• Title/Summary/Keyword: 엽중

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Effect of Plowing Depth on Growth and Tuber Yield in C. auriculatum Introduced from China (경운깊이가 중국도입종 넓은잎큰조롱의 생육 및 근수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Sang-Yeong;Kim, Min-Ja;Kim, In-Jae;Lee, Jeong-Kwan;Rho, Chang-Woo;Yun, Tae;Min, Kyeong-Beom
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2008
  • Fields experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of various tillage depth (TD) on productivity and quality of C. auriculatum Royle ex Wight from 2005 to 2006. The length of vine was elongated in lower TD treatments as 50 cm longer in 10 cm TD than 30 cm TD, and stem diameter and dry weight had increased in the lower TD. Length, width, and weight of leaves showed the quantitive growth in the lower TD treatments, but the chlorophyll content had increased in the deeper TD treatments. Root number and length had increased in the deeper TD treatments, but the root diameter and decomposed root was increased in the deeper TD. The total yield of root showed the increasing tendency in the deeper TD treatments as 6.2 ton/ha in 10 cm TD and increased as $7{\sim}9%$ in the 20 cm TD treatments.

Variation of Plant Characters and Correlation Analysis of Its in Bupleurum falcatum L. (시호(柴胡) 생육형질(生育形質)의 개체간(個體間) 변이(變異) 및 상관(相關))

  • Kim, Kwan-Su;Seong, Nak-Sul;Chang, Yeong-Hee;Lee, Seoung-Tack;Lee, Jung-Il;Oak, Hyun-Chung;Chae, Young-Am
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 1995
  • Variation of plant characters and correlation anlaysis of its in Bupleurum falcatum, medicinal plant, were investigated to find useful selection characters and to obtain fundamental data for breeding. The variation was generally high. In plants having high height and many branch, stem thickness was high and leaf and root weight were great. The group of short height and many branch showing low frequency was higher than that of medium height and branch showing high frequency. And the correlation between top and root characters were positively significant The major top characters correlated with root yield were stem thick-ness, branch number, node number, node position attached 1st branch(NPFB), and leaf area.

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Studies on the Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) (유기질비료 시용이 무의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Cheol-Ho;Yun, Hwa-Mo
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1992
  • The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizer. Sarang of fermented poultry manure. Miwon glutamic acid fertilizer and poultry manure, on the growth and yield of radish cultivated in spring and autumn. 1) The growth of leaf length, leaf weight, root length, root diameter and root weight of radish in two culture types was stimulated in order of NPK, fermented poultry manure + 1/5NK, fermented poultry manure, poultry manure and control treatment, and chlorophyll and nitrogen content of leaf were increased in order of the above mentioned fertilizers.2) Yield decreased in fermented poultry manure plot of 450kg application comparison with NPK plot but the one of 1800kg fermented poultry manure was increased. The yield of 450kg Sarang plot was sufficient as compared with Korean average yield of spring and autumn culture.3) The difference of growth of radish between treatments of fermented poultry manure and NPK was lowered by continuous application of Sarang organic fertilizer.4) Soil nitrogen content and exchangeable Mg were similar in all treatments but soil pH, the contents of organic matter, $P_2 O_5$ and Ca were high in the fermented poultry manure treatment.

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Labor-saving Cultivation of Cynanchum wilfordii using Support Crops (지주작물을 이용한 백하수오 생력재배)

  • 김민자;박부규;박재호;박성규
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.204-208
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    • 1999
  • We carried out this study to confirm the possibility of C. wilfordii cultivation using crop as a substitute for stake or net, and tested sit support crops, i.e., soybean, peanut, Perilla frutescens var. acuta Kudo, Job's tears, sorghum, and corn compared with net support. Effects of support crops on growth and root yield of C. wilfordii were as follows. Attracting efficiency of vine showed 94∼100% among crops. The number of branches per plant was 1 or 2 more in p. frutescens var. acuta Kudo, Job's tears, and sorghum support than in net support. Fresh root yield per 10a was 919kg in net support, while it was 717kg in P. frutescens var. acute Kudo, 656kg in Job' tears, and 652kg in sorghum support. However, the problem of decreased yield in these support crops could be overcome by cost saving of staking installation and by harvesting support crops. Therefore, C. wilfordii cultivation using P. frutescens var. acute Kudo, Job's tears, and sorghum as support crops showed most effective in labor and cost saving.

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Studies on The Nutrition of Apple Trees with Reference to The Bark Necrosis Disease

  • Park, Young-Dae;Kim, Yung-Sup;Lee, Dong-Suk
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.5
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1964
  • Leaf analysis was used as a means of diagnosis of unknown apple bark disease. The results obtained from analysis may be summarized as follow; Manganese is one of the most important element in the development of the bark disease. Evidence supporting this view was presented in 1962 by writers. Diseased symtom appears about 904 ppm of manganese and on average, manganese content of diseased leaves was 4 times as high as that of healty leaves. There is a significance between the reducible manganese in soil and the absorption of manganese in diseased leaves. Consequently, the disease should be considered manganese toxicity and may be the same one described by Berg as "Internal Bark Necrosis." In order to prevent the bark disease, plant absorption of manganese must be decreased with increasing soil pH, or by other means.

