• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연령다양성

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Mathematics education game based on augmented reality (증강현실을 기반으로 한 수학교육 게임)

  • Lee, Hye-Sun;Lee, Jong-Weon
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.817-822
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    • 2008
  • The computer game industry has been developed gradually because of development of graphics and communication industry, Games have an important role to peoples in various ages in their leisure life. Game has been changed into various forms with its development. With this movement, it is not only for simple amusement, but starts trying to use them for educational object. It is called Serious Game that intends to particular object and effect. Serious game has the important meaning to get some new useful things through its enjoyment which is the essence of games. Many people in various field have tried many categories of contents. Especially, education stands out among the other fields. Fields related with education have been studied extensively. This paper would suggest mathematics education game based on Augmented Reality. It is a board game for infants and young students. Augmented Reality is used to extend user's experience and multiplicity of the game. We also offer users a tool that helps them to create their own board for their active game participation.

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Development of Evacuation Algorithm from Coastal Inundation (해안침수 대피경로 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Won Beom;Jung, Woo Chang;Son, Kwang Ik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.355-355
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    • 2020
  • 최근 쓰나미와 해일 등 이상기후에 의한 해수면 상승 등으로 인한 해안지역의 침수가 빈번해지고 있다. 태풍 매미의 경우, 피해규모는 인명피해 130명, 이재민 4089세대 10975명, 재산피해 4조 7810억원이며 침수피해는 규모는 주택 21,015동과 농경지 37,986ha으로 나타났다. 특히 이 태풍은 경남 사천시 부근 해안에 상륙할 때의 중심기압은 950hPa로 중심부근 최대풍속 40m/s 이었으며 풍속 15 m/s 이상으로로, 태풍의 강도는 [강], 크기는 [중형]이었음에도 그 피해는 과거에 비해 크게 나타났다. 내륙과는 달리 해일 등의 피해로 인한 해안지역의 침수피해 저감기법은 월파방지 파라펫 설치 또는 침수예상 지역의 지반고를 높이는 이외에는 확실한 대책이 없는 것이 특징이라 하겠다. 