• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜곡 보정

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Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping using Scale-Invariant Features (스케일 불변 특징을 이용한 이동 로봇의 위치 추정 및 매핑)

  • Lee, Jong-Shill;Shen, Dong-Fan;Kwon, Oh-Sang;Lee, Eung-Hyuk;Hong, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.9 no.1 s.16
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2005
  • A key component of an autonomous mobile robot is to localize itself accurately and build a map of the environment simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a vision-based mobile robot localization and mapping algorithm using scale-invariant features. A camera with fisheye lens facing toward to ceiling is attached to the robot to acquire high-level features with scale invariance. These features are used in map building and localization process. As pre-processing, input images from fisheye lens are calibrated to remove radial distortion then labeling and convex hull techniques are used to segment ceiling region from wall region. At initial map building process, features are calculated for segmented regions and stored in map database. Features are continuously calculated from sequential input images and matched against existing map until map building process is finished. If features are not matched, they are added to the existing map. Localization is done simultaneously with feature matching at map building process. Localization. is performed when features are matched with existing map and map building database is updated at same time. The proposed method can perform a map building in 2 minutes on $50m^2$ area. The positioning accuracy is ${\pm}13cm$, the average error on robot angle with the positioning is ${\pm}3$ degree.

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Paraboloidal 2-mirror Holosymmetric System with Unit Maginification for Soft X-ray Projection Lithography (연X-선 투사 리소그라피를 위한 등배율 포물면 2-반사경 Holosymmetric System)

  • 조영민;이상수
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.188-200
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    • 1995
  • A design of unit magnification 2-mirror system with high resolution is presented. It is for soft X-ray(wavelength of 13 nm) projection imaging and suitable for preparation of high density semiconductor chip. In general, a holosymmetric system with unit magnification has the advantage that both coma and distortion are completely eliminated. In our holosymmetric 2-mirror system, spherical aberration is addtionally removed by using two identical paraboloidal mirror surfaces and field curvature aberration is also corrected by balancing Petzval sum and astigmatism which depends on the distance between two mirrors, so that the system is a aplanatic flat-field paraboloidal 2-mirror holosymmetric system. This 2-mirror system is small in size, and has a simple configuration with rotational symmetry about optical axis, and has also small central obscuration. Residual finite aberrations, spot diagrams, and diffraction-based MTF's are analyzed for the check of performances as soft X-ray lithography projection system. As a result, the image sizes for the resolutions of$0.25\mum$and $0.18\mum$are 4.0 mm, 2.5 mm respectively, and depths of focus for those are $2.5\mum$, $2.4\mum$respectively. This system should be useful in the fabrication of 256 Mega DRAM or 1 Giga DRAM. DRAM.

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Omnidirectional Environmental Projection Mapping with Single Projector and Single Spherical Mirror (단일 프로젝터와 구형 거울을 활용한 전 방향프로젝션 시스템)

  • Kim, Bumki;Lee, Jungjin;Kim, Younghui;Jeong, Seunghwa;Noh, Junyong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • Researchers have developed virtual reality environments to provide audience with more visually immersive experiences than previously possible. One of the most popular solutions to build the immersive VR space is a multi-projection technique. However, utilization of multiple projectors requires large spaces, expensive cost, and accurate geometry calibration among projectors. This paper presents a novel omnidirectional projection system with a single projector and a single spherical mirror.We newly designed the simple and intuitive calibration system to define the shape of environment and the relative position of mirror/projector. For successful image projection, our optimized omnidirectional image generation step solves image distortion produced by the spherical mirror and a calibration problem produced by unknown parameters such as the shape of environment and the relative position between the mirror and the projector. Additionally, the focus correction is performed to improve the quality of the projection. The experiment results show that our method can generate the optimized image given a normal panoramic image for omnidirectional projection in a rectangular space.