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Effects of Nitrogen Sources on Sugars and Organic Acids of Soybean Cultivars Different in Phosphorus Sensitivity (인산감수성(燐酸感受性)이 다른 대두품종간(大豆品種間) 유기산(有機酸) 및 당(糖)에 대(對)한 질소원(窒素源)의 영향(影響))

  • Park, Hoon;Stutte, Charles A.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1977
  • The six soybean cultivars (Lee, Hill, Harosoy, Clark-63 Chippewa and R56-49) different in phosphorus sensitivity were cultured with $NH_4-N$, $NO_3-N$ or urea-N under water culture condition. Free sugars and organic chrematogram. Three peaks (unknown x, y and sucrose) were appeared as considerable main peaks. The X compound appeared as trace in the nitrate fed plant while unexpectedly high in ammonium or urea fed plant. The Y compound tend to decrase in urea fed plant. Sucrose was trace in ammonium fed plant but it was greater in urea onethan in nitrate one. The X was assumed a four carbon sugar acid derived from erythrose or a ring compound derived from purine or pyrimidine. While Y was assumed a hexose derived from glycolysis path. Since Y/x ratio is a good index of phosphorus sensitivity (inve rserelation) these compounds appears keycompounds to elucidate phosphorus sensitivity and ammonium toxicity.

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Estimation of Cured Leaf Area and Leaf Weight Based on Leaf Length and Width in Burley Tobacco Plant (Burley종 담배의 생엽 장폭 측정에 의한 건엽면적과 건엽중의 추정)

  • Lee, Yong-Deuk;Cho, Chang-Hwan
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.602-606
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    • 1994
  • The study was conducted to investigate the relationships between the value of fresh leaf lengh ${\times}$ width and actual fresh or cured leaf area, Cured leaf weight of cutter and leaf in Burley tobacco plants. In all tested varieties, Actual fresh leaf area or cured leaf area, cured leaf weight was high significantly correlated with the value of fresh leaf length ${\times}$ width. The linear regression equation between them could be exploited for rapid and easy estimation of either fresh or cured leaf area, cured leaf weight. Highly significant correlation between fresh leaf area and cured leaf area or cured leaf weight was confirmed and a linear regression equation was also obtained for easy estimation of cured leaf area or cured leaf weight.

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N Uptake and Assimilation of Barley Seedlings as Affected by N Availability, Temperature and Water Potential (질소량, 온도, 수분포텐셜 조절에 따른 보리유묘의 질소흡수 및 체내동화)

  • Kim, Sok-Dong;Kwon, Yong-Woong;Soh, Chang-Ho
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.458-465
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    • 1993
  • Water culture experiments were carried out to elucidate the effects of N availability, temperature and water potential of culture solution on the uptake and assimilation of N and dry matter accumulation by barley seedlings. N assimilation and dry matter accumulation at 3 to 4 leaves stage in barley plants were maximized at about 3.4 % of N concentration in leaf. N assimilation by barley plants increased with increase of nitrate concentration up to 80ppm in the solution. Over this level nitrate began to accumulated in the leaves and stems proportionally to the N availability in culture solution. Nitrate reductase activity increased in parallel with the increase in the concentration of reduced N in leaves. N uptake by barley plants decreased markedly when water potential reduced below -2 bar or when temperature dropped below 5$^{\circ}C$. These results suggest that the basal application rate of N, 60kg per hectare, for the barley crop needs to be re-examined under the concept of N use efficiency with taking into consideration of temperature and soil N availability because about a half of N accumulated in the leaves of barley plant before wintering is known to be lost by winter killing of above-ground part of the plant.

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Effects of Cutting Dates on Hay Production of Italian Ryegrass in Paddy Field (예취시기가 답이작 이탈리안라이그라스의 건초생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Doo;Chae, Jae-Suk;Park, Tae-Ill;Chang, Young-Sun
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.372-376
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    • 1992
  • This experiment was conducted to determine hay making time on the drying period, hay moisture content, hay loss content, yield and forage quality of Italian ryegrass in paddy field. Plant height increased rapidly from middle of April, and leaf weight rate were 55.6% at April 20 and 18.9% at May 30. Moisture content and loss content of hay were 17.1-20.5% and 10.2-15.0%, respectively, at drying for 4 days from May 10 to May 30. As the growth stage later, crude protein, fat and ash contents reduced, but crude fiber and NFE contents increased. Dry matter and TDN yield at the cutting of May 20 and May 30 increased to 17-18% and 5-11%, respectively, than those of April 20+May 30.

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Effect of Some Factors on the Variation of Nutrient Level in Pinus rigida × taeda Needle (Pinus rigida × taeda 침엽내(針葉內) 양료수준(養料水準)의 변이(変異)에 관(関)한 몇가지 요인(要因)의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Chi Moon;Kwon, Ki Won;Song, Ho Kyung;Kim, Chung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1981
  • Foliar nutrient concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, total sugar, starch, ether extracts were determined for three Pinus spp., that is, P. rigida, P. taeda, P. rigida${\times}$taeda, divided by tree age (16~19-year old, 6-year old), leaf age (current, over-winter, one-year old), planting location(Kyonggi-Do, Chungnam-Do, Junbuk-Do). Foliar compositions of inorganic nutrients were generally put in order of N(0.764~1.502%)>K((0.130~0.491%) $$\geq_-$$Ca(0.165~0.442%)>Mg(0.054~0.121%)${\fallingdotseq}$P(0.041~0.129%) in all the species. The concentrations of total sugar and ether extracts respectively ranged from 5 to 15% of the needles in dry weight base. The concentrations of N, P and K were similarly high in the over-winter needles (sampled in February), but those of Ca were generally high in one-year old needles. As a whole, inorganic nutrient levels in the needles showed different patterns with species, three age, leaf age and location. There were generally positive correlations between nitrogen and phosphorus in foliar concentrations. Foliar concentrations of total sugar showed the ranking of P. rigida > P. rigida${\times}$taeda > P. taeda and the lowest levels in February. Starch in the needles were contained about 10% of total sugar, and the variations of starch level were not regular with the studied factors. Ether extracts contents increased more of less with leaf age but changed irregularly with the other factors.

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