As the Korean economy grew, employment expanded steadily, with the number of economically active people increasing and the employment-to-population rate also increasing. However, the working age population started to decline in 2017, and the employment of women and young people has been sluggish. The proportion of non-salaried workers in Korea is much higher than in other OECD countries, and is also excessive, considering Korea's income levels. In addition, the proportion of non-regular workers and the proportion of workers employed at small companies are particularly high among salaried workers. In light of these characteristics of Korean employment, the urgent problems facing the employment structure can be summarized by the deepening dual structure of the labor market, the increase in youth unemployment, sluggish female employment figures, and an excessive share of self-employment. Overall, it is seen that labor market duality is the main structural factor of the employment problems in Korea. Therefore, in order to fundamentally address this employment problem, it is necessary to concentrate policy efforts on alleviating labor market duality.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
Alvin Toffler mentioned that it is important for future society to keep pace with synchronization and that time deviations can hinder social development. As we experience the new normal era of untact, we have experienced an increase in non-face-to-face contact and accelerated digital transformation. Amid these rapid changes, we can maintain the need for synchronization or change in space. Therefore, we would like to study what kind of settlements people create and choose. We looked at the metaverse as an object that could indirectly find out about this, and used the content called "Animal Crossing" to collect data related to the spatial form of the metaverse. Sampling utilized a judgment sampling method during non-probability sampling to alleviate differences due to the progress of the game. The collected data was classified according to floor plan and location type and briefly organized through descriptive statistics. After matching each facility by use, data was constructed by setting coordinates for each cluster and listing them. This data was interpreted graphically on the coordinate plane for each cluster, and Euclidean analysis was performed to analyze the relationships between clusters and residential choice using a Euclidean matrix. As a result of the analysis, it could be interpreted that efficiency was pursued by arranging similar functions in close proximity. Nevertheless, when choosing a residence, it was interpreted that the intention was to create a community through arrangement adjacent to residents rather than efficiency or convenience. Due to the differences between the metaverse and the real world, it is expected that there will be limitations in equating it with reality. However, through the space expressed in the virtual world by people who are far away from the constraints of reality, we can indirectly know the wishes that we have not been able to express due to our lack of awareness.
This study derived production-production multipliers using a regional input-output table and estimated the induced effect of aggregates through the non-metallic minerals sector and the concrete products sector. In deriving the induced effect of aggregates, it is difficult to use the regional input-output table due to the sector classification problem. This study analyzed the non-metallic mineral sector, including aggregates, as aggregates sector, and the concrete products sector, which uses most of the aggregate production. By analyzing this, we attempted to alleviate difficulties caused by sector classification restrictions. In the process of estimating the induced effect, it was assumed that there was a decrease in aggregate production, and in the process of analyzing the concrete products sector, the effect of the decrease in concrete product production due to the decrease in aggregate production, that is, the decrease in production of one unit of aggregate was 0.8511 in the concrete product sector. The analysis was conducted on the premise of a decrease in unit production. Inducing effects within and between regions were calculated for the 17 metropolitan cities and provinces classified by the regional input-output table. The employment effect was also calculated, assuming a 10% production decrease to show differences according to the size of the aggregate and concrete product sectors in each region.
Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
With entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol to promote the fair sharing of the benefits of accessing and utilizing genetic resources, much support has been given to research on the development of biomaterials and products using domestic natural resources. Conservation and resource-saving of native species became very important through Nagoya Protocol enactment. The trend of cosmetic industry has been shifing from use synthetic chemicals to natural biomaterials, due to the safety regulations on new materials, ban on animal experiments, and expansion of cosmeceuticals range. In addition, functional cosmetic range has been expanded from whitening, wrinkle improvement, and ultraviolet shielding, to hair loss, hair loss alleviation, acne relaxation, and moisturizing of atopic skin, thus causing the activation of research about field of efficacy evaluation on natural biomaterials and commercialization. Chungbuk province is fostering the bio industry as a key industry for regional economic growth. For this purpose, Osong Biotechnology Complex/Ochang Science Industrial Complex in middle area, Jecheon biovalley in northern region, and Chungju Enterprise city have been established, thus playing a pivotal role in Bio innovative cluster in Korea. In particular, it was established the osong cosmetics clinical research support center to develop the cosmetics industry in chungbuk, thereby supporting clinical trials, efficacy evaluations, overseas certification, and overseas market entry in order to advance into the global market. In addition, oriental plants such as astragalus propinquus, schisandra chinensis, eucommia, alpiniae oxyphyllae fructus and biancaea sappan are being actively studied as global cosmetic ingredients through the promotion of various national research and development projects using natural materials in chungbuk province. The chungbuk natural product industry is expected to grow further throughout cosmetics industry development in the future, as companies and research institutes are actively promoting the secure index of effective material in natural products and effective material commercialization.