따라서 해안지역 침수예방은 월파방지 파라펫과 함께 인명피해 최소화를 위해서는 충분한 선행시간을 통한 대피안내와 가장 효율적인 대피경로를 제공하는 것이 최선이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 경남 창원지역의 해수면 상승으로 인한 해안지역 침수를 모의할 수 있는 2차원 부정류 프로그램을 개발하고 매미 당시 창원지역의 침수피해 결과와 비교하여 프로그램 모의 결과를 검증하였다. 해안을 따라 다양한 높이의 월파방지 파라펫을 모의하여 시간대별 대상지역의 침수규모를 시간대별로 예측하였다. 모의결과 월파방지 파라펫 규모 별 침수규모와 이에 따른 경제적 피해규모를 산정하였으며 경제성 원칙에 따른 최적의 파라펫 규모를 제시하였다. 또한 이때 시간대별 침수범위 예측 결과를 바탕으로 시간대별 등침수선을 제시하고 일정 시간대별 등침수선을 모의결과를 이용하여 산정하였다. 도로 경사와 대피자의 연령 등을 고려한 대피소요 시간을 산정하여 침수 소요 시간과 비교하여 대피가 가능한 대피경로를 제시하는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 본 연구결과는 기존에 알려진 대피경로와는 달리 다양한 침수저감 기법규모에 따라 다양한 대피경로를 제안할 수 있었으며 이는 추후 다양한 대피 시나리오를 제시할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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A Theoretical Study on the Relationship Between the Limited Attention of the Entrepreneur and the Growth Rates of Entrepreneurial Firms (벤처경영자의 제한적 주의력과 벤처기업의 성장성에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2005
  • Gifford(1992, 1993, 1997, 1998)는 제한적 주의력(limited attention)의 관점에서 벤처경영자, R&D 관리자, 혁신자, 벤처 캐피탈의 의사결정을 연구하였다. 창업경영자 (entrepreneurs)는 기술 개발, 제품디자인 개발, 원자재 확보, 제품 생산, 유통채널 확보, 가격정책 결정, 판매촉진 및 마케팅정책 결정 등의 다양한 경영활동을 수행하고 끊임없이 창업기회(entrepreneurial opportunities)를 추구하는 사람이다. Gifford 는 벤처 경영자를 창업기회와 다양한 경영활동의 포트폴리오(portfolio)를 수행하고 관리하는 대리인으로 간주한 '마술사 모형(Juggler model)' 을 제시하고 이익극대화의 관점에서 대리인의 의사결정을 분석하였다. 그녀는 모형을 통하여 특정시점을 지난 기존 메뉴를 포기 하고 새로운 창업기회를 평가하는 '포기정책(discard policy)' 과 아울러 기존 메뉴를 관리한 이후 새로운 창업기회를 평가하는 '연령검사(age inspection)' 를 동시에 사용한다는 결과를 도출하였다. 본 논문은 Gifford의 마술사 모형(Juggler model)을 수정, 발전시켜 창업경영자의 의사결정을 분석하였다. Gifford의 모형은 성장하지 않는 창업기회의 포트폴리오 결정에 대한 모형이기 때문에 창업기회의 성장성이 벤처경영자의 의사결정에 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대한 논의가 전혀 없었다. 본 논문에서는 창업경영자를 기업가적 활동을 수행하는 사람으로 정의하고 벤처경영자의 의사결정을 분석하였다. 성장률이 큰 기업에서 기업가적 활동을 수행할 때 창업경영자가 창출하는 기업의 현재가치는 크게 증가하게 되는 반면 성장률이 떨어지는 기업에서 기업가적 활동을 수행할때 창업경영자가 창출하는 기업의 현재가치는 크게 감소하게 된다. 또, 창업경영자는 성장률이 큰기업을 선택하면 관리횟수가 줄어들게 되고 이익의 감소 없이 빠르게 수확할 수가 있다. 국가의 정책과 제도가 창업경영자를 보다 성 장률이 높은 기업에서 기업가활동을 하게 한다면 국가경제의 성장속도는 빨라지게 될 것이다.

