• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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The Educational Value of Self-written Epitaphs Focusing on the Motive of Writing (자찬묘지명 글쓰기의 교육적 의의 - 자찬묘지명의 창작 동기를 중심으로)

  • Joo, Jae-woo
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.195-219
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    • 2017
  • The distinctive character of a self-written epitaph is that it assumes one's own death. While containing the elements of an epitaph, it is distinctive in that it reveals motive of writing and scolds rather than praises one's own self. The motive for writing a self-written epitaph is two-fold. First, it seeks to tell the truth about one's own self. Second, it is a response to external shocks. The Educational Value of Self-written epitaph lies in leading the elderly to reflect on their lives today, and it bears the appearance of cooperative writing.

Exploring the Possibility of Integrated Robot Programming Learning for Elementary School Student (초등학교 로봇프로그래밍 교육에서의 통합학습 가능성 탐색)

  • Seo, Young-Min;Lee, Young-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2011.06a
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 2011
  • 초등학교 학습자를 대상으로 컴퓨터 과학의 원리를 가르치기 위하여 EPL, 로봇프로그래밍, Unplugged Project 등 다양한 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 또한 로봇을 활용한 경진대회, 창의 대회 등 교육과정 외적인 부분에서도 활성화되고 있는 추세이다. 하지만 대부분의 로봇, 공학 경진대회는 특정 로봇의 기능 및 사용법, 흥미 위주의 획일적인 내용을 벗어나고 있지 못한 실정이며, 통합적 접근을 했던 기존의 프로그램들은 창의적 문제해결을 목적으로 여러 학문의 융합, 통합을 주장하고 있다. 본 연구에서의 통합은 초등 학습자의 학습으로의 보다 본질적인 접근이 필요하며, 교육과정 전반에 걸친 폭넓은 학습 활동 측면에서 프로그래밍(로봇)의 통합의 필요성을 주장하고 있다. 이제는 프로그래밍(로봇) 학습이 왜 통합 학습으로 교육과정 상에 녹아 들어가야 하는지에 관한 본질적인 논의가 이루어져야 할 시점으로 생각된다. 이 논문의 본문은 크게 두 부분으로 이루어져 있는데 첫째, 초등학교 로봇프로그래밍 교육을 통합적 관점으로 접근했던 기존의 프로그램의 사례를 살펴볼 것이며, 둘째, 초등학교 학습자에게 통합이 어떠한 의미인지를 고찰해 볼 것이다.

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A Study on Strengthening Records Management as a Solution to the Nonexistence of Information (정보부존재 해결방안으로서 기록 생산단계 강화방안 연구)

  • Gwon, Hyeon Jin;Lee, Young Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.25-43
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    • 2018
  • As nonexisting information affects actual information release rate, the study noted that the absence of records leads to the "nonexistence of information." Therefore, in this research, it was argued that records management should be thoroughly controlled from the stage of record production to solve problems such as the loss/damage/neglect/destruction/misclassification/ reduction of preservation periods and more. Through the management from the production stage, it is expected that the nonexistence of information problem will not occur and can be used as a tool for a demonstration of why the nonexistence of information exists even if such information occurs.

Analysis of Content of YouTube Channel about Pet: Focus on Cream Heroes (애완동물 관련 YouTube 채널 콘텐츠 분석: 크림 히어로즈를 중심으로)

  • Han, Sukhee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the content of YouTube channel "Cream Heroes" dealing pet(cat) produced in South Korea currently. Due to the advance of science and technology in the 21 century, the commons are able to independently upload their own content after filming videos, and it is called One Person Media. Unlike existing One Person Media that contains provocative and violent factors, "Cream Heroes" is sound content that shows various features of cats. Specifically, this study explores how and why "Cream Heroes" is popular via content analysis. Throughout this, it studies not only the trait of popular YouTube channel, but also proposes the proper environment of One Person Media.

Why Do Mobile Device Users Take a Risky Behavior?: Focusing on Model of the Determinants of Risk Behavior (모바일 기기 사용자는 왜 정보보호에 위험한 행동을 하는가? : 위험행동 결정요인 모델을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jongki;Kim, Jiyun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.129-152
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    • 2019
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically identify the risky behavior of mobile device users using the Internet of Things on a situational perspective. Design/methodology/approach This study made a design of the research model based on model of the determinants of risk behavior. Data were collected through a survey including hypothetical scenario. SmartPLS 2.0 was used for the structural model analysis and t-test was conducted to compare the between normal and situational behavior. Findings The results were as follows. First, the central roles of risk propriety and risk perception were verified empirically. Second, we identified the role of locus of control as a new factor of impact on risky behavior. Third, mobile risk propensity has been shown to increase risk perception. Fouth, it has been shown that risk perception does not directly affect risky behavior and reduce the relationship between mobile risk propensity and risk behavior. According to the empirical analysis result, Determinants of risk behavior for mobile users were identified based on a theoretical framework. And it raised the need to pay attention to the impact of locus of control on risk behavior in the IS security field. It provided direction to the approach to risky behavior of mobile device users. In addition, this study confirmed that there was a possibility of taking risky behavior in the actual decision-making.