The purpose of this study is to classify the type of retirement process among the mature-aged in Korea. The study used the panel data from Korean Labor Panel (year2~6) for the classification of retirement process through Optimal Matching and Cluster Analysis. Classification is made in 5 categories as 'peripheral-economically active', 'private-transfer dependent', 're-entering limited', 'securely exiting', 'exit-and-reentering'. First, "peripheral-economically active" is a group which frequently experienced job status change and work insecurity. Second, "private-transfer dependent" is a group in which private transfer is likely to be supplements income in the incidence of unemployment. Third, "re-entering limited" is a group in which the proportion of no financial support combined with the absence of any economic activity is the largest. Fourth, the type "Securely exit" is th group whose members switches over to non-economically active status with pension receipt. The last type is "exit-and-reenter" that the member are highly possible to reenter in the labor market and stay in long time regardless of with or without pension plan. To examine the inequality among the types of retirement process, the duration of each status is analyzed. First, in the situation of being non-economically active, the duration of status is maintain public pension receiving and duration stabile in "securely exit" group. For "private-transfer dependent" type, members are mostly dependent on private financial support and that duration of it is longest. Through the analysis of retirement process without under other financial supports, it is "securely-exiting" type for which the duration of full-time employment is longest. It appears that the duration of part-time employment is longest in "peripheral-economically active" type. And for the case of non-waged employment it is "exit-and-reenter" type. Finally, the redistribution policy based on life course perspective is necessary to prevent that the opportunity in the structure before retirement stage and the unfavorable position in labor market make worse disadvantage in retirement process and after that.
Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
In a steel structure, spray-applied fire resistive materials are crucial in preventing structural strength from being weakened in the event of a fire. The quality control of such materials, however, is difficult for manual workers, who can frequently be in short supply. These skilled workers are also very likely to be exposed to environmental hazards. Problems with construction work such as this, which are specifically the difficulty of achieving quality control and the dangerous nature of the work itself, can be solved to some degree by the introduction of automated equipment. It is, however, very difficult to automate the work process, from operation to the selection of a location for the equipment, as the environment of a construction site has not yet been structured to accommodate automation. This is a fundamental study on the possibility of the automation of spray-applied fire resistive coating work. In this study, the linkability of the cutting-edge RTLS to an automation system is reviewed, and a scenario for the automation of spray-applied fire resistive coating work and system composition is presented. The system suggested in this study is still in a conceptual stage, and as such, there are many restrictions still to be resolved. Despite this fact, automation is expected to have good effectiveness in terms of preventing fire from spreading by maintaining a certain level of strength at a high temperature when a fire occurs, as it maintains the thickness of the fire-resistive coating at a specified level, and secures the integrity of the coating with the steel structure, thereby enhancing the fire-resistive performance. It also expected that if future research is conducted in this area in relation to a cutting-edge monitoring TRS, such as the ubiquitous sensor network (USN) and/or building information model (BIM), it will contribute to raising the level of construction automation in Korea, reducing costs through the systematic and efficient management of construction resources, shortening construction periods, and implementing more precise construction
Purpose: Sooner of later, end-of-life care decision-making will unfold and be settled during the professional lives of medical students. However, there is prevalent ambiguity and uncertainty between the palliative treatment and euthanasia. We conducted this survey to investigate attitudes of medical students towards end-of-life making decisions, and to find out which factors primarily influenced the attitudes. Methods: A study was conducted among medical students at one university, the Republic of Korea. A written questionnaire was sent to all the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year medical students. It presented 5 statements on end-of-life decision-making. Students were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with each statement. Results: The response rate was 74.4%, and 267 questionnaires were analyzed. Percentages of agreement with each statements on Voluntary active euthanasia (VAE), Physician assisted suicide (PAS), Withholding life-sustaining management, Withdrawing life-sustaining management, and Terminal sedation (TS) was 37.1%, 21.7%, 58.4%, 60.3%, and 41.6%, respectively. The grade of students, religious activity, and educational experience were determinant factors. Agreement on each statements was higher in the low religious activity group than in the high religious activity group. Agreement on TS was higher among 3rd year students during their clerkship than among 1st and 2nd year students. Age of students and the experience of dying-people care had no significant influence. Conclusion: In end-of-life decision-making, religious and educational factors influenced medical students' attitudes. Especially, the experience of education during clerkship had significant influence on the attitude. Proper teaching on end-of-life decisions should further be considered during medical students' clerkship.