Design of Optimized pRBFNNs-based Face Recognition Algorithm Using Two-dimensional Image and ASM Algorithm (최적 pRBFNNs 패턴분류기 기반 2차원 영상과 ASM 알고리즘을 이용한 얼굴인식 알고리즘 설계)

  • Oh, Sung-Kwun;Ma, Chang-Min;Yoo, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.749-754
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we propose the design of optimized pRBFNNs-based face recognition system using two-dimensional Image and ASM algorithm. usually the existing 2 dimensional face recognition methods have the effects of the scale change of the image, position variation or the backgrounds of an image. In this paper, the face region information obtained from the detected face region is used for the compensation of these defects. In this paper, we use a CCD camera to obtain a picture frame directly. By using histogram equalization method, we can partially enhance the distorted image influenced by natural as well as artificial illumination. AdaBoost algorithm is used for the detection of face image between face and non-face image area. We can butt up personal profile by extracting the both face contour and shape using ASM(Active Shape Model) and then reduce dimension of image data using PCA. The proposed pRBFNNs consists of three functional modules such as the condition part, the conclusion part, and the inference part. In the condition part of fuzzy rules, input space is partitioned with Fuzzy C-Means clustering. In the conclusion part of rules, the connection weight of RBFNNs is represented as three kinds of polynomials such as constant, linear, and quadratic. The essential design parameters (including learning rate, momentum coefficient and fuzzification coefficient) of the networks are optimized by means of Differential Evolution. The proposed pRBFNNs are applied to real-time face image database and then demonstrated from viewpoint of the output performance and recognition rate.

Utilizing the Effect of Market Basket Size for Improving the Practicality of Association Rule Measures (연관규칙 흥미성 척도의 실용성 향상을 위한 장바구니 크기 효과 반영 방안)

  • Kim, Won-Seo;Jeong, Seung-Ryul;Kim, Nam-Gyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.17D no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • Association rule mining techniques enable us to acquire knowledge concerning sales patterns among individual items from voluminous transactional data. Certainly, one of the major purposes of association rule mining is utilizing the acquired knowledge to provide marketing strategies such as catalogue design, cross-selling and shop allocation. However, this requires too much time and high cost to only extract the actionable and profitable knowledge from tremendous numbers of discovered patterns. In currently available literature, a number of interest measures have been devised to accelerate and systematize the process of pattern evaluation. Unfortunately, most of such measures, including support and confidence, are prone to yielding impractical results because they are calculated only from the sales frequencies of items. For instance, traditional measures cannot differentiate between the purchases in a small basket and those in a large shopping cart. Therefore, some adjustment should be made to the size of market baskets because there is a strong possibility that mutually irrelevant items could appear together in a large shopping cart. Contrary to the previous approaches, we attempted to consider market basket's size in calculating interest measures. Because the devised measure assigns different weights to individual purchases according to their basket sizes, we expect that the measure can minimize distortion of results caused by accidental patterns. Additionally, we performed intensive computer simulations under various environments, and we performed real case analyses to analyze the correctness and consistency of the devised measure.

A Case Study on Stochastic Fracture Network Modeling for Rock Slopes of Busan-Ulsan Highway(Reach 5) (부산-울산 고속국도(5공구)에 위치한 암반사면의 추계론적 절리연결구조 모사에 대한 사례연구)

  • Heo, In-Sill;Um, Jeong-Gi;Kim, Yang-Phil;Kim, Kook-Han;Lee, Young-Kyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.16 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 2006
  • Seven hundred and fifty one fractures of the rhyolitic tuffaceous rock masses were mapped using 6 scanlines placed on rock slope exposures that were within 8.02 km of Busan-Ulsan highway. These data were analyzed to find the number of fracture sets that exist in the rock slopes and the probability distributions of orientation, spacing, trace length and fracture size in 3-D for each of the fracture sets. All the fracture set orientation distributions exhibit high variability. The Fisher distributions were found to be unsuitable to represent the statistical distribution of orientation for most of the fracture sets. The probability distributions, gamma, exponential and lognormal were found to be highly suitable to represent the distribution of spacing and semi-trace length of fracture sets. In obtain-ing these distributions, corrections were applied for sampling biases associated with spacing and trace length. The generated fracture system in 3-D was used to make predictions of fracture traces for each fracture set on 2-D win-dows. Developed stochastic 3-D fracture network for the rock mass was validated by comparing statistical proper-ties of the observed fracture traces on scanlines with the predicted fracture traces on the scanlines. This exercise fumed out to be successful.

