• 제목/요약/키워드: 연령다양성

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Forecasting Future Market Share between Online-and Offline-Shopping Behavior of Korean Consumers with the Application of Double-Cohort and Multinomial Logit Models (생잔효과와 다중로짓모형으로 분석한 구매형태별 시장점유율 예측)

  • Lee, Seong-Woo;Yun, Seong-Do
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.45-65
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    • 2009
  • As a number of people using the internet for their shopping steadily rises, it is increasingly important for retailers to understand why consumers decide to buy products via online or offline. The main purpose of this study is to develop and test a model that enhance our understanding of how consumers respond future online and offline channels for their purchasing. Rather than merely adopting statistical models like most other studies in this field, the present study develops a model that combines double-cohort method with multinomial logit model. It is desirable if one can adopt an overall encompassing criterion in the study of consumer behaviors form diverse sales channels. This study uses the concept of cohort or aging to enable this comparison. It enables us to analyze how consumers respond to online and offline channels as people aged by measuring their shopping behavior for an online and offline retailers and their subsequent purchase intentions. Based on some empirical findings, this study concludes with policy implications and some necessary fields of future studies desirable.

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A Study on Menu Customization on Mobile Phone - Focused on designing UI of "My menu" in Mobile phone for children (휴대폰에서의 사용자 맞춤형 메뉴 디자인에 관한 연구 - 아동사용자를 위한 My메뉴의 UI 디자인 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Shin-Ah;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02b
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2007
  • 오늘날 휴대폰은 20~30대의 젊은 사용자 층뿐 아니라, 고령사용자 및 아동사용자들로 확대되면서 다양한 사용자층을 포함하게 되었다. 이렇게 사용자층은 다양해지고 있으나, 휴대폰 제조사들은 다양한 사용자 계층의 인지능력과 요구사항을 반영하진 못한 채, 20~30대의 젊은 주 사용자 층을 기준으로 디자인하고 있다. 특히, 하드웨어적인 디자인 측면에서는 다각화가 이루어지고 있는 편이나, 소프트웨어 측면에서의 시도는 거의 미비하다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 다양한 사용자 계층에 따른 유동적 인지능력 및 요구사항, 감성에 맞는 맞춤형 My메뉴(Menu)를 설정할 수 있는 휴대폰 UI 디자인을 제안하고자 한다. 특히, 주 사용자 층과는 다른 사용패턴을 보이는 어린이들을 위한 개인화된 My메뉴를 설정하는 인터랙션 UI 디자인 개발하여 제안하였다. 본 논문은 먼저, 문헌과 사례분석으로 통해 기존 휴대폰 제조사와 서비스 사업자들의 메뉴 개인화를 위한 다양한 시도를 조사하였다. 또한, 어린이들의 사용 패턴과 메뉴의 사용 빈도 등을 파악하기 위하여 사용자 조사 방법을 두가지 방법으로 진행하였다. 우선 2006년 7월말부터 8월 10일까지 2주에 걸쳐, 만 9세~12세의 초등학교 아동사용자 남여 10명을 대상으로 휴대폰 사용의 전반적인 특성과 사용행태을 파악하고, 환경설정 및 주 사용메뉴를 조사하기 위한 심층인터뷰를 시행하였다. 그리고 1차 인터뷰 내용을 바탕으로 설문지를 작성하였다. 이번 설문에서는 주 사용메뉴가 무엇이며 사용빈도는 어느 정도 되는지 선호하는 메뉴형식과 용어의 어려움은 없었는지를 파악했다. 또한 사용자가 자주 사용하는 메뉴를 대기화면에 가져다 놓고 싶은지를 물어 직접적인 휴대폰 대기화면의 사용여부를 파악하였다. 2006년 12월 일주일동안, 1차 인터뷰의 아동사용자와 동일한 연령대의 아동사용자 남여 총46명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 더욱 정량화된 데이터를 얻을 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 사용자 연령과 성별에 따라 기본 디폴트 My메뉴(Menu)를 제공하는 방법, My메뉴의 항목과 우선순위, 테마를 설정하여 개인화하는 UI 디자인을 도출하였다. 본 연구는 아동사용자를 대상으로 휴대폰의 소프트웨어 UI 중 메뉴를 사용자 맞춤형으로 설정할 수 있는 방법과 인터랙션을 디자인하여 제시하였다. 이러한 소프트웨어적인 UI 개인화 시도는 다양한 사용자 계층의 요구사항을 반영하는 보다 효율적인 방법으로써 사용자 만족과 사용성을 높이는 효과를 가져올 수 있을 것이다.

