• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연계 거동

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Geomechanical Stability of Underground Lined Rock Caverns (LRC) for Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) using Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Analysis (열-수리-역학적 연계해석을 이용한 복공식 지하 압축공기에너지 저장공동의 역학적 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rutqvist, Jonny;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Synn, Joong-Ho;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.394-405
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we applied coupled non-isothermal, multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical numerical modeling using TOUGH-FLAC coupled analysis to study the complex thermodynamic and geomechanical performance of underground lined rock caverns (LRC) for compressed air energy storage (CAES). Mechanical stress in concrete linings as well as pressure and temperature within a storage cavern were examined during initial and long-term operation of the storage cavern for CAES. Our geomechanical analysis showed that effective stresses could decrease due to air penetration pressure, and tangential tensile stress could develop in the linings as a result of the air pressure exerted on the inner surface of the lining, which would result in tensile fracturing. According to the simulation in which the tensile tangential stresses resulted in radial cracks, increment of linings' permeability and air leakage though the linings, tensile fracturing occurred at the top and at the side wall of the cavern, and the permeability could increase to $5.0{\times}10^{-13}m^2$ from initially prescribed $10{\times}10^{-20}m^2$. However, this air leakage was minor (about 0.02% of the daily air injection rate) and did not significantly impact the overall storage pressure that was kept constant thanks to sufficiently air tight surrounding rocks, which supports the validity of the concrete-lined underground caverns for CAES.

Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Fault Slip Induced by Water Injection: DECOVALEX-2019 TASK B (Step 1) (유체 주입에 의한 단층의 수리역학적 거동 해석: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2019 Task B 연구 현황(Step 1))

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Park, Eui-Seob;Kim, Taehyun;Lee, Changsoo;Lee, Jaewon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.400-425
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    • 2018
  • This study presents the research results and current status of the DECOVALEX-2019 project Task B. Task B named 'Fault slip modelling' is aiming at developing a numerical method to simulate the coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of fault, including slip or reactivation, induced by water injection. The first research step of Task B is a benchmark simulation which is designed for the modelling teams to familiarize themselves with the problem and to set up their own codes to reproduce the hydro-mechanical coupling between the fault hydraulic transmissivity and the mechanically-induced displacement. We reproduced the coupled hydro-mechanical process of fault slip using TOUGH-FLAC simulator. The fluid flow along a fault was modelled with solid elements and governed by Darcy's law with the cubic law in TOUGH2, whereas the mechanical behavior of a single fault was represented by creating interface elements between two separating rock blocks in FLAC3D. A methodology to formulate the hydro-mechanical coupling relations of two different hydraulic aperture models and link the solid element of TOUGH2 and the interface element of FLAC3D was suggested. In addition, we developed a coupling module to update the changes in geometric features (mesh) and hydrological properties of fault caused by water injection at every calculation step for TOUGH-FLAC simulator. Then, the transient responses of the fault, including elastic deformation, reactivation, progressive evolutions of pathway, pressure distribution and water injection rate, to stepwise pressurization were examined during the simulations. The results of the simulations suggest that the developed model can provide a reasonable prediction of the hydro-mechanical behavior related to fault reactivation. The numerical model will be enhanced by continuing collaboration and interaction with other research teams of DECOLVAEX-2019 Task B and validated using the field data from fault activation experiments in a further study.

Influence of Couplings on the Buckling Behavior of Composite Laminates with a Delamination (층간분리로 인한 연계강성이 복합재 적층판의 좌굴거동에 미치는 영향)

  • 김효진;홍창선
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.354-362
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    • 1995
  • The finite element modeling is used to study the buckling and postbuckling behavior of composite laminates with an embedded delamination. Degenerated shell element and rigid beam element are utilized for the finite element modeling. In the nonlinear finite element formulation, the updated Lagrangian description method based on the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Green strain tensor is used. The buckling and postbuckling behavior of composite laminates with a delamination are investigated for various delamination sizes, stacking sequences, and boundary conditions. It is shown that the buckling load and postbuckling behavior of composite laminates depend on the buckling model which is determined by the delamination size, stacking sequence and boundary condition. Also, results show that introduction of couplings can reduce greatly the buckling load.

