomous taxis, it is concluded that messages should be given to people assuming positive messages (Gain) and what can happen in the distant future. In addition, this study will be able to utilize the research method in studying intention to use new technology. However, this study has the following limitations. First, it assumes message framing and time without user experience of autonomous taxi. This will be different from the actual experience of using an autonomous taxi in the future. Second, self-driving cars should technical progress is continuing, but laws and institutions must be established in order to commercialize it and build the infrastructure to operate the autonomous car. Considering this fact, the results of this study can not reflect a more realistic aspect. However, there is a practical limit to search for users with sufficient experience in new technologies such as autonomous vehicles. In fact, although the autonomous car to take advantage of the public transportation by taxi is now ready for the road infrastructure, and technical and legal public may not be willing to choose to not have enough knowledge to use the Autonomous cab. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is that by assuming that autonomous cars will be commercialized by taxi you can do to take advantage of the autonomous car, it is necessary to frame the message, why can most effectively be used to find how to deliver. In addition, the research methodology should be improved and future research should be done as follows. First, most students responded in this study. It is also true that it is difficult to generalize the hypotheses to be tested in this study. Therefore, in future studies, it would be reasonable to investigate the population of various distribution considering the age, area, occupation, education level, etc. Where autonomous taxi can be used rather than those who can drive. Second, it is desirable to construct various message framing of the questionnaire, but it is necessary to learn various message framing in advance and to prevent errors in response to the next message framing. Therefore, it is desirable to measure the message framing with a certain amount of time when the questionnaire is designed.

Grain-Size Trend Analysis for Identifying Net Sediment Transport Pathways: Potentials and Limitations (퇴적물 이동경로 식별을 위한 입도경향 분석법의 가능성과 한계)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Rhew, Ho-Sahng;Yu, Keun-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.469-487
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    • 2007
  • Grain-Size Trend Analysis is the methodology to identify net sediment transport pathways, based on the assumption that the movement of sediment from the source to deposit leaves the identifiable spatial pattern of mean, sorting, and skewness of grain size. It can easily be implemented with low cost, so it has great potentials to contribute to geomorphological research, whereas it can also be used inadequately without recognition of its limitations. This research aims to compare three established methods of grain-size trend analysis to search for the adequate way of application, and also suggest the research tasks needed in improving this methodology 1D pathway method can corporate the field experience into analyzing the pathway, provide the useful information of depositional environments through X-distribution, and identify the long-term trend effectively. However, it has disadvantage of the dependence on subjective interpretation, and a relatively coarse temporal scale. Gao-Collins's 2D transport vector method has the objective procedure, has the capability to visualize the transport pattern in 2D format, and to identify the pattern at a finer temporal scale, whereas characteristic distance and semiquantitative filtering are controversial. Le Roux's alternative 2D transport vector method has two improvement of Gao-Collins's in that it expands the empirical rules, considers the gradient of each parameters as well as the order, and has the ability to identify the pattern at a finer temporal scale, while the basic concepts are arbitrary and complicated. The application of grain sire trend analysis requires the selection of adequate method and the design of proper sampling scheme, based on the field knowledge of researcher, the temporal scale of sediment transport pattern targeted, and information needed. Besides, the relationship between the depth of sample and representative temporal scale should be systematically investigated in improving this methodology.

Development and Validation of Inventory of the Anger-inducing Automatic Thoughts for Elementary School Children (아동용 분노유발 자동적 사고 검사의 개발과 타당화)