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The Role of ICT Enabling Diversity Management in Organization through e-HRM (조직 내 다양성 관리를 위한 ICT의 역할: e-HRM을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Moonjoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.1185-1190
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    • 2018
  • As a countermeasure to the increasing workforce diversity worldwide, this study addresses the need for an ICT (information communication technology) based diversity management function and identifies the role of e-HRM (electronic-human resource management), which enables this function. ICT has essential for the survival and growth of a company. And it is strategically crucial to recruit and manage a workforce efficiently that comprises individuals not only with diverse demographic backgrounds in terms of gender, race, and age, but also with diverse personal history in terms of educational background, functional background, and the number of years working at a previous job, because these are directly related to organizational performance. Based on the fact that only the organizations that utilize ICT adequately in managing diversity can gain a competitive advantage, this paper discusses the implications of ICT-based diversity management for organizations and managers.

Age difference in association between obesity and Nutrition Quotient scores of preschoolers and school children (어린이 영양지수로 살펴본 유아와 초등학생의 식행동과 비만 사이의 관련성에 있어서 연령의 차이)

  • Bae, Joo-Mee;Kang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.447-458
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was conducted among 235 children aged 3 up to 11 yrs to examine the relationship between subjects' eating behaviors and obesity. Methods: The subjects were divided into three age groups: preschoolers aged 3 to 5 yrs, early elementary school students aged 6 to 8 yrs, and late elementary school students aged 9 to 11 yrs. As a tool for eating behaviors, the recently developed nutrition quotient (NQ) questionnaire was utilized. By age group, scores were gathered and calculated in the five factors, "Balance", "Diversity", "Moderation", "Regularity", and "Practice", which make up the NQ scores. Results: The NQ scores among those aged 3 to 5, 6 to 8, and 9 to 11 yrs did not exhibit any significant differences. Among the scores for the five factors of the NQ, the Diversity scores of those aged 9 to 11 yrs were significantly higher than the scores of those aged 3 to 5 and those aged 6 to 8 yrs. The scores of those aged 3 to 5 and those aged 6 to 8 yrs were higher than the scores of those aged 9 to 11 yrs in Moderation and Regularity. When the subjects were divided into loww-eight/normal and overweight/obese groups, among those aged 6 to 8 yrs, the NQ scores, Moderation, Regularity, and Practice scores were higher in the overweight/obese group than those in the low-weight/normal group. Among those aged 9 to 11 yrs, the overweight/obese group scored higher than the low-weight/normal group only in the Moderation component. Conclusion: From the results, to prevent obesity in elementary school students, it is practical to focus on training related to eating behavior items included in the Moderation component. Furthermore, personalized instructions on eating behaviors and nutritional education based on age are necessary to prevent obesity in children.

Studies in the Consumption and Preference for Sprout Vegetables (새싹채소의 기호도 및 이용 실태)

  • Lee, Kyung Sook;Park, Geum Soon
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.896-905
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the use and perception of adults concerning sprout vegetables. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 516 residents in the Daegu and Gyeonbuk areas. When purchasing sprout vegetables, respondents answered that they considered freshness, eco green, and price. Consumers purchased sprout vegetables to make bibimbap (58.9%) and salad (29.3%). Approximately 81.4% of respondents answered that they purchased sprout vegetables in grocery and department stores. Once or twice per month was the highest purchase frequency for sprout vegetables. Regarding knowledge of sprout vegetables, radish sprout score was the highest (3.14), whereas preference was highest for barley grass (3.00). When asked how much they like sprout vegetable menus, subjects responded that they liked bibimbap (3.79), salad (3.73) and bibim noodles (3.58). As a result, popularization of sprout vegetables was based on product quality factor and sales promotion factor significantly influenced preference for sprout vegetable menus. To increase consumption of sprout vegetables, there is a need for hygiene and safety of sprout products and variations and improvement of quality.

Perception of Native and Prohibitive Foods in Hansan - Do Area (한산도 지역의 향토음식과 금기식품에 대한 인식)

  • 박영선
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinds of native and prohibitive foods in Hansan-Do area. The kinds of the prohibitive foods and the reason prohibiting those from pregnant or lactating woman, fisherman and sick people were surveyed by using a guestionnaire from 1994 to 1998. The results showed that Chungmu Gimbab was perceived highly as a native foods and the reason for prohibiting specific foods was not based on scientific evidences.