A Study on Desings for Multi-lelvel and Mixed-use Roadway (입체/복합도로의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Woo-Sik;Han, Sang-Ju;Park, Won-Joo;Park, Sang-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.454-457
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 입체/복합도로용 내진신축이음장치를 개발하고 복층구조의 입체/복합도로 JC를 설계하였다. 입체/복합도로용 내진 신축이음장치는 공중관통형 일체구조의 입체/복합도로에서 두 교량을 각각 지지하는 교각과 건물이 서로 다른 방향으로 거동할 때 거동 방향에 상관없이 교량을 주행 중인 차량이 안전하게 교량 상판을 통과할 수 있어 지진 등의 대형사고에 의한 피해를 최소화할 수 있다. 또한 지하형 복층구조의 입체/복합도로는 서로 직교하는 지하도로에 입체교차로를 형성하여 효율적인 지하 도로망을 구축할 수 있으며 지하도로를 건축물 지하주차장과 연결로를 통해 직접 연계함으로써 집객 효과가 매우 높다.

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Development and Verification of Horizontal 2-D Finite Element Model For Analysis of BOD and DO Transport (BOD와 DO 거동 해석을 위한 수평 2차원 유한요소모형의 개발 및 검증)

  • Seo, Il-Won;Choi, Hwang-Jeong;Song, Chang-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.749-753
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문에서는 하천에 유입되는 오염물질 중 대부분을 차지하는 비보존성 오염물질의 확산거동을 분석하기 위해 2차원 수심 평균된 이송분산방정식에 유한요소법을 적용하였다. 수치모형 구성을 위해 SUPG(Streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin)법을 이용한 가중잔차법을 사용하였다. 모의대상 수질인자는 BOD와 DO이며, BOD 농도 결과가 DO 농도 계산에서의 입력 자료로 이용되도록 상호 연계를 형성하였다. 모형의 검증을 위하여 직사각형 수로에 선원으로 연속주입하여 얻은 수치해와 해석해를 비교하였다. 비교결과 수치해와 해석해의 결과가 서로 일치하는 것을 볼 수 있었다.

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전해환원 및 연계공정의 II족 원소 거동

  • Choe, Eun-Yeong;Lee, Jeong;O, Seung-Cheol;Park, U-Sin;Kim, Seong-Uk;Hong, Sun-Seok;Jo, Yeong-Hwan;Park, Tae-Hong;Kim, Jong-Yun;Jeon, Sang-Chae;Lee, Ju-Ho;Heo, Jin-Mok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.23-24
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    • 2015
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Finite Element Simulation of Hysteretic Behavior of Structural Stainless Steel under Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 스테인리스강의 이력거동 해석모델 개발)

  • Jeon, Jun-Tai
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.186-197
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study intends to develop a nonlinear cyclic plasticity damage model in the framework of finite element formulation, which is capable of taking large deformation effects into account, in order to accurately predict the hysteretic behavior of stainless steel structures. Method: The new cyclic constitutive equations that utilize the combined isotropic-kinematic hardening rule for plastic deformation is incorporated into the damage mechanic model in conjunction with the large strain formulation. The damage growth law is based on the experimental observations that the evolution of microvoids yields nonlinear damage accumulation with plastic deformation. The damage model parameters and the procedure for their identification are presented. Results and Conclusion: The proposed nonlinear damage model has been verified by simulating uniaxial strain-controlled monotonic and cyclic loading tests, and successfully applied to a thin-walled stainless steel pipe subjected to constant and alternating strain-controlled cyclic loadings.

Turbidity One-System for River and Reservoir (하천-저수지 탁수 일원화 모델 )