A Study about reason why did Studio Ghibli have to change their animation producing process. (스튜디오 지브리 애니메이션 제작방식 변경 이유에 대한 고찰)

  • Cho, Hyung-ik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.125-127
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    • 2014
  • Major Japan animation production house, Studio Ghibli has produced many masterwork animations and achieved commercial and artistic success. Therefore they has surpassed regional Japan, became the world major animation company and acquired grate fame. But Hayao Miyazaki who is the leader of the Studio Ghibli has failed making a his heir. To make matter worse his retirement is approaching, rumors that break up the studio Ghibli has been spread in recent time. Finally, In a general meeting of stockholders of studio Ghibli, June 2014, they announced that split up the animationmaking team. That means studio Ghibli changed their animation producing process, not disband a studio Ghibli. This paper will analyze reasons why did they have to change their animation producing process.

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Peasant Societies in Colonial East Asia: The Universality and Particularity of Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia (식민시대 동아시아의 소농사회: 동남아와 동북아의 보편성과 특수성)

  • Park, Sa-Myung
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-41
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    • 2012
  • The peasant societies of East Asia had been challenged by capitalist plantation since colonization and by socialist collectivization since decolonization. The former was decisively weakened due to the crisis of the capitalist system in the 1930s and the collapse of the colonial order in the 1940s; The latter was thoroughly discredited due to the reform of the socialist system in the 1980s and the end of the Cold War in the 1990s. The failure of the two epochal challenges demonstrates the historical sustainability of peasant societies in East Asia. Their survival represents the universality of Northeast and Southeast Asia, which can be ascribed to the ecological environment and production process of wet-rice agriculture for their common staple food. In spite of their diverse differences, indeed, peasant societies in colonial East Asia shared profound similarities in their basic motivations (morality-rationality), central tendencies (involution - polarization), structural outcomes (dualism - pluralism), and future prospects (survival-extinction).

Analysis of Determinants of Hospital Closures: Focusing on Cox Proportional Hazard Model (병원은 왜 폐업하는가?: Cox 비례위험모형을 중심으로)

  • Ok, Hyun Min;Kim, Sung Hyun;Ji, Seok Min
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2022
  • Background: Limited access to medical services causes problems in patients' health and life. Also, hospital closures cause concentration towards general hospitals, which leads to worsening National Health Insurance finance. Therefore, hospital closure is an important topic to be analyzed. Methods: This paper analyzed the factors that affect hospital closures using survival analysis with the data of 970 hospitals opened between 2010 and 2019 in Korea. The number of medical personnel, hospital rooms, sickbeds, and medical departments were used as explanatory variables. Results: The number of medical personnel and hospital rooms increased the survival probability while the number of sickbeds and medical departments decrease the survival probability. Conclusion: The results suggest that hospitals have economies of scale and diseconomies of scope in management.

K-Means Clustering in the PCA Subspace using an Unified Measure (통합 측도를 사용한 주성분해석 부공간에서의 k-평균 군집화 방법)

  • Yoo, Jae-Hung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.703-708
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    • 2022
  • K-means clustering is a representative clustering technique. However, there is a limitation in not being able to integrate the performance evaluation scale and the method of determining the minimum number of clusters. In this paper, a method for numerically determining the minimum number of clusters is introduced. The explained variance is presented as an integrated measure. We propose that the k-means clustering method should be performed in the subspace of the PCA in order to simultaneously satisfy the minimum number of clusters and the threshold of the explained variance. It aims to present an explanation in principle why principal component analysis and k-means clustering are sequentially performed in pattern recognition and machine learning.

Study on shape of floc size distribution (플럭의 입도분포의 형태에 관한 고찰)

  • Son, Minwoo;Byun, Jisun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.181-181
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    • 2020
  • 점착성 유사는 유사가 가지는 점착력에 의해 응집현상을 겪으며 그 크기와 밀도가 변화한다. 유사의 크기와 밀도는 침강속도에 직접적인 영향을 주며 침강속도으 변화는 유사의 거동에 매우 중요한 작용을 한다. 따라서 점착성 유사의 크기 특성을 파악하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 이전의 많은 연구는 점착성 유사의 입도분포가 대수정규분포를 따른다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 그 가정이 합리적인지에 대해 분석한 연구는 많지 않다. 본 연구는 통계학적 방법 중 적합도 검정을 이용하여 실제 점착성 유사가 어떠한 분포를 모사하는지 분석하였다. 사용된 적합도 검정 방법은 Kolmogorov-Sminorv(K-S) 검정이며 적합도 판정의 기준은 유의수준 5%를 기준으로 하였다. 그 결과, 실험실 실험에서 측정된 플럭의 입도분포와 현장 실험에서 측정된 입도분포는 다른 결과를 보였다. 현장 실험의 경우, 분포가 오른쪽으로 왜곡된 지수분포의 형태를 나타냈으며, Gamma 분포가 가장 우수하게 모사하였다. 실험실 실험의 경우 일반적인 양의 왜도를 가지는 분포를 나타냈으며 GEV분포가 점착성 유사의 입도분포를 가장 잘 모사하였다. 대수정규 분포의 경우 일반적으로 이용하는 2-매개변수 대수정규분포일 경우 현장실험과 실험실 실험 모두 적합하지 않았다. 그러나 위치 매개변수를 추가하여 3-매개변수 대수정규분포를 사용하면 점착성 유사의 입도분포를 잘 모사하는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 점착성 유사의 입도분포를 무조건적으로 대수정규분포로 사용하는 것은 지양해야할 것으로 판단된다.

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