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Identifying issues facing youth through emotional dialogue corpus (감성대화 말뭉치로 보는 청소년의 문제 도출)

  • Kim, Sangmin;Lee, Byeongchun;Woo, Jiyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.01a
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    • pp.331-332
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    • 2022
  • 현대사회에서는 다양한 방법, 통로로 자신들의 의견을 표현하고 또한 감정들을 표출한다. 이렇게 표출된 다양한 문장 및 감정들을 통해 각 연령별로 어떤 문제를 가지고 있는지, 무슨 상황에 놓여있는지 등을 알 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이렇게 모여진 감성대화 말뭉치를 이용해 청소년들이 문장에서 추출한 단어들과 감정, 상황과 어떠한 연관성을 보이는지 확인해보고자 연구를 진행하였다. 청소년들이 남성의 경우 학교폭력 및 따돌림과 관련한 문제, 여성의 경우 가족관계와 관련한 문제와 연관성이 크다는 것을 확인하였다.

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Evaluation of the Odor with Aging (연령증가에 따른 향의 평가)

  • 강인형;민병찬;전광진;김철중
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2002
  • It is already known that olfactory susceptibility differ with races and sex. Moreover, with aging both detection and identification about olfactory information were impaired. For researches about evaluation of the odor with aging, although the subject used, from infants to elderly, was various, the kinds of odor used were restricted to simple alcohol and acetic acid. Also, the evaluation methods were mainly used olfactory test. From over respects , this research was done as follows. Subjects were 19 to 72 years (n=50) whose sense-of-smell functions are normal. They were taken as stability and closed eye state. The odor stimuli were used 100% natural odor of six kinds of Basil, Lavender, Lemon, Jasmine, Ylangylang oil and Skatole , during 60 seconds using olfactometer. ECG, GSR and subjective evaluation were measured, and examined their relevance. Twenty and 40 ages group evaluated Lemon and 60 ages group did Lavender affirmatively. Correlation was seen among RRI, HR, GSR and subjective evaluation for 40 ages group, and it turns out that it is the group which a mature olfactory function most. These results are fully applied not only to development of the classified cosmetics for the age group but to development of the artificial smell and taste.

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Antecedents of Exploration Activities: Focused on Internal Ffactors (탐험활동의 선행요인: 기업 내부특성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyo Jin;Huh, Moon-Goo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.105-129
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    • 2014
  • In order to identify the antecedents of organization's exploration activities, this study focuses on internal factors. There are many theoretical and empirical studies for an organization's exploration activities, while the research on antecedents is limited. This study is aimed at the manufacturing industry in Korea from 1998 to 2012 using data from 15 years of slack, ownership structure, and TMT diversity. The study examined the impact of these firm-specific factors on firm's exploration activities. As a result, a company's exploration activities and slack have positive relationship. Between insider ownership and exploration activities, the hypothesis was not supported. Also, the relationship between TMT diversity and exploration activities was dismissed. Finally, based on the results of this analysis, the contribution of this study, limitations and implications are drawn.

A Study on the Extended Design of Intelligent Brick System Toy (인텔리전트 브릭 시스템 완구의 디자인 확장성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyo-Jeong;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2006
  • 디지털 테크놀로지의 비약적인 발전으로 우리는 연령과 계층을 막론하고 실생활 측면에서 사용자 환경의 변화, 디자인 시각의 변화 등 많은 변화의 사례들을 인지할 수 있다. 그 중에서도 최근 유아들의 전유물이었던 완구 시장이 학생, 성인들 대상으로 마케팅이 확장되면서 기존에 없었던 보다 지능적인 시스템과 다양한 콘텐츠를 보유하고 혁신적인 인터페이스를 갖춘 디지털 인텔리전트 브릭(Digital Intelligent Brick)완구가 시장을 빠르게 확대해 나가고 있다. 이처럼 아날로그 브릭에서 디지털 브릭으로의 새로운 변화를 주도한 대표적인 예로는 MIT와 공동연구로 개발된 로보틱스 인벤션 시스템(Robotics Invention System)인 레고(Lego)의 '마인드스톰'을 들 수 있다. 인텔리전트 브릭 시스템 완구는 Stud와 Tube의 Elements로 이루어진 기본적이고 반복적인 재료의 속성에서 시스템의 무한한 가변성과 사용자의 다양한 조건에 맞춘 인터페이스를 적용함으로써 창의적 결과물로의 확장성을 나타내고 있다. 본 연구에서는 디지털 테크놀로지를 기반으로 한 사용자중심 콘텐츠 속성을 지닌 인텔리전트 브릭 시스템에서의 시스템 구조 가변성 및 인터페이스 디자인의 확장성, 그리고 사용자 인터랙션 측면에 관하여 분석해 보고자 한다. 이를 토대로 인텔리전트 브릭 시스템이 향후 디지털 디자인 산업의 다양한 측면에서 보다 적극적으로 활용될 수 있는 기초를 제시하는 데 본 연구의 목적이 있다고 할 것이다.

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