Jeju-do was designated as the 'first horse industry special zone' in 2014, followed by additional designation of horse industry special zones in Icheon, Yongin of Gyeonggi-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do in 2015. As a result, horses have become no more synonymous with Jeju-do. Jeju-do may see its competitive edge becoming blunt, compared to other local governments, due to its environmental characteristics and accessibility. The Korean proverb, "Send people to Seoul and horses to Jeju-do", has become an old saying that does not match reality. However, Jeju-do, designated as the first horse industry special zone, is expected to play a leading role in cultivation of domestic horse industry and faces a challenge of creating exemplary cases of success in transforming horse industry into the senary (6th) industry. In addition, KRW 114.2 billion is planned to be invested into 35 projects covering 9 sectors, including supply of elite domestic racing horses, expansion of demand basis for horse-riding, cultivation of horse meat industry, etc., by 2017 as envisioned by the horse industry special zone promotion plan. Despite expansion of facilities and demand base for horse-riding, those at the sites point out that government support at policy level has not come home to their hearts and criticism has been mounting that project efficiency remains low. Factors hindering the growth of horse industry, which have come to the fore, include inadequate supply of horse-riding facilities, limitation to expansion of demand for horse-riding, etc., due to excessive regulation. Advancement of horse industry requires wide-ranging deregulation on investment related to horse industry, including horse breeding and horse-riding facility installation, etc. Regulation which is deemed to be the biggest stumbling block to advancement of horse industry is related to the regulation requiring formation of farmland at horse-riding facilities in farming and fishery villages. Along with improvement in such regulations, horse-riding facilities without license should be legalized to promote qualitative growth of horse-riding industry. Moreover, efforts should be made to develop and deploy instructors with horse-riding license in order to develop horse-riding into a full-fledged leisure beyond simple experience auxiliary to tourism, thus ensuring that people can enjoy leisure style horse-riding regularly in safe and healthy manners. It would be necessary to add fresh momentum into efforts to turn Jeju-do into the hub of well-being leisure horse-riding by pooling our wisdom.
Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Chon, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Hong-Seok;Song, Kwang-Young;Kim, Soo-Ki;Jeong, Dong-Gwan;Seo, Kun-Ho
Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
Recently, much attention has been paid to the development of a value-added food category containing probiotics so as to improve human health and prevent diseases. Among various foods, the health benefits of milk and dairy products are known to humanity, and could be attributed to the bioactive components present in milk. In fermented milk products, the health benefits could be due to suitable modulation activities produced by the action of probiotic bacteria. Besides the modification of various milk components, probiotics might also act directly as preventive and therapeutic agents against some severe diseases. Probiotics promote health via their positive effects on the immune response, stimulation of natural immunity, and modulation of the production of antimicrobial peptides, cytokines, and so on. Whey proteins, a byproduct of cheese production could also have anticarcinogenic, immunostimulatory, antimicrobial, and health-promoting activities such as improving insulin sensitivity and reducing fat deposition. Therefore, milk and dairy products containing probiotics could provide various opportunities in the field of functional foods. Additionally, these functional foods may be important in the human diet and may help improve human health and prevent diseases.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Solar radiation is an important variable for estimation of energy balance and water cycle in natural and agricultural ecosystems. A deep neural network (DNN) model has been developed in order to estimate the daily global solar radiation. Temperature and precipitation, which would have wider availability from weather stations than other variables such as sunshine duration, were used as inputs to the DNN model. Five-fold cross-validation was applied to train and test the DNN models. Meteorological data at 15 weather stations were collected for a long term period, e.g., > 30 years in Korea. The DNN model obtained from the cross-validation had relatively small value of RMSE ($3.75MJ\;m^{-2}\;d^{-1}$) for estimates of the daily solar radiation at the weather station in Suwon. The DNN model explained about 68% of variation in observed solar radiation at the Suwon weather station. It was found that the measurements of solar radiation in 1985 and 1998 were considerably low for a small period of time compared with sunshine duration. This suggested that assessment of the quality for the observation data for solar radiation would be needed in further studies. When data for those years were excluded from the data analysis, the DNN model had slightly greater degree of agreement statistics. For example, the values of $R^2$ and RMSE were 0.72 and $3.55MJ\;m^{-2}\;d^{-1}$, respectively. Our results indicate that a DNN would be useful for the development a solar radiation estimation model using temperature and precipitation, which are usually available for downscaled scenario data for future climate conditions. Thus, such a DNN model would be useful for the impact assessment of climate change on crop production where solar radiation is used as a required input variable to a crop model.
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회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.