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Exploring the Links between Psychological Traits and Game Immersion in a Children and Adolescent Sample (어린이, 청소년 게임 이용자의 심리적 특성이 게임 과몰입에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jowon;Chung, Heonil
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.665-676
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    • 2013
  • The present study analyzed the KOCCA's Game Immersion data to explore the relationship between psychological traits and game immersion. Psychological traits were classified into four categories; emotional stability, self-esteem, willpower, and happiness. These were put into the multiple regression analysis as the dependent variables with age, sex (dummy), economic status of the homes, variety of leisure activities, friend and family relationship, and time to play games. Four types of immersion (psychological unstability, bad relationship, interrupted daily lives, and failure to control game time and desire) were put into the multiple regression analysis as the independent variables. The multiple regression analysis indicated that the dependent variables predicted the game immersion. Among the psychological traits emotional stability was the strongest factor (negative) that influences the game immersion. Next powerful indicator (negative) among the psychological traits was self-esteem. Based on the findings, measures to alleviate the problems of game immersion and ideas for further research were suggested.

Assessment of Nutrients Intake and Evaluation of Nutritional Adequacy of Adults Living in Kyungpook Area (경북지역 일부 성인남녀의 영양소 섭취량과 영양섭취의 균형도 평가)

  • 윤진숙;유경희;류호경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.701-711
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    • 2000
  • To provide the baseline information for establishing community based nutritional service system in the context of health promotion, we conducted nutrition survey for 196 adults (male ; 99, female ; 97) in Kyungpook area. Individual food intake was measured by 24-hour recall method, and then diet quality was evaluated by Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ) and Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR). Average dietary intake of Ca and Vit A of total subjects were lower than Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (Ca; 83% of RDA, Vit A; 77% of RDA). On the whole, mean nutrients intake of male subjects were higher than that of female subjects. It also appeared that overall nutrients intake of younger women (20~29 yr) were lower than that of other age group. When we evaluated the nutrients intake of the subjects by INQ, Vit C (=2.39) showed the highest score. Ca (=0.89) and Vit A (=0.84) were revealed to be concerned nutrients in both quantity and quality. There was almost no difference in MAR between men and women (Men ; 0.88, Women ; 0.86). MAR showed significantrly positive correlation with age (p<0.05), meal frequency (p<0.001) and negative correlation with education level (p<0.01) in women, whereas no statistically significant relationship among these variables was observed in men. Age and meal frequency showed significantly positive correlation with most nutrients intakes among women. In conclusion, nutrition education strategies for sound food choice and regular meals need to be developed to improve the nutritional adequacy of female adults in the 20's.

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Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography of deep-sea core sediments from the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS)-97 Area, Northeast Equatorial Pacific (북동태평양 KODOS-97지역 주상 퇴적물의 층서 및 고해양학적 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Ki-Hyune
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.50-62
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    • 1999
  • Sediment core samples recovered from the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS)-97 area were divided into two or three units according to their distinct changes in sediment colors and chemical and physical properties. Analyses of radiolarian faunas in the sediments and $^{10}Be$ ratios in each unit were performed to reveal stratigraphic and paleoceanographic history of the study area. In the upper part of the sediments, Tertiary radiolarians were mixed at various proportions with Quaternary assemblages probably by reworking process of bottom current and benthic animals. Dissolution of radiolarians was severe in deeper depth and in the Unit III, only few of the fragments of corroded Tertiary radiolarians were detectable. The mid layer of the Unit I belonged to Collosphaera invaginata Zone, the time period of 0.21 Ma. The Unit II belonged to Collosphaera tuberosa Zone with the time period younger than 0.42 Ma which was observed above the Stylatractus universus Zone. The Unit III is assigned to Tertiary, which is younger than the Late Eocene. Composition analyses of radiolarian assemblage and $^{10}Be$ ratio data indicated hiatus periods of more than 3 My between late of Middle Miocene and Pliocene resulting from erosion and dissolution caused by Antarctic Bottom Water. Stratigraphic evidence from radiolaria was well correlated with $^{10}Be$ data. Sedimentation rate during Quaternary can be suggested as 0.15-0.5 mm per 1000 years. Dominance of warm-water radiolaria species and the results reflected minimum climatic changes of tropical conditions.

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Consumer's Perception, Preference and Intake Frequency of Jangachi(Korean Pickle) by Age for Developing Low Salt Jangachi (저염 장아찌 개발을 위한 연령별 소비자 인식, 기호도 및 섭취빈도 조사)

  • Weon, Mi-Keyoung;Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.249-263
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to analyze the perception, preference and intake frequency of Jangachi(Korean Pickle) in order to develop low salt healthy Jangachi(Korean pickle). The findings are summarized as follows: The reason for eating Jangachi was 'Stimulation of appetite(47.8%).' The problem of commercial Jangachi was 'having high Na and sodium contents(59.1%).' The most influential improvement points for development of low-sodium Jangachi was 'Sanitarily distributed,' followed by 'not too salty,' 'low price,' and 'safe to store.' The important items of manufacture factor for making low-sodium Jangachi were safety(4.36 points), sanity, safekeeping and storage, and quality of ingredients. The important items of quality factor were taste(4.30 points), salinity, nutrition and temperature. The most preferred and frequently intake Jangachi was 'garlic Jangachi', followed by 'perillar leaf Jangachi', 'dried radish Jangachi', 'onion Jangachi', 'pepper Jangachi', 'garlic stem Jangachi', 'cucumber Jangachi', 'radish Jangachi', and 'soy leaf Jangachi'.