  • Seokil Jeong;Eun Ji Kim;Cheol Seo Ki;;EJae Kwon;Hwa Young Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.510-510
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    • 2023
  • 집중호우의 증가는 저수지 내 탁수의 증가로 이어지며, 저수지에서의 탁수 배제는 하천의 탁수 문제로 연결될 수 있다. 탁수의 발생은 정수처리 비용 증가와 하천 생태계 문제 등을 발생시키므로, 이에 대한 해결책이 지속적으로 요구되고 있다. 특히 낙동강 유역의 임하호는 태풍 및 집중호우 발생 시 고탁수의 유입 빈도가 높다. 탁수가 임하호에 유입되면 일반적으로 저수지 탁수 예측 수치해석을 수행하여 탁수의 저수지 내 탁수 거동과 방류량에 따른 탁수 저감 정도를 파악하고, 탁수 배제를 위한 저수지 운영계획을 수립한다. 그러나 방류된 고탁수의 하천 거동에 대한 수치해석은 국내에서는 수행하고 있지 않은 실정이다. 임하댐 하류에서 내성천합류부까지는 약 0.325 m3/s의 물을 취수하고 있으므로(2022년 기준), 하천의 탁수도 저수지 탁수와 동시에 고려되어야 할 필요가 있다. 저수지와 하천의 유사 거동 분석에 대해 격자 구성 등의 이유로 일반적으로 각각 다른 tool을 사용하고 있으나, 모델구축 및 입□출력 data의 변환 등 구축, 구동, 분석 과정 모두 효율적이지 못하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 하천과 저수지에서의 탁수 거동을 동시에 예측할 수 있는 일원화된 수치해석 모델을 구축(임하호~낙본C)하였다. 준3차원 모델인 EFDC를 이용하였으며, 격자는 저수지는 직사각격자, 하천은 Curvlinear를 적용하였다. 연직방향으로는 저수지와 하천의 수심 차이가 크므로 EFDC 내에 탑재되어 있는 𝜎-z(uniform)레이어 옵션을 선택하여, 저수지 연직 레이어는 40개, 하천은 2개로 구축되었다. 하천에서의 탁수 거동 예측은 지류의 유량, 탁도 등의 경계조건 data를 얻기가 쉽지 않기 때문에, 유량은 임하호 유입유량에 유역면적비를 적용하였으며, 탁도는 TSS(Total Suspended Solid)-SSC(Suspended Sediment Concentration)-유량의 관계를 각각 회귀분석 등을 통해 도출하여 연구 범위 내 7개 지류하천에 적용하였다. 모의 시기는 2개의 태풍으로 연속적인 탁수가 발생한 2020년 08~10월로 결정하였다. 모의 결과 저수지와 하천의 PBIAS는 각각 13.6과 8.4로(Very Good 등급) 하천과 저수지를 동시에 모의하는 탁수 예측의 적용 가능성은 충분한 것으로 확인되었다. 그러나 이벤트별 지류의 유량과 탁도는 일정한 관계로 계산될 수 없으므로, 향후 유역 모델과 연계하여 지류 유입 유량 및 탁도의 정확도를 개선할 것이다.

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Undrained and Drained Behaviors of Laterally-loaded Offshore Piles (배수조건에 따른 측방유동 해상말뚝의 거동특성)

  • Seo, Dong-Hee;Jeong, Sang-Seom;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2008
  • Offshore pile foundations are prone to lateral soil pressures resulting from embankment construction for the reclamation on deepwater soft clay. Since the 1990s, offshore reclamation has actively progressed in Korea, connecting with the development of Songdo newtown, Incheon newport, and Busan newport representatively. Special attention has been given to lateral soil-structure interaction problems related to passively-loaded offshore pile foundations. Based on a plane strain large deformation finite element (LDFE) approach, this paper presents the results of investigation into undrained (short-term) and drained (long-term) behavior of passively-loaded offshore pile foundations. This study examines the effects of major factors, such as soil profile, pile head boundary condition, magnitude of embankment load, and average degree of consolidation. The results allowed quantification of differences in the magnitude of lateral soil pressure acting on the piles between undrained and drained phases.

Ground behaviour according to ground water locations due to tunnelling below shallow foundation by laboratory model test (실내모형시험을 통한 얕은 기초 하부에서 터널굴착 시 지하수위 위치에 따른 지반거동)

  • Lee, Hyun-Gu;Kong, Suk-Min;Oh, Dong-Wook;Lee, Yong-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.575-592
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    • 2018
  • Tunnelling is getting more important solutions for problems induced by the growth population in urban areas. Many studies on tunnelling below existing structure are carried out by many researchers. In general, however, ground water condition is ignored for most of researches using laboratory model test, so far. In case of ground behavior, error can occur if the result of effective stress related to hydraulic condition can't be taken into considerations. In this study, therefore, laboratory model test and the close range photogrammetry were conducted to investigate behaviour of ground and shallow foundation using newly device drainage system which is available to express the ground water condition. Also, numerical analysis was carried out to compare to results from the laboratory model test, and was performed with two methods, one is plastic and the other one is fully coupled analysis. Results from those two methods were compared to that of the laboratory model test.