Super Resolution Algorithm Based on Edge Map Interpolation and Improved Fast Back Projection Method in Mobile Devices (모바일 환경을 위해 에지맵 보간과 개선된 고속 Back Projection 기법을 이용한 Super Resolution 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Doo-Hee;Park, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Yoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2012
  • Recently, as the prevalence of high-performance mobile devices and the application of the multimedia content are expanded, Super Resolution (SR) technique which reconstructs low resolution images to high resolution images is becoming important. And in the mobile devices, the development of the SR algorithm considering the operation quantity or memory is required because of using the restricted resources. In this paper, we propose a new single frame fast SR technique suitable for mobile devices. In order to prevent color distortion, we change RGB color domain to HSV color domain and process the brightness information V (Value) considering the characteristics of human visual perception. First, the low resolution image is enlarged by the improved fast back projection considering the noise elimination. And at the same time, the reliable edge map is extracted by using the LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian) filtering. Finally, the high definition picture is reconstructed by using the edge information and the improved back projection result. The proposed technique removes effectually the unnatural artefact which is generated during the super resolution restoration, and the edge information which can be lost is amended and emphasized. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm provides better performance than conventional back projection and interpolation methods.

Waterbody Detection from Sentinel-2 Images Using NDWI: A Case of Hwanggang Dam in North Korea (Sentinel-2 기반 NDWI를 이용한 수체 탐지 연구: 북한 황강댐을 사례로)

  • Kye, Changwoo;Shin, Dae-Kyu;Yi, Jonghyuk;Kim, Jingyeom
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1207-1214
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    • 2021
  • In thisletter, we developed technology which can exclude effect of cloudsto perform remote waterbody detection based on Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery to calculate the area of ungauged reservoirs and applied to the Hwanggang dam reservoir, a representative ungauged reservoir, to verify usability. The remote waterbody detection technology calculates the cloud blocking ratio by comparing the cloud boundary in the Sentinel-2 imagery and the reservoir boundary first. Next, itselects data whose cloud blocking ratio does not exceed a specific value and calculates NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) with selected imagery. In last, it calculatesthe area of the reservoir by counting the number of grids which have NDWI value considered as waterbody within the boundary of the target reservoir and correcting with cloud blocking ratio. To determine cloud blocking ratio threshold forselecting image, we performed the area calculation of Hwanggang dam reservoir from July 2018 to October 2021. As a result, when the cloud blocking ratio threshold wasset 10%, we confirmed that the result with large error due to clouds were filtered well and obtained 114 results that can show changes in Hwanggang dam reservoir area among 220 images.

3-dimensional Modeling and Mining Analysis for Open-pit Limestone Mine Stope Using a Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (회전익 무인항공기를 이용한 노천석회석광산 채굴장 3차원 모델링 및 채굴량 분석)

  • Kang, Seong-Seung;Lee, Geon-Ju;Noh, Jeongdu;Jang, Hyeongdoo;Kim, Sun-Myung;Ko, Chin-Surk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.701-714
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to show the possibility of 3-dimensional modeling of open-pit limestone mine by using a rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle, a drone, and to estimate the amount of mining before and after mining of limestone by explosive blasting. Analysis of the image duplication of the mine has shown that it is possible to achieve high image quality. Analysis of each axis error at the shooting position after analyzing the distortions through camera calibration was shown the allowable range. As a result of estimating the amount of mining before and after explosive blasting, it was possible to estimate the amount of mining of a wide range quickly and accurately in a relatively short time. In conclusion, it is considered that the drone of a rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle can be usefully used for the monitoring of open-pit limestone mines and the estimation of the amount of mining. Furthermore, it is expected that this method will be utilized for periodic monitoring of construction sites and road slopes as well as open-pit mines in the future.

A Study on Image Acquisition of Gamma Camera using Simulation LUT and MLPE (시뮬레이션 순람표와 최대우도함수를 이용한 감마카메라의 영상 획득 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2021
  • In order to acquire an image from a gamma camera, linearity correction must be performed. To this end, digital coordinates are acquired by using a linearity map to accurately specify the location where the scintillator and gamma rays interact. In this study, a method for acquiring undistorted images and digital coordinates was developed using a lookup table and maximum likelihood position estimation without using a linearity map. The proposed method was verified by configuring a small gamma camera through DETECT2000 simulation. A gamma camera was constructed using a GAGG scintillator and a SiPM optical sensor, and a gamma-ray interaction was generated at the center of the scintillator, and a lookup table was prepared using the ratio of the signals obtained from the SiPM. Through the prepared lookup table and the maximum likelihood position estimation, the position of the signal obtained by the gamma-ray interaction was acquired as digital coordinates to compose an image. As a result, the linearity was maintained compared to the generally acquired image, the accuracy of the location where the gamma-ray interaction was generated was excellent, and the distance between the locations was uniform. Since the lookup table obtained through simulation is created using the ratio of the signal, it can be directly used in the experiment, and the position of the signal can be conveniently obtained with digital coordinates with corrected linearity without creating a linearity map.