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An overview of the regulatory effect of vitamin D supplementation on atopic dermatitis (비타민 D의 기능성: 아토피피부염의 조절에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Sung, Dong Eun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2021
  • Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease that is a well-known allergic disease with severe itching, making daily life difficult. Since the immunomodulatory action of vitamin D has been reported, several researchers have attempted to determine the correlation between vitamin D and atopic dermatitis. In this review, 41 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were selected and reviewed from the articles published to date. Several studies have reported that low vitamin D levels are associated with the onset of atopic dermatitis and severe atopic dermatitis, but the opinions remain conflicting. Similarly, there are conflicting opinions on the improvement effect of oral vitamin D supplementation on atopic dermatitis, but some possibilities have been suggested. To apply vitamin D as a therapeutic agent for atopic dermatitis, a more systematically designed experiment should be conducted, and an appropriate intake dose for an immunomodulatory function should be obtained.

New Space of Citizenship : From National Citizenship To Cultural Citizenship (새로운 시민성의 공간 등장 : 국가 시민성에서 문화적 시민성으로)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.714-729
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    • 2016
  • National citizenship has been empathized by nation-state since modern times. But with recent wave of globalization, the force of national citizenship is gradually reducing. Globalization requires citizens of global citizenship needed in the global village on the one hand, and of cultural citizenship suited in multicultural society on the other hand. The trend shows that the geographical focus of citizenship is shifted or expanded from the political domain to the social and cultural domain. Moreover, with concerns of personal everyday life citizenship is extended from standard personality by Western view to inclusion and exclusion in micro everyday space, non-Western view based on social difference of gender, class, ethnicity etc. New spaces of citizenship, cultural citizenship and everyday citizenship which empathizes personal right and difference is emerging instead of national citizenship based on personal allegiance and duty of the state. This means that the state has not only a task of establishment of common national citizenship, but also a challenge to recognize of diversity of citizens.

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A study on consumers' consumption culture of Panax ginseng -Focused on college students' attitude and purchase intent for ginseng, and related products - (소비자의 인삼 소비문화 -대학생 소비자의 인삼에 대한 태도 및 구매의도를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Siwuel
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.2
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2020
  • College students are the potential income classes preparing for income activities and are the main consumers of the future that are very important. In order to understand the current state of ginseng-related consumption culture of young consumers, this study wanted to examine university students' attitudes toward ginseng-related products and services in the future, and to find out their purchasing status, satisfaction, and intent to purchase them. In doing so, we looked at the relative influence of the relevant variables that affect the intent of the purchase. As a result, the variables that affect college student consumers' intention to purchase ginseng-related products were shown in the order of their reliability, economy, purchasing experience, subjective interest, monthly income, monthly allowance, pride in ginseng, and age. Of these, most of the variables had positive effects, but the average monthly income, monthly allowance, and age had negative effects. In other words, the higher the reliability, economy, and self-esteem of ginseng, the higher the willingness to buy ginseng, the higher the subjective interest in ginseng, the higher the age, the lower the monthly allowance, and the lower the income, the lower the willingness to buy ginseng. To promote college students' consumption of ginseng products, it is necessary to cut prices for the younger generation, enhance the quality of the products for the younger generation, improve the taste to overcome the negative aspects of rejecting the bitter and bitter taste, and, above all, induce consumers' attention. It is also necessary to expand accessibility through the development of convenient and easy-to-eat products for young people and the expansion of sales outlets. Recently, young consumers are interested in new products they have never experienced before, products that are good to certify because of their unique design or packaging, and retro products that stimulate nostalgia in the past, so they need to promote and provide information related to consumption of ginseng products in this regard. Considering the practicality and convenience of consumers, we propose consideration of personal consumers' taste curation services, which reflect their preference for products that are convenient to carry with them in line with various living environments, and can have synergy with other products.