  • Kim, Seon-Hwa;Park, Gyoung-Mook
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to invent anger-inducing automatic thoughts examination for elementary school children based on its investigation for Korean one. I made the anger-inducing Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire(I, II) and made an examination of the contents of the automatic thoughts with it. Based on it, with preliminary questionnaire 90, I did principal component analysis varimax rotation and then final anger-inducting automatic thoughts examination of 40 question in 2 primary factor construction was consisted. I made 300 students carry out it to know its reliability, propriety and made 100 students carry it out at 2-week intervals test-retest. I divided them in three groups as low, middle and high according to its soore regarding anger-inducting automatic thoughts, I confirmed the variation of each group in positive thoughts, self-esteem, life satisfaction, anger, the result is same as follows; First, the content of Anger-inducting Automatic thoughts for elementary school students is revealed as unreasonableness(56.4%), retailation and passive, active offense(16.3%), blame and contempt(11.9%), injured pride and refusal(9.2%), absurd(3.9%), abandonment and avoidance(2.1%), self-abasement in turn. Second, said inventory is consist of 2 notion; first(20 questions) is blame, retaliation and second(20 questions) is injustice. Inner-item consistency of total 40 question is .97, Split-half reliability is .93, Test-retest reliability is .86. Third, criterion validity is revealed fine by reviewing the correlation between existing index related to the inventory of Anger-inducting Automatic thoughts of the elementary school students. Moreover, to find out discriminant validity, I divided three classes(low, middle, high) according to the score of said thoughts. As a result, there is certain variations when I confirmed variations in groups by reviewing the self-esteem, positive way of thinking, life satisfaction, anger.

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Preliminary Study on the Development of a Platform for the Optimization of Beach Stabilization Measures Against Beach Erosion III - Centering on the Effects of Random Waves Occurring During the Unit Observation Period, and Infra-Gravity Waves of Bound Mode, and Boundary Layer Streaming on the Sediment Transport (해역별 최적 해빈 안정화 공법 선정 Platform 개발을 위한 기초연구 III - 단위 관측 기간에 발생하는 불규칙 파랑과 구속모드의 외중력파, 경계층 Streaming이 횡단표사에 미치는 영향을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Pyong Sang;Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.434-449
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we develop a new cross-shore sediment module which takes the effect of infra-gravity waves of bound mode, and boundary layer streaming on the sediment transport into account besides the well-known asymmetry and under-tow. In doing so, the effect of individual random waves occurring during the unit observation period of 1 hr on sediment transport is also fully taken into account. To demonstrate how the individual random waves would affect the sediment transport, we numerically simulate the non-linear shoaling process of random wavers over the beach of uniform slope. Numerical results show that with the consistent frequency Boussinesq Eq. the application of which is lately extended to surf zone, we could simulate the saw-tooth profile observed without exception over the surf zone, infra-gravity waves of bound mode, and boundary-layer streaming accurately enough. It is also shown that when yearly highest random waves are modeled by the equivalent nonlinear uniform waves, the maximum cross-shore transport rate well exceeds the one where the randomness is fully taken into account as much as three times. Besides, in order to optimize the free parameter K involved in the long-shore sediment module, we carry out the numerical simulation to trace the yearly shoreline change of Mang-Bang beach from 2017.4.26 to 2018.4.20 as well, and proceeds to optimize the K by comparing the traced shoreline change with the measured one. Numerical results show that the optimized K for Mang-Bang beach would be 0.17. With K = 0.17, via yearly grand circulation process comprising severe erosion by consecutively occurring yearly highest waves at the end of October, and gradual recovery over the winter and spring by swell, the advance of shore-line at the northern and southern ends of Mang-Bang beach by 18 m, and the retreat of shore-line by 2.4 m at the middle of Mang-Bang beach can be successfully duplicated in the numerical simulation.

Tidal-Flat Sedimentation in a Semienclosed Bay with Erosional Shorelines: Hampyong Bay, West Coast of Korea (해안침식이 우세한 반폐쇄적 조간대의 퇴적작용: 한국 서해안의 함평만)

  • Chang, Jin-Ho;Kim, Yeo-Sang;Cho, Yeong-Gil
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 1999
  • Hampyong Bay is a semienclosed and macrotidal bay which opens to the eastern Yellow Sea through a narrow inlet in the southwestern coast of Korea. In order to understand the tidal-flat sedimentation in the semienclosed setting, morphology, sediments, accumulation rate and sea cliff erosion were investigated in the tidal flat of Hampyong Bay. The tidal flat of Hampyong Bay lacks intertidal drainage systems, and generally shows the concave-upward profile whose relief is designated by marked morphological features such as high-tide beaches, intertidal sand shoals and tidal creeks. Surfacial sediments of the tidal flat mainly consist of mud, sandy mud, gravelly mud, gravelly sand and muddy gravel, thus showing the textural characteristics of multimodal grain-size distribution, poorly sorting and positive skewness. The sediments generally coarsen landward due to the increase in coarse fraction content. Sedimentary structures are deeply bioturbated, but parallel lamination and lenticular bedding are locally found in the mudflat near mean low water line. Annual accumulation rates across the tidal flat (along Line SM) average -5.2 cm/yr with a range of -45.8~+4.2 cm/yr, indicating that the tidal flat is erosional. In general, erosion rates of upper and lower tidal flat are higher than those of middle tidal flat. Seasonally, the erosion rates are much higher during spring and winter when dominant wind direction corresponds to the long axis of Hampyong Bay. Sea cliffs are eroded at a rate of 1.4 m/yr. The biggest sea cliff erosion generally occurs 1~2 months later after tidal flats were extensively eroded. Such erosions of tidal Oats and sea cliffs in the semienclosed bay setting are interpreted to be due to wind waves coupled with local sea-level rise.

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A Study on the Neumann-Kelvin Problem of the Wave Resistance (조파저항에서의 Neumann-Kelvin 문제에 대한 연구)

  • 김인철
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1985
  • The calculation of the resulting fluid motion is an important problem of ship hydrodynamics. For a partially immersed body the condition of constant pressure at the free surface can be linearized. The resulting linear boundary-value problem for the velocity potential is the Neumann-Kelvin problem. The two-dimensional Neumann-Kelvin problem is studied for the half-immersed circular cylinder by Ursell. Maruo introduced a slender body approach to simplify the Neumann-Kelvin problem in such a way that the integral equation which determines the singularity distribution over the hull surface can be solved by a marching procedure of step by step integration starting at bow. In the present pater for the two-dimensional Neumann-Kelvin problem, it has been suggested that any solution of the problem must have singularities in the corners between the body surface and free surface. There can be infinitely many solutions depending on the singularities in the coroners.

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Pattern of Pusan Station Shopping District(II) (부산역(釜山驛) 상점가(商店街)의 패턴(II))

  • Kim, Won-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.47-117
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    • 1999
  • This study concern with the pattern of Pusan Station shopping district within Pusan City, Korea, one of the special functioned shopping district within Pusan City. This paper will serve as a part of series studies which attempt to clarify the internal structure of Pusan as a whole. Part(II) of this study deals with the functions including living related, restaurants and others. The pattern of floors, size of shops, street corners and widths of streets were also analysed. The results are as follows: 1. In terms of numbers of firms in living related function, Pusan Station shopping district is the $7{\sim}8th$ ranked central place among nine the highest centers within Pusan City. Pusan Station shopping district has not much promoted vertical spatial differentiation comparatively, and also it's intensity of land use is the lower among nine the highest centers. It is presented that intimate relationship between intensity of vertical land use and classes of central places within the city. The ratio of inns and hotels in Pusan Station shopping district is third ranked in Pusan City. And the size of inns and hotels in this area is the most largest among the nine highest ranked central places within Pusan City. These presented that the traditional characteristics of station area as a special functioned shopping district. Inns and hotels mainly located along the narrower and back street. And it forms agglomerated areas or 'an alley of inns' at the inner parts of blocks, some like a 'hidden flower'. In Korea, 'alley' means that an area of specialization gains the prestige, traditionally. 2. Restaurants mainly locate along the narrower and back streets. And agglomerated areas of restaurants coincide with the agglomerated area of drinking places. It shows that these two kinds of functions need the same locational conditions. The ratio of Chinese restaurants is the highest in the Pusan Station shopping district. It's due to the agglomerated area these kinds of restaurants at the 'China town'. 3. Pusan Station shopping district has been formed along the streets within the residential areas. It's means that this shopping district now at the initial or middle growth era in development stage of shopping areas. 4. In general, wholesales and light manufacturing are located at peripheries within shopping district. But in Pusan Station shopping district, it dose not appear these spatial pattern. It shows that this area is lower ranked central place and not much progressed in spatial differentiation. 5. Particular firms which customers and workers have stayed more longer period of time are located at the far from the first floor. This vertical spatial differentiation is similar to the horizontal sequences. 6. Firms which have more ability of rental payment are located at street comers such as banks and pharmacies. In Pusan Station shopping district commercial facilities could not invade into the second third floors at narrower streets and first floor of back streets